《The Middle Child of the Fire》Book 0: Chapter 3
The next two months passed quietly, much to Tadashi’s annoyance. Everyone kept themselves busy, including his father, the new Fire Lord. With a complete reconfiguration of the higher administration, Fire Lord Ozai banished those that he didn’t trust, although simply sending them away would be too apparent of his mistrust. Instead he sent them on glorified suicide missions, martyrs to the Fire Nation cause and an inspiration for new soldiers who were enlisted into the army.
Uncle Iroh was oddly absent, he would visit from time to time, speaking with Zuko whenever he visited but never seen at other times. Azula would often say that he was wallowing in his failure, a thought that Tadashi himself saw as pitiful. If it weren’t for the fact that his Uncle had often given him pointers on his firebending and was the inspiration behind the smoke-style he developed then Tadashi was sure he’d see him in the same light that Azula does.
Zuko had strangely opened up more, although it was merely artificial. Whenever Tadashi and his elder brother would meet each other the older boy would try to hide his grief and put on a mask of indifference. Tadashi of course would pretend not to notice and play along with the charade, something that Zuko appreciated. The two would practice their bending sometimes, often sparing. Zuko would struggle to keep up with his younger brother but managed to keep on finding some hidden drive to even the odds, even if the resulting fire came out raw and inaccurate.
Azula was the only one that didn’t let the surrounding events affect her, instead she focused on the one spark of blue flame that Tadashi had created and spent all her free time practicing. The moments where Tadashi glimpsed at her training program were impressive, great plumes of red fire released in every attack, but the young girl would always shout at him to leave, annoyed by his presence, even throwing fire at him until he went away.
That was until this week.
“Brother, come quick!” she whispered aloud, pulling the boy by the sleeve into one of the palace training rooms.
“Yes, I’m coming,” Tadashi murmured, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
He wanted to swear, it was the dead of the night and Azula had sneaked into his room, passed by the guards patrolling and dragged him into one of the sparring rooms. As Tadashi closed the door he sighed to himself, stifling a yawn and turning to face the young girl who was bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“I did it!” she spoke, barely able to contain her excitement.
“Did what?” Tadashi asked.
Instead of replying Azula got into her firebending stance started making the same motions she had done two months ago, her arms falling outwards and inwards into the correct stances but what came next was a surprise for the boy.
Smoke, great big puffs of it surrounded Azula like a trail of dark clouds. As she moved she created rings of the ash-like air on the ground, using heat to slowly rise it. Then with a display of finesse the room exploded with a breathtakingly immense wave of blue fire. A mixture of intense flames soared through the air, enough to make Tadashi unconsciously sweat. Azula had mimicked her elder brother’s performance and perfected it. Every movement was made deliberately and with grace yet the fire felt harsh and cold, ready to strike though the heart of any opponent. With a final series of moves, the young girl drew the remaining embers and smoke in to form a ball, similar to what Tadashi had done but instead of condensing it she expanded the ball. This resulted in the room being filled by a surreal glow, more than enough to entrance the boy who watched in amazement. The ball continually expanded until Tadashi noticed that he was slowly backing away.
“Umm…..Azula-" Tadashi wanted to warn her sister but saw the intense look on her face.
A soft scoff escaped the boy’s mouth as he couldn’t help but smile, taking in his sister’s hard work for the first time in months. Even as he reluctantly stepped back he could see the ball of fire visibly start wavering, eventually dithering out into nothing more than blue embers, a sight that Tadashi made a note to never forget.
The two stood there for moments, the girl unable to speak, drawing great breaths despite her small frame and the boy who didn’t know what he could say, his mind taking in the sight his sister decided to share with him.
“Well, what do you think?” Azula asked expectantly.
Tadashi paused, looking back at the girl who was waiting somewhat impatiently. Her whole form suited a ruler, someone of exceptional confidence in their abilities. But Tadashi could see it, the moments of hesitation, the way her lip would waver or how her eyes would briefly look away. Thoughts that were nothing but envious of her ability surfaced, the need to point out how childish her need to copy him or find non-existent flaws in her performance. Thinking of such things, Tadashi walked forwards, taking a deep breath and pushing the thoughts away. As he wrapped his arms around her, surprising even himself, he couldn’t help but feel happy. A feeling that he never thought he’d feel so much for another person.
“I’m exceptionally proud,” he spoke quietly, stifling a laugh as the young girls body stiffened, “you did so well, I’m sure father would say the same thing.”
“Really?” Azula asked, for once her voice conveyed nothing but honest curiosity.
“I’m sure of it,” his hand rubbed Azula’s head, much to her annoyance.
Tadashi pulled away from the girl, giving her a confident smirk.
“Well of course it was exceptional, I’m going to become the best fire bender in history, and it’s only natural I display such talents now.” She spoke with as much arrogance as a ten year old girl could muster.
Tadashi, one to not let such an opportunity pass, came up with a similar reply.
“Yes, of course!” he said exaggeratedly, “It’s a shame that I’ve already come up with a new use for firebending, something you’ve never even thought about!”
Azula looked at him incredulously, trying to stifle a set of giggles.
“Oh yes, I do mean it. Of course I’d be more than happy to teach my precious little sister some new tricks……….if she were to swear fealty to me?” Tadashi purposefully paused before he said those last words.
Azula’s face almost contorted into one of rage before she picked up the meaning of his words, a deep blush formed on her face as she attempted to maintain eye contact with Tadashi.
“You know if father heard those words they could easily be mistaken for treason?” Azula stated, placing one hand on her hip, “Of course I’ll forgive your foolish words this time,”
The two laughed, happily bantering with each other, demonstrating what they knew from their private training session and before they knew it many hours had passed.
“Did we stay up the whole night?” Tadashi asked, unable to stop yawning.
There was no answer, in fact as Tadashi looked to Azula who was sitting next to him, her head dropping slightly as she snored quietly. The boy smiled warmly, knowing he had been in the presence of an Azula that not even their father got to see. He moved his hand to wake her but paused, deciding to carry her back to her room instead. The journey back was thankfully uneventful, the guards either too tired or bored to patrol properly, dawn only a few hours away. As Tadashi crept back into his room he couldn’t wipe the smug grin of his face, it wasn’t that he was exceptionally happy but that he had not been bluffing earlier, he really did know a new trick to teach Azula.
“I wonder what Zuko would say if he saw that performance?” Tadashi mumbled to himself as he slipped into his room, quickly drifting back to sleep.
With everything seemingly falling into a steady pace, life continued somewhat peacefully for those within the Fire Lord's close family. Azula had her friends over more often, the trio of girls would play pranks and practice their unique talents. Tadashi had learnt that Mai and Zuko harboured feelings for each other, the way they would glance at one another before looking away in embarrassment made Tadashi feel awkward around them. Out of Azula’s two friends, Mai never really spoke to him, often saying a curt greeting before moving along with Azula or looking for Zuko. Ty Lee was more approachable, having taken an interest in Tadashi. He too couldn’t help but admit that he admired the athletic ability she held, her acrobatics were advanced for her age. The day that he asked if she could teach him surprised her, but she readily accepted, more than happy that someone appreciated the work she put into her abilities. Before they knew it a year had passed since the day Fire Lord Ozai was crowned, the group of five had grown somewhat close, although tensions between Azula and Zuko never seemed to settle.
One particular afternoon the group had been given time to spend on Ember Island, relaxing by the beach but also chaperoned by the twin advisors Lo and Li.
“Let’s do something,” Azula stated, bored from staring at the ocean for the third time that day.
“Like what?” Mai asked.
“I know!” Ty Lee jumped to her feet,” Why don’t we go exploring the local jungles? I bet we can find some amazing flora there!”
Azula sighed, contemplating what her friend has said whilst gazing at Zuko and Tadashi who were busy playing a game of Shogi. Zuko had put up a good effort, using his Silver Generals to protect their King with a valiant effort but Tadashi had used a underhanded technique, sacrificing his Gold General and a quarter of his army to stealthily promote his Rook, and two Silver Generals, giving him the advantage. Although Azula found such games to be a bore, she couldn’t help but admire the skill that a tactical game like Shogi forced you to use, not only had Tadashi been several steps ahead of Zuko but the elder brother had not even realised.
Before she knew it an idea formed in her head, she leaned towards Mai who was lying down beside her and whispered in her ear. Ty Lee looked at the two curiously before ignoring them and practicing her handstands as usual. After Azula had finished talking, she got up, motioning for Mai and Ty Lee to follow and walked over to where Lo and Li were sunbathing, finding it hard not to grimace at their decrepit bodies.
“Lo, Li, we’re going exploring.” Azula stated.
Both women glanced at one another for a second before nodding in respect.
“Be careful Princess Azula,” Lo spoke.
With a curt nod, Azula turned on her heel and left, followed closely by her two friends. Tadashi, facing the direction that the trio were coming from, glanced briefly towards Azula who placed a finger to her lips. The boy sighed, rolling his eyes and focusing back on the board.
“Why did we start playing this again?” Zuko suddenly asked, frustrated that he didn’t know what to do next.
“Because,” Tadashi spoke in an all-knowing tone, “this will help you when thinking of military strategies.”
“It’s just a stupid game!” Zuko replied, throwing his arms in the air.
“That may be true, but if you treat all your units like their special you’ll get nowhere.”
Zuko gave his brother a surprised look, taking in his words before speaking slowly.
“I never knew you’d be so…..blunt.” he said, somewhat disappointed.
“Blunt? I’m not sure you have the right word there, but I’ll do what it takes to ensure the majority of my forces return safely. It’s a mixture of saving resources, manpower and approval. Be sure to remember that manpower and approval aren’t the same thing, a man with outward courage dares to die but a man with inner courage dares to live…..or something like that.” Tadashi spoke.
“You sound like Uncle,” Zuko chuckled.
“Oh…..I guess I do,” Tadashi frowned slightly before focusing back on the board.
“At any rate by sacrificing one of my pieces I ensured that the rest were safe and captured the enemy King with ease,” Tadashi moved his Gold General to capture Zuko’s King piece, ending the game.
Zuko nodded, accepting the loss but already thinking of another strategy to win the next game as Tadashi reset all the pieces. The two continued to play, at times Zuko switched up his tactics and came close to putting Tadashi on edge, but his over caring attitude would always give his brother the victory. Before they knew it the sun had started to set and most of the people who were relaxing at the beach had left.
“Prince Zuko, Prince Tadashi, it is time to go and look for your sister and her friends!” Lo and Li said together.
Zuko turned to face them before remembering what they were wearing and failed to hide his grimace, instead looking back at his younger brother who chuckled in amusement.
“They’re not here?” Zuko asked.
“Apparently not,” Tadashi replied, “We might as well go now.”
The two packed up the Shogi set before walking towards the beach house they were staying at, owned by the elderly twins. Azula was waiting by the entrance, an uncharacteristically worried look on her face.
“Oh, Zuzu…..Mai is missing!” she said, with a pained look in her eyes.
“What! How did that happen?” Zuko asked, his face getting paler by the second.
“We were exploring the jungle and got separated, poor Mai didn’t respond to my calls so I came back to find some he-“before she could finish, Zuko was already off.
“Zuko, wait!” Tadashi screamed, but his elder brother ignored him, running down a road that led into the local jungle.
Azula maintained her distressed appearance for all of two seconds after Zuko ran off, preceding to laugh maliciously as tears formed by her eyes.
“Hahaha….that was my best trick yet!” She said, turning to face Tadashi.
“So Mai is inside then?” Tadashi asked.
“Of course, she’s not stupid enough to get lost that easily,”
Tadashi paused, somewhat conflicted. He didn’t want to admit that he was impressed by his sisters acting capabilities but it was getting increasingly late and traversing any jungle in the dark was beyond dangerous.
“I’m going to get Zuko,” he sighed, “No more tricks though, it gets tiring cleaning up after you,”
“Ok,” Azula smiled as she rolled her eyes, clearly making no promises.
Tadashi remained calm as he went after Zuko, walking down the path that led to the edge of the jungle. He didn’t want to spend any time in here, especially as it was possible to run into wild Armadillo bears which tore their prey to shreds without warning. Tadashi unwillingly gulped, taking in his surroundings.
“It would be foolish to shout,” Tadashi murmured to himself, putting himself into a stance.
Taking deep breaths, the boy put his mind at ease and focused on the heat around him. He felt the coldness of the trees, the humidity of the air and the last intense rays of the sun. As nice as those felt it wasn’t what the young firebender was looking for, so he took a deeper breath, extending his chi further than he had before. The first sign of life he sensed came from a bird, a flock that was nesting in the tall trees the jungle offered. There were small creatures moving along the floor and a komodo rhino grazing not too far away. Frowning in annoyance, Tadashi tried to extend his reach further when the familiar flame of his elder brother popped up.
“Zuko!” he said delightedly, running off in the direction he felt the heat coming from.
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