《Idle Dreamer: First World》Additional Content: Enkyall


At first, he took the world and slowed its spin. It had all the elements the being wished to work with, perfect mediums. The blue sun hid the first medium he wanted into particles surrounding the planet. So instead he started from the core. Hand delved beneath the surface. They gripped and squeezed. His thumbs kneaded gasses up and away while further compressing and charging the metal. His eyes saw the weak band circling his planet and facing the sun thicken and fend off the worst of the radiation.

Gasses condensed and slowed their flight from the green and red rock. Still, it was too hot for his purposes. He shifted the planet and the atmosphere collapsed and clung to the rock. Crystalline structures formed. They were beautiful and he watched for a time, but these too did not serve his purpose. Perhaps somewhere in between. No, not there either. After some finicking with the exacting distance, spin, and tilt he found the perfect placement. Crystals of all types transformed; some liquified coating a majority of his world, and others embraced it with their gaseous form.

There was another problem. After all of this tinkering, his world in its perfect state kept getting drawn towards the sun. All his careful finessing raveling away. There was little point if it just sank to the sun and burnt away. Frustrated, he kicked the useless lump away. Much to his surprise it circled and bumped into him from the back. He chuckled and wondered how he had missed all of the bands of dust and other rocks orbiting around each other and the star. Recalling his prior adjustments he set to his work again. Once finished, carefully he nudged it on a course around the blue mote of light.

Perhaps, he had nudged a bit too hard. Rather than a perfectly circular orbit, the course was more... oblong. Still, water was wet and he could see parts of it freeze when it wasn't. The tectonics were mostly stable. It was good enough.


This was his work, unique and beautiful, and his entertainment. It was just a moment, but the being took the time and watched as his planet cycled around the star. Like its orbit, the spin made it slightly off and oblong. His eyes followed the swirling green layers of gas. They both were part of his work and protected it. Waters from below and gasses from beneath rose and cooled in the lower atmosphere. In their cooling, they condense into fluffy white and grey clouds. At times he painted shapes and dreams amongst them. At times even, once saturated his paintings would disperse or storm and rain.

Beneath the skies, he beheld the white caps and their strange twisting structures of crystal and ice. Vents of heated gas periodically erupted, sometimes destroying them, but he enjoyed the tinkling music of them crackling crushing and melting. This was a completely intentional feature.

Away from the poles waters swirled reflecting the atmosphere and blue sun. They swept with the winds, swirled with the spin, and boiled with the venting gasses. They danced around the few masses of land that jutted out from beneath them. Even sometimes, while idly dancing they crashed into the masses of earth. White foam rolled from green red and black. They sank in just like the rains.

There were three large protrusions which bulged up from beneath and hundreds of speckling masses that came and went after just a few thousand seasons. Two of the larger ones rose highest sitting next to one another. He liked their one green one red rhombic shapes. His favorite sat opposite of them, just barely touching, reaching into the larger frozen cap. It was almost the same shape as the outline of the planet. Streaks of ice flowed down into rivers of sparkling water. Jets of steam orchestrated a beautiful song across the patterned layers of yellows, reds, and greens.


His work, his art was everything a boy like him sought after. It was colorful, made interesting noises, and constantly changed. As many things little children were fond of it needed a name. This was a serious thing. He wasn't sure why, but it was. Countless meaningless sounds crossed his mind like Belinti, collilat, ambamia, vvvush, and splat. They were all excellent choices in his mind, but children were distractible. During one of the larger thaws, a particularly large structure cracked on one of the poles. Among the frenzied ballad, his ears trained on the smallest of events. A vent caught up several lumps of ice for a few rotations. They tinkled, cracked and crashed. As they sang, cracked apart, and dispersed to vapor he nodded deciding. His first work would be called Enkyall.

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