《The Middle Child of the Fire》Book 0: Chapter 5
Tadashi had woken to a statement he never thought he'd have to hear. He could see the sadness in Naoko's eyes as she repeated herself for the third time that morning.
"The Fire Lord has been gracious enough to give Zuko two days to recover."
"But why?" he asked, his hands twitching slightly.
Naoko sighed, having explained this before already. She was reluctant to move any closer than two feet away from his bed but if things were to get out of hands then another incident would occur. So following her own personal routine she gently sat on the bed and took Tadashi's hand, gently rubbing it with her thumb until he calmed down.
"It's unfortunate that your bother has been banished, but you can at least be there for him, let him know that a friendly face will be there to welcome him back?" Naoko spoke softly.
"You're right," Tadashi nodded, giving Naoko a half-smile, "Thanks."
Naoko blushed slightly, not knowing what to say. Her position as a servant forbid gestures like this, dictating that she should be seen and not heard but from the day she met her master she knew he was quite different. Not unlike Lady Ursa, Tadashi would thank the servants and do thoughtful things to make their lives easier, this was why the servants came to like him. But the unique environment that was the Fire Nation Royal Family brought about something else too, a more attention-seeking and power hungry side that would surface every now and then. It scared her to think what would happen if she ever stepped out of line, suffering a fate not to similar to some of Ozai's and Azula's servants.
"You're welcome," she said, pulling away from the boy. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to attend to your fa-…..the Fire Lord."
Tadashi grimaced, that was the last person he wanted to think about. The thought of his father made him want to stay in bed but the sun had already risen and it would be counterproductive for a firebending prince to waste time that could be training, taking lessons or doing some other menial task in his never-ending path to please his father. Still lost in thought he didn't realise as Naoko had brought out a set of clothing for him to wear and was already at the door.
"Oh, by the way," Naoko interrupted his thoughts, "The Fire Lord requests your presence at noon."
Tadashi gulped but nodded, already dreading the confrontation. As Naoko left the room he quickly changed, slipping into more suitable clothing for the day and left to go find something to eat before seeing Zuko. It was unusually quiet, not a single servant or guard could be seen on his way to the kitchens and even once he had entered the kitchens there wasn't a single member of staff about.
"Odd…." Tadashi mumbled to himself, but he shrugged it off, deciding to get something to eat himself.
Cooking was a skill that Tadashi had only learnt once Naoko had started working in the palace. Coming from a middle class background the girl had plenty of experience cooking for herself and was coerced into teaching the young boy when he caught her in the kitchens one night. Tadashi kept himself busy, cooking eggs and Komodo sausages in a small pan, he was so preoccupied that he didn't notice the staff slowly trickling into the room.
"Um…Prince Tadashi?" the head chef called warily.
Tadashi froze, turning around to meet the chef, a tall and burly man with a light scar on his upper lip. Luckily for the young boy his meal was prepared and the staff had seen him cook before so explaining himself wouldn't be a bother.
"We can do that…." The head chef muttered, shuffling in an agitated manner.
"Oh, tha-" Tadashi began but was interrupted by another chef.
"What he means is that it's not your place to make food, that's our job. The Fire Lord has reminded us of this." he said, rubbing his arm whilst trying to avoid eye contact with Tadashi.
The boy could only nod, unable to understand why this was happening but knowing that the kitchen staff were saying this for his and their benefit. He quickly left the kitchen, mumbling that he also wanted some fruit and left to the dining room. At this time it was empty, no one was around and there were no guards stationed about either. Tadashi sighed, grateful to have some alone time while he recollected his thoughts. Not too long later Naoko entered the room carrying a tray with his food, her face seemed stiffer than usual and he noticed that her clothing was different from what she had been wearing earlier. Knowing that the young boy sensed something wrong Naoko quickly placed the tray on the table, bowed and whispered something that no eavesdropper would hear.
"After you finish eating, go to your room,"
Her words were short and abrupt, but she quickly straightened and took a posture against one of the walls, waiting for Tadashi to finish. The young boy was surprised, this was the first time in a while that she'd acted this way when only the two of them were together but sensing that his father might have had a hand in everything that's going on he focused on quickly finishing his breakfast, realising that he was hungrier than he thought.
After finishing his meal the two quickly left the room, another servant walking in to clear the remains. Tadashi recognised the older boy but he didn't even spare a glance at Tadashi, instead focusing on the floor in front of him. All the servants seemed to have returned to their posts, guards included but everyone that passed by, guard or servant, would glance away as Tadashi made his way to his room. The feeling in the pit of his stomach was unsettling. By the time that the two were in Tadashi's room the boy was thoroughly confused and slightly angry.
"So, what is all this? Why won't anyone talk to me? Why was everyone missing this morning and when did you change your clothing?" he blurted out, walking back and forth in his room with restlessness.
Naoko wanted to move forwards but stayed put, thinking of her answer before speaking much softer than usual, wary of anyone that might be outside.
"You see the Fire Lord called us all to the throne room this morning, he told us that you were to be treated this way. He wouldn't elaborate why but he said that anyone found being friendly with you was to be banished without hesitation."
Tadashi stopped walking, unable to believe what he'd heard.
"But why?" he murmured, eyes dropping slightly.
"I'm not entirely sure….but I think your….um father is wary of you," she paused looking around nervously, "you see with Zuko being banished to hunt the Avatar you will become the Crown Prince."
"What?" Tadashi had never thought of that before.
He couldn't help but wonder how life as the Crown Prince would be but everything that had been happening lately was too strange to appreciate this potential reality.
"How am I a threat?" Tadashi wondered aloud, but taken by surprise when Naoko answered without missing a beat.
"That's easy, it was the way you dealt with Zhao. It proved to your father that you have what it takes to be ruthless but at the same time he doesn't treat you like his own son so that may make him weary."
Tadashi's eyes opened, he had never expected Naoko or anyone else for that matter to come to the same conclusion he did many years ago.
"How do you know? Do you think he's not my father too?" Tadashi asked, fearing the answer.
"I didn't mean that," Naoko grimaced slightly before moving to console the younger boy, realising that he was thoroughly confused. "He is your father after all but I think you're much better than he is."
The words she spoke could have easily been seen as treasonous, especially as it was said to a potential Fire Lord now. Tadashi knew that everything he had been told was meant to be a secret, it wasn't the first time things like this had happened. In the past Tadashi and Azula would often spy on their grandfather, knowing ahead of time about palace functions, changes in guard formations and even the time their grandfather threw fire at a servant for calling him Fired Lord by accident.
"OK, fine. I get all that," Tadashi spoke, "but what happened to you?"
Naoko stepped back suddenly, but she was too slow for Tadashi who caught her arm and held it up, careful to only touch her hand as he saw her wince in pain. She didn't know what to do, pulling away half-heartedly and fighting back a whimper.
"He burned you," Tadashi's voice almost growled.
Seeing the anger building up within him, Naoko pulled Tadashi closer and hugged him, hoping that the sudden embrace would calm him down. Fortunately for her it did, as he quickly let go of her, putting his own half-hearted attempt to separate them before accepting her embrace.
"I'm sorry," He said, "This is all my fault."
Naoko smiled softly, stroking the boy's dark hair affectionately. Coming from a family of girls she never knew what having a brother was like but knew that it wouldn't be that much different from this, she only wished the circumstances were different. After a minute she pulled away, a pained look in her eyes as she hoped no one had seen the two of them.
"Nothing is your fault Tadashi, you're kind and strong and I'd never wish to serve someone else." She began, fiddling with the sleeve of her arm before pulling it back.
Tadashi gasped slightly as he saw the burn, the skin seemed to be boiling, and exactly the same way Zhao's had after their fight. Without thinking he had moved his hand and focused his attention on the heat that was still there, drawing as much away from her arm as possible. Naoko stiffened at first before realising that the pain in her arm was receding, marvelling at how efficient Tadashi's bending seemed to be, that was until she noticed he was breathing hard.
"That's enough," she said, "I'm fine now….thank you."
Tadashi breathed deeply a few times until he could feel his energy pool returning to normal levels. For him, the process of helping Naoko relieved him of some stress, helping to calm his mind and heart down immensely.
"What would I do without you?" Tadashi asked out of the blue.
Naoko laughed, already passed the stage of blushing and proceeding to hug Tadashi again who didn't complain.
"You'd be just fine, the real question is what would I do without such a wonderful master to serve?"
"Don't put it like that…." Tadashi complained before chuckling slightly.
The two stayed like that for an hour, talking, teasing and coming to a better understanding about the situation with Tadashi and the Fire Lord. A knock on the door caught their attention as Naoko jumped back into her regular servant expression, ready to act as if nothing had transpired. A plain looking man walked into the room, looking absentminded.
"Sorry for the disturbance Prince Tadashi but Naoko's presence is required with the palace herbalist," he spoke slowly and carefully.
"Why?" Tadashi asked curiously.
The man stiffened, clearly not expecting the question.
"She's been asked to help go and purchase a fresh patch of potent herbs." He quickly explained, motioning for Naoko to leave.
The girl gave a quick bow to Tadashi before hopping out the room, the man doing a similar action, leaving Tadashi to himself. The young firebender sighed, still frustrated by what was happening, he began thinking of what would happen when he met his father later, what he would do, how angry he would be. Listening to his internal clock as all firebender were taught he realised that noon was still a while away, meaning he could use the remaining time to check up on Zuko. Not wanting to disturb or be spotted by anyone, Tadashi made a game of sticking to the shadows, using his smoke to throw off anyone that he thought would see him and it almost worked until he bumped into his Uncle.
"It's not every day you see a Prince of the Fire Nation sticking to the shadows," he said, looking at Tadashi quizzically.
"Hello Uncle," Tadashi said, "I'm here to see Zuko."
"I see, well Zuko is still asleep, but I'm sure he'd appreciate the company when he awakens." Iroh gave Tadashi a small smile.
"I can't stay for long, father wants to see me at noon," Tadashi grumbled.
Iroh suddenly tensed upon hearing Tadashi's words, he looked around before facing the boy again.
"I understand, he most likely wants to speak to you about your bout with Zhao. I have to say that was a very foolish thing to do. Fate is often unkind to those that are unkind themselves."
"Father already burned Nao- my servant," Tadashi spoke bitterly.
Iroh noticed the pain in the boy's eyes and tried to remain unemotional as he pushed back the anger towards his own brother.
"I see, it seems that fate has been working rather quickly these past few months." Iroh said, looking off into the distance before refocusing on Tadashi again. "Although it's unfortunate, you need to be more wary in the future, Prince Zuko had paid the price for what he's done and I don't think you need to follow his actions so soon."
Tadashi squirmed, somewhat uncomfortable by the way his uncle was lecturing him but listened on anyway.
"I can feel the anger in you, for firebenders our anger is often our source of power, some draw their power from other sources but for long we have used our anger to power us. But remember that anger distracts the mind, it leads to paranoia and can ultimately lead to your destruction."
Tadashi nodded, understanding what his uncle was trying to say. The moment he faced Zhao he pictured the man that attacked his sister many years ago and let his anger towards him take over and fuel his attacks. Thinking about it now was enough to make him shudder in disgust. His Uncle had stopped talking for a while, the two staying there for a few moments before his Uncle spoke out again.
"Would you care to come inside for some tea? There's still a while before you need to meet your father."
"No thanks," Tadashi excused himself, "I think it's best I just get there early to be honest."
Iroh nodded, turning back to walk into Zuko's room. Tadashi sighed in relief, he knew that staying with his Uncle would only make him feel worse about himself. Thinking of what to do, Tadashi decided that it would be best to simply wait till noon in front of the throne room as he said he would.
It didn't take long for the sun to slowly rise to it's highest point, signifying noon. As Tadashi entered the throne room he felt scared, this was the first time that he'd entered on his own. His father, Fire Lord Ozai, was seated around a wall of intimidating fire. Tadashi instantly bowed as he had been taught to. He remained face down until his father called out to him.
"Prince Tadashi, do you know why I called you here?" every word he said sounded threatening.
"Zaho," Tadashi managed to speak, using every fibre of his body to stop shaking.
"Yes, that is part of why I called you today. You see I was impressed with the way you handled that…..lieutenant who I had intend on promoting."
"That man was going to get a promotion?" Tadashi asked, too confused to let his fear take over him.
"Of course, having easily manipulated pawns take charge allows me to impose my will that much more easily. That was why I was so….impressed with the way you exploited his anger."
"Thank you, father." Tadashi said, more out of comprehension than gratitude.
"Yes…..the way you used smoke to control the battle was also quite impressive and I've heard that you taught your sister this skill too?"
"Yes," Tadashi confirmed.
"Good, I can see you understand the benefit of having powerful allies, especially those with such…close connections."
Tadashi remained silent, unable to respond, his father was about to speak again when a messenger ran into the room, immediately dropping into a bow before speaking.
"Forgive me for interrupting but I have urgent news!" he exclaimed.
Ozai was absolutely vexed by the interruption but didn't show it, noticing the grimace Tadashi was now giving the messenger, the small action was enough to confirm that the boy was the right choice for his plans.
"You may go Tadashi, we'll speak again some other time."
"Yes father," Tadashi bowed, quickly exited the room.
Unable to maintain his breath, Tadashi gasped desperately for air, unable to shake the anxiety that was taking over his senses. A barrage of thoughts threatened to snap his concentration, leading him to a void of senseless chases and impractical fights. As his rate of breathing began to relax he couldn't help but let out a shout, uncaring if anyone saw the way he was crying. He didn't know why talking to his father scared him, he couldn't think of any particular moment that did it or any threatening words he said that meant something more. Before he knew it a pair of the nearby guards had rushed to assist Tadashi but he waved them away, ensuring the men that he was fine.
"I'm going to see Zuko" he mumbled to himself before stumbling off, hoping that his older brother was now awake.
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