《The Middle Child of the Fire》Book 1: Chapter 9
Tadashi and General Shinu were standing as Zhao walked into the room, his smug grin faltering as he eyed the young boy staring back with a challenging look.
"General Shinu, Prince Tadashi. It's a pleasure to see you both." He said, earning a scoff from the two others in the room.
"It's Director Tadashi to you," Tadashi replied, "However it's always interesting to meet a familiar face."
"Likewise" General Shinu nodded. "What brings you here today?"
"Ahh...straight to the point, I admire that in you General Shinu," Zhao said, stepping towards the balcony with the most intimidating walk he could muster. "But fair enough. I need the Yuyan Archers to help capture the Avatar."
"Absolutely not! The Yuyan Archers stay here. Your request is denied, Commander Zhao." Shinu replied with a firm shake of his head.
Zhao grimaced before reapplying his smile, though his voice took a slightly annoyed tone.
"Colonel Shinu, please reconsider, their precision is legendary. The Yuyan can pin a fly to a tree from one hundred yards away, without killing it. You're wasting their talents using them as mere security guards."
"I can do whatever I want with their talents, they're my archers, and what I say goes." Shinu stomped his foot, earning a quiet chuckle from Tadashi.
"And what about you, Director?" Zhao sneered, "What do you think of this?"
Tadashi was caught off guard for a second but tilted his head in thought as he looked between Zhao and Shinu.
"Well of course Yuyan archers are that good, but under our current military conventions the movement of specialist forces can only be done with the approval of the Fire Lord or the highest ranking members of each respective division."
"Well put," Shinu nodded.
"But my search for the Avatar is-" Zhao angrily turned from Tadashi to Shinu but was caught off when the General spoke again.
"Is nothing but a vanity project! We're fighting a real war here, and I need every man I've got, commander."
"That's final! I don't want to hear another word about it!"
Just as the general finished speaking the sound of a messenger hawk caught everyone's attention as said bird flew through the air and landed near Tadashi, allowing the boy to take the message and read it, his face remaining remarkably neutral as he reread the message.
"It's for you, General Shinu." He said handing the message to the older man.
"News from Fire Lord Ozai?" Zhao inquired curiously, attempting to hide the grin spreading on his face.
"As if you don't know." Tadashi spoke, surprising Zhao. "You sent a request a few days ago for more forces in an attempt to capture the Avatar, my father is merely giving you the power to do so."
"You don't mean-" Zhao cut himself off and snatched the message from Shinu, reading the scroll with increasing delight.
"It appears I've been promoted to Admiral. My request...is now an order."
General Shinu grumbled slightly but bowed in respect and left the room, knowing he has no choice but to honour the order. It wouldn't take long to round the archers up but the general needed to blow some steam off before the new Admiral started questioning his capabilities.
"I suppose it's worth asking if the members of your...military intelligence unit is capable of handling such a task." Zhao spoke with a smug smile.
Tadashi chuckled, all thoughts about Nobles, Royals and factions leaving his mind as he watched the man who lead his life based on pride talk.
"You have it wrong. Whilst my team is capable of anything they answer to me and I answer to the Fire Lord. It may be true that Military Intelligence is a division alongside the army and Navy but even as an Admiral you can't ask my people to do anything." Tadashi spoke, his voice gloating slightly, "But then again that's how it should be after all you may come from a Noble line but I'm Royal."
"Of course," Zhao spoke between gritted teeth. "But wouldn't it be beneficial to the Fire Nation to...assist in the capture of the Avatar?"
"There are some things more important than the Avatar." Tadashi spoke, "How can you even think of doing something bold when it's uncertain whether the people around you are trustworthy?"
"That's something a fool would say." Zhao retorted.
"Oh really? The colonel behind Gun Atsui said the same thing, trying to prolong the war to fill his own pocket."
"Don't compare me to that traitor!" Zhao shouted, "It may be true that your little team did some work but it'll pale in comparison to the capture of the Avatar. You mark my words I'll bring him to the Fire Lord."
Without another word being said the overly snide man marched out of the room, his nerves starting to boil with anger.
Ever since the storm the crew had seen Zuko in a new light. It wasn't a well-known fact how his scar came to be, rumours of a training accident gone wrong was the likely answer but ever since they found out about the Agni Kai they couldn't help but sense the determination in the banished prince. The ship had been travelling in an educated direction for some time now but the crew certainly felt dejected.
"We haven't been able to pick up the Avatar's trail since the storm." Lieutenant Jee spoke to Zuko, "But if we continue heading northeast-"
The Lieutenant was cut off when a large vessel crept up to Zuko's ship, its bulk swallowing up any light the crew members were soaking up mere moments ago.
"What do they want?" Zuko asked aloud.
"Perhaps a sporting game of Pai Sho!" Iroh answered optimistically, the general sat at a table not too far away from the prince.
As the larger ship hailed the smaller one, a messenger came aboard, his uniform much cleaner than Zuko's crew. With little care for formalities the man produced a scroll and handed it to Zuko, his mouth slightly slipping into a grin as the prince unrolled the scroll.
"The hunt for the Avatar has been given prime importance. All information regarding the Avatar must be reported directly to Admiral Zhao."
"Zhao has been promoted? Well, good for him!" Iroh stated, winning the game of Pai Sho he'd been playing without looking.
"I've got nothing to report to Admiral Zhao. Now get off my ship and let us pass." Zuko stated with a frim voice.
"Admiral Zhao is not allowing ships in or out of this area." The messenger retorted in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Off my ship!" Zuko shouted, making the messenger jump slightly.
When Aki returned the next day three of the soldiers came back wounded, having bruised themselves in the fight against the Earthbenders. Tadashi was merely glad that they all came back alive, the three injured were sent to Sikumi for healing immediately. Aki also reported that the villagers were actually grateful that the rebellion was put down, noting that they feared any repercussions that could have occurred if they accommodated the rebels.
"I noticed something strange about a girl in one of the families I visited." Aki murmured.
"What family?" Tadashi asked.
"The Beifong family. They had a daughter that was blind but at the same time it felt as if she could see me."
"You're not making any sense" Tadashi said, giving Aki a strange look.
"I know what I'm talking about, she moved slowly but in a calculated way. Her face always seemed to point down, perhaps because of the blindness, but I never got the feeling that she was helpless." Aki explained.
"Ok, so what are you suggesting we do?"
"Nothing, I just thought it was interesting."
Moments later a messenger ran into the room the two were seated in, his armour signifying he was a member of Military Intelligence.
"Sir, all casualties have been healed and there has been a sighting of the Avatar nearby, Admiral Zhao has sent the Yuyan Archers after him."
"Thanks," Tadashi spoke, "It seems that it'll only be a matter of time until he's captured then."
The messenger remained in the room as he saw the look on Tadshi's face, contemplating what he was about to be ordered to do.
"Can you deliver the news about the Avatar to General Shinu, then find out where exactly the Avatar will be kept once captured. Send Kuro."
The messenger nodded, somewhat thankful that he didn't need to do it all since he had a pressing game of Pai Sho to play with another colleague. Luckily Kuro would be in the general direction towards General Shinu, the young Earthbender was one of the more adept members of the Military Intelligence unit that possessed great stealth abilities, using his earthbending to sneak into places without alerting those nearby.
"Are you planning to release some air?" Aki asked with a small smirk.
"What no!" Tadashi flushed slightly, "I just want to be prepared for anything."
"Like-" Aki was about to say before a sharp knock on the door interrupted her.
Moments later Zhao walked into the room with a smug look on his face.
"I thought I should let you know that I've sent the Yuyan Archers to capture the Avatar and they will without failure." He gloated, "It's a shame that brother of yours isn't here to see the moment I imprison the last airbender, that would certainly have been glorious."
Tadashi frowned, unnerved by the Admirals attitude but he shook it off and a very Azula-like smirk formed.
"Speaking of Zuko, I heard that the two of you fought a while ago and that he won. It must have been terribly shameful?" the young boy taunted.
Zhao paused, unsure whether he was fuming or honestly shocked by what Tadashi had said.
"How do you know that?" he asked.
"I'm the Director of Military Intelligence, it's our job to know everything." Tadashi simply replied.
This time it was Tadashi who was surprised as Zhao simply laughed, as if some hidden spirit had told a joke only he could hear. The young prince simply watched as the man howled with laughter and when he saw the sadistic smile that crept on his face Tadashi couldn't help but shiver. Without realising it Aki had gripped the hilt of the sword strapped to her side several times, her nerves starting to get the better of her.
"Very well, I don't care what you know," he spoke quietly, "There are some things that are inevitable in this world, no matter how much information you collect."
"Oh really?"
"Heh, just you wait and see. I'll be there the day you break."
"Is that a threat, Admiral?" Aki asked.
The two stared at each other as Aki stood up took a pre-emptive stance, hoping that this wouldn't come down to a fight where any outcome would soil Tadashi's reputation. Fortunately for the captain a messenger ran into the room, causing all the tension to dissipate as if it had never been there.
"Apologies for disturbing but news just came in from the Yuyan Archers, they have caught the Avatar and are bringing him in."
"Excellent," Zhao smiled with glee, "Prepare the holding cell, it seems I have a speech that needs writing,"
Both the messenger and Zhao immediately left the room without a further world being said, leaving a worried prince and mentally exhausted captain behind. The guards outside the room, both being Intelligence Officers, came in with worried expressions on their faces. They too had sensed what had occurred in the room and their nerves were on end too.
"So…..what now?" Aki asked.
"I think we should wait until sundown before leaving." Tadashi said bluntly, "At this point I…wait, are we clear?"
One of the guards quickly stepped out of the room and returned, giving a thumbs up.
"Good...........I hate that guy, he just annoys me to no end. Have we got anything on him?"
Everyone sighed and looked away, knowing no more than Tadashi when it came to Zhao's deeds.
"Ever since the formation of Military Intelligence Zhao has been by the books, or as by the books as someone like him can be," Aki talked quietly. "There is one anomaly though, whilst Admiral was still a lieutenant that we are looking into."
"What's that?" Tadashi asked optimistically.
"Well the Admiral was in Si Wong Desert for reasons we don't know when he should have been further up north. Honestly that alone is not enough to convict him anymore but there are also rumours of a spirit library there that holds information collected over thousands of years."
"And he just found it?" one of the guards asked sceptically.
"Perhaps," Aki confirmed, "But we do know he took a 14 man team and came back with only 5 men."
Everyone inwardly gasped, trying to wrap their minds around what could be so important to lose men like that.
"If it's a spirit library why don't we try asking the spirits?" another guard suggested.
"Brilliant idea….if we knew someone who could speak to spirits." Tadashi said in a deadpan voice.
"Any other ideas?" Aki asked, "If not I suggest we visit this library ourselves."
"Isn't that way out of the way and aren't we heading towards the North Pole right now?" Tadashi asked, considering the idea mentally.
"If we leave tonight we can get there and back, assuming we don't run into any delays."
The others in the room nodded in approval, the idea of visiting a library sounding promising to the odd bunch of officers.
"Sure, we should do it then." Tadashi said, "But not a word to anyone until we've on our ship."
"We are the sons and daughters of fire, the superior element! Until today only one thing stood our path to victory, the Avatar. I am here to tell you that he is now my prisoner!" Zhao boasted as the crowd cheered in approval. "This is the year Sozin's Comet returns to grant us its power!"
"This is the year the Fire Nation breaks through the walls of Ba Sing Se and burns the city to the ground!" The crowd continued to cheer, almost drowning out Zhao, whose smirk was filled with malicious intent.
Whilst the Admiral was regaling in the cheers of the soldiers and ministers below him he was unaware of the activity in the background. As expected General Shinu and Director Tadashi were on the platform with Zhao, listening to his speech with distaste in their eyes. Elsewhere Aki was finishing up preparations to sail, only needing to wait for Tadashi and the guards near him before they could leave.
"Captain, there's a single intruder." Kuro came up to her and spoke quietly.
"Follow them, don't alert anyone. They could be allied with the Avatar." She ordered, leaving Kuro to go on another stealth task.
He followed quietly as Aki made her way to Tadashi. Kuro, despite his allegiance to the Fire Nation, kept quiet as the intruder took out several guards and entered the Avatars holding cell. He was thankful that he was still wearing his stealth clothing and not Fire Nation armour otherwise dealing with the intruder might have been unnecessarily harder.
Standing just outside of the duo's sight, Kuro noticed that the guards were unconscious, wondering just who the masked assailant could be. He used bits of cloth and rope to tie the guards as the masked person struck the Avatar's chains, freeing him. Kuro had just enough time to line up the guards when the duo ran out of the room.
"If you're going to incapacitate guards then tie them up at least." He said, shrugging towards the masked man as he brought out his swords in a stance. "Don't worry, I'm friendly enough. If you're rescuing the Avatar then I recommend taking the path down the hall to the right then left, there are less guards and you'll be closer to the exit that way."
Before Aang or the masked person could react Kuro seemingly vanished, using his earthbending to fall through the wall as if it were an illusion. He resurfaced in an armoury, proceeding to locate a set of armour that was standard in design and with a face plate, put it on and wait until he could hear the cries of the unconscious guards as they woke up. Of course to the knocked-out guards he seemed like just another soldier so when they saw him relief was clearly evident on their faces. This did mean that enough time had passed since Aang's recuse before someone alerted the base to what was going on.
After receiving enough praise and congratulatory words from the Fire Nation troops Zhao turned towards his peers and smirked.
"From what I've heard you're leaving so soon, all your soldiers are on that ship of your already. Could it be that you can't stand to witness real talent?" Zhao taunted.
"That's not it," Tadashi said dismissively, "Military Intelligence recently found information on a critical Earth Kingdom supply chain, so we're heading there now to claim and blockade the route. Father asked me to personally deal with it so it's such a shame I can't stay."
"I see….." Zhao said in a slightly annoyed tone.
"That sounds dangerous," General Shinu added, "If you need assistance I'm always here."
"Thank you General, I'll keep that in mind for the future." Tadashi said respectfully as Aki walked into the room and did a quick salute.
"Director, preparations to leave are complete." She said in her professional voice.
"Ahh, time to g-"Tadashi was interrupted by a call of alarm.
"The Avatar has escaped! Someone is aiding the Avatar! They are near the West wall!" voices could be heard saying.
"It seems we can't leave yet." Tadashi grimaced, "Captain, have all officers watching the exits we need to catch the intruder and see who exactly they're working for."
"And what of the Avatar?" Shinu asked.
"We have the Yuyan archers for that. If they can catch him once, they can do it again.....right?" Tadashi shrugged.
As the masked man and Avatar started fighting General Shinu called one of the archers in the room, right when Tadashi and Aki quickly left, Zhao was too caught up in the fighting below to even notice.
"Get Zhao's helper to follow the Avatar and find out who aided him, afterwards he should keep watching Zhao, I sense something odd about him." Tadashi told Aki, referring to the guard they had posted under Zhao.
With a quick nod the two separated, Aki towards the fighting and Tadashi towards his ship were the rest of his crew were waiting. By the time the captain had reached the scene, the masked man held his dual blades up to Aang's neck, threatening to kill him if the gate wasn't opened. Zhao had ordered the gate open and just afterwards ordered the Yuyan archer next to him to fire. Knowing there was nothing more she could do she found Zhao's helper and passed on the message, heading towards their ship.
Only the next day as they were trailing past the former pirates trading spot that they realised Zuko had been under the mask, as a report from Zhao's helper outlined. The report also stated that in a fit of anger Zhao had given the Yuyan archers back to General Shinu in disgust after they failed to track down Zuko or Aang immediately after their escape. The report closed off with information that Zhao was already on the move too, however he would be heading further north in an effort to catch the Avatar before he crosses the Northern Seas, the complete opposite direction the Crimson Raiders were going.
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Project G00
|Nanopunk |Crafting | Detailed Science and experiments | Inner thoughts | Bio-Robots | Evolution | Infodumps | Tell not Show | Insane to Sane | Slow and Detailed Pace | Puddle to Unknown | Artificial Intelligence | Trans-humanism | Bad Jokes | Moving 'Dungeon' Core | Hi! I am G00. I am a project made by some weirdo. Some may refer to me as the wobbly thing in the fridge or the slimy thing in the ceiling. Others might tell you about that sticky thing inside your nose. In the end, they called me the Seed of Life, yet didn’t tell me what I was supposed to become. Furthermore, it just happens that this stage was the most miserable place to reincarnate... Reincarnate as in… What the hell did I become?! (Whispers) You are a puddle. A puddle? (Whispers) Yes. C’mon little guy, say your lines! You’re live right now! Welcome to puddle-springs aka the afterlife of a puddle. CUT! Eh? Why?! No edition or photoshop needed?! We’re short on puddle-staff. The camera is broken, I am broken, and you are broken. Wait! How can a puddle be broken? You are not a puddle, you are frozen yogurt. NOOOOOOOOOO! Additional summary: Spoiler: Spoiler Humanity has finally made the second step towards space. Many developments were taking place at the time this happened. All of them accomplished thanks to nanotechnology. Inventions regarding Artificial Intelligence and nanorobotics created the opportunity, a way to terraform planets by sending nanorobots to space. Their orders? Colonizing and preparing the new worlds before humanity's arrival, aka terraforming. Meet G00, a weird agglomeration of nanomachines. A bit stupid, but it's not because he was like that. The little guy... 'He' is really broken. The hardest start of a story is when language is oddly misunderstood, when you know nothing of the place you just arrived; when your companion is a buggy system, and when you have to repair yourself with whatever trash you can scavenge from your surroundings. All of this while you fight your worst enemy: potatoes? What will you do in an unfamiliar circumstance where nothing is what it seems and where you won't even understand the boring ramblings of a confused main character? Well, patience will... probably have a reward? Additional tags and disclaimers: Read before starting the story: Harem: Not included for the moment, depends on characters added, votes by readers, and things that happen on the go. Magic: Far away chapters maybe... as part of high level or non-understandable things by science. Slice of life: Probably some parts will include it. Disclaimer #1: Crazy amount of content about high-tech info-dumps, slow pace, starts with biology and nanotechnology. Might have some weird jokes and puns. Game bugs are also possible. Disclaimer #2: No puddles were harmed during the making of this story. No character is real, no real puddle was used as part of the cast. Character is stupid at the start on purpose but he will get beta and beta. All written content follows a logical approach no matter how stupid it appears to be, maybe… Because it’s just a raccoon splashing some cotton-candy over a puddle after it was thrown. Yup, a bully raccoon with rabies or so it seems.
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