《RWO - Dreams of another world》21 - System fault


[System fault detected. Lost connection to the primary controller. Do you wish to restart the interface server?]

I'm still in the dark here. Why am I not back in my world? Where am I?

"Doktor Urmind!"

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

I can't see anything.

I can't hear anything.

Am I dead? I wish I could get back to a place. My world, my player's world, any world would do.

[System fault detected. Lost connection to the primary controller. Do you wish to restart the interface server?]

I yell, "Doktor Urmind? Hello? Can anyone hear me?"


I yell louder, "Doktor Urmind. I know you're out there. You're always out there. Watching. Listening. Messing with my system messages. Talk to me. Please."

I hope he answers me soon.

I whisper to the darkness, "Is anyone there?"

I'm afraid.

[System: user offline]

[System fault detected. Lost connection to the primary controller. Do you wish to restart the interface server?]

[System: restarting interface server...]

The world turns white.

I'm running down a long hallway. I've got to get somewhere. It's important. I hope I get there in time.

#Interface initialized.

#Primary controller offline.

#Welcome, Doktor Urmind.

#Happy Hacking!


Huh? What?

I'm looking at words on a screen.

I'm somewhere! Where am I?

I'm in Doktor Urmind's office. I'm sitting in his chair. I was looking at his [laptop computer]. I'm wearing his clothes.


I stand up. I look around. The room looks just like Urmind's office in town, the one without a door.

What's going on? What happened? Is my player ok?

[System: invalid message recipient]

I pull up my friend list. I see my name on it twice and a bunch of names that I don't recognize. I check my character sheet.

I'm logged in as Doktor Urmind.

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