《Rise of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in Another World》Chapter 10 - Goblin Massacre (Part 1)


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When dealing with hordes of enemies, what was more effective than a machine gun? But rather than having a heavy machine gun which was bulky and priced higher, it was better to have a weapon suitable to be carried by hand. So he quickly opened the shop and purchased something which he had been wanting to get for some time now.

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Item : PKP Pecheneg 6P41 – NM , 7.62×54 mmR general-purpose medium machine gun

Description : The PKP Pecheneg (Pulemyot Kalashnikova Pekhotny "Pecheneg") 6P41 – NM is a medium machine gun chambering the standard Soviet/Russian 7.62×54 mmR round. It is a modernised version of the PK machine gun developed by the Legendary Arms inventor Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov.

It comes with a It comes with a Picatinny rail for night vision or telescopic sights, the standard being 1P89-3 unified optical sight and can also equip other optical sights. It also has an additional tactical handle below the barrel for the convenience when firing. The PKP is belt fed and accepts 100-, 200-, 250-round box magazines.

It is intended for use from an integral bipod as a squad support weapon, however it can be used in a two handed carrying fashion as well, and is designed as an anti personnel weapon. It provides more sustained firepower than the PK and its other predecessors, and the 7.62×54mmR cartridge offers a longer effective range and better penetration of light structures and improvised covers in most type of environments and battlefields

While it does not perform exceptionally well in terms of accuracy, it is known for its superior performance in suppressing enemies with a muzzle velocity of 900 m/s rate of over 700 rounds per minute and a barrel with improved heat dispersion. Made of titanium alloy, it is a durable, light-weight, and fairly easy to maintain machine gun, which can serve under extreme conditions without a hitch.

Effective Firing Range : 1000 metres

Price : 12,000 CP

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The PKP was a very good gun in its class. Its 7.62×54 mmR rounds were very powerful and the damage they caused were even greater. Based on the Kalashnikov family of rifles it was a durable, easy to use and maintain weapon, which had stood the test of time. When engaging a large group of enemies alone, at medium range, a machine gun was the best choice. Add had enough experience with improve versions of the PKP and so using it was no problem for him. Although it was much heavier than the AK-47, but to ADD with his increased physical strength, felt no difference. He could haul over half a ton boar with his maximum strength now, a 10 kilogram gun was nothing. The gun came with standard metallic sights and had a preloaded 100 round box magazine, it was ready to shoot and shed some blood.

The most deadly among all that he chose was however, the SKN-50 Anti-personnel land mine. It is a circular and slightly concave shaped, plastic bodied, directional type of anti-personnel mine. It is designed to wound or kill by explosive fragmentation. The mine contains 700g of RDX (1,3,5-Trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine) explosive. When a person steps on the mine's trigger whic is located at its centre, the trigger activates the mine, and the mine's main charge detonates, creating a blast shock wave consisting of hot gases travelling at extremely high velocity. The shock wave sends a huge compressive force upwards, propelling approximately 540 steel balls to a lethal range of 50 meters in a all directions above ground. it also comes in a remotely detonated variant, which has no trigger on the landmine itself but can which can be activated using a detonator from over 200 metres away.


Belonging to the same type as the Claymore landmine, the SKN-50 was a much better weapon for its job. And that job was simple. Wait for someone to step on them, and then blast that person with a salvo of small metal spheres, Turing meat and bones into Swiss cheese. Add bought its remotely detonated version, as that was more affective for his plans. After having purchased all he needed, he was left with little over 2,000 CP. After confirming all his preparations, he found an area near the goblin village that was suitable for laying an ambush. Taking care not to be spotted by the goblins, he carefully began setting up the mines in all locations, he felt the goblins could arrive from. The dynamite sticks were also placed in a similar way, they were far more explosive than the mines, but since they had no shrapnel their lethality depended on the resulting shockwave of the explosion. The grenades were kept within the inventory and would be used as required.

He then approached the goblins’ location and attacked the first group of goblins he saw, killing a few, he return back to where he had placed the explosives. His speed was moderate allowing the goblins to chase him, but they could not close in enough to be able to attack him. Add chose to lure groups of goblins to his traps as directly attacking the goblins village was too risky, it was better pull them into his kill zone. Add increased his speed, avoiding the area with the mines and quickly took his pre-determined spot among the trees a bit further away. The group which included both regular goblins and hob goblins, was very angry and enraged as they rushed in madly roaring and shrieking. From his hiding spot in the trees he fired with the AK-47 at the group, aiming for the Hobgoblins first. He fired at a slow rate, wanting to see how effective the 7.39 mm rounds were against them.


The first hobgoblin took a shot in its abdomen, and staggered back, but it didn’t die. Its rage increasing even more, unable to see what or whom had hit it. It took 5 more shots in its chest before it fell dead. Add didn’t leave his spot and from the cover of the branches and kept shooting, changing magazine after magazine, as the brass shells kept rolling out of the extractor. A shot landed on another hobgoblin’s head, instantly killing it. The smaller goblins were killed instantly with one or two shots. In no time, over a dozen goblins had died, and the remaining tried to flee. But sadly for them, they would not have the chance. Rushing out of his hiding spot Add opened fire once again, this time in full auto and shot dead the remaining ones. As he stood looking at the corpses, Add kept thinking. It was a efficient and quick, however, he was not at all satisfied after this hunt. Even with the AK-47’s powerful bullets, it was not easy to kill the hobgoblins. It was not the weapon’s fault though; it was designed to kill humans of Earth, who were normal in every sense of the word, and not monsters.

[Ding! You have killed Hobgoblin x 6]

[Ding! You have killed goblin × 11]

[Ding! You have received 4,100 CP]

(If its only this much, then I don’t need to waste my explosives yet. I need to lure in a bigger group, to maximize the damage.)

Add hummed. But looking at the hob goblin corpses, his brows wrinkled as his expression turned serious.


(I am afraid pretty soon I will face an enemy which the AK-47 cannot kill…)

He slung the rifle onto his back and took the PKP machine gun in his arms. Taking a look at his status, he now had 24,100 CP. Each hobgoblin gave 500 CP, 5 times greater than a regular goblin. Too bad there were not a lot of them.

“Let’s continue, I need more. Much more.”

Once again he went to attract more goblins. His modus operandi was simple. Lure more and more goblins away from their village and kill them as swiftly as possible. He was sure that whatever it was that was leading the goblins, would realise what was happening and attack him with full force. That was when he would take them down in one fell swoop. As he moved on in silence, the only sounds accompanying him being his footsteps and the occasional chirping of insects and the faint rustle of leaves that moved in the breeze. He was reminded of a mission he did back on Earth. He was part of a 20 man platoon which was sent to the Balkan peninsula to take down an important enemy official. They had spent two days out in the silent and almost dead forest, covered in leaves and dirt, hiding in dug in trenches, blending with the soil, and very forest itself. The target was a train which would cross the forest. When the mission was finally over, only 5 of the 20 had survived. He and the other 4 survivors, buried their fallen comrades in the very same forest, only the eternal silence of accompanying them this time. In that year, in that forest, they had forever become part of nothingness. For who knew how many of his kind had been buried in such forests, how many had drowned in the lakes rivers and seas, how many were left with nothing to be buried at all. The memories of that life, those years, they were only dreams now, yet a dream he would forever remember. He was only woken up from his reminiscing as he came across another group of goblins. He shook his head clearing the thoughts of the past and readied himself.

“This game never changes.…”

He muttered as the first goblin appeared in his sight. The group this time was even larger than the previous one. Making it even more profitable for him. Unknowingly a small smile crept up his lips as a familiar craving crept into his mind. That unquenchable thirst for blood….

“Still, I love this game….”

He did not hide this time, he did not need to, and the enraged goblins attacked him. The death rattle once begun playing itself in the silent forest, the tunes comprising of the wails, the cries and the gun shots. Death was the same on Iseria as it was on Earth. If you die you die. Death was his only companion, and it would be until it claimed himself as well.

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It was a normal goblin. It had no name. It had no identity other than that it was a goblin. Speaking of it, the goblin society is not very complex; strength rules above all. The goblin was not very strong, just your regular every day run of the mill goblin. Its life was simple but harsh. Hunt for food, risk its life, get hurt sometimes, sometimes almost dying, eating, sleeping and repeat. But food was hard to get for a regular goblin like him. They had to bring food to the village and if someone failed to bring food, or brought too little, they would be beaten or even eaten by the bigger goblins. It had to survive on scraps for most of the days. It would always have to do what it was ordered by the hob goblins, the goblin champions and their ruler, the goblin king. If it rejected an order, it would be beaten and killed. It had seen some of its fellow goblins die like that. It could not even mate, only the goblin king and the champions could mate with the females, and the regular goblins could just watch. It was helpless, but this was its life. It could not leave the village for a lone goblin would not survive for long in the forest. This was its daily life. But then, it all changed suddenly.

The day had been like any other days, it was woken up with a kick by a larger goblin and ordered to hunt for food. It growled in protest for the pain it was feeling, but the larger goblin roared and kicked it again. Though goblins were savages, they had a primitive language comprising of grunts, growls roars and shrieks. It limped away in pain, joining more of its kind to hunt for food. It would be lucky if it could find some decent food today. The forest was not safe recently, for its kind. Something had been killing goblins for many days now. Hundreds of them had died, and the killer was still at lose. But it didn’t feel fear, as it never saw the killer. There was not much compassion between goblins as well, after all theirs was a dog eat dog society. It would do anything to survive, even eating its own kind if need be. Today it was searching for small animals with a small spear made from a jagged bone tied to a stick. It looked very shabby, but it was its treasured weapon. Luckily for it, it soon found a large rat scurrying in the bushes and chased after it along with other goblins, just it was about to kill the rat, a strange sound, one it had never heard before echoed in the forest.


For a moment it stayed still, trying to think what this strange sound was, when suddenly pained and miserable wails of its fellow kind echoed in the forest. The cries conveyed pain, confusion and helplessness in them, and then everything went silent. It realized something was wrong. What followed were angry growls and roars of other goblins, it was not too concerned about them, goblins died every day, there were many monsters stronger than them in these forests. The rat had escaped , so the group resumed their hunt, looking for something to bring back to the village. No one wanted to be killed or eaten. But then, after sometime, that strange sound once again echoed, followed my more shrieks and cries. Even it who was not smart, now knew something was very wrong. Angry roars of goblins began reaching its ears, in them were orders to gather at whatever was hurting their kind. The leader of its group also heard these roars and roared in response. Hearing all these angry roars, its group also grew angry. The group abandoned their hunt for food and ran towards the area from where the wails and cries had come. On its way it was joined by some other groups, and their numbers increased. The goblins roared and shrieked growing more angry and enraged as they got closer.

More wails and cries echoed as they neared to the source. More of their kind were dying! It was furious, and when the group finally reached closer to where the wails were coming from it could smell a familiar scent in the air. It soon realized what that scent was. It was the scent of blood, the blood of its own kind! A primal anger surged in its body. Who dared kill its kind!? It wanted to tear that thing to pieces. The other goblins also felt the same way. The group ran even faster and the scent of goblin blood became even stronger, enraging them further. It finally saw a small clearing in the forest, and in front of the clearing, its eyes landed on the dozens of dead goblins lying on the ground, their blood soaking the soil and giving off the smell. Goblins didn’t smell good, in fact they were dirty creatures who smelled like a mixture of rotting meat and faeces. The only saving grace was one would not be assailed by this smell unless they went really close to a goblin. This was not their natural smell, however, it was due to their unclean nature. Mixed with the smell of blood it produced an even more disgusting odour.

Its eyes grew bloodshot as it looked around for the killer of its fellow kind and it soon found ‘it’. The thing was a human! A hateful human! Goblins hated humans as much as humans hated them, it was engraved in their blood. Goblins killed and ate humans males and abducted the women and raped them in hopes of producing offspring . This made humans angry, really really angry, and they hunted them down with passion. The two species had been in this struggle for thousands of years, and neither side had gained advantages. The humans had more powerful weapons and strength on a whole, but the goblins had their numbers and sneaky nature, doing anything to survive and kill. There was a single human before it, standing silently looking at its group. The other goblins also shared its fervour in hate. There were many hobgoblins in its group as well. It knew that the human must be strong, for so many of its kind had died in his hands. But it was confident in the strength of its numbers. They were many and the hateful human was one! They would surely outnumber him and kill him! It wanted to tear open the human and feast on its meat, and so did the others. So it charged, following the other goblins, even if some died, the others would kill the human. They would win as long as the human died; goblins had no sympathy for sacrificing their own kind, in this regard they were strangely hypocritical, just like the humans they so hated.

“Well, looks like my plan worked very well after all…. Honestly, I didn’t expect these things to be so mindless, I didn’t even have to bring you this time, you lot came by yourself. Thanks for saving me the trouble though. Now that you are here, please die…”

They charged at the human crushing the dead bodies of their own beneath them. Among the shrieks and cries of its group, it heard the human speak something, not that it could understand whatever he said. Some of the goblins ran to circle him while most of them charged head on. The human was surely dead now it thought, it griped its spear tighter and its mouth drooled in anticipation. But then, the human suddenly jumped back and retreated, avoiding the attacks of some agile goblins. The ones which had tried to surround him, were not able to keep up, as the main group was about to reach him, the human threw some round object towards them. It was now at the back, so it did not see what was thrown. One such small round thing hit a hob goblin and then rolled on the ground. The hobgoblin was uncaring as whatever had hit it, didn’t even sting its skin and it continued to charge like the others….


Its world suddenly went bright for a moment, and a piercing sound rattled its brain, stunning it completely. It stumbled, and fell down unable to make sense of what was happening. In its confusion, it tried to get up but some other goblin ran into it and they both tumbled into the ground again. It could neither see or hear properly, everything became white and a strange buzz rattled its ears. It was helpless, unable to make sense of its surroundings it didn’t know what was going on.


When it could finally hear again, what entered its ears were the pained roars and shrieks of its kind. The strange sound was heard again and more wails followed. As its vision cleared it saw its fellow kind running around trying to escape, but one by one they quickly fell dead. It found the human standing some distance away and from a strange thing in his hands, flashes of light appeared, followed by that sound. As more and more goblins died, some tired to attack the human in desperation, but were unable to even get near him. Their numbers which were in the tens, now had been whittled down to a handful. Its rage and anger instantly vanished as the fear of death replaced them. It wanted to run away now, run as far as possible from this hateful human, it would call the ‘big’ ones, once they came, the human would die. It pushed away the dead bodies of other goblins and began running way, but sadly for it, today was just not its day.

A searing pain tore through its leg, without any warning, causing it to tumble headfirst into the ground, its mouth filling with soil and litter. It cried out with all its might as the burning pain travelled through its body from it leg. For some time it lay there rolling and thrashing in pain, but it knew it could not stay here, or else it will die. Clutching the bleeding leg, which was mangled badly, it tried to crawl away, making its way across the dead bodies, blood and gore, it had only one thought in its mind now, to escape, for it felt the shadow of death looming over it, and that is when it realised, that all was surprisingly quiet. There were no more sounds a horrifying sense of being alone spread in its mind as it raised its head to look around. All around it, goblins lay dead, their murky blackish blood seeping into the ground. Even the strong hobgoblins were not spared. The entire group, like the few before it, had been decimated completely. It was the sole survivor left. As it looked around in terror, the human which was the cause of all this slaughter, standing a bit further away from it. And that was the last thing ‘it’ ever saw.


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“That was done nicely…”

Add, retreated into the cover of trees after dealing with the last goblin. The group this time, was fairly large wit over 40 goblins and hobgoblins. Most of them were armed with wooden spears tipped with bone, and some had daggers made of bone as well. Few of them had rusted, and brittle swords while the rest had wooden clubs. With this he had faced off against 4 groups, after laying the ambush. But he still didn’t retreated beyond the main area where he had laid the mines, for he was looking for a larger horde, the more the better. He had used three flash grenades, which seemed to have very good effect against the goblins, with just three of them, the large group was out of their wits for nearly half a minute, giving him enough time to gun them down leisurely.

He also learnt a lot about goblin attack strategy after dealing with them for all this while. The goblins had a very sneaky way of fighting. They would surround their target and try to distract it, so that they could find an opening to attack. But above all, their number was their greatest strength. And they didn’t care about their dead, even using their dead as meat shields sometimes. The PKP machine gun did its job well, one or two rounds aimed properly were able to deal with a hobgoblin, the normal ones, were just cannon fodder.

He had attracted enough attention by now, and the goblins surely wont lets this go easily, he now had to be prepared for their retaliation. As he waited in the shadows, more goblins arrived, and a few blindly charged, and were welcome by bullets in their faces. The others however were more careful. And began circling the area, trying to find Add. The shots he fired initially, gave an idea of his location, but he was well hidden in the shadows it was hard to spot him. He stopped shooting, waiting for them to gather. As the goblins were hesitating whether to go forward or not, after looking at the many dead bodies lying around, more and more kept arriving. Add watched silently as the numbers increased, from a few tens to over a hundred, and kept growing. Finally, the stalemate was broken when he finally stepped out. The goblins having found their nemesis, lunged towards him with all their strength and rage. Add immediately made a run towards the ambush site. As the goblins chased madly behind, they stepped within the area where the dynamite sticks were placed. He waited for a few moments, as the bulk of the goblin horde arrived there and then detonated the dynamite.


With a series of explosions which shook the area, the poor goblins were blasted to kingdom come. Such was the force of the explosions that the goblins nearby were blasted to bits while those a bit farther away were sent flying with their internal organs messed up, and only a few lucky ones managed to escape death, although very badly disoriented and confused. But rather than running away, these goblins again regrouped, howling in rage and anger as more of their kind arrived from all around. He once again slowed his pace down, and the goblins feeling their enemy within grasp became even more ferocious. Although terrified of the explosions, they were now too mad to care. Their instincts got the better of them, and they again rushed towards the human, and this was their last mistake. Add jumped into a small pit he had dug earlier, which saved him from the coming wave of death. And as the goblins stepped on the mines…


Another series of explosion followed, and this time thousands of small metal balls tore through everything in their paths. 40 of the mines had been placed in such a manner that their explosions overlapped creating a spray of sure death. Even the goblins farther away were killed, only a few lucky ones managing to barley survive. It was then that Add took action, amidst the dust and smoke, he jumped out from his hiding spot to get a clear line of fire and resumed shooting. The air was filled with dust and smoke but the sheer amount of bullets fired from the machine gun made it sure that something will get hit. He succeed in killing the remaining ones that were left, but some still managed to escape. Goblins, he noted, were pretty fast when it came to escaping. After everything quietened down, and he was sure that no stray goblin was sneaking around him, he began to check his gains. The familiar bluish system screen opened listing some notifications. It gave him a sum total of how many goblins he had killed till now.

[Ding! You have killed Goblins x 317]

[Ding! You have killed Hobgoblins x 94]

[Ding! Received 78,700 CP]

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