《God Vessel Online》Chapter 21: Pieces


【TIP】【When tired or injured, you can quickly recover by sitting or lying down.】

“Haa... haa... phew...”

Amidst her pants, Erika praised the game for this familiar mechanic. She sat down and waited for her body to heal.

“Are you done now? Like, we should be heading to Zelin City!”

“Sorry, Vivi. I need to collect some more Windflora Seeds.”

“Hmph, fine! Like, you can’t properly serve the great Vivi if you have zero battle experience!”

Vivi crossed her arms and pouted.

So cute~

Erika enjoyed Vivi’s random excuses. Vivi was like a bratty kid who complained 24/7, but always stuck close to his mommy anyways.

Before the next fight, Erika opened the menu and checked her loot. There was an unfamiliar pouch in her Dimension Vessel, with the tag 【Windflora Seeds】hanging above it.

Erika touched the pouch and a small screen popped up. It offered her to choose how many seeds to take out. Currently, there was only one seed in the pouch.

The Windflora Seed looked like a generic, green seed. But, the RPG veteran suspected that the seed had special uses. After all, it was dropped by a vicious flower monster.

【Windflora Seed】

【A Flora seed infused with the wind element. A flower from this seed may bear wind pieces. Caution: it may grow into a Windflora if not handled properly.】

There was no mention of feeding the seed to animals. Perhaps that option was only available to NPCs.

Along with the Windflora Seed, Erika also obtained [Wind] pieces from the fight. However, these pieces weren’t in her Dimension Vessel. Instead, she found a separate menu screen for all the pieces she owned.

Reading a tooltip revealed that these “pieces” were, in fact, the game’s currency. There were various types of pieces, such as [Water] and [Wind]. The piece’s type played a role in determining its worth.


A [Wind] piece was worth “1 piece”, it was in the lowest tier of currency. Erika read that a [Water] piece was also worth 1 piece. As far as currency was concerned, [Wind] pieces and [Water] pieces were identical.

Nonetheless, [Wind] pieces and [Water] pieces weren’t treated the same for all purposes. For example: Lakya requested to be paid specifically with [Water] pieces. Even if Erika obtained 50 [Wind] pieces, she wouldn’t be able to pay for the pool with them.

It was an unusually complicated system for money. The RPG veteran felt that hoarding specific types of pieces was the right way to go. However, that vague guess was all Erika could do at the moment.

One thing that bugged Erika, was the lack of “experience points” from the battle. Normally, MMORPG players had a straightforward method to become better and stronger: they fought monsters and earned EXP. However, on top of having no stats, GoVe didn’t have a “player level” either; there was no EXP and no way to level up..

Thus far, only runes seemed to have levels, and even they had only six levels in total. If Erika had a combat-oriented rune, perhaps it would have leveled up when she fought mobs. Alas, the [Communication] rune had nothing to do with battles and it was unlikely to level it up by smacking flowers.

Alright, I should wrap things up.

Erika jumped on her feet and prepared to fight more Windfloras. At the beginning, she wasn’t fond of physical combat. But now, with the Combat Aid flowing through her, she was going to enjoy the demise of fodder mobs.

Erika charged at stray Windfloras and assaulted them. One by one, the Windfloras fell victim to Erika’s barrages. The more Erika fought, the better she became at avoiding attacks.

Gradually, but surely, Erika turned into a goddess of war, who could terminate any flower in existence. No Windflora stood a chance against her.

Erika finished her killing spree with a total of 12 Windflora Seeds and 50 [Wind] pieces.

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