《Epic Tales Variation: Aegis Kan》Chapter 5: Kiddnapped?
Chapter 5 Kidnapped?
I stared at my father, and he stared at me. He was in full battle armor which was the color crimson. The breastplate had our family crest a dragon’s palm gripping a shield and his shoulder pauldrons depicted two snarling dragons. Dragons apparently didn’t exist on Nia. The only reason my people knew of them were the stories that my ancestor had met one and gained its blessing.
The staring continued until Amaya spoke up.
“Uncle” she said while giving the man a curtsy.
Which he returned with a nod never taking is eyes from me. I cocked my head to the right curious as to why he hasn’t said anything.
“You are ready” he finally said.
Was it a questions or statement I didn’t know but a feeling of uneasiness settled in my stomach.
“Ready?” Amaya asked my father who still hadn’t removed his eyes from me.
“Ready” he confirmed.
Now the confusion was visible on my face.
“Ready for?”
This time I asked the question only to receive a smile from my father, who turned, took a few steps, and then was gone. No flash so not teleportation just physical speed but it was the fact that my physical power was far past anyone from earth, and I still lost track of him. What level of power was my father at?
Amaya turned and stared at me before she took my hand in hers with a scowl on her face.
“Your father is weird.”
Keala screamed in rage and magical apparitions appeared in the air. They were both in Vasu office and her anger had caused her magical power to start leaking.
Vasu used his energy to contradict the one his wife was releasing but the strain on his face was clearly evident.
“Keala calm down or you will destroy the castle and much of the city.”
Vasu shuddered and his magical essence depleted at an alarming rate.
“When you married me, you knew all Kan heads go through a trial when young. I’ve done it. My father, his father, his father, and so on. Keala I cannot hold on much longer. Our children are close by you must calm down.”
At the mention of their children Keala finally calmed down and the apparitions slowly started to disperse but the rage in her eyes was still apparent.
“When I married you, you promised to bring a change. Several Kans fell during this stupid test of yours.”
Now a flame seems to light up in Vasu eyes after hearing his wife’s latest words.
“Stupid? My brother fell to the challenge before me. Several of my uncles have died over the years as well. Any of the Kans who want to awake the full power of their bloodline need to complete the challenge.”
Keala scoffed at her husband attempt for an excuse.
“You have one of the most powerful bloodlines in the Empire without having it further awaken. Awakening it only puts you on par with the Empress and her kin and even without it you’re able to dominate such a large area of land. What elsedo the Kan need power for?”
Vasu sighed before the strength left his body and plopped into his office chair.
“Because you know why.”
“Because of some prophecy given by some third rate seer? My family has been involved with the divine since its inception. Why would Star never alert us of something like this?”
“You know the divines are finicky when it comes to actually helping mortals. Keala, you know seers can never see anything related to their own life.
When my great grandfather received the prophecy, he was skeptical to yet here we are. A Dragon and a Star coming together to form something that will take the Empire and our families to completely new heights. You know he was talking about our son.”
“Just because mortal seers are useless does not mean my God is.”
Keala took a deep breath and rearrange herself before looking at her husband and speaking. She had sat on one of the side couches but now she chose to stand and speak. The small light dots in her eyes that represented stars began to shine bright and the room which was originally lit by mage lights went completely dark with Keala eyes becoming the only source of light. Her voice took on a slightly masculine hue as she began to speak.
“Oh, fuck me. I hate prophecy time.”
“When the little dragons and the starlights combine,
Let it be known that you are on borrowed time.
Two become one and one becomes all,
Grasp him tight least your puny Empire falls.
Journey into the deep as his bloodlines are sleep.
Face the Dragon and pay your keep.
Keala abruptly finished speaking and was collapsing to the ground as Vasu caught her.
Her eyes were closed but fluttered open as the lights returned.
Was all she managed to say before darkness took her.
Vasu gently laid his wife down before leaving his office although he was troubled by what he heard especially the ending, a smile couldn’t help but break out upon his face. His wife would be out for most of today and the next and no one would stop him and his plans for his firstborn now. Even if she was awake it wouldn’t matter. Her god had all but given him permission. However, he was worried what did Star mean by borrowed time and what would this cost his dukedom and that ending what did it mean? Prophecies always, always had a cost and this one came from the divine so the cost could be crippling. He summoned a maid with a wave of his hand.
“Tell Lord Fross to proceed with the plan tonight.”
It was finally nighttime, and I was getting ready to sleep however the feeling of unease within my stomach had only intensified during the day. I took a look at my available Aspects and contemplated choosing one. I had a feeling that choosing would be very helpful for the events that were coming in the near future. I took a longer look to see if anything had changed. Seeing no difference, I dismissed the screen.
My father had given me a bad premonition since his stare down earlier. I looked at the strapped dagger on my thigh and the punch blade sheathe near my crotch. I had equipped these two made for me by my newly acquired blacksmith siblings Alice and Alex. Custom made and ordered of course. The punch blade design was new, and they had never seen anything like it and the dagger I had them make me was a bowie with the blade around 7 inches. Making sure everything was secure I put my pajamas on before going to my massive bed. Tonight, something would change.
“This is so stupid.”
Lou grunted as he carried the sack over his shoulder.
“Why is he so heavy anyway? What are they feeding the boy?”
His companion turned and faced him.
“Look Lord Fross has delivered us the boy and it’s our responsibility to make sure he makes it to Nia’s drop. Once we confirmed he’s gone over the edge and into the hole our job is over.”
Lou grunted in response, but one question still plagued his mind.
“Who is the kid anyway?”
I had been awake for quite a while now. Actually, I knew the moment I was taken as I was having trouble falling asleep the entire night. This did not stop some maids from entering my room after a few hours had passed only to cast a sleep spell on me.
It worked but I quickly shrugged it off and use the opportunity to find out what was going on. Apparently, my father’s big thing was for me to be ‘kidnapped’ and sent to someplace the train. I still didn’t see what the big deal was going to be about it, but I guess this was going to be the start of my training ark. If anything, I’m surprised my mother let me out of her sight. After all, ever since my near death experience my mother had not let me leave Ashburn.
“The kid? Probably some noble brat being sent to the Catacombs to be taught a lesson. He’ll be back within the week most likely. Every now and then Lord Fross gets me to do this job.”
“You should be careful however, the runts awake.”
My heart went still at the man’s words, and I didn’t know if I should keep pretending or start fighting. The man who was carrying me came to a stop and I prepared for a fight.
“Eh, doesn’t matter he’ll wish he’d been asleep for this next part.”
Now I knew I was really in trouble. I think these men had been putting on a play and as I moved to react and snatch one of my hidden blades my body froze up. I could hear rushing water now and I fought hard against the magic that was restraining me.
‘System a little help?’
Running out of options I turned to the System who had remained silent throughout my escapade.
Choose an aspect and you may be able to break out of the binds holding you in place.
The feminine voice spoke and for a few minutes I struggled internally seeing if there was any way I could break the hold on my body.
“Haha this one is lively. You should feel the way he is fighting against me.”
The men came to a stop, and I was tossed to the ground. I grunted in pain as my body was neither reinforced so I took the brunt of the damage as a regular human This didn’t stop me for immediately pulling out the bowie knife and cutting the sack open.
Before me stood two men covered in all black leather armor with both men wearing mask. One had a grinning smiley face while the other had a face that could only be described as a look of despair. The leather armor was form fitting and now I wasn’t even sure if it was truly leather in the first place. I held my knife in front of me back against a massive waterfall, the Great River, Nia’s Drop.
Oh, fuck me. Nia’s drop was a massive waterfall located deep within the dukedom that led to a massive vortex underneath it. No one knew where the vortex led too and I wasn’t planning on finding out.
As I cut myself free, I only got a glimpse of its magnificence.
“My father will not be happy and my mother even more so when they come to know of your schemes.”
I was bluffing I had no doubt that my father was involved. Now it finally clicked as to why he looked at me as he did earlier. He was looking to see if I was ready for whatever this was.
Still keeping my eyes on the man with the despair face as he was the one to most likely cast the spell on me, I didn’t even notice the kick until it sent me splashing into the river.
Gasping for air I pulled upon all my strength to fling myself from the waters as I got close to the falls edge. Pulling myself to shore I noticed a third figure. One who had kept her silence this entire time. I didn’t even pick up her footsteps. Her masks had both a smile and a look of despair upon it. Now I was getting fearful. Who amongst my father’s people would dare put their hands on me? Unless they weren’t people hired by him.
“Jump.” The strangely androgynous voice from the third figure said.
My heart rate started picking up and I gave a quick glance to the edge of the waterfall. I could not see its bottom with the light of the moons. I looked back at them.
“Jump. Men of Kan do not fear. Jump,” the mask with despair said.
“Jump. Men of Kan do not hesitate. Jump,” the smiley mask said.
I felt a strange compulsion from their voices and my speeding heart found some extra juice and sped even faster.
“Jump. Men of Kan cannot die. Jump,” the third mask with both features said.
The compulsion drove me to the edge even if my mind was unwilling my body was not. I looked back at the figures specifically the one who kicked me with rage. Something started to boil inside of me.
“If I survive, I will treat you as you’ve treated me.”
A thin blade was unsheathed from her back.
I jumped. Swept away by the current until I could feel the weightlessness from the fall. My breath caught and I lost consciousness.
I woke up screaming.
Fire, my chest is on FIRE.
Cold, why is it so COLD.
In and out.
Back and forth.
My body went through the feelings. I could sense something in me changing. I could feel it waking up. I shuddered and a beastly growl escaped my throat. What was happening to me?
Detecting mana surge… interesting. Your bloodlines are waking up Aegis Kan. System suggest you choose an aspect as it would be beneficial to the process. WARNING: choosing your aspect now may cause a mutation of the aspect. System only expects positive outcomes.
Although I was delirious the Systems voice still rang clear in my head only further aggravating my pain.
“Aspects,” I gasped out loud not even caring to look in my surroundings to make sure I was alone.
Aspect: Strength (Common)
Requirements: Aspect space.
Effect: Doubles current body strength, increase mental resistance, increase endurance.
Unlocks perk: Limit Breaker (Common).
You meet the requirements of this aspect. Equip?
Aspect: Speed (Common)
Requirements: Aspect space.
Effect: Doubles current body speed, increase mental resistance, increase endurance.
Unlocks perk: Flash (Rare).
You meet the requirements of this aspect. Equip?
Aspect: The Fighter (Uncommon)
Requirements: Aspect space, higher intelligence.
Effect: Gain a basic understanding of all weapon types including ranged, increase mental resistance, increase endurance.
Unlocks perk: Jack of all Trades (Rare).
You meet the requirements of this aspect. Equip?
Aspect: Vitality (Uncommon)
Requirements: Aspect space, strong vitality.
Effect: Triples the amount of vitality your body has, increase mental resistance, major increase in endurance.
Unlocks perk: Heal (Rare).
You meet the requirements of this aspect. Equip?
Aspect: The Heir (Rare)
Requirements: Aspect space, governing domain.
Effect: Increase in all Ruler skills including judgment, governing, domain defense, domain offence, major increase mental resistance, major increase endurance.
Unlocks perk: Young Master (Legendary).
You meet the requirements of this aspect. Equip?
Aspect: Harbinger (Legendary)
Requirements: Aspect space, Harbinger from Earth sent by [Beyond].
Effect: Increase in all stats which include but is not limited to endurance, vitality, speed, magic, and strength. Gain the skill Perfect Recall, allowing you to recall all special events that occurred within 3 years with perfect clarity. Increase combat damage output by 10%.
Unlocks perk: Those who Travel [Beyond] (Legendary).
You meet the requirements of this aspect. Equip?
(New!!!) Aspect: [Beyond] (???)
Requirements: Aspect space, qualified soul, ???, ???.
Effect: ???.
Unlocks perk: ???.
You meet the requirements of this aspect. Equip?
Quickly looking through the list I quickly dismissed the first 4. Gods, the pain, the pain was increasing. Something was coming and I didn’t know if I could survive it. I dismissed the 5th option realistically speaking I only ever had two choices. I could pick the Aspect of the Harbinger or Aspect of Beyond. Not only where they higher tiers but the benefits outweigh all the negatives I could think of. The worse that could happen is this Beyond entity taking over my soul and I’m pretty sure she already did that with the System. I couldn’t hold on much longer, so I reached out and made my choice.
The Gatekeeper observed the latest Kan spawn to enter her halls.
The boy suffered from two bloodline awakenings at once. Strange that both would choose to happen after all this time and chose to happen at the same time. The Gatekeeper was just about to use some of her power to help the boy when she heard him speak.
Aspects? She paused her power a touch away from the boy. She drew it back and observed as the boy twisted in pain. Bloodline awakenings were dangerous even with responsible facilities available. Most came out with something broken from the higher ranked families. Or something new depending on who you spoke too. Bloodlines where the first option humans used to stop their eradication one of several options as orcs and other sentient beings hunted down every man, woman, and child and slayed them without hesitation. Eradication.
The Gatekeeper was just one of these many attempts to find a source of power for humans. It seemed the latest spawn of the Kan would be interesting. Very interesting. She watched as he seemingly reached out to something invisible. The change was instantaneous. From screaming out in rage and pain to silence.
Then madness erupted.
The Gatekeeper watched as the boys very flesh burst into flames and the screams that followed made even her shudder in fright. First red then blue, the flames changed the hotter they got until an eerie red settled over the boy. Dragon fire. Light erupted from his eyes and shadows danced within. The screams stopped. The Gatekeeper observed the boy closely. The screams didn’t stop his voice just broke.
The last of the boy’s clothes burnt away and she watched as a white-hot blade slide from the boy’s thigh.
Good, he would need that kind of thinking as he descended. Everything would try to kill him. The Gatekeeper had watched since the first Kan had entered these lands. Originally as a friend, a companion. Now she watched as a Keeper.
When I came to, I was completely naked, and the room was dark with ash and soot. How long had I been out and what happen to me?
System does not know. Your bloodlines activated and you called upon your first aspect. Then something… changed.
‘Changed? You told me it would help me. YOU-’
System did not say it changed for the worse. Nothing is in System data base for this. You Aegis Kan would have to see if it changed for better or worse. Your Aspect has changed alongside it.
I calmed down and once again accessed my situation.
I need to adapt better. No, I need control not to adapt but to control my circumstance. My life is not in my hands but has been tossed around. First [Beyond], now my father. I’m tired of being burned. I took a look at my new aspect.
Aspect: The Starlit Harbinger (Legendary)
Requirements: Aspect space, Harbinger from Earth sent by [Beyond], Unique bloodline awakening, Aegis Kan
Effect: Increase in all stats which include but is not limited to endurance, vitality, speed, magic, and strength. When under starlight gain a 20% greater increase. Gain the skill Perfect Recall, allowing you to recall special moments with perfect clarity. Increase combat damage output by 15%. When calling upon your bloodline all powers and effects are concentrated and strengthen within a range of 20ft.
Unlocks perks: Ashes Fall [Beyond] (Legendary), Starlit Eyes (Epic), Dragon’s Health (Passive/Epic).
Interesting. I would need to explore this deepe-
I clutched my head in pain as the voice reverberated around my skull.
Something was here and it did not sound pleased. I stood up quickly, finding my punch blade dropped to the floor. Picking it up I gave the room I was in a good look. It appears I was placed in a cell. I moved to the cell door and slightly pushed against it. Swinging open I found the fire that erupted from my room had spread to much of the hall in front of my cell.
To my left was a wall leaving the right open. I took a deep breath and proceeded through the prison. The voice hadn’t spoken agai-
‘You have entered the Hall of Trials, Challenger Kan. You will face a series of small test. These tests will test your strength and resourcefulness. At the end of the trials, you will face an intelligent creature to prove your bloodline and heritage. I am the Gatekeeper of the Catacombs. Should you prevail in the upcoming Trials. You will be given a quest to venture deeper into the Endless Catacombs and retrieve an item from Redcoomshi enhancing your bloodline all throughout. You have no choice in the matter.’
With that last statement the questions I wanted to ask became answered. Blah, Blah, Blah, powerful being sends you on quest blah, blah. Control.
I felt an anger rise up from the depths of my soul.
Calming down I proceeded forward cautiously. Only to step forward and hit a pressure plate. I didn’t move. Keeping the pressure exactly the same before taking a glance around me. To my left was another empty cell and to my right was just the wall. I didn’t see any holes or anything that could fire an object out towards me. Then I looked up.
‘This is some fucking dark souls’ shit.’
Above me where countless tiny holes. I could see a glint of metal in each from the torches that aligned the walls.
‘Shit indeed. Until you reach the end of this hall you must be careful, for traps litter the place.’
“What are you?”
The Gatekeeper watched the boy. She could feel the anger in his body, his soul and was intrigued. Why was he the one who was angry when she spent 4 days keeping him alive after his awakening. She was angry. He wasted 4 perfectly good days she could be using her time elsewhere not looking after another Kan brat. She had found interest in the brat, however. He didn’t ask questions. They always ask questions. Always. Any brat that came here would try and pry out whatever information they could get from her lips. That was the reason she started giving out that beginning speech. So, she wouldn’t have to listen to their questions for general information.
Her second surprise was not receiving a single threat. Although she had a contract with the Kans her service was available to others for a price. The snotty brats always said my daddy this, my mother that as if they weren’t the ones who sent them here in the first place. At least they didn’t have to proceed unlike the Kan brat.
‘Shit indeed. Until you reach the end of this hall you must be careful, for traps litter the hall.’
“What are you?”
The Gatekeeper sat up in surprise. Many times, she had received who are you but what this was a first. A bony smile erupted on her face and a jarring laughter came out filling the hall.
She watched as the boy jumped in fright only to remember he was standing on a trap. Using magic, he flung himself forward just managing to avoid all the traps.
‘What am I? Ge-shi, shi, ge-shi, shi.’ She laughed.
She watched as the boy shivered and dodge another trap. This time it was arrows from the wall.
‘I am the Gatekeeper ask your father about me. Say do you want to make a dealllll?’
The boy rapidly shook his head.
“No, no, I don’t think I will.”
‘A shame.’
The Gatekeeper continued to watch as the boy traveled through the hall. Avoiding traps and countering with magic against those he couldn’t stop. He made good progress only stopping to rest a few times before he came to the end of the hall.
As I came to the end of the hall a door filled with figures appeared before me. Dragons, men, monsters, and beast where all apparent. In the middle I noticed a dragon grabbing a shield. As I looked through the door more and more, I recognized various western nobility crest upon the door. Finally, I saw a man slicing the head off of a massive orc. I sat down to study the door more and recover.
I clutched my head in pain. My body, my soul felt as if it wasn’t aligned for a moment.
Getting up I cast |Protect| over my body before entering.
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