《Twilight over Arcania》Chapter 16.5: The Forbidden City
Carrier of Omens
Location: Forbidden City / Seer's Prison
Time: Y0000 / 28th day of the Fire Moon
*knock* *knock knock* *knock*
[Ga'Li sure was quick today... I can see nothing wrong through the spyhole. I'll let him through. But it's suspicious. I'll throw a yellow stone inside the just to be on the safe side.] (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"The snake is dead! The snake is dead!" (Ga'Li)
"Are you sure?" (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"Ga'Li is sure! We must bring the to the Council!" (Ga'Li)
Mi'Kai'Ra sprung in action. He picked another colored stone from a pouch on his belt and threw it inside a small hole in the floor. After that, he went to open the first of many metal doors that separates them from the entrance of the prison.
Meanwhile, Ga'Li went under a stream of water that was flowing on one side of the chamber. He had to wash off pockets of hypnotic gas trapped in his fur. Something the Rat-Kin learned from experience.
While moving toward the entrance, Ga'Li paid attention to something he saw every day. Paintings on the walls of the four chambers.
They depicted the prisoner laying waste to the Rat-Kin using great magic. The painting were meant as warning, so that future generations of Rat-Kin would never let their guard down and suffer the same fate at the hand of the snake.
[And we never let our guard down. Our ancestors would be proud!] (Ga'Li)
"Be ready, Ga'Li. The guards will be inspecting us in the first chamber." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
Sure enough, four heavily armed Rat-Kin guards were pointing their spears at Ga'Li and Mi'Kai'Ra. They closed the heavy metal door behind them, and stood still under the watchful eyes of the guards.
"A yellow stone, and a black stone. Explain yourselves." (Rat-Kin Elite Guard)
"The snake is dead! I must bring the to the Rat-Kin Council at once!" (Ga'Li)
One of the guard was holding a bone trinket in his hands. He was communicating with the Council using magic. After a short deliberation the guard spoke.
"The timing couldn't be worse, Warden. One of Them is hunting our kin in the streets. If we venture outside, the might be eaten alongside you." (Rat-Kin Elite Guard)
"Curse our bad luck!" (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"There is a way. A secret tunnel underground connects directly to the Council chamber. It was built in secret and was meant to smuggle people and goods while avoiding Their gaze. We might risk Them discovering it, but the Council sees no other solution. They want to see the as soon as possible. I'll guide you personally. There is an access here in the Seer's Prison." (Rat-Kin Elite Guard)
"Lead the way." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"They never cared much for the snake's words anyway. Let's hope They don't mind that it died." (Ga'Li)
Tales of the snake, and the misery he visited upon the Rat-Kin so very long ago, were well known. But the prisoner was not invincible and was eventually subdued and captured by the Rat-Kin, albeit at great cost.
The prisoner was terrifying, but there was something that the Rat-Kin faced every day that was far more threatening. The thought of facing even one of Them and emerging victorious was nothing short of wishful thinking. Nothing in this world can possibly oppose Them. The Rat-Kin can only bow down and endure.
Ga'Li couldn't help but feel that doom itself was contained with the small crystal he was carrying.
The Rat-Kin Council will have some tough decisions to make.
Location: Forbidden City/Underground Council Chamber
Time: Y0000 / 28th day of the Fire Moon
The Underground Council Chamber was built deep inside the rocks. It was the place where the real Council of the Rat-Kin ruled. The room was semicircular in shape and had a four meter wide wall in the back. The floor was only about two meters high. More than enough for the short Rat-Kin to move comfortably. In front of the flat wall, there was an altar like stone table used by the Council members. On the floor, there was a wheel like device. The entrance was a circular tunnel about one meter in diameter.
*sigh* (High Chancellor Mal'Jar)
Mal'Jar was staring at painting on the flat wall. It was drawn long ago, when the Rat-Kin tribe had a name. Back then it was known as Ku'Alki tribe.
Before then the the Rat-Kin were divided in warring tribes. Always fighting each others. Than a great enemy, one strong enough to threat the very survival of the Rat-Kin race, emerged. The legendary hero of the Rat-Kin rose and united the tribes. To fight.
This very chamber was dug back then. It is said that the Hero himself helped digging.
[Perhaps The Hero always knew that the Ku'Alki stood no chance. Perhaps he built this chamber so that our history would survive Their rule.] (Mal'Jar)
Mal'Jar was the head of the Shadow Council of the Rat-Kin. And he was eagerly awaiting for someone to arrive.
"Chancellor, the Warden has arrived" (Rat-Kin Shadow Guard)
"They made it! Good! Yes, that's good. Open the secret passageway at once!" (Mal'Jar)
At the order of the Chancellor, several guards pushed the wheel like device on the floor. A large slab of stone slowly slided away, revealing an opening on the wall. From that opening, came two small creatures. One was Mi'Kai'Ra, the warden of the Seer's prison. The other was Ze'Gart, one of the greatest warriors amongst the Rat-Kin.
"Members of the Shadow Council! I, Ze'Gart, bring here the Warden of the Seer's prison. As you requested." (Elite Rat-Kin Guard Ze'Gart)
"You did well, Ze'Gart. You can leave and return to your duties." (Mal'Jar)
The heavly armoured Rat-Kin saluted the Shadow Council, and left the chamber.
"Warden Mi'Kai'Ra, hand over the . The shaman will examine it immediately. I want you to stay here and bear witness." (Mal'Jar)
An old female Rat-Kin slowly approached Mi'Kai'Ra. She was about fifty years of age. Considering that the average lifespan of a Rat-Kin was thirty years, it was remarkable. She had a name, but forsake it long ago and was only known as The Shaman. Because of her old age, she was always accompanied by a young female Rat-Kin that helped in her everyday duties.
The Shaman was one of the few Rat-Kin born with the ability to weave magic and was invaluable to the Rat-Kin tribe.
"Here, Shaman. The ." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"Thank you, Warden." (Shaman)
The Shaman slowly walked to a small pillar in the centre of the chamber. She put the in a fitting slot on top of the pillar, opened her arms and started weaving. The chamber was deep enough underground, and the magic was small enough that They would not feel it. Or pherhaps They simply are not interested in the puny weaving a Rat-Kin can do. Either way the Rat-Kin will get their way.
After a few minutes, the Shaman was done weaving, and the magic activated.
Inside the mind of the people present, the fearsome form of the Prisoner could be seen and his cryptic words could be heard. The prisoner spoke a strange language, but the spell took care of that as well. It wasn't translation. The very thought of the Prisoner were mirrored inside the minds of the people affected by the spell.
[/%"/$**(!"Y=**] (Prisoner)
Many thought were garbled and incomprehensible.
The seer was always kept drugged by a volcanic gas. Had he ever gained full consciousness, he would have easily broken free from his chains. But in that state his thought were that of madness.
After almost half an hour spent listening garbled thoughts, finally the Council heard something that made sense.
[** **** Gifted ******] (Prisoner)
[*** One **** Destiny ***] (Prisoner)
[!!!!!!!!!!!!!CATACLYSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] (Prisoner)
**screams of pain** (All presents)
*heavy breath* "What was that?" (Mal'Jar)
*weak voice* "Death." (Shaman)
*pant* "Such a clear vision." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"We all saw it, warden. No wonder the backlash killed the snake." (Councilman A)
"Tomorrow... Tomorrow the Forbidden City will be no more." (Councilman B)
"Tomorrow we die. This whole region will be engulfed in flames. It will disappear from this world forever." (Councilman C)
"Members of the Shadow Council. Shaman. Warden. Take your seats. You all saw what will happen. We must decide." (Mal'Jar)
"Do we keep silent?" (Mal'Jar)
"Or do we... Tell the Dragons?" (Mal'Jar)
Location: Forbidden City / Dragon plaza
Time: Y0000 / 29th day of the Fire Moon
The sun was still high in the sky when the Rat Kin lit the bracer in the middle of the Dragon Plaza.
The sun set and the night came. The Dragon Priest was still kneeling in front of the bracer.
The night subsided and the sun rose again. The Dragon Priest was still kneeling in front of the bracer. Only embers were left.
The Dragons are ageless and unchallenged. Their sense of time differed from the short lived and weak Rat Kins. Furthermore it was the weak that was calling for the strong to come. The answer would only arrive when a Dragon wished for it.
The Dragon Priest could do nothing but wait.
[The heat is unbearable. How much longer will I have to wait? If this goes on I might die before They even arrive.] *sweat* (Dragon Priest)
As in answer to the Rat Kin thought, the still air became agitated in the centre of the Dragon Plaza.
The Dragon Priest looked up. A snake like creature was coming from the sky. The creature had no wings, but was flying anyway in defiance of common sense. It looked as if it was swimming in the air, rather than flying in it. It's movement were gracious, like a dance.
As the Dragon descended, it became bigger and bigger, until it filled the sight of the Rat Kin. That Dragon was gigantic even when compared to other dragons slumbering on the plaza. A gargantuan beast about three hundred meters in length.
Gigantic beyond belief.
The creature touched down with a grace one wouldn't expect from such a massive body, making no noise at all. The Dragon coiled down, with it's head resting on the stony floor of the plaza.
The altar was twenty meters tall. Just enough for the Dragon priest to be at the same level of two eyes on the head of the gigantic Dragon. Two, because the Dragon had a third vertical eye on the top of it's forehead. It was closed.
"Mighty One! We bring an Oracle from the Elven Seer. Your faithful servant believe the content to be worthy of your attention!" *extend hands* (Dragon Priest)
*shatter* (Crystal Record)
In a moment, the delicate crystal held by the small furry hands broke in small pieces.
*collapse* (Dragon Priest)
The Dragon uttered no word nor did anything else at all. After the Rat Kin was done speaking, the simply shattered and the Dragon Priest died, falling lifeless on the ground.
*fly away* (Dragon)
The Dragon seemed to ponder for a few seconds, then lifted off and left with the same grace with which it had arrived.
The Dragon Priest succeeded in his heavy responsability.
Location: Forbidden City
Time: Y0000 / 29th day of the Fire Moon
*ding* *ding* *ding* (Bells)
[I am The Shaman. Every able Rat Kin is to search the city for whatever scrap of food or gold they can find and bring it to the Dragon plaza at once. It's Their will. Our survival is at stake. Please, comply and we will endure. As always.] (Shaman)
The Shaman is the only living Rat Kin able to share her thoughts with magic. She is a respected figure. Many know how much she sacrificed to become Shaman. When she says something, few would doubt her words have anything but the best interests of the tribe in mind.
"Mother. What do we do?" (Rat Kin Youth A)
"We do as the Shaman says, my child. Let's take our food to the surface. You too, my children. Take something and follow me." (Shi'Shi)
"But I'm hungry!" (Rat Kin Youth B)
"I know, my child. I am too." (Shi'Shi)
Shi'Shi and her litter of ten lived in a small cave on the wall of a small branch canyon of the Forbidden City. She wasn't poor for the standards of the tribe, but still they often suffered from hunger. And always. Always lived under the fear for Their rule.
They often asked for unreasonable things from the Rat Kins.
Many die every time, but most live. And the tribe endures. Just yesterday, one of Them was hunting Rat Kins for sport. Shi'Shi survived only because another was eaten in her place. This time, they were asked to part with their precious food.
Since Rat Kin have fur, most don't wear clothes. Fabric is an expensive luxury item. Shi'Shi fixed rags for a living, so she and her litter packed what little they had inside backpacks made of rags she had laying around and left their now empty cave.
"So many! It will take hours to arrive!" (Shi'Shi)
The stairs and passageways were small, and only a few could pass at any given time. Right now the whole canyon was dotted with Rat Kins trying to reach the surface. Most didn't have means to hold their belonging, so they were carrying by hands.
"Look! it's Them!!!" (Rat Kin Youth C)
"I'm scared!!!" (Rat Kin Youth D)
"Now, now. They just want food. And we are bringing it to them. We'll be fine." (Shi'Shi)
They could see only a small portion of the sky, but there were dozens of Dragons flying above their head. Terrifying.
The Rat Kin built wooden lift, but there was only few of them. The Rat Kin without backpacks could only wait for a lift to stop at their level. Long queues formed. Shi'Shi was amongst the lucky ones.
Finally Shi'Shi arrived at the surface. There were long queues with small mountains of food accumulating. Once her turn arrived, she and her litter unloaded the content of their backpack and joined another line. When she asked where they where all going the answer was simple.
"She will soon awake. We all need to be there." (Rat Kin Guard)
Shivers went down Shi'Shi spine as she and her litter joined to long procession for the Dragon Plaza.
Location: Serenia's Domain / Forbidden City / Roots of the Dragon Plaza
Time: Y0000 / 29th day of the Fire Moon
"I'm tired!" (Rat Kin Youth A)
"I'm Hungry!" (Rat Kin Youth B)
"I'm cold!" (Rat Kin Youth C)
"I know, my children. Bear with it a while longer." (Shi'Shi)
It was almost night time. The temperature was dropping.
Virtually every Rat Kin in the Forbidden city was gathered in the grassy plain around the Dragon Plaza. Standing torches lit the area, revealing an ocean of at least two hundred thousand individuals. It was noisy as people talked with each others.
In the air, there were dozens of Dragons. Some wandering aimlessly in the sky. Others making circles around the plaza, like vultures awaiting for the Rat Kins to die.
Shi'Shi was near the back of the gathering, at least two kilometres away from the plaza itself. But even from there, she could see small mountains of food and riches dotting the plaza.
Today, the head of The Apex, the most dreaded Dragon of all, would awaken.
Stories passed down amongst the Rat Kins show that She is not as forgiving as the rest of Them. Even They fear her! Enough that the suicidal task of waking her up is given to the Rat Kins, for no Dragon would dare to do so.
This offering is meant to try and appease Her. Shi'Shi did her part, sharing what little precious food she had. She can only hope it will be enough.
**ROOAAARRRRRR** (Dragons)
An incredible roar shook the air. Many Rat Kin hunkered down in terror.
Shi'Shi looked in the direction of the Black Mountain. Five lights were approaching from there. They got bigger and bigger. Even from that distance, the size of those creatures was apparent.
"My children, that's The Apex. Those five rule over all of Them. Kneel now." (Shi'Shi)
Shi'Shi, her children, and all the Rat Kin not consumed by terror knelt down.
Shi'Shi glanced a peek. The five touched down in the Dragon Plaza. That structure was about one kilometre in size, enough for those five to coil down and still have space to spare.
In the centre on the Plaza, on top of the Dragon's Altar, Shi'Shi knew a Dragon Priest was waiting to hear whatever unreasonable demand The Apex would make.
To date no Dragon Priest ever survived an encounter with a Dragon, but sometimes they died before being able to fulfil their role as messengers. Ruin would follow in such cases. Dragon Priests go through a gruesome and painful training to ensure that they can survive long enough to deliver their message.
An unsettling silence fell over the plaza. Broken only by occasional screams of terror from individuals who couldn't handle the pressure. Even the Dragons flying in the sky became totally silent.
"What's happening" (Rat Kin Youth D)
*whisper* "Shhhh. The Dragon Priest is hearing Her demands." (Shi'Shi)
"I'm scared!!!" (Rat Kin Youth C)
*whisper* "I know. Pray for our ancestors in your mind. They'll give you courage." (Shi'Shi)
The Rat Kin didn't believe in Gods for even the Gods were couldn't do anything against Them. Instead the Rat Kins worshipped the souls of their ancestors. Those who endured Their rule and left a descendence.
Long minutes passed. The Dragons had yet to start feasting upon the Rat Kin's offering.
Not a good sign.
The silence was broken by the roar of a single Dragon. Yet that roar was stronger than the any dragons Shi'Shi had heard before. It could only have come from Her. Shi'Shi ears were ringing, and she was two kilometres away from the plaza.
Terror filed Shi'Shi's heart.
"W~ With me, my children! Take each other hands! Like I taught you! RUN!!!" (Shi'Shi)
That roar caused the Rat Kins to panic. What followed was a stampede. The Rat Kins desperately tried to flee. The screams. The slow ones being trampled.
**screams** (Rat Kins)
Shi'Shi was near the edge of the gathering. She was one of the first to start fleeing, she was safe for now. She was running like her life depended on it. It did.
*flash* *wave of heat*
An incredible flash of light made the night become day for a moment. Shi'Shi wasn't blinded because her back was turned.
After the flash, a flickering red light like it was coming from a fire cast a shadow in front of her. Shi'Shi felt heat and timidly looked over her shoulder while still running and holding the hands of her litter.
Shi'Shi eyes went wide.
The plaza was no longer visible. It was surrounded by a gigantic wall of flames!
Shi'Shi thought the flames were encircling the entire Dragon Plaza. Surely a spell The Apex had weaved.
The flames must have been at least half a kilometre in height!
Tens of thousand of Rat Kins must have been engulfed by it. Shi'Shi's mind couldn't wrap around just how gigantic the flames were.
Shi'Shi kept running along with her litter.
The light and heat quickly disappeared behind her.
Shi'Shi kept running.
*heavy breath* "I~ Can't~ (Rat Kin youth A)
*heavy breath* "Let's~ Rest~ A moment~ *sits down* (Shi'Shi)
Shi'Shi didn't know how long had she run. But she just couldn't take another step. She had to rest first.
Shi'Shi looked back. Few Rat Kins were running past her, but most were still behind her.
She was farther from the dragon plaza than before, but she didn't feel safe at all. It was a plain. There was no where to hide. Being one or tens of kilometres from Them made no difference at all.
For some reasons They had stopped. Most of them were still flying idly in the air. She couldn't see well that far, but she felt like they were waiting for something. Surprising. She fully expected Them to dive and hunt the Rat Kins.
[This pause won't last. Where can I go? Maybe I can reach the city?] (Shi'Shi)
Shi'Shi didn't want to let this chance to live go to waste. She was thinking about what to do. As a mother, the instinct of protecting her children kept her sane, kept her focused.
Hiding in one of the caves in the canyons of the Forbidden City was probably the best call. The city was only ten minutes away. She would have been a lot safer with tens of metres of rocks over her head.
*heavy breath* "Alright, children. Enough rest. We head towar.D. Gha!" *collapse* (Shi'Shi)
Shi'Shi and her litter collapsed to the ground. Dead.
Every Rat Kin around her collapsed. Dead.
Every Rat Kin still alive in the city, in the plaza, underground or in tens of kilometres in every direction from the plaza collapsed. Dead.
There were no longer any Rat Kin alive that could even think on what happened.
Everyone simply stopped being alive.
Today, the twenty-ninth day of the Fire moon, The Rat Kin tribe in the Forbidden City ceased to be.
But the day was not over.
The worse had yet to come.
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