《Shiv - The Child of Oberon - Reloaded》Prologue: The 8th heir



Year 2088

proofread by Artek

Jan 22, Sunday, 11pm:

The highway was illuminated by the moonlight, a lonely path of black stretched endlessly. Through the unusually empty highway, a black car sped through as if slicing the moonlight itself.

Ryu Yasahiro sat back comfortably in the back seat of a black Bentley Mulsanne, his black eyes searching for something beyond the glass wall of his car. The boy, hardly seventeen, was on his way back to his home after a boring party that he had to attend because of his grandfather. He was exhausted, the party made the boy tired and weak. Ryu would never have attended such parties crowded with greedy businessmen and corrupt politicians gathered for the sake of more profit. Making the party intolerable the most, according to the boy, were the wives and the children of those greedy men.

Ryu had always despised those old coots, each and every one of those that attended the party seemed like greedy pigs to the young boy. But for such thoughts to come to a normal seventeen-year-old boy makes one wonder what the boy had gone through to have such cold attitude. Then again, the thought that swam through his head never escaped to the outer world and so to those that surrounded him at the party, Ryu was an ordinary seventeen-year-old boy who knows nothing about the way of the world.

The boy knew to calm his mind, to cage his emotions and so he would greet them all with a smile, talk to them, laugh with them. When things get really unbearable, he would excuse himself from the party silently.

And now the tired Ryu was on his way back to his grandfather’s mansion. Ryu sighed! He wanted to reach home as soon as possible, he needed sleep very badly.

“Kiro-san, how long is it gonna take? I am kinda tired, you know. Those elders sure know how to talk rubbish”. Ryu's voice leaked of his displeasures.

Kiro, the driver, smiled and replied, “In 10 minutes, Waka-dono (Young Lord). We are almost there, In the meantime please take a small nap.”

“Haa!”, Ryu sighed making Kiro smile wryly. “Call me when we reach the mansion”, saying so Ryu closed his eyes. Kiro nodded his head silently and then stepped on the throttle. The black car sped through the highway with the moon as the only spectator.


Ryu Yasahiro was half Japanese and half Indian, a strange combo one would say. The person in question himself had wondered about the matter. His father, Dev Khatri was from a powerful family in India. It was said that his father’s ancestors were once kings of a pretty powerful kingdom in India.

On the other hand, his mother, Miyuki Yasahiro was the only daughter of Isamu Yasahiro, the 7th head of Yasahiro Industries, which was at that time one of the weapons manufacturing companies of Japan, a budding industry.

The two met in India when Miyuki came to do some research for her university papers which wanted her to learn about one of the oldest civilizations. She had visited Dev’s palace to know about the man’s ancestors. Ryu was told that it was love at first sight for the boy and the girl. In a year, the two got married. And Dev became the CEO of a financial institution, with him being the founder of the very same institute.

Their marriage was controversial, with both families being strongly against it, but neither of the two was ready to give up. Thus, eventually, the marriage was accepted by the families. Everything was going fine, both were happy; Miya gave birth to a boy and girl, things were at its best for the family. But all good things will one day come to an end.


In the year 2079, a war broke out amongst the Asian countries. China had declared war against all of the Asia. This war was later called the 1st nuclear war and it spanned for 4 long years, and the world felt despair like never before. The first to be attacked was the neighbouring country of India. During the war, India was in turmoil. The economy failed, the government failed, and people fell into despair. In 2 years, the northern half of India was turned into a barren land.

The Khatri family had lost almost everything too. Most of the family went missing, some had fled. And so, Dev decided to flee to Japan with his family. But time and fate were too cruel to them. On the day of their departure, Chinese soldiers stormed into their mansion. The servants were brutally murdered. Dev and Miyuki carrying their children were running towards their vehicle.

But before Dev could reach the car, bullets rained down on him. Miyuki froze; her eyes fell on the unmoving body of her husband carrying their 1-year-old daughter. The child began to cry as if it understood the loss of its family. Soldiers were running towards them while shooting. Miyuki tried to grab Dev and the child, but a frail woman could not carry three people at the same time.

Lifting the two kids in either hand, the woman began to run, with all her might, while tears of separation and intolerable pain leaked out of her eyes. A silent goodbye to the love of her life.

Miyuki got into the car and drove as fast as she could, she rammed through any soldiers that tried to stop her. She could still hear the sound of gunshots. She wept, as her eyes burned with anger, despair, sadness, all those emotions fuelled the mother to move forward. Among all those negative emotions, there was a small ray of hope. Those black eyes fell on her children. She still had a family to protect, a family to love, so the woman wiped off her tears and moved forward.

They reached the airport in minutes. A private jet was already waiting for them. Dev had poured all of his remaining money to procure one. The jet was their carriage to life. The family of three boarded the plane. It was a short journey, but she felt it be the longest she ever had.


Ryu woke up from his nightmare with a violent shake; his eyes red, a tear rolling down. Wiping it with the sleeve of his suit, the boy once again gazed out of the car. He could see the mansion now and an unexpected smile broke out. That place, that mansion had been his home ever since they had come to Japan, his maternal grandfather’s home, Isamu Yasahiro’s home.

He remembered clearly the first few days in that mansion, how he and his sister were asked to change their names and become Japanese citizens, how his new grandfather greeted them, how everything changed in an instant. Ajay was shocked, his name was the only memento left by his father, and he was heartbroken when he was denied the final memento of his father. But he had to agree, he was in a different country, his mother’s country. He agreed to it only because he no longer wanted his mother to be troubled.

His mother was desperately trying her best to live for the sake of the boy and the girl, and Ajay understood that. The despair he felt had made him sensitive to his mother’s pain. He had sworn on the day that he reached this new home to never make his mother cry.


His thoughts about the past were disturbed by the sudden halt of his car. A moment later Kiro had opened the door as always and was now slightly bowing. Ryu got out of the car slowly and stretched his limbs slightly. His mother who had come to welcome him chuckled at the sight of her son. She was still just as beautiful as she was in the past. Her eyes were black, long shiny black hair swayed elegantly in the wind, and a slender figure with the right curves. Most men found her irresistible, a perfect beauty.

He came up to her and hugged her gently. Miyuki hugged him back, patting his hair and asked,

“How was the party? Did you make any new friends? A girlfriend perhaps! ”

Ryu rolled his eyes; the very gesture was irresistibly cute that she cuddled him again causing Ryu to blush a bit.

“No mom, I would rather be fed poison than be friends with those clowns.”

Miyuki sighed, she knew the answer already, yet she had hoped that Ryu would have found somebody to befriend. Her son had been alone since the time they came here, only opening up to her and his little sister, Mia.

“Come inside Ryu, you seem tired.” said Miyuki.

With a wry smile, Ryu nodded his head and followed the woman. Near the door, stood another figure. Ryu’s face instantly had a warm smile as soon as he saw the little figure.

Mia, his little sister was a treasure chest for him. He was the one who had always taken care of her, making sure that she would get the things she wanted, that she would always be happy. Her smile had always made him happy.

“If it isn’t my cute little sister, have you been a good girl all this time?” enquired Ryu.

Mia blushed; she liked being called cute by her brother, “Mou!! Nii-san, please don’t make light of me”, pouted Mia. Ryu laughed gently and carrying the 12-year-old girl in his arms walked inside.

He stepped inside a large hall decorated with extravagant luxuries. ‘What a bother’, he thought. In the middle of the hall, sat a man, with a book in his hands. Hearing the noise of the approaching footsteps, the man slowly raised his head.

Isamu Yasahiro was the 7th head of the Yasahiro industries, a weapon production industry. Isamu had become the head of the company in the year of 2063. Isamu was a capable man, he understood the possibility of China declaring war and he also understood that Japan would be one of its initial targets. And so the man started his work, innovating his company, bringing in capable scientists and other personnel. A Research and Development unit was created and under Isamu’s control, the industry produced large varieties of advanced warfare prototypes.

And when the war broke out, Japan was targeted first. But they were a step behind. Isamu’s prototype proved useful, no they were unparalleled. China’s initial attack was fended off easily with the help of the modern weapons.

The Yasahiro Industries were then sought for by the Japanese government. Soon the greedy politicians and businessmen gathered around Isamu to leech him off. But the second attack from the Chinese force had an impact on the small island nation of Japan.

The death toll was heavy, but the small nation once again repelled the Chinese invaders. Both sides had suffered heavy casualties. But, there was a big difference between the two nations. China had infinitely more resources to spend than Japan. And so, Isamu knew that the third attack might be the end of his country.

But by then the news about Yasahiro Industries had spread all over the world. Superpower countries began to contact Isamu for his weapons. Isamu saw hope in that fact. He agreed to supply weapons to all the military powers. And soon China was suppressed.

Isamu had used the 1st nuclear war to propel himself and his company to tower above all others in Japan. The country which had been half destroyed by the Chinese forces was restored by the Yasahiro family, alone they built the nation from scratch.

Now the country was led by a council, a council established by Isamu. The members selected are based on merit, qualification and a strict screening process. Only those who are judged capable are given the seat in the council.

To the public, the council was the highest authority. Nobody knew about the existence of a King above the council and those who knew never talked about it.

This man was Ryu’s grandfather. Unlike his tardy and strong physical appearance, the man was kind and humble. A man without discrimination but one who lived in honour.

Isamu was now standing in front of him, smiling. But Ryu saw in his grandfather’s eyes a hint of guilt. Guilt for throwing his grandson amongst power hungry wolves. Ryu had since long understood his grandfather’s thoughts and kindness. He stepped forward and gave him a hug. Isamu smiled, he thanked the god for giving him such a wonderful grandson.

“Boy, it’s almost time for your birthday, I hear!” Isamu asked, his eyes sparkling.

Ryu had a shiver run down his spine, he knew the meaning of those sparkling eyes. His grandfather was planning something. But there was nothing he could do and so Ryu nodded, hesitantly!

“Wonderful, this calls for a party, my boy. Let's invite the entire nation”.

Ryu froze like he was stabbed in the heart. He screamed in his mind, ‘Another one of those troublesome parties?’

Recovering his wits quickly, the boy spoke firmly to stop his grandfather from starting another troublesome party, “Ojii-sama, please listen to what I have to say”.

Isamu turned back and said, “Hm? You want to talk with this old man? What is it, boy?”

“Well! For my birthday, I want it to be just us Ojii-sama. No outsiders! Also, I am going to be 17 and there is something that I want you to get me as the present if it isn’t too much trouble for you.” Ryu talked about a present hoping that would make Isamu forget about the party.

Isamu looked at Ryu, amazed and amused. “Trouble, you say! What are you saying, my boy? Everything that I have is for you and Mia. You are the next heir of the Yasahiro industries, the 8th head. How can it be a trouble for me? Tell me, Ryu, what it is that you desire?, Isamu’s eyes had a shine like never before. This was a rare occasion after all. Ryu has asked for something for himself only on the very rare occasion. And so Isamu was all fired up.

“It is that there is this game that is going to be released a week after my birthday”. Ryu spoke slowly once again amusing Isamu.

“A game? Is that all you want? Just a game?”, Isamu asked not understanding his grandson’s thought process.

Isamu had doubts in his eyes. He was hoping that his grandson would ask for something grand. ‘Just a game?’ was the thought that clouded the old man’s mind.

“It is not some ‘just a game’ kind of thing, Ojii-sama.”

Ryu was nervous. The game he wanted was one of a kind. The very first VRMMORPG the world had ever seen. To the next heir of a huge industry, buying one or two of such a game was a small matter. But Ryu had nothing else he wanted at the moment and so blurted he out his need for the game to his grandfather, hoping that Isamu would forget the party over the game.

The game capsule had an initial cost of 100$ and every person who bought the capsule got a free subscription of two months. Once the free subscription was over, the player had to pay a fee of 50$ every month. Monthly plans, yearly plans, and so on, numerous plans existed, there were even premium plans with added benefits .

“What is this game you speak of?” Isamu enquired, visibly uninterested.

“Dragon Lore” Ryu replied.

“Very well boy, I shall get you one. I shall take my leave now, I have a party to prepare!” Isamu smirked, walking away from a pale and colourless Ryu.

‘DAMN!!! I am so dead’ he thought.

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