《Twilight over Arcania》Chapter 15: If we can't have her~
Minister of Magic
Location: Gloria's Temple / High Priestess' Chamber
Time: Y1503 / 6th day of the Fire Moon
POV: Amigarde, High Priestess of Gloria
"Blessed One, the Minister of Magic is here." (Sister)
*enter* "Greetings, High Priestess Amigarde. It may come late, but let me congratulate on your promotion. High Priestess Meridia left some pretty big shoes to fill, but I'm sure you are proving to be up to the task." (Minister of Magic)
He is trying to get under my skin. He knows very well that under my guidance the church lost much. Let's cut the knot. Nothing good will come of making small talk with him.
"Likewise. What businesses does the Minister of Magic have with the church?" (Amigarde)
"As direct as Meridia he? I like your style! It come to my attention that an exceptionally gifted young mage recently became part of the Church." (Minister)
Now he is trying to compare me with her. I might have lost my temper here had Vaerminia not warned me. This man's tongue is like that of a snake.
"You are surprisingly well informed of what happens behind our walls, are you?" (Amigarde)
"Not at all, the walls of the temple are too tall for us to see what happens behind them. It's just that that Caleidoscope spell was hard to miss, yes? All the city saw it. Some says it was taller than the Royal Castle itself! Can you believe them? Ha ha ha!" (Minister)
What's his point? What is he after?
"You are right, it couldn't possibly have been that tall. I can ask her to draw something taller than the Royal Castle if you like. You see, she had strength to spare." (Amigarde)
I got you! He let a surprised expression come out for a split of a second. Since I can't hide her strength, I'll let them believe she is even stronger than that!
Which she is. Liara is truly an unbelievable girl. She might actually be the true daughter of Gloria.
"Thanks for the offer, but it won't be necessary.
Actually, I'm here to offer that girl a better future. As you know, The Royal Family adopt girls with great aptitude and nurture them, giving them everything they can possibly need or want.
Someone as skilled as her might even become queen one day! You don't want to preclude that destiny from her, right? Imagine if one day she found out she could have been a princess or a queen, but you stopped her. She would be heartbroken!
Of course the Church of Gloria would be greatly rewarded for discovering such talent." (Minister)
I get his game. He want to snatch Liara from us. His veiled threats and the fact that he came personally is meant as warning for us. The Royal Family always wins, right?
He thinks I will turn him away, and he plans to use this event to wedge a rift between Liara and the Church. A good plan. If not for a simple miscalculation.
"Such generosity! You are totally right. I'll call for her immediately, then you can ask her if she wishes to become a princess!" (Amigarde)
He he he. The look on his face says it all. You'll see just how wrong about Liara you are. She is special. And I'm not talking about her aptitude for magic.
*puzzled* "You mean... If she says yes, I can take her with me right now?" (Minister)
"But of course! I only wish the best for Liara." *grin* (Amigarde)
An offer you can't refuse
Location: Gloria's Temple / High Priestess' Chamber
Time: Y1503 / 6th day of the Fire Moon
POV: Liara
Mother and I are walking toward the office of the High Priestess. It's in a tall tower near the entrance. That's a lot of steps. It's my first time entering this building.
"I'm Sister Serina, and this is Initiate Liara. The High Priestess called for us?" (Serina)
"Yes, you can go in. They are waiting for you." (Sister)
We enter her office. The tower is round, her room take about half the floor of the tower. A wall separate it from the stairs. The room has three small windows, stony walls and floor. The room is filled with shelves full of book and scrolls, and there are arcane patterns drawn on the grey stone.
Near one of the window there is a large desk. On one side sits the High Priestess, on the other there is a bald old man. He is fat and has sharp eyes. He wears an expensive looking green and blue shirt, brown trousers and wear a green beret. He looks important.
"You called, Blessed One?" (Serina)
"Yes, Sister Serina. Thanks for coming. Initiate Liara, this man is the Minister of Magic, has an offer for you. I'll let you decide. I'll be fine whatever your decision is. Step forward, and listen to him carefully." (Amigarde)
Mother looks really worried. I don't like where this is going. I walk toward the minister.
"So you are Liara, the Gifted One, right? I heard much about you." (Minister)
He tries to pat my head! I don't think so. I take a step back.
"I don't like you!" (Liara)
"Liara!" (Serina)
"Please, excuse her, Minister. Children tend to be too honest, sometimes." (Amigarde)
Children tends to be like that. And I'll take full advantage of it! Still, the High Priestess seems almost happy of what I said? What's going on here?
"Ho ho ho. No need to apologize. I have children myself, so I know. I have never seen a girl with such a beautiful pale skin, such flowing silver hairs and eyes of such crimson red. You'll grow up to be a real beauty, Liara, you know?" (Minister)
That's creepy coming from him. And he really likes my red eyes? People finds them off putting usually. I don't buy it. He is trying to coax me.
"Thanks?" (Liara)
Once more he pauses for a second. Not the answer he was expecting.
"Liara, I'm here to make you an offer. You can become a princess! You'll live inside the royal palace! You'll live in in luxury! You'll have your favourite food everyday! The best magi as teachers! And you will be free of the duties that burdens the children of Gloria. Do you like the sound of that?" (Minister)
Is he serious!?! A princess?!? ME?!?
[Are you considering his offer?] (Doctor Me)
NO!!! Just a few days ago I weaved the greatest image of Gloria ever with my Caleidoscope, then this shady guys appears from nowhere and offer me riches?
It's just like when people you never heard about calls you after you win the lottery. Which happened to one of us, actually. I can see those memories, and they are not nice. Fake friends that are only after money and fame.
[You are growing up, Liara. We are proud of you!] (Doctor Me)
"Would Mother be there?" (Liara)
*teary eyes* "I'm sorry, Liara. I will live and die as a servant of Gloria. I can't come with you." *sniff* (Serina)
Whoa! I'm not going mother!!! Don't cry!!!
"Then I don't want to be a princess!!! I don't care about anything you said. I care about Mother, Meridia and my friends. Can we go back, now?" *hug Serina* (Liara)
"Oh my! What a surprising turn of events! Well, if that's how you feel, of course you can go back to your Mother's chamber, Liara. And remember you have the duty of peeling potatoes for dinner." *grin* (Amigarde)
*radiant smile* *hug* (Serina)
I have never seen mother smiles so brightly! It almost make me forgive them for making her cry. Almost.
Amigarde is grinning ear to ear. That's obviously what she expected. But I didn't do it for her. I'm never leaving Mother. Of all the mothers I had, Serina is the only one that didn't abandon me. And she did it only because of motherly love, not because she wants something from me.
The bald man looks like he heard something unbelievable. He is gaping! Is it that strange that I would refuse being a princess? I have everything I need here, and I have Mother. He can only give me the everything without the Mother. It's only natural that I would refuse.
[Ha ha ha ha!] (Doctor Me)
Rude! What are you laughing at me for?!?
[Don't mind him, Liara. Everything you are saying is right. You didn't succumb to greed. You did the right thing. We are proud of you.] (Explorer Me)
Location: Victoria / Eastern District
Time: Y1503 / 13th day of the Fire Moon
It was the darkest hour of the night, and an hooded figure was crossing The Stick, the smallest of two bridges that lead to the eastern district. The poorest and most lawless place inside the walls of Victoria. Nobody walking there at this hour could possibly be up to any good.
The eastern district was filled with barely functional shacks made of debris. They formed a labyrinth like layout for which no map existed. The hooded figure navigated that labyrinth with ease, and entered a dead end alley.
The figure sat down and waited for a while, until a voice could be heard whispering.
"The stone crushed the inn's window"
"The stone crushed the innkeeper's skull" (Hooded Figure)
"Initiate Liara. Gloria's Temple. Details inside letter." (Hooded Figure)
"Can't do."
"The payment will be fifty gold bars." (Hooded Figure)
"In the letter it's written where to find ten. The rest once it's done." (Hooded Figure)
"... Twenty. When will it be done?" (Hooded Figure)
"When it is done."
"Not good enough." (Hooded Figure)
"Half a moon. Fifty-five gold bars."
"Deal." (Hooded Figure)
The hooded figure stood up letting a letter falls to the ground and leaving the eastern district.
Location: Gloria's Temple / Common Hall
Time: Y1503 / 29th day of the Fire Moon
It's dinner time, the common hall is busy as usual. I'm not tall enough to serve, so at least I don't get the duty of serving meals. Only peeling potatoes for now.
The children sits at their own table, which is nice now that Thomen is no longer counted amongst the living. The children got more talkative and friendly. And I have become kinda an hero for many of them. I even made some friends.
Kara is one of them. A ten years old Fair Skin girl with blonde hairs and blue eyes. The conversations with her tends to be on the simpler side, but it can't be helped. Children are simple minded and I can't find friends amongst the adults because I'm a three years old girl.
I'm not really lonely since I have Mother, Meridia, and my split personalities to talk with, but...
[You need to make friends and learn how to socialize with those people. Doctor's orders.] (Doctor Me)
"Can I have your soup if you are not eating it, Liara?" (Initiate Kara)
"Take it. I'm not hungry." *leave table* (Liara)
My insides feels all garbled up. I can't eat anything. I head toward Mother's room.
Location: Gloria's Temple / Serina's Chamber
"Liara, are you here?" (Serina)
"Yes, I'm in bed, Mother." (Liara)
"You didn't eat anything. Are you ill? let me check" (Serina)
I sit on the bed while mother kneel down and hover her hands over my belly.
"You are fine physically, is something the matter? Talk to me." (Serina)
"I don't know. Nothing is wrong, but my insides are all tangled up. I'm not hungry." (Liara)
"I'm sure it's nothing. I think it's best if you go to sleep early and tomorrow you'll be alright. Make space for me, will you?" (Serina)
I get down and roll to the side of the bed. Mother take her place by my side, embracing me.
Tomorrow will not be alright.
[What? Why are you thinking that?] (Doctor Me)
I don't know!!! I feel like everything is wrong! Like something is going to happen! Nothing will be alright! And I don't know why!
[That's a first, just calm down and ~ (Doctor Me)
[No. I know what this is.] (Science Me)
You do?
[You have the power to see. You can't see consciously yet, but you can feel it, apparently. This is your instinct warning you. Something is about to happen.] (Science Me)
[But... We haven't unlocked yet!] (Bookworm Me)
[You all still don't get it! is not the power to see, we designed to be able to use the power to see. She is seeing, but her mind protects her from the flow of information. Her instinct picked up fragments of the future and is warning her.] (Science Me)
[How can you be sure that's the case? It seems rampant speculation to me.] (Doctor Me)
[There is nothing wrong with her physically, and we feel what she feels. She should be fine but she isn't. It has to be something else. The simplest explanation is that the power to see is warning her.] (Science Me)
[And if you are wrong?] (Doctor Me)
[Than nothing happens. But if I am right, we have time to prepare. For what, I don't know. But going to sleep is the wrong decision. We'll be helpless if something happens.] (Science Me)
[My instinct saved me more than once during the war. Science Me is right. Prepare for the worst, Liara. Trusts your guts.] (Soldier Me)
The Seer's Tower.
[What about it?] (Science me)
I don't know!!!
[It's alright. Make up an excuse. Take your loved ones where you can see them. Protect them and protect yourself. Now get up soldier! You have work to do! On the double!] (Soldier Me)
"Mother. I can't sleep." (Liara)
"Just try, ok?" (Serina)
"I want to train in the seer's tower. With Meridia." (Liara)
"... Now?" (Serina)
"Yes. Please." (Liara)
Location: Gloria's Temple / Meridia's Chamber
POV: Meridia, Former High Priestess of Gloria
*knock* *knock* (Serina)
[Mmmm? ...Who it is, it's almost bed time.] (Meridia)
*opens door* "Serina? And Liara? Is something the matter?" (Meridia)
"Liara has trouble eating, and now she wants to train in magic in the Seer's tower. I'm worried about her." (Serina)
"It's nothing! I just want to train in the Seer's Tower with you! That's all! Please?" (Liara)
"... You feel strongly we should go there?" (Meridia)
"Yes! Please!" (Liara)
This may be Liara just throwing a tantrum. For all her powers she is just a little girl. Sometime I worry we are asking too much of her.
No. Looking at her, it doesn't seem to be the case. She seems genuinely worried.
It reminds me of something. When our seer first developed her powers she too just randomly felt strongly about things.
Maybe Liara saw something. Could Liara be able to receive Oracles from Gloria on top of all her other abilities?
It might just be my imagination. Well, worst case we lose a night worth of sleep. Hardly a problem. And if it is true... Ignoring an oracle is never wise.
"Very well, Liara. We'll go there and train. At this hour probably nobody is using the Seer's Tower anyway." (Meridia)
"Meridia? I thought~ (Serina)
"I'm a teacher, Serina. If my pupil wants to train, I can only agree." (Meridia)
“Thank you!!!” (Liara)
"..." (Serina)
Liara has superior intelligence and unmatched aptitude for magic. To think she might be a seer on top of that! This girl never fails to surprise. It may also be nothing... We'll see.
Uhm... Just in case I'll warn the guards of the Seer's tower to keep their eyes open and I'll borrow a signalling artifact from them. Our walls are enchanted, the temple should be unbreachable. Nobody should be stupid enough to try and infiltrate the main temple of the Church of Gloria...
But the church is going through troublesome times after all, and this is a strange night anyway. I might as well prepare for the impossible.
It's not like people can look down on me more than they already do if this turns out to be a false alarm.
"I'm ready. Let's go, Liara." (Meridia)
"Yes!!!" (Liara)
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