《Wizard Master, Apprentice Warrior》Volume One Chapter 6: The Vice Master's Troubles
Spoiler :
To people who read this:
First of all I am so sorry for the long wait. In the beginning it was because of exams and then it was because I got sick. (for those of you who also read Reincarnation Flower I will now say that sadly it is also because I somehow lost the data on that chapter and will have to rewrite it) anyway to continue while I will admit that this chapter is not my best work I don't think it is my worst work either so hopefully it will be somewhat satisfying to at least some of you.
If it isn't obvious the poll is because I can't decide what direction to go for the cover of this fanfic.
I was originally just going to go with the handle of a sword or a sword and then I thought that cover was kind of overdone to the point where it now seems a bit generic so I decided to see if there was anything that you readers would particularly like...actually originally I wasn't going to post this fanfiction until I had the cover decided but then the end of the wizard one shot contest overexcited me to the point where I had to publish this fanfic...
Anyway here are the options in a bit more detail:
Warrior Theme:
Swords, training swords, other weapons, a picture of a dojo, a picture of a generic warrior, maybe something with blood in it or with warriors fighting, something that has to stereotypically do with martial arts
Wizardry Paraphernalia:
wands, staffs, alchemical equipment, a crystal ball, a magic spell being cast, something magical doing something with magic, a stack of books, a wizard hat, a wizard tower
Magic Fighter Motif:
A staff or wand crossing a sword or training sword, a generic figure that looks like a wizard/warrior fighting a generic warrior/wizard, a weapon sitting next to wizard paraphernalia, something martial arty sitting inside a magic circle,
A Magic Creature(s):
A dragon, a unicorn, a dragon and a unicorn, a monster, a tree, a coat of arms featuring several different creatures, a magic creature fighting a warrior and or wizard, a magic creature fighting one or more magic creatures
A Landscape:
A forest, a sunset, something that looks romantic, something that gives a sense of tragedy or desolation, a pretty scene that gives the reader a taste of what the 'world' looks like, can be combined with other ideas
Historic Scene:
Something that has to do with the plot, something that has to do with a scene from the back-story that isn't written in detail, something that gives a hint to a future plot line, something that tells the reader something about one of the characters
Plain words on a plain background, pretty artistic letters on a plain background, plain or artistic words on a lacy or patterned background, plain or artistic words in front of a background but with emphasis or focus given to the words
Character Portrait(s):
Not recommended, one or more of the main characters in a random pose or situation, probably will be in manga/anime style (I am not that good an artist), Will will probably be shown in his old fashioned wizard robes, or maybe in dojo gear
Either I eeny, meeny, miny, moe the options already given, or I pick something that has nothing to do with the story at all, you guessed it: something completely random. Choosing this option means that you don't care what the cover will be and you won't bother to help me choose it either (and for some reason you want me to know that)
Either you have an idea that you want to see that is not specifically among the options given or you are an artist that works for free (sorry I can't pay money) who really wants me to use their cover art, either as is or for inspiration.
If you pick 1-8 please comment and tell me why you picked it and more detail as to what you want. If you pick the 'other' option because you are an artist but don't want to show everyone your work, you can p.m. me. If you picked what is behind door number 9, please also feel free to comment or p.m. me as to your thoughts on the subject.
Any experimental art that I make during this process, or that I am given (and have accepted and been given permission) will be later published in the story at some point
With the random option I don't really mean that I really think that way, I was just making a personal negative joke/way for you guys to tease me back
I changed the poll to allow up to 3 votes (in case anyone is like me and has a hard time choosing one thing over another)
The Vice Master's Troubles
(Vanessa Swordarm)
That guy, that most strange guy. I knew since I first met him that there was something sort of off about him and this was even before he said words that not even many grandfathers would still say.
In fact the only reason I knew about it was because my grandfather…before he left on his journey used to tell me stories about the “good old days” in his father’s time where warriors were more respected and everyone from kings to chimney sweeps had to learn honor and etiquette as part of their life education.
“Honor, and good manners…” he used to tell me “…is more important than treasure and can often be your best chance at survival”
Obviously he may have exaggerated a bit, but I can agree, that it is best to ‘play nice’ in most circumstances as you never know who you might be talking to and what would happen if you upset them. I am glad that guy seems to be a most tolerant sort or my surprised laughter or that childish mocking that I saw the other disciples give him could have ended in a blood bath.
While I feel that in most cases it is best to play nice with everyone no matter their appearance, this isn’t the norm. There is a distinct a lack of common decency now a days in this modern era. It seems that as soon as the threat of death was no longer overshadowing us it seemed that some people just went drunk from the freedom.
Soon after it became the norm to treat everyone with rudeness unless you know that they were stronger then you or had high political connections. But what I know for a fact and cannot forget as it had driven into me by my grandfather is that ‘appearances can be deceiving’. Case in point is that man’s true identity. Grandfather I shall never doubt your most wise advice again.
But still. BUT STILL! I never would have imagined his real identity would be so awesomely and conveniently THAT!
I had always wanted to see if I could be a mage. Unfortunately my mother died a few years after my birth and my father never remarried so I was the only heir of the dojo. Out of a sense of responsibility as well as adherence to tradition as the sole remaining heir to the dojo I had to stay.
Any plans of rebellion that I briefly had were swiftly cut short when I realized that I would not be a prodigy in magic. And a prodigy I would have had to be if a school or master would want to support me so much to the point that they would be willing to go against my father.
And that guy has many connections, if that noble challenger knew of just one of my father’s connections he would have probably run away in fear rather than challenge the dojo. But relying on others for dojo matters goes strongly against my father’s great pride.
More importantly, if I had been a magic prodigy I could have possibly convinced my father over time to let me take a break from the dojo and go in search of a master or school that would accept me despite my lack.
So great was my desire that I had even briefly considered relying on my beauty to get what I desired. But my better nature soon pointed out the folly of that method. Unless I had the really decent luck to catch someone with a very good moral standard with that net, I would probably end up being at the very least ‘encouraged’ or at the worst forced do things a young maiden such as myself should never be forced to do, especially without love.
Not wanting to take any chances, but mostly because even if I did find a decent person bargaining with my looks didn’t sit well to my standards.
So with that option gone and without any large amount of magic talents, I could not stand against father or connections. I would have tried to beg and plead with him. But before I was at an age where I could think to ask him, he had noticed my desires and flat out told me he would never let me leave the dojo unless he was dead.
I know for a fact he was strictly exaggerating but a far larger motivation kept me in check. Rather than being bound by fear of my father it was my affection for him. I didn’t want to disappoint or hurt him, and I especially never wanted him or more importantly myself to feel ashamed that I wasn’t living up to my filial duties.
So I was stuck,
So the only chance I had was if a teacher by fate came to me. A teacher that looked to possess at least beginner’s knowledge and more importantly was showed to be of good moral standards.
I decided then that if such a rare and extraordinary thing occurred I would immediately discard my pride and go on my knees if need be to beg.
I expected that there would be then an immediately no or a no followed after a pause of some length.
I decided that if their personality seemed to be of the less determined type if their answer was of the later I would continue my begging for as long as possible.
But when I dropped to my knees while using a cobbled together old-fashioned way to request apprenticeship that I hoped he would appreciate -his answer was completely outside my calculations…not any kind of no, or even a freakish abnormal immediate yes but a request for more time in which to answer my question.
I knew that guy was of the decent sort when I came to know him over these last few months. As evidence…there was the fact that going over my memories now that I know his background, I can honestly say that I don’t think he has ever lied to me.
Sometimes when I now and then out of boredom or politeness asked him a question that I now know would have revealed something he couldn’t answer without letting the full truth slip, he wouldn’t refuse me or say he couldn’t answer nor did he lie. He would carefully and almost poetically tell me the truth with certain revealing parts wisely cut out.
Before I had ‘known’ I had thought he answered in that way because he was an eccentric person who did not think in the same way as other people, now I continue to think that is true but also that he is a most caring person who does not want to tell lies to other people or even deceive them greatly if he can avoid it.
Yes he is a caring sort of person…I was a bit worried when I had thought he had no money as without money how would he live, let alone afford to buy things such as a practice sword? Before he had reached the level that would allow me to help him with the dojo’s money…I spied on something quite startling.
Unlike the other dojo goers who usually would only help another if they were their friend or they felt that they could earn something from them in the future…he selflessly and quietly would help the youngest and newest members in his free time.
I saw him instructing them in the little bits he had already learned, heard him say such claims such as: “since we are of a similar level it should be easier for you to learn from me” while demonstrating extremely basic forms.
Even more surprising, while most adult males would do everything in their power to avoid losing even the smallest amount of pride, he would shamelessly admit to those children that he was ‘weaker’ then them and would encourage them to go ahead when they would hang back with him while he exercised by running.
I barely stopped myself from grinning almost manically to myself that one day when I saw the precocious and elder-wary of the children easily jogging by his side yelling encouragements at him gleefully, which he tiredly but graciously accepted.
When I myself later asked him such questions as ‘why did he do that’ or ‘did he like children?’ He would give a puzzled look, then answer in way that indicated that helping children was such a natural part of him that it didn’t even warrant extra thought or a reason for him to do so, basically acting that way was to him so ‘ordinary’ that it wasn’t even worth mentioning.
“If children need help, you help them.” He answered me one time “...but that kid is faster and better at me so why wouldn’t I tell him so?” he told me on another occasion.
Basically helping the children was a part of his basic intrinsic logic. Where most people would say eating sleeping working was a natural habit. I would bet with a little work I could get him to admit to adding such additions, as ‘helping those who need help’, or ‘freely admit ones mistakes’ to what tis probably a lengthy list.
His habits were very good in many other respects as well. Firstly I will say he is the best student that I have ever had in my nearly 16 years of teaching in this dojo. He remembers clearly everything you say or instruct to him. Rarely if ever had I needed to repeat myself. He is also not afraid to ask questions. If he does not understand or know something he would quickly clearly and concisely ask.
He is also most obedient, where many of my past students would get impatient and either over do things or attempt to do things they are not yet ready for or capable of he would either do precisely what he was told, or indicate that he felt that he was able to do more by requesting that he be given more. He never did anything outside the training program I or father gave him unless he asked for it.
Admittedly he is somewhat clumsy and I would often see him trip or stumble while he trained or exercised but this small fault is almost completely negated by the fact that he has the determination to overcome it. He is constantly practicing, and practicing in ways that I and I assume most people would not think of.
For example a short time after the first time he started, I found him counting numbers as he walked panting around the jogging trail.
Burning with curiosity I walked up to him and inquired what he was doing. After catching his breath he answered
“I am getting a rough measurement of how many of my footsteps it takes for me to go around one lap” when I asked him why he continued “Well for one, whenever I come close to giving up I can encourage myself by saying ‘there is only so and so amount of steps to go before I am done. Also, it helps me to distract myself from being tired.”
One of the most perfect things about him as a student was his amazing ability to accept criticism. With most of my students if I didn’t word things subtly they would get angry and embarrassed but with him even if I told it too him straight exactly what he was doing wrong no matter what it was or the extent of it he would usually smile and say “thank you for the instruction Vice Master” and even more amazingly he would seem to completely implement my instructions because most of the faults I pointed out would soon vanish.
The strangest thing about him however, was something that was actually somewhat refreshing although it did dint what little feminine pride I had. He didn’t seem very affected by my beauty.
Even in my girl hood every male I had met, including my father was affected by my appearance in some way. With my father and those already firmly attached to another woman or too old to care, they would feel a strong sense of protectiveness of the paternal or older brother kind, they also usually gained with it a strong desire to do whatever I wanted them to do.
Through many experiments I found that only my father had some resistance but I predicted if I had pushed him only a little bit further he would have cracked. This is one of the reasons that I felt men are terrifying. Most of them are so strong yet they are so weak in other ways…
I was already somewhat terrified of my own power, but it was the thought that there were probably other females out there who could get the same results with intentions much more malicious then asking for a treat or small favor out of experimentation that made me distrust men and even some women.
With him I instinctively felt that he was trustworthy and reliable in the way that people I had known before were not.
Several times I teased him by asking of him various requests, most he would do without complaint but he never would rush to do them. Sometimes if what I asked grew too ridiculous he would ask if I was serious and then offer several options.
Almost everytime though sometimes he would blush at my antics the way he acted made it clear he was doing it because ‘I’ a senor dojo member was asking him rather than because ‘I’ a beautiful young girl was asking him.
What was most delightful about this, was that he actually listened and paid to me when I talked to him. Not even my father did that all the time but he did.
With the students I would often have to repeat myself and even then they would continue to do things that I told them not to do. With my father sometimes I would have to do things under his nose because he didn’t hear what I was saying at all and would stubbornly refuse something that I didn’t even say when I was asking something entirely different.
Although occasionally I would catch him in a glance of admiration in my direction or more often I would see him blush when I looked in his direction and know he was probably thinking of me. His gaze was never consistent or obvious and it never seemed to distract him from doing what he was supposed to be doing.
Also unlike many others I never saw any lustful looks, or any disrespectful looks towards certain areas of my person. And I was most experienced in recognizing this as often young men would come to me while I was walking about and would bother me and by their lustful gazes I would know why.
It was particularly annoying when ones that were mages did it, because I was reminded of my yearnings in that direction as well occasionally felt the temptation to accept their offerings in order to possibly ask for tutoring. But in order to discourage it I would dismiss them with at least twice as much force. It was to the point that while some of the warrior pursuers would occasionally try again a few more times, the mages never did.
Though admittedly my teasing can’t be taken for comparison to my scorn, and as I never actually dismissed him, and because he never actually tried. I still greatly enjoyed the fact that he would always quickly and easily recover from his embarrassment. Most importantly he never treated me different from anybody else. And he didn’t treat anybody else differently than me.
Although the attention I paid him really wasn’t that much more or different compared to my other students, their jealously made them think otherwise. And when I saw the mayors daughter hanging about the dojo one day I immediately guessed that one of the students had whispered in her ear rumors of favoritism.
Though I had never directly participated in the games pretty girls liked to do in the city, by virtue of my appearance I was a part of them whether I liked it or not. Though as I spent most of my time in the dojo I managed to avoid it I was still completely aware of what was going on.
Often girls or even women would accuse me in very public places of stealing their boyfriends or significant others. A few I would feel pity for because in a way this really was the case though it was through no fault of mine.
With these few, the reason for the location was because they were afraid of my skill as a martial artist and felt that being in public would protect them from be getting angry and hurting them. With these few I could be most understanding, I would clearly state that we had no intimate relationship and if their beloved wasn’t a member of my dojo I would then usually take steps to avoid them.
But for the others who were nasty in personality, I completely I had no clue what to do. These girls did their accusations in a public place not out of security but because they wanted the attention and the rumors it would create because they wanted to besmirch my character while inflating their own reputation.
According to one of them, one of the main reasons I am so popular is because my practically non existing social life gave evidence to the theory that I was a ‘pure sheltered’ type girl. Which I admit wasn’t a completely incorrect thing to think.
Supposedly the result of their actions would be that men who admired me would suddenly realize that I was actually a man stealing b***h and give up on desiring me in favor of them.
Basically mostly because I didn’t really care about who my current followers were, whether or not one of the city’s ‘beauties’ managed to steal one never bothered me or even perked my interest. So while now and then I realize there was a game afoot I was never playing it.
Occasionally I would get to witness a humorous situation were the attempted poacher failed in their poaching attempt and the prize would even suddenly declare their devotion to me right in front of them and everyone.
I conjectured, the reason why I won this game so often without even trying was mostly because most of my followers were also my students or the relatives or best buddies of my students…as such they had to respect me…and any attempt at rumors usually fell quite flat.
But the more I ‘won’ these games and with so obviously without effort the more those competitive …er girls wanted to beat me.
So I could immediately guess why that mayor’s daughter was there. What I couldn’t fathom was why for the first time felt so bothered and nervous because of it.
So much so that I took an exception in the form of a break in order to hide and watch what would happen.
It took a while for that girl to even find him…partly because ever since becoming an official student his schedule was almost as busy as me but also probably because many of the men seemed to be jealous at the thought that a beautiful woman was interested in him, and as he wasn’t their friend they had no obligation to ‘help’ him by directing her towards him.
But eventually she caught him while he was taking a break.
My hiding place was too far away for me to hear what was said, but he seemed as calm and polite as usual and as she walked away with a very dazed expression on her face. She also did not return.
I felt not only a strange sort of relief but also that my trust in him had been increasingly firmed.
It was my trust in him that made me hope that he at least somewhat considered me his friend, and it was this trust that I think was the greatest influence in my ability to ask him to be my teacher.
I think that if the first possible teacher that I met hadn’t been him, and if I hadn’t had all these experiences to show me this guy’s habits and true personality, despite all my plans, determination and stubbornness I probably would have been too scared to ask him to teach me.
While I had always admired the ‘hero of the war’, the man the rumors had portrayed. In the end they were after all just rumors and rumors can easily be misleading. Besides many of the hero’s admirers didn’t seem to be of a decent sort and like that young noble who had challenged the dojo used his achievements as an excuse for their own superiority and villainy.
The hero hadn’t sided with his so called fan but with his dojo which he had only been a student at for a few months, and he had even defended not only the dojos honor but my father and mine as well.
Thinking about all this while sitting in my room after I ran away, I felt a bit sickened at my actions basically I was taking advantage of his nature in a way that had nothing to do with him being a man. I decided then and there to talk to my father about it and hear his thoughts. Either he would give me assurance or scorn but hopefully it would stop my floundering or ease my guilt.
I immediately stood and started walking to where I knew my father would be at this time of night…I quietly snuck through the dojo hoping that I wouldn’t wake anyone and carefully opened the door to my father’s room and then even more quietly an cautiously closed it behind me…but as I started to move towards the screen doors that led to my father’s private peace garden I stopped as I realized they were open.
Looking through them I saw my father and HIM. Unexpectedly they were casually sitting there drinking tea, but just as I was about to announce my presence or leave my father asked him a question.
“Have you ever heard of the name Ronald Swordarm?”
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