《Rise of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in Another World》Chapter 18 - Revealing Power (Part 1)


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Looking at the crazy Zac, the 4 men stopped hesitating. They also knew that Zac was a cruel man, and he was also under the good graces of Dave. So they dared not waste time and attacked Add. The cadets watched in horror as four swords rapidly moved towards Add. Kent tried to rush to his aid, but he was just too far away. But then, the young master surprised them again. No one had noticed but there was a strange sword hanging from his his belt. Add drew the katana in a flash and dodged the first sword by side stepping, the man who attacked was surprised that he was able to evade, but then in the next instant, Add swung his katana upwards and cut off both the arms of the man, who collapsed on the ground howling in pain. Te other three were shocked at this scene and before they could react, add was before the next man. He tried to defend in a hurry, and his sword blocked the incoming blade, but how could a normal sword made of medieval techniques rival and alloy katana? The Katana sliced through the sword and deep cut was left on his chest.

The other two men realised that what they knew about the young lord was wrong. Which bastard said that he was a weak good for nothing? Two men were down and Add looked at the remaining two, his hollow eyes looked like the devils eyes to the two men. But they were also from the militia, and had seen blood and death before. They looked at each other, nodding and then attacked Add together. But alas, Add was just way faster than them, the result was same. They were unable to match his speed and reflexes and he drove his sword through one of men instantly killing him. The last man tried to take advantage of this opening and went in for the kill, but Add turned at the last moment throwing the dead corpse towards the coming attacker. The man hastily dodged, but within this time, Add was beside him and with a slash sent his sword flying. A kick landed on his the chest and he was sent flying, unable to get up. The man had fainted.

After dealing with the four lackeys, Add slowly walked towards Zac, who was stunned. He could never imagine that this young brat who was known to be a waste was actually so strong. He tried to get up but the pain prevented him, so he could only crawl back…

“Don’t…don’t come closer…stay back…bastard….you dare attack us…. do you think with just your strength you can go against Commander Dave?...... you what what are you doing no…”

As he was speaking, Add went before him, and Zac could see those cold and hollow eyes. His blood ran cold as he saw that face devoid of any feeling…

“So…You want me dead right?”

That voice was like death itself. Zac, a rank 2 warrior, who knew no fear, was now trembling; a weak voice escaped his lips…


But that did not stop what was coming. Add lifted his leg and slammed down on Zac’s right thigh, instantly crushing the bone.


Zac roared like a beast as he began thrashing on the ground. But it was not over yet. Add again slammed his leg, this time on the left thigh. Then he held Zac’s arms and one by one twisted hem both 180 degrees, tearing the ligaments and breaking the joints. The man was writing like a dying snake, with animal like roars escaping his mouth. The pain had made him completely mad. His eyes were full of hatred and desire to kill; he raised his head and began cursing…


“Y-you, you how dare you…you do this to me you piece of trash!? …bastard….do you know what you have done…you are finished ! hahahahahah Finished! Commander Dave will not spare you..You piece of trash just because you have got some strength you think you are the lord ? …hahaha…..you piece of trash…. just you wait you bastard hahahahaha! You and your dogs will die soon hahahaha”

“Are you threatening me?”

His tone was chilling as he asked this question, but Zac was uncaring of it, he laughed even more, ignoring the pain in his body and said,

“Heheheheheh yes yes you mother****er! I am threatening you! What are you going to do huh!? Just wait for a while and then your dog life will be over, you son of a-----”

A kick landed on his face breaking of a few of his teeth, and Zac was left howling curses towards Add. The young master ignored him and looked towards Kent. Pointing to the unconscious man he had kicked away he said;

“Mr. Kent, tie up that man and make sure he cannot escape”

He then walked over to the three men whom he had injured badly. They were still alive, barely. The warriors had greater vitality than regular people, and they could survive longer than normal people even with such wounds. The three had seen what had happened to Zac and their blood was cold. This young looking boy was not human. He was a demon! A demon! As he approached them, one man began weeping and begging for mercy.

“Young lord, please spare us….we were forced by deputy Zac, please give us a chance…we will be loyal to you..Lord please….”

But his pleas fell on deaf ears. The katana stabbed the heads of the three men and took their lives. He shook his katana to shake off the few drops of blood and brain matter on it and then wiped the blade on the clothes of the dead men before sheathing it. Next he dragged the Zac who had now gone mad in pain and rage and was screaming like an animal, by his leg, into the woods. After throwing Zac like a piece of garbage he took the combat knife and began his work. Killing Zac just like that would be too easy, and Add was quite skilled in the Art of torture himself.

“I haven’t used these skills on anyone in a long long time.” He mumbled while caressing the smooth blade of the knife.

“Also, I really don’t like people threatening me….”

Soon howls of pure agony and despair echoed from the area. Kent and the cadets were unable to see what was happening, but the wails and cries sent shivers down their spines.

“What kind of torture was the young master putting him through ?” everyone wondered.

A few dozen minutes later, Add walked out from the woods. As he walked by the cadets, no one dared make a sound. The atmosphere had become quite cold. The cadets and other people present had a variety of expressions on their faces, confusion, shock, awe and fear. He then walked over to the only man who was left alive, he had been tied up with a rope leaving him completely incapable of any movement. The man was out cold but, after a few hard slaps to his face, he was wide awake. Add pulled him up by the collar and slapped him once again to make sure he had hisattention.

“You can hear me yes?”

The man hurriedly nodded in fear. His entire body was trembling. He had seen how ruthless this boy was and he knew that he could not even dream to mess with such a person. Add continued,


“Good, then go back to your master, Dave, and tell him this. ‘You do not have to come after me, because I, am coming for you’, do you understand?”

The man nodded again, all he wanted now was to get as far away from here as possible.

“Then get lost”

Add signalled a Kent to open the man’s bindings and as soon as he was free, the man made a run for his life, as if afraid that the young master would change his mind. The man although wobbling, ran with great difficulty until he was beside his horse, and then rode away as fast as he could. Once he had left, all eyes turned towards Add. Kent walked up to Add, unsure of what to say,

“Young Master, you…”

“Later, Mr. Kent. Salvage anything of value and then dispose of these bodies, including the one in the woods. I don’t want corpses rotting in this camp.”

After that he walked towards the small wooden infirmary, leaving behind a shocked and stunned group of cadets and Kent who felt that the young master before him was a completely different person. He was not the trash everyone used to think that he was. Kent estimated that the young master must be at least a rank 2 warrior, given that he was able to deal with those 5 people so easily, but perhaps he was even stronger ? Kent shuddered at this thought. Just what had happened that changed the young master so much ? He could only wonder.

_ _ _ _ _

As Add made his way towards the infirmary, he was viewing the notification menu of the system. As it turned out, killing those 3 Rank 1 Warriors gave him 1000 Exp each, while the Rank 2 Warrior Zac gave 2000 Exp. This showed the apparent difference in strength between a rank 1 and a rank 2 since the difference in the rewards was so great. The infirmary of the camp was just a small building with a few rough beds and some basic herbal medicines. In this era, medical science was not that well spread, however, comparing to the middle ages of Earth, Add felt that the skill of the doctors here was indeed much better. They mostly used herbs and minerals to treat common diseases and wounds, and the hills and surrounding forests in Rigel were rich in a variety of herbs. There also existed various precious herbs, minerals, and other substances which could cure otherwise fatal ailments and a branch of magic known as [Healing Magic] could also cure many diseases and injuries, even better than actual medicine. However, there were a lot of diseases which were untreatable by this era’s medicine and magic as well. The doctor who had been arranged for the infirmary was a decent person, and although he was not the greatest doctor in town, he was pretty skilled. The old doctor was currently looking over Edward who was still unconscious, lying on the bed. As he was checking the boy’s condition, Add entered the infirmary.

“Ah, young lord you are here”

Add nodded to the doctor and then looked towards Edward, his face was still void of expression.

“How is he?”

“The boy is alright. Aside from faint blood loss and weakness, he has no major injuries. He should be fine after some rest. Once he wakes up, I suggest that he should avoid any physical exercise for at least two days and have proper food.”

“I see…”

Add was relieved. He had seen Edward’s condition first hand, and knew how seriously he had been hurt. Luckily, he had been hit in the abdomen and no bones had been broken. The doctor hesitated for some time and then spoke,

“Young Lord, if you do not mind then can this old man ask a question?”

“Hmm? Go ahead...”

“That, I heard from the people who brought the boy here, that he was badly injured, and was coughing up blood. But then the young lord fed him something, and now that I have checked his body, there is no sign of any serious injury…”

Add looked at the old doctor for a while, and thought ‘The potion’s effects cannot be neglected after all’.

“That’s right; I fed him a recovery potion I had with me.”

“Ah so that’s why…”

The doctor was not very surprised. Recovery potions were very precious products of alchemy, made from rare herbs and secret alchemical techniques and were used to treat wounds and injuries. They were available in many qualities, the higher the quality, better the effects. And they were very costly as well, and there was no shop selling them in the Weismann territory. Perhaps only the young lord could afford one. But to think that he would use it on a regular soldier so easily was quite impressive.

After confirming that Edward’s life was out of risk, Add found Kent and asked him to give a thorough explanation about what had happened, before he had arrived. As he listened, his expression became colder. The Militia had really gone beyond saving now. He knew from a long time that Commander Dave didn’t care about the thoughts of the Lord and wanted to snatch power for himself, but since he was busy increasing his strength, he had not dealt with these scourges till now. But now he could no longer stay still, he had already killed a deputy and three soldiers, and there was no need to hesitate and more. After he took a report of the progress made by the cadets while he was gone, he asked Kent to gather all the cadets, except Edward in the field. Within minutes the cadets were standing before him in ordered lines, waiting for their instructor to speak. Add stood on a small podium made of wood, as he looked at the cadets. He felt that compared to the unruly group of brats he started with, the cadets had now began to show the faintest features of trained soldiers.

“Cadets, although I have been away for a few days now, but I have got the gist of the situation from Mr. Kent. And first of all, let me say that I appreciate that you people have been taking your training seriously and doing it routinely.”

The cadets felt happy, after all it was the first time their instructor had appreciated their work. Usually, he only scolded them.

“That is that, but don’t think that you all are done just yet. This is just the very basics of what a soldier should learn. Initially, I wanted to train you perfectly and then proceed towards the next step, but now it seems that the circumstances will not allow for that, so I will have to improvise.”

“I will be honest with you all. As you all have witnessed today, the Militia no longer obeys my orders, and they only follow their Commander Dave. This has been going on ever since my father died, and at the beginning they were not so direct, but now, they are openly opposing me. I am afraid that they want to over throw me and take power for themselves.”

Add’s voice was calm and steady all along. Kent had his head lowered, cursing his own powerlessness. The expression of the cadets turned worried. Most of them knew about the strength of the Militia, and now that they were trying to rebel against the lord, this was a grave matter, this was treason!

“As such I have decided to settle the scores with the militia once and for all. But before that, I want to ask you, if you all will place your trust in me and follow me?”

His voice was cold as usual, yet everyone present could feel a trace of dignity in his words. Kent was the first to react as he kneeled one of his knees and bowed his head.

“This old man is willing to follow the Young Master!”

Following his example, one by one all the cadets similarly kneeled, including the weakened Edward and shouted in unison.

““““““““““““We will follow the Instructor!!!!!””””””””””””

“Stand up the lot of you! A man should only kneel before his parents. I need subordinates, not slaves! Besides what have I taught you to do when you want t show respect? Or did you forget everything in these few days that I was away?”

“But also remember this. A person should also know their own limits. I don’t want you all to act recklessly, and lose your lives in vain. Today, Cadet Edward stood up against the humiliation done to Mr. Kent, and I am very happy that he did. But I also know how close he was to dying. If that man had used a little bit more force, and if I did not have a recovery potion on me, he might have lost his life! Remember, that while facing an enemy stronger than you, there is no shame in enduring as long as possible or retreating! As long as you are alive, you can take revenge on a later date! But if you lose your calm and die, then it’s all over! Do you all get me?”

““““““““““““We get you sir!!!”””””””””””””

“Then carry on with your training. I will be leaving to deal with the Militia. When I am done, there will be a huge turmoil and I want you all to be prepared. As the only force directly under me, I will be depending on you all. That’s it, you are all dismissed!”

After he finished speaking, Add left the field followed by Kent.

“Young Master, what are you planning on doing?”

“Crush them once and for all”

Add stated simply, making the old man shocked.

“Young Master, as much as I hate to admit it, the Militia is not an easy target. A month ago, Dave had an upgrade in his strength and became a Rank 3 warrior. Aside from him, there are around 40 rank 2 warriors and the rest are all rank 1 warriors. It won’t be a wise decision to attack them head on…”

Add was a bit impressed at this information, but he did not put this group in his eyes at all. Could they be stronger than the [Iron Clawed Bear] or the [Dire Wolves] he had massacred? Even if they were close enough in strength, at most, he would just throw a few [Water Bombs] and blow them to bits. With his strength, experience and weapons, he had full confidence that he could deal with the militia, even if entire 500 of them appeared before him. He waved his hand and said,

“Don’t worry Mr. Kent. I know what I am doing. Just focus on training the cadets as usual. I will handle this matter.”

Kent however was not convinced and wanted to try and persuade Add to not act rashly, but the latter calmly stared at him and said,

“That’s an order.”

The old man had nothing more to say. He realised that the young master had made up his mind, and he could only sigh as he looked Add galloping away on a horse, towards Rigel. He knew that whatever happened today, regardless, a huge change was bound to happen and he could only hope that the Young Master would be safe. The person in question was moving towards the town, a dense killing intent flashing in his eyes.

“It is time to begin the purge…”

_ _ _ _ _

A few hours back, at the Barracks of the Militia.

The soldiers were busy with their daily work. Although Dave did not care about the Weismann family, but he had the militia properly functioning at all times, it was not because he cared about the people but rather because the militia was his means to assert his power and control in the region. Some soldiers were training, some had gone out to patrol and some were guarding important places such as the town’s gates. It was pretty unremarkable day for the most of them. Commander Dave was in his office looking at some reports, when a soldier rushed in.


Dave who was busy frowned when the soldier entered without knocking and disturbed him.

“What is it? Don’t you know that you have to knock before entering!?”

The soldier immediately trebled, hearing the angry tone of the commander, every soldier knew that they should never provoke this man, or else they might easily lose their jobs at best and their lives at worst.


“Humph! I will let you go this time, but there is no next time, do you understand?”

“Y-Yes commander”

“Then what is the matter?”

“Reporting to the commander, Deputy Zac….he was killed….”

Dave who was still reading the reports, froze, and raised his head to look at the soldier.

“What did you say?”

“…that, Deputy Zac was killed commander…”

As soon as the soldier said this, he felt the temperature of the room drop. Dave’s eye narrowed and his expression became stern.


It was a simple word, yet the soldier felt that his life was on the tip of a sword; one wrong word and he would die.

“Yes commander. The thing is, today Deputy Zac and three soldiers went out to patrol near the river, and there they met the guards that the young lord has been raining recently. They had some conflict, and the young lord killed Deputy Zac and three soldiers. Only one soldier was left alive and he just arrived here…”

Dave was silent for a moment, as he felt confused. Zac was a Rank 2 warrior, but he was supposedly killed by that good for nothing brat? It was honestly unbelievable. He had known that Add was training his personal guards in that place for a few months already, but he ever really cared, after all they were just regular people who were being trained on a whim of that wastrel. He had initially sent a few soldiers to secretly keep watch on them, but all they reported was that the guards were doing strange exercises and marches which made no sense. Dave had long since discarded this training as child’s play, but it seems something was really wrong there. Three rank 1 warriors and one rank 2 warrior died, this was no light matter. He kept the reports aside and stood up,

“Where is the soldier that returned with this news?”

“He was injured, so we sent him to be treated…”

“Take me to him now!”

“Y-Yes commander!”

Once Dave met the soldier, he asked him to explain the situation in detail. The soldier was pretty shaken, and lowly told the whole story. At first, Dave expression was sceptical, but as he continued to listen, it turned solemn. Finally, when the soldier finished his words, Dave stood there silent, contemplating who knows what. He turned towards the other soldiers present and began issuing orders.

“Immediately, send people and call back all the patrolling parties. Tell the men guarding the gates to keep watch for the young lord, and notify me as soon as he enters the town. Also, call back all the soldiers who are guarding the Weisman Estate. Do all this as fast as possible!”

“Yes commander!”

Soon, many soldiers departed the barracks on horses to carry out their orders. Dave also instructed the remaining soldiers to prepare for conflict.

“Till now I have been really complacent… it seems that the brat has some ability…to think he hid it for so long. Heh! But if you think that with this you can go against me…”

A vicious smile appeared on his lips.

“I think it’s time I took this territory for myself, since you have decided to go against me, you can only die now…. Coming for me eh? I will see where your arrogance goes once we met, ‘young lord’….”

He left to prepare, for his meeting with the ‘lord’. A part of him felt that Add would definitely not dare come, while the other part hoped that he would really come. He now had a proper reason to finally kill him, as Add had killed the soldiers, and once he was dead, the control of this territory would come into his hands. Once he was dealt with, he would send his men to clean those guards that Add had been training and if Add didn’t come, then he would directly go and annihilate them all together. The soldiers were hurriedly moving around, and many people who saw them felt that something was about to happen today. However, they had no idea what could have happened to make the militia so excited today.

_ _ _ _ _

A kilometre away from the town, Add left the main road and took a detour through the woods. All the town’s gates had the soldiers guarding them, and he was not going to announce his entry like a fool after all. As long as the enemy did not know of your position, the initiative was in your hands. He reached near the wooden wall and left his horse. Then with a few swift movements he easily crossed over the 5 metre tall wall and jumped down. Once inside he made his way stealthily towards the barracks. Since he was moving through the various alleys and small spaces between the buildings, no one was able to spot him. He could have just charged head on using bombs or the Kord Gatling gun, but that would make things needlessly complex. Rather, he wanted to do this like the Special Forces did, silently, quickly and most efficiently. For this he had purchased a new hand gun, as he felt the power of the MAV-20 was not enough anymore.

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Item : Desert Eagle MK20 Semiautomatic Handgun

Description : The Desert Eagle MK20 is a successor to the family of Desert Eagle handguns which first appeared in the 1990s. It is a gas operated semi-automatic handgun notable for chambering one of the largest centre-fire cartridge of any magazine-fed, self-loading pistol in its class. It chambers a very powerful .50 calibre (12.7x 36mm) Action Express-II round in a 7 round magazine. It is one of the most powerful conventional guns ever built. Although the design itself is basically an upgrade of the original model, it comes with various improvements, such as attachment point for a suppressor, mounting rails for laser sights etc.

Made from durable titanium alloys and graphene components, it’s a lightweight but deadly weapon and represents one of the best tactical handguns when it comes to high penetration. Its power, when loaded with .50 AE ammo, can conceivably allow the user to defeat personal body armour and even penetrate cover like walls.

Price : 8000 CP

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He equipped the gun with a suppressor and a laser sight which had to be purchased separately and 500 rounds of ammunition and 10 magazines. He also placed the combat knife in a knife holder strapped to his legs. The katana was still hanging by his waist. For protection, he was wearing the combat gear which fully covered him from head to toe. Once he reached near the barracks, he could observe that the soldiers were on alert and many of them were patrolling around the area.

The Militia barracks had three main buildings around a central large practice field, two large buildings that house the soldiers, and a slightly smaller one which served other purposes such as the commander’s stay, the armoury etc. aside from that there were a few smaller buildings as well. All of this was surrounded by a thin brick wall. Add easily jumped over the walls and infiltrated the premises. Although most of the soldiers were busy elsewhere, there were still some soldiers who were patrolling around the barrack premises.

Add hid between two sheds, as he watched a group of soldiers walk over. The 4 people had not spotted Add and walked right past him, but one of them was walking a bit farther away from the others, as soon as he passed before the the gap between two buildings, he was suddenly pulled inside and before he could make a sound, a knife had slit his throat. He died making gurgling sounds, as he choked on his own blood; Add threw his body aside and pulled out his gun. The other soldiers were alerted by the strange sound and turned to look, but three bullet blasted tiers lives away and they dropped dead on the ground.

After dragging the bodies into the gap, he moved on. Every time he encounters soldiers, he would kill them instantly. Within a few minutes, he had killed tens of soldiers, and then he entered the buildings where the soldiers rested.

“Hey who are you!?”

A soldier spotted him, but Add immediately rushed and snapped his head around. But his shout had alerted others and they began to rush towards the location. However, they all met their swift deaths from the desert eagle, and Add moved on. He had no qualms about using guns, since he was not planning on sparing anyone.

“Intruder! There are intruders!”

Soon, a bell began ringing in the barracks, and soldiers who were patrolling around rushed inside the barracks compound.

“Looks like I have stirred them enough, now then towards the main target…”

He thought as he changed a magazine of the gun and then broke out of the building. Any soldier he encountered, quickly died at his hands.

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