《True Daughter of Storm》Chapter 0012
Chapter 0012
There are three land routes connecting the Central Domain and the Magus Alliance. Twin Point City, located on the second major trade route, is the first major border city of the Magus Alliance, establish over a thousand years ago to monitor the movement of the cultivators of the other domain as well as a gathering point for future mages not native to the Magus Alliance.
This bustling city with its twin spiral towers at the north and south city gates, boast of a flourishing economy, many guild branches and the best auction markets around.
The southern tower is twice as big as the northern tower because it houses the city garrison and mages. This tower was built to monitor the influx of people traveling the second trade route.
The line to enter the city stretch for miles as caravans from the Central Domain slowly make their way to the Magus Alliance to ply their wares. Unsurprisingly, trade between each domain is very prosperous and merchants can earn a 200% to 500% profit on their merchandise.
Off to the side of the long line, hidden among the overly large roots of a gigantic tree sat an almost catatonic little girl.
Guards protecting the caravan entering the city have sharp senses. They already notice the child, but after watching her for a while, they deem her weak and stupid, thereby not a threat to their duty.
The little girl curled up into a ball is none other than Tempest.
After traveling through the forest, Tempest spotted the towers of Twin Point City and headed over here. She was cautious during her journey as magical beast were not the only deadly creatures in the forest. Humans were more dangerous than animals.
Upon realizing Twin Point City is the first major city between the Central Domain and the Magus Alliance, the new name Tempest hid in among the roots of the tree and asked the spirits of the wind to find information for her, of which she was inundated with hundreds of different voices saying many different things, like an informer mobbing the police with inane chatter hoping to collect half a million dollars bounty.
Tempest became catatonic for an entire night, which lead to her disarray state and messy appearance.
In her state of stupor, human slavers can easily kidnap her and sell her off. The few who did try were zapped to ashes by lightning, corroded to oozing puddles by acidic rain or sliced into a hundred thousands pieces by invisible wind blades.
“Enough! Random information does more harm than good.” The zealous wind spirits were duly chastise though the fault can not be completely laid on them. Even though Tempest have been practicing using the power of the spirits through affinities, the wind spirit she interacts with is Ventus. Eventually, they will all become a Ventus for Tempest, but until then they are one spirit in a 100 who wants to be assistance to their chosen daughter. They became over eager in rendering their aid when Tempest ask for information from the collective spirits. It was also a legitimate reason to pamper their long-lost daughter. They were not aware Tempest can barely handle their collective power.
The spirits assumes Tempest can handle their power. She did so before.
Back on Earth, all one hundred spirits interact with Athena with impunity. The spirits realized it was the strong barrier and weak magic in the environment that allow them to exert their power without harming Athena, however, the barrier between the spirit world and this world is thin and the amount of magic in the air is a thousand times more than Earth.
They have to go back to regulating their power and allow Ventus to speak for them. It was galling for the spirits other than Ventus.
“I know everyone just wants to pamper me. I don’t blame your zealousness. In fact, I like it. There will be a time when I interact with you one on one, but right now I need specific information. If you could please form a line and tell me the information individually, it will be most helpful.” Tempest was very sincere when she spoke to the spirits.
After listening to snit bit from each wind spirit, Tempest gain a better understanding of the spirits.
Before she only interacted with the spokesperson of each element. When she needs a stream of information from many different sources, Tempest must ask the collective to perform the task. All the spirits were willing to do her bidding at a minor price. She must spend time with them. The spirits wanted to spend time with Tempest immediately. They grabbed the first information they can and mobbed Tempest, nearly driving her insane.
Tempest was surprise she was not kidnapped during her weakened state and sold to the nearest pedophile.
Ventus cleared her confusion. Mizu was able to camouflage her. Aside from the regular water and ice attacks, those with water affinities can master illusion. Ventus explained it, but Tempest was more concerned about the events in Twin Point City to really pay attention. Something about water able to refract light.
So after listening to tidbits from all the spirits, Tempest knew she just wasted another day. She also realized she needed to be clear in her request. The anxious little girl asked for information about the major events happening in Twin Point City, but she forgot spirits are very different from humans. When Tempest said major events, she meant the who was the major players in the city and what are they up to as well as the movement of the people in the black market. The spirits interpret major events as any events more than a hundred people are talking about.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t clearer with you guys before. It was my fault.” Tempest apologise to her spirits. It was her fault for asking a general all encompassing question and expect the spirits to bring her correction information. There was no reason to take the haughty I-am-always-right route.
When Tempest became self-deprecating, the spirits want to comfort her more. A hundred mini swirls caress her, offering her love and comfort while encouraging her. The spirits of water and lightning hate this ability of the spirit of wind.
If Tempest was not in contact with their respective elements, they can not easily communicate with her. Water still has some contact with their precious daughter, but lightning can only touch her when there is lightning or electricity present. On Earth, lightning communicates with their daughter through electronic devices. It can even touch their daughter by jumping from an outlet.
This current world does not have electricity or electronic devices. The spirits of lightning were regulated to the back of the line. Their envy towards wind and water was at an all time high. It was the most powerful among the Tempest’s three affinities, but it can’t do anything. The utterly useless spirits of lightning vow they will channel more of their power when their daughter calls for it.
They will show their beloved daughter how powerful they were.
Until they have a chance to showcase their might, the spirits of lightning is regulated to the outer edge of their daughter's circle.
“I need to know the major powers operating in Twin Point City, the major mercenary groups and if there is any all female group heading into the forest or deeper into the Magus Alliance.” Tempest made a note to add parameters when she asks the spirits of the wind for information.
The current parameter she chose is tailored to her current needs. It is always prudence to know the major players in the field. As for knowing the different mercenary groups, Tempest needs to know who to avoid. Not all mercenary groups work legit orders. Some actually use the mercenary union as an information collection center and then go out to rob the more lucrative contracts. Well, not rob. More like ambush. Tempest have seen it happen before.
When thieves case a joint, they not only look for cameras but also security details. They also take note of the buyers. Single individuals without protection is easier to steal from than a highly protected jewelry store.
As for looking for a mercenary group comprised of all females, it’s a shot in the dark. If there is one, Tempest wanted to join their group.
For a weak little girl, joining an all female group is the best option. Tempest might have to deal with more two faced backstabber when traveling with an all female group, however, she does not have to deal with the threat of rape.
It is a trade off. Currently, the threat of rape is higher than the scheming of women. When women scheme, they have a goal in mind. Tempest is a poor urchin. She has nothing those cunning women desire.
There are three major powers in Twin Point City aside from the City Lord. The spirit reporting the information gloated. Although this spirit was not the fastest or the strongest, it is the most innovative. It already knew the kind of news their daughter wanted so it took more time to gather the information. It was not among the throngs mobbing their daughter earlier.
This spirit of the wind had more patient than the other. It knew when to wait and when to love.
The lord of the city is named Ashton Ellis, a mage with fire and wind affinities.The spirit of the wind cuddle up to Tempest while reporting the information all the while sending smirks to the other spirits of the wind.
The other spirits of the wind were jealous, but they can’t do anything about it.
Ashton Ellis is a native to Twin Point City and attained the city lord position by fighting his way to the top. When he was twenty, he forms a mercenary group called Four Direction Slaughter. Many of his opponents said he slaughtered his way into wealth, killing the guilty and innocents alike in their desire for money. No one was spared, even women and children. Despite the accusation of their enemies, no one was able to provide undeniable proof of their wrong doings. They either silence anyone and everyone in their way or they did not commit the crimes everyone accuse them of.
There are rumors of a mysterious man backing Ashton Ellis in secret in order to control Twin Point City.
The rumors are fake. Ashton Ellis spread the lies to cow the other forces in the city and hide his secret. He has a treasure that can gather elemental energy, allowing him to grow faster.
The Sky Fang Mercenary Group, a branch family of the Shi clan and the Asury-Tallot Trade Union are the three other powers operating in the city.
The Sky Fang Mercenary Group is independently operated but has the backing of the Calbourn Magus Guild. They mostly deal in killing and selling magical beast in Twilight Mountain Range. A straightforward bunch, but very dangerous when crossed.
The leader of the Sky Fag Mercenary Group is called Aaron Calbourn, the third son of the Calbourn Magus Guild. This man is rumored to be extremely lazy and very unambitious. He lacks affinity with any elements.
Aaron Calbourn is content to become a mercenary leader. He has no intention of expanding his power base further. His lack of ambition and his connection to the Calbourn Magus Guild is probably the reason why the other forces don’t bother him.
Six hundred years ago, members of the Shi clan came to Twin Point City to send members of the younger generations into the Magus Alliance to cultivate their affinities. They kept an outpost in Twin Point City to keep in contact with their children. Over time, more of the Shi clan showed an aptitude towards affinities rather than spirit vein, so the clan’s outpost grew to what it is today.
Currently, the Shi clan have no intention to take over the city. Twin Point City for them is merely a rest stop to the Orset Plains, where most of their members cultivates affinities.
The Asury-Tallot Trade Union interest is money. Twin Point City for them is a resting spot as they move their goods between the Magus Alliance and the Mysterious Wasteland. Every fifty years, a new member of the Asury-Tallot Trade Union take over the position as representative of their trade union.
“Very good. That’s the sort of information I want.” Tempest praised the spirits. She also paid extra attention to the spirits by cuddling it close to her body.
The other spirits of the wind were very jealous. If the spirit of the wind in Tempest’s embrace wasn’t part of their collective, they would have lynched the lying, conniving sneak the minute Tempest’s back is turned. Sadly, that hate spirit is a part of them. They will not weaken their own power by infighting. They can only endure. The spirits of the wind vowed they would get a turn in Tempest’s embrace.
The spirits of water and lightning wanted to edge closer to their cherished child, but they had to concede the much wanted space near Tempest to the spirit of the wind. When Tempest is in their domain, they will monopolize her attention, this they vow.
“Is there any all female group heading towards the Magus Alliance or hunting in Twilight Mountain Range?”
There is a rumor of an all female group forming to hunt the Sundered Lion.
“What is a Sundered Lion?”
Magical beasts are graded by their strength. There are nine levels, then mythical, legend, saint, divine, and celestial.
A Sundered Lion is a grade 3 magical beast. It roams the outer edge of the Twilight Mountain Range.
Tempest’s eyes gleam with interest. This group is very promising. “How strong is a grade 3 magical beast compared to me?”
Ventus, Mizu and Astrapi put great weight to Tempest’s question. Tempest is very interested in the group hunting down the Sundered Lion and as the three mains spirits responsible for empowering Tempest, they have the closest understanding of her power and her ability to contain the power they channel to her. Death is a possibility if they underestimate the enemy.
This question can not be answered accurately. We don’t know the strength of the other side. We do know what you are capable of, however, we can not compare your strength against the unknown and be confident our estimate is correct.
Ventus answer made sense. Comparing strengths against a specific opponent is useless if she never saw the opponent before. It is like comparing a human to chupacabra. Can a bullet harm a chupacabra? How does anyone answer the question when they never met one? Its hide can deflect bullets? It’s faster than a speeding bullet?
Without seeing the magical beast in question, the answer can only be unknown.
“Okay, different way of asking the same question,” Tempest mumbled to herself. The bedraggled little girl thought for a moment then asked, “How do I compare to an average level 3 magical beast?”
Tempest’s three main spirits considered for a bit. Just as you are without any external assistance including the charms you created, you will last three seconds against an average grade 3 magical beast. You have no defense. Don’t even mention a grade 3 magical beast, even a grade 1 magical beast can kill you with a swat of its claw. With the element of surprise, you can kill a grade 2 magical beast with your combination attack. A grade 3 magical beast require some strategy or luck.
“If I were to have back up, how would you think our group will fare?” Tempest want to join a group for a reason. It is hard for the puny girl to hunt magical beasts. With a group backing her, she can kill higher grade beast.
Depends on the group synergy.
Ugh. Tempest rarely interacts with other people in a group setting. She is not proficient in understanding the motive of the other group members. Though she has to say, the few times she does make an effort, it met with fantastic results. The insane girl even made lifelong friends back then.
They were truly lifelong friends. They died within a month of meeting her.
A moment was all it took for strangers to become best friends.
Tempest grew sad as she revisits some of the happiest times of her life as well as the saddest time of her life.
Sensing her sorrow, Ventus tried to divert her attention. As long as you are aware of the schemes of the other group members, you will do fine.
Tempest perked up at the thought of earning money. “Are you saying this group is a viable option?” The silly girl batted her big round eyes in a sad puppy dog fashion, begging the spirits to give the it’s-possible-you-can-do-it treats.
The spirits were unaffected by Tempest’s expression. They were sensitive to sadness and happiness. They lack understanding of other humans emotions.
Tempest whooped in happiness, already imagining all the money she’d make on the venture.
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