《Quicksword Bob》Chapter 80 - Legendary


The war was over with, but that did not mean everything was over with.

The Whitebeard pirates left the bay with Whitebeard, Ace, Luffy, Wishful Thinking and Bob.

Some of them did not want Bob to come onboard the ship, but Whitebeard said since he saved Ace from death all could be forgiven.

"Marco. Ace."

Whitebeard said as he sat down.


The two of them said as they answered Whitebeard.

"I'm passing the reins over to the two of you. My time at sea is now over, it's time for a new era to begin."

Ace and Marco started crying as they did not want Whitebeard to give up his goal of becoming Pirate King.

The Whitebeard pirates landed at Sabaody. Ace, Luffy, Wishful Thinking and Bob got off here.

Bob looked at Ace and Luffy.

"What do you plan on doing?"

Bob asked the two of them.

"Going back to the New World. There are still things left that needs to be done!"

Ace said.

"I need to meet up with my crew soon! Then we'll go challenge the New World."

Luffy replied.

Bob laughed.

"The two of you should take a break. This war was hard on everyone, there's no need to rush into the New World. Take time and train."

Bob said.

Ace nodded his head.

"I'll think about it, but Luffy you should really take this time to train. There's a lot to learn, and the New Worlds a whole different place."

Bob chatted with Luffy and Ace for a bit before he parted ways with them.

"Where are we going now Bob?"

Charles asked.

"There's something I want to do Charles. I need your help."

"Anything you need, i'll help you out."

Bob smiled.


An hour later, Bob was in the middle of the park.

Reporters were rushing to take his picture and there was a large crowd all around him.

Bob had Worlds End stuck into the ground while he sat on a boulder. His eyes were closed, but he looked cool.

"Take pictures! This is huge news! Quicksword Bob is here on Sabaody!"

The reporters said.

Behind Bob was Wishful Thinking with their gear set up.

Music started playing loudly in the park.

"My heart bleeds adrenaline

The fire I breathe is where I live

Say my name, incredible

Say my name, an animal

One life to live

I never give up, I never give in

Some people wanna turn and run

But the strong rise under the gun

Top, to the top

Ain't never gonna stop"

Legendary by Skillet started playing as Bob opened his eyes and looked at the spectators.

"What does this mean?"

"The top!? He's planning on challenging the whole world?"

"Is he telling the world he's starting the new era?"

Bob didn't respond to them, instead he just let the music play. It would say everything he wanted to say. Music had that effect.

"Destiny is callin' me

Go down in history

Every day i'll fight to be


The music kept playing and more pictures were taken.

Quicksword Bob, the man who killed the Admiral Akainu and helped rescue Ace. He would go down in history and become legendary.

Bob knew the next time anyone saw him, they wouldn't recognize him. Afterall, Bob was going to disappear from this world and Faceless would rise.

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