《Epic Tales Variation: Aegis Kan》Chapter 3: The Princess and the Frog
Chapter 3 The Princess and the Frog
“Pick it up” Moriah said to her combat trainer William.
He was an average looking man for the humans of Gaia standing around 6’3. He had a slim-compact build that Moriah could see as he was wearing skintight clothing. The same type she was wearing as well. How did such a timid man become the trainer of the imperial princess? Even she had no idea. Moriah watched as the man bent down and picked his sword up.
“Now strike me.”
A clang was heard, and a sword dropped to the ground.
“Pick. It. Up.”
Moriah was getting irritated. She didn’t know when it started, no that was a lie she knew exactly when bloodlust started to consume her. It was the first time the man who was her father took her to the colosseum. The first time she got to spend a day with him. That was around a year ago on her 3rd birthday. As she watched the crime slaves fight each other and vicious beast something changed within her. Something awoke. Now she was 4 and ready to start her 2nd growth phase and learn combat arts.
“My princess I cannot, will not, ever strike at you.”
“I was defeated, you knocked my blade out of my hand. Although these are blunt weapons I deserve to be struck down.”
“Now, pick it up.”
If there was anything she didn’t enjoy about her combat training it was that William refused to strike her at all. A light tap of two to show an opening but an actual strike? Never. No blood no pain, nothing. The Imperial Princess of the Empire had never once been struck.
Moriah sighed knowing as soon as her trainer got like this the session was basically over. She gave a small bow to her instructor before leaving. Today was her birthday and since it was the start of the 2nd growth phase that meant it was a big deal in the Empire. Plenty of their vassals would show up in attendance and Moriah's day would be filled with activities besides combat training. She wasn’t even supposed to train today but Moriah refused to go a day without training since the moment she began. There was a drive in her almost like an instinct to get stronger and the young girl didn’t know why.
“James, Lala” Moriah said to the air while walking to her quarters. Two-person shaped figures materialize in the air. Although Moriah knew what they looked like most of the Empire would never see these two faces in the light of day. They were her sworn protectors. Bonded by blood, will, and Oath, sworn to protect her until their dying breath.
“My Princess?” A distorted but feminine voice came from the figure on the left.
“Which scions of the 4 Duke families will be attending?
“My Princess, the young master of the east and west have confirmed their attendance.”
“The north, the south?” Moriah questioned her guards.
“We have not received confirmation, but gifts from both Duke households have arrived.”
Moriah paused for a single step then resumed walking towards her chambers. She had a budding plan in development and in order to enact it she would need either the scion of the West or South to show up. Both of those areas of the Empire hosted hostile races to their Empire and if she ever wanted to see battle before she was crowned Empress then she would need to act fast and in her younger years. Unfortunately for her, the prodigal daughter of Duke Abdul declined to show. Now she would have to turn her attention to the son of Duke Vasu. Her amber eyes gave out a soft glow in anticipation for tonight’s celebrations.
As I woke up to the rumbling sound of the airship I slightly panicked and sprang up worried in what strange environment I found myself in. Then the memories came flooding back. I wasn’t Terrence Brown the young man worried about his future career and disappointing his parents. I was Aegis Kan, son of Vasu Kan, Duke of the West, and Lord of the Wall. I died, unwillingly but I still died. I thought the nightmares were gone as I had not had them since I came to accept my situation. I thought wrong apparently. It was a variation of nightmares each time, but it always ended in one specific moment. Me disintegrating as the System took my soul beyond my world.
My door opened and Murnia stepped in.
“Young Master we will be arriving within the hour.”
The trip to the capital, Angelo, took roughly two weeks over airship. Usually for something like this we would teleport, however under my mother’s orders we were to take the airship and pick up a few of the Kan’s closest vassals scions along the way. Bella Nightingale and Judd Lance where the two most prominent ones that I truly took notice of. Bella because of her hair color it was a unique ashen blue and it seemed to have a mind of its own as I caught it moving from the corner of my eye more than once. Yet anytime I personally faced the girl it was neat and orderly.
Judd Lance caught my eye because of how strait-laced he was even as a young kid. Although I acted wise beyond my years that is because the Kan’s never treated me as a child in the first place. I was the next inheritor to the dukedom before I was a child. Judd however, showed a higher level of maturity than expected he acted as if he was already in the line of service to himself and peers.
I felt the airship slowly start to descend and hurried to get myself ready to meet the princess and other major households of the Empire. The airship itself was massive almost 1000ft in length. It was blood red on the exterior with the Kan family crest plastered on both sides. The first time I saw it I was astonished at its size and learned all I could about its production. Apparently, my family paid a huge sum to order it from the Gnome Conglomerate. It was said the only one bigger are the ones owned by the gnomes and the one tailored for the Empress herself.
Stepping out of my quarters I ran straight into Murnia standing guard outside my room. The moment I came out I was assaulted with a barrage of questions and statements regarding our agenda today. The ball wasn’t until the late evening, so I figured we’d use this opportunity to explore the capital in its entirety. It was after all the largest city in the Empire, and I made plans and revisions to the schedule the maids and butlers set aside for me. I wasn’t about to visit the capital and spend my days visiting various gardens and such. No, I was here for business.
Construct a System Monolith.
Find a suitable blacksmith to construct a System Monolith, which will allow individuals to access the System once started up.
It’s not that I didn’t have suitable blacksmiths back home in Ashburn, it was just after receiving various hints from my mother. I was to start building my own personal force. I wasn’t sure what my family had in plan for me, but it would involve me having my own troops. It was almost an exciting thought, but I quickly quelled that feeling. I didn’t want to start treating real life like a video game.
So, what better place to find a young blacksmith looking to strike out on their own than the capital? From what I learned most of the blacksmiths in the capital and various areas of the Empire had been established since long ago creating blacksmith clans who held power over the field. With the introduction of magi tech from the Gnome Conglomerate and Dwarven Federation the two major competing factions when it came to the advancement of civilization and two very important trade partners to the Empire. The Empire had been advancing its own field of research into an industrialization sort of era.
This also created a certain gap. High-level blacksmiths would always be desired but if the Empire could figure out how to make trains and a few other technologies both countries relied upon then the rest of the blacksmiths would find themselves quickly without a job. The field had been stable for thousands of years and the sudden upheaval would be perfect for me to poach a few budding talents.
“Announcing Young Master Aegis Kan of the Kan Dukedom.”
Moriah observed the young boy walking in from her throne. They were in what the adults called the ‘little court.’ A hall in the main castle where children of the nobility could play nobility without consequences like when their parents played court. It was a test designed by her ancestors to see what the next generation of the Empire would amount too, and it also allowed them to get a read on the many noble houses of the Empire.
Moriah studied the young man and he her. He was tall, tall for his current age almost appearing like he was in his second growth phase already. Which shouldn’t be the case as she was quite a few months older than him. What struck Moriah as his most noticeable feature were his eyes. It was like she was looking into the endless night sky. He was wearing all black with red spirals woven into the material. He had a broad nose, and his dreadlocks were black with the ends being a fiery red. Although he was tall for his age and growth phase his oval face still retained traces of baby fat.
“Greetings Young Master Aegis. Thank you for attending my birthday celebration.” She spoke her voice clear and concise, but without paying proper attention no one would hear the hint of nervousness in her voice.
“It is my pleasure to be here on such a joyous occasion, but please Princess Moriah, call me Aegis.”
A small smiled appeared on Moriah’s face.
“You may call me Moriah then and we shall do away with such titles.”
A small gasp rippled through the crowd. Aegis was the last to arrive and almost considered late. Now he removed titles from his address with the next ruler of the Empire. Hushed whispers ran through the crowd. As the children looked at Aegis in astonishment. They all knew this was a test on the younger generation and were surprised at how bold Aegis was. Although it was unofficial, he was still the next heir to the Kan dukedom and what he said mattered. The whispers grew louder until one voice spoke out.
“Your highness I don’t believe someone such as this, this mongrel, deserves to address you by your first name.”
All heads including Moriah’s turned to the direction that had spoken. The hall which had grown louder after Aegis spoke grew so quiet you would hear a pin drop.
The boy that had spoken out took a step forward as everyone else took a step back.
Moriah looked over in surprise at the figure that stepped forward it was Ken Shouryu, young master of the east dukedom. A grin erupted in her mind. Now how could she play this to her advantage. She needed Aegis, more than he would need her. After talking to James, and Lala about how the Kan family trained their young scions a plan began to form in her mind.
“Young Master Ken, there is no need for the rude language. Especially amongst peers.”
Moriah made sure to choose her words carefully. She didn’t admonish Ken for what he said just for his verbiage. Now how would Aegis Kan respond? Although she needed him, she also didn’t want to get held back if he couldn’t hold himself to a verbal spar amongst another test she prepared.
I studied the girl, princess, as she studied me. Zendaya? She had gold dreadlocks braided as a crown around her head. A small tiara sat on top of it. I stifled a laugh as it was quite the funny sight. She was short, for someone who was about to begin her second growth phase as a Magi Human she surely needed it. Her amber eyes met my starlight eyes, and I could see the nervousness in them, but it was hidden deep.
“Greetings Young Master Aegis. Thank you for attending my birthday celebration.”
Her voice was clear, but I could still hear the hint of nervousness within it. Wanting to help the small girl out I spoke up.
“It is my pleasure to be here on such a joyous occasion but please, Princess Moriah, call me Aegis.”
I watched as a small smile bloomed on her face and something within me thumped. Focusing inwards I barely caught the next words to leave her mouth.
“You may call me Moriah then and we shall do away with such titles.”
What was going on with me? She was a cute kid, but she was still a kid, but that smile she gave me couldn’t escape my mind. I almost wanted to reach up and slap myself before it hit me. She was a kid, but my body was a kid too even if my mind wasn’t. Oh, fuck me.
“Your highness I don’t believe someone such as this, this mongrel, deserves to address you by your first name.”
I hadn’t noticed the silence that had come after Moriah spoke to me. I don’t even think she noticed. We were both still staring at each other past what would have been acceptable as the social norms for our status. I didn’t even notice the rising voices until that one spoke out.
This mongrel? People actually used that as an insult. Again, I had to hold back and stifle my laughter.
“Young Master Ken, there is no need for the rude language. Especially amongst peers.”
Ken, Ken, who was that again? Murnia had drilled into me the young scions who would be attending the birthday celebration throughout the day. Even when I found the twins Alice and Alex, two orphans who were blacksmiths apprentices and were looking for employment.
Ken! I remembered Ken Shouryu, most likely next Duke of the East. The one who bordered the middle kingdoms of man. The room was quiet, and I focused and realized everyone was looking at me. I kept my composure, but you could be certain I was blushing hard. I just hoped my skin didn’t darken enough for everyone to see it.
“Young Master Ken, was it? I don’t believe you govern what goes on between me and Moriah.”
This time the gasp where audible and I wondered what the hell gotten into these kids.
I didn’t want to stoop to this kid’s level as he was after all a kid, but I wasn’t going to back down either. Before leaving my mother had a serious talk with me about not only representing the Kans’ honor at this little event but the honor of her family as well.
“Honor? You’re no knight, no mage, no warrior, you’re just Ken Shouryu.
I finally decided to take a good look at him. The boy had oriental features with slanted red eyes and red hair that reached his waist. He wasn’t built, yet, but you could tell he would be once he grew older. He was a good 2 heads taller than me and was most likely in his second growth phase already. That would give him only a small advantage if we fought. Small, but still an advantage.
This was no longer in my hands I could feel eyes boring into my back and side. One was from Ken and the other came from Murnia. I turned to face Moriah. Our personal servants were here and although Murnia was new to the job she quickly took up her responsibilities and was trusted enough by my mother to not assign a more senior maid. I was defiantly in for an earful once this little event ended.
Moriah was ecstatic. This was more than what she could hope for. If she could give Ken Shouryu a hug right now, she would. The two major parts in her plan was to test Aegis in the game of politics after all she was still only the first princess, and her Empress Mother was close to delivering her next sibling. She wasn’t looking at Aegis only as a potential route to escape but as a potential supporter in the race for the throne. If his verbal combat couldn’t hold in the little court when it came to the real thing, he would drag her down as an ally. Now it was time to test his actual fighting and see if it was up to par.
The ball was in her court now, and all she needed to do was shoot for the goal and hope the goalkeeper doesn’t intercept. She glanced at the wall where the servants of the various families where stationed hers included. Juliet Cooper gave her a slight nod and a smile broke out on her face. She couldn’t hold this one in.
“If both parties agree…”
Moriah looked at Aegis for his answer. His eyes slightly narrowed at her, and she felt her heart shake before he gave a nod.
“If the Princess wishes for it. Then it shall be done.”
Moriah immediately caught the way he readdressed her. No longer using her first name. Had she made a mistake? It was too late to pull out now.
The crowd move to the garden located outside of the little court. Both parties were brought their weapon of choice. Aegis the axe and Ken the sword. A court mage was summoned to cast the tier 4 spell |Protect|, which would cast a shield around the user. Both shields where cast to protect any vitals from serious harm.
Moriah stood between both fighters. As she was the one to let the fight happen, she would be the one to govern over it and provide the rules.
Moriah felt the blood lust build. Aegis had removed his tunic to show a thin light undershirt beneath it. Ken had done much more equipping a light leather armor over his clothes.
A grin threatens to break out on Moriah’s face. She was probably the most excited here.
“If both fighters are ready then we will begin. The rules are simple. First to surrender or get the |Protect| spell knocked off loses. This is a fight of honor do keep in mind what that means.”
Moriah could see a servant arguing with Juliet and before Juliet folded, she began the fight.
She quickly moved back and was surprised as she saw Aegis already occupying the space she was just at. Fast! She thought moving even farther back. Acceleration magic? No, the spell would take much longer to cast. This was his natural speed. He brought his axe up using both hands with a rising chop as he came before the surprised Ken.
Ken barely managed to block using the flat of his blade and both hands, but the force of the blow lifted him off his feet and into the air by a few inches. Sliding back, he quickly regained his composure only to quickly bring his sword forth for another block.
Moriah watched in anticipation. Her heart was beating rapidly, and a wide grin was on her face. This, this is what she wanted. Man to man, well woman to whatever crossed her. Fighting to their hearts content. She watched as a blow came through. Aegis use the flat of the axe hitting Ken shoulder once again sending him flying a bit. Ken slid to a stop and looked at Aegis in what could only be described as murderous intent. Steam slowly began to rise from his body and the fight continued. Moriah stared in confusion at the steam. She wasn’t sure if that was what she thought it was but the excitement that had been building extinguished and she glanced over at Juliet who was arguing with more than one maid.
Ken used the opportunity that created space to readjust himself before he came swinging at Aegis in a flurry of blows. Aegis calmly lifted his axe to block only taking a few steps here and there to adjust. Waiting for Ken to tire out or for an opening to present itself.
It wasn’t long until both seem to happen as Ken took a step back and Aegis immediately went for it. This was when Juliet finally looked over and her eyes widen in horror.
As Aegis moved in to take advantage of the opening in a vicious swing for Kens exposed neck something happened. Time seemed to slow as several opaque figures started to appear next to the fighting boys. However, it was too late. Aegis axe connected right as an explosion erupted from Ken Shouryu.
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Би чамайг зуу зуун ертөнц дамнан хайж, олох хүртлээ мянга мянган удаа ахин төрөх болно......Миний зөвхөн чамд зориулсан тэр ертөнцөд бид дахин учирна./жич: Анхны өгүүллэг тул алдаа дутаглал ихтэй болно. Гэсэн ч сонирхон унших гэж байгаад баярлалаа./
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