《Alice The Roaming Dungeon》Chapter 15 Does Mom Want Me Dead?
Alice POV
The statue of Mania threw me through a portal leading the same lonely rock floating in the void. Although this is total bull shit, I should have expected this. Lyssa did send a message saying that I should visit whenever I entered a church, but I didn't expect to be kidnapped by a statue.
Well, either way, I hope this is a quick meeting I just want to go back to my dungeon already all these meetings are killing me. It took a few minutes to reach the moon, and as usual Mania, Lyssa, and Atum were sitting around a table waiting for me.
Before I could say anything Mania moved faster than my eyes could follow and began to squeeze the life out of me. "Alice I've missed you so much why haven't you come visit me sooner!?"
I could barely respond with "Can't... breath..."
Mania smiled and eased up "Sorry I got a little too excited come sit down and say hi to everyone."
"I can walk you know," I said embarrassed that I'm being carried like a baby.
Mania ignored me and proceeded to sit me down on her lap at the table. I tried escaping, but I figured out pretty quickly that it was pointless. "*Sigh* Hi everyone."
Atum was the first to respond with a smile and said: "It's nice to see you again Alice." Still, hate his creepy eyes.
Lyssa also said, "What's up shrimp you've been putting on a pretty good show for us."
After Lyssa's greeting, I noticed someone hiding behind Atum and looking fearfully at Mania. He had tan skin, long brown hair, and birdlike amber eyes. He still seemed pretty handsome if you ignored the fear evident in his eyes. "Who's he?"
I felt a shiver run down my spine, and everyone visibly tensed up. The mystery man looked like he was about to jump out of his seat and run at any moment. I realized it was Mania that created this atmosphere when she said: "That my love is Thoth, the God of Wisdom. He has something he wants to say to you don't you Thoth?"
Thoth immediately got up and began to kneel at my feet and said: "It is a pleasure to meet you Alice, your as beautiful as they say. I would-"
Mania cut him off with what I think was a sword made of death magic that stabbed into the ground right next to Thoths head. "I didn't give you permission to hit on my daughter." It's official never piss off "mom."
Thoth became as pale as a sheet and said: "I apologize for my insolence I meant no disrespect. What I wanted to say was I apologize for the events on Earth."
Manias tone somehow became even colder as she asked: "What specifically?"
I'm so happy I don't have to look see Manias face right now, even Lyssa is staring at the ground in fear. "I was the one who told my blessed to kill you to save Caelum. I humbly ask for your forgiveness."
This would be a lot more entertaining if I didn't feel like death was right behind me. Oh wait death is, and she's my pissed off mother great. What the fuck am I actually shaking right now? I need to end this right now "Were good looks like Mania has made you suffer enough already."
The tension in the air immediately disappeared, and Thoth looked up at me with eyes full of gratitude and said: "Thank you for your mercy."
Lyssa was the first to recover and spitefully said: "You should ask Sis to cut off the pricks head."
Thoth swiftly replied, "I would suggest you put down that rabid dog before it decides to bite you."
Lyssa cracked a grin and said, "At least I didn't have five of my planets destroyed by Sis."
More than a little shocked I looked at Atum to see if it was true and he gave me a tired nod. I turned towards Mania and asked, "Why did you have to do that?"
Mainia gave me a loving smile that barely hid anger and said "He tried to hurt let alone kill my baby. Isn't natural for a parent to hunt down the perpetrator."
"But why destroy five planets?"
This time Mania failed to hide her anger, and the fighting between Lyssa and Thoth stopped as she said "He tried to hide from me, so I proceeded to destroy a few the planets he was doing research on. Don't feel bad only one was heavily populated."
And I thought I was murderous... No point in dwelling on it "So was this the only reason you brought me here?"
A little calmer Mania said "No Thoth has a little gift for you. Well, you already have the gift you leveled up faster than I thought you would. I'm so proud of my little love!"
She's squeezing too hard again dammit! "What gift?"
Thoth sat back down in his seat and said: "The skill Mana Touched is the gift in question. Lady Mania "suggested," that I pay some kind of reparation for the trouble I caused."
"Couldn't Maina just give me the skill if I really needed it."
Thoth glanced at Mania whom I guessed gave him permission to keep talking "We gods have to follow rules that were put in place in the system. Your class, in particular, has broken a number of these rules and others have voiced their complaints. While Lady Mania is above these rules and can largely ignore the other god's complaints Lord Atum has convinced her to not step on any more toes."
This sounds like it could to come back to bite me in the ass. "What do you mean exactly?"
"Every god has a particular set of skills, classes and other things we can influence in the system. While often times our powers overlap we still have certain restrictions. Mana Touched, for example, is a skill that a few gods can bestow. While everything about dungeons is exclusively under that rabid dog's control."
"So basically Mania got tired of everyone bitching and decided to strong-arm you into doing all the dirty work. Not a bad a plan."
Mania patted my head and said "Thanks, sweetheart."
Thoth looked at Atum his eyes begging him to say something, but he just shrugged like nothing was wrong. "*Sigh* Well anyway I recommend you select nature magic and start the process in your dungeon."
"Why nature magic?"
"It has a few benefits but the greatest of them being the power to contract nature spirits, a health regeneration boost, and you can steal health and stamina from plants around you as an active skill. People usually go with there highest affinity and nature is almost never it."
This guy really is a god of wisdom; you can almost see the satisfaction oozing off him as he's telling me this crap. "So why shouldn't I pick death magic?"
Thoth madder of factly said, "You'd die a very very painful death. Even if you don't have a soul for the magic to wear down your physical body will be destroyed one cell at a time. And before you ask, I've seen it happen several times, and it was rather disturbing. The subjects were lucky that their souls were destroyed faster than bodies."
Mania hopped in and said "Giving Alice the skill isn't the reason why had you come here. Besides the skill isn't the only gift I want you to give."
Thoth paled and whispered, "I thought you loved your daughter?"
Because of his remark, a cold sweat started running down my back and before I could say anything Mania responded: "I do that's why I want her to be able to use the best magic available. You designed the skill after all so with the four us we can make it work right?"
Mania looked around the room with her smile, but from the looks on everyone's faces, her eyes weren't smiling. Lyssa opened her mouth and surprisingly spoke against it "Sis I get that you want the shrimp to be powerful and if she's stronger that means she is a more entertaining plaything for me." Don't refer to me as a plaything you bitch!
"But if the shrimp were to die during this scheme, I'm out of a plaything, and you're out of a daughter."
Atum cut in and said "I have to agree with Lyssa this sounds like a horrible idea anyway look at it. Even I have grown fond of little Alice and rather her not die if could help it."
Thoth added the last argument for my salvation "Even if this does or does not work it will be an incredibly painful experience. And according to all my studies, it is a literal impossibility."
Mania just said, "I wouldn't risk Alice's life for any reason, and this isn't a risk."
Thoth retorted with "I have tested this with all the magic that blessing give, and none of them work. Be it death, chaos or even life magic warps the body and soul-killing the subject."
As if speaking to a child Mania said: "You may be a god of wisdom, but I know far more about my own power then you will ever will. The reason why your subjects died was that they had souls Alice doesn't have one, so we simply need to keep her body repairing the damage faster than it's being dealt. Atum and I will take care of this while Lyssa takes control of her dungeon and keeps it one piece while at the same time forcing all its mana into Alice. Thoth you just need to edit the skill to work outside the system."
Atum yelled at Mania "You want to take her outside of the system!? If we were to do that, then all her skills would not work! Any skills that aid regeneration she already has would be useless!"
Mania replied with "That's why we will actively take part in the process. I will manipulate the death magic within her while you use life magic to keep her physical body alive."
Thoth asked, "That will keep her alive sure but how do you plan to stop the death magic from killing her?"
"Her body will adapt to it she is like me after all."
I chimed in saying "But what if I'm not?"
Mania lifter me up and sat me on the table facing me. She looked at me with a look that only a mother could give her child and said: "You are."
It was oddly comforting, but this sounded like a shit show waiting to happen. But for some stupid reason, all I could say was "Ok."
She squeezed me tight and gave me a kiss on the head looked at everyone around the table and said: "I recommend you all go and make your preparations I'll let you know when we will start."
Thoth and Lyssa wanted to say more, but Atum shooed them off realizing they couldn't change her mind. Mania made the table and chairs disappear and replaced them with a comfy looking couch and said: "Now then let's talk about how you've been doing."
3 Hours Later
Alice POV
Mania and I talked about a lot of things she explained a few things about my dungeon I didn't know about. The situation between Asura and the Draco Kingdom, she didn't like how I ended up involved in their mess but said I was doing well in general. She was particularly interested in Ery and offered to bless him, but I instantly refused. I knew how the gods could influence the people they blessed and it felt wrong to force Ery to like me. But other than that little hiccup it was kinda nice just talking to her for once. I might have to buy that shrine skill for the dungeon sooner rather than later.
But all good things must come to an end, so Mania opened up a portal and sent me back to the temple. I was surprised to Imerae, Takeo, Dorvon and the king all waiting there along 15 other very angry looking guards. I quickly appraised them, and they were all S Ranks, so it's safe to assume they were all royal guards. Well, the ones I could appraise anyway there were seven of them that had blessings so I couldn't appraise them.
Imerae was the first to run up to me and asked "Alice what happened to you? Where did you go? Are you all right?"
"I was kidnapped by Mania since I haven't talked to her in a while. Other than that nothing really happened."
King walked over to me with the guards and said: "Can't we go anywhere without you causing me a headache?"
I happily responded and said, "No, so where is Ery?"
King just sighed and said "When you despaired he tried to attack Pope Tragren saying he kidnapped you somehow. I had to knock him out and have two of my royal guards keep him from doing anything stupid. Not to mention I had nearly half them come here and search the building brick by brick."
"That's kinda sweet of him. So I take it all these angry looking guys belong to you."
"Yes now let's go already it's a miracle the Pope didn't ask for better terms because of this mess."
A few minutes later Ery came running out of a hallway asked what happened. After a quick explanation, he calmed down and said it couldn't be helped since it was Mania who took me.
As we were leaving Imerae asked, "Are we still going to the dungeon?"
"I almost forgot let's go, but it has to be a quick visit. Mania, Atum and Lyssa need come help me with something later."
Everyone stopped in there tracks and looked at me like I was insane. Well, I am but not the point "Before you ask it not a normal thing and no you can't stay and meet them. Ery you can't stay either, to put it bluntly, anyone who goes in the dungeon while they are there will die."
Ery just stared at me and said "What are you going... No, I don't want to know."
I cheerfully replied, "Believe me when I say you don't want to."
Me, Ery, Imerae, Dorvon and Takeo made our way to the Association Plaza which was still being blocked off by guards. We got through the blockade with no problems and are standing in front of my dungeon. "Prepare to be amazed!"
Takeo POV
This entire situation is just crazy! How did a typical round of guard duty turn into a field trip into a fucking dungeon!? And the worst part is Princess Imerae is the one dragging us into this shit show! I can't even blame that psycho anymore... Well, I shouldn't call her psycho, her name was Alice, right? Fuck now I'm growing fond of the girl she doing the same shit that made Princess Imerae practically fall for her!
Anyway, the dungeon entrance gives me the creeps. A large tree growing on a rocky hill, with half of the tree vibrant and alive while the other half dead almost petrified. And to top it all off a swirling pitch black portal. I whispered to Dorvon when Alice and Erethon walked through the entrance into the dungeon "What's the plan if things go south?"
Dorvon just smiled and said "You'll take the Princess and run while I keep them busy. But I doubt anything will happen, the Princess and Alice seem to like each other. It's you I'm worried about."
"What do you mean?"
Dovron gave me an accusing look and said "Just don't do anything too crazy in there. Were guests in Alices home not dungeon divers."
This old man "I understand."
Dovron put on his usual jolly smile and addressed the Princess "Princess would you like to proceed?"
Princess Imerae with her cold beauty nodded and walked through the entrance after Dovron. I followed and what greeted us was a barren wasteland as far as the eye could see. Alice smiled and asked "So what do you guys think? 100 square miles of lifeless desert! If the monsters don't get to you, then dehydration will! Pretty deadly right!"
First time I've seen someone so proud of a death trap but she does have a point not even one minute, and this heat is already fucking killing me. "It's too hot."
Dovron just laughed and said, "I'm guessing that's the point lad."
Alice seemed pleased with my response and turned towards Imerae who didn't seem to care in the slightest. Well on the surface that might be the case but I can tell the heat is bothering her especially since she half snow elf. Alice didn't seem to notice, and the smug look on her face was replaced with a disappointed frown. "You don't like it?"
Princess Imerae in her usual cold and uncaring tone said: "It's impressive."
That apparently wasn't the reaction Alice was hoping for, so she decided to drop the subject. The rest of the tour went on like this, Alice introduced us to the boss of the first floor a sand goblin named Tamer. The goblins here are strange they look much more civilized than usual and even speak the common language reasonably well.
Alice asked us our thoughts but was really only interested in the Princesses opinion. But Imerae just said it was impressive in the same uncaring tone as last time.
The second floor was even worse than the first. I could feel the fucking blizzard sucking the life out of me. I tried to ask Alice to hurry things up, but the little shit just ignored me and kept talking about the floor to Princess Imerae. The floor was apparently not finished yet, so we only spent ten minutes in that frozen hell. I was scared the last floor would be just as inhospitable, but I was relieved to see it was just a forest. Alice tried to introduce us to the boss of this floor, but apparently, it didn't want to be seen.
The forest was kinda relaxing even with the monsters eyeing us up and down. It reminded me of the forest where my tribe used to live. We were forced to be nomadic to avoid the slavers, so I learned plenty of tricks to live in the woods. But my tribe was wiped by the Kiton Empire when I was five, so my time there was cut short. This would be a nice place to relax and train maybe even have a date with Imerae... Dammit, what the hell am I thinking there's no way she would say yes! I'm not even close to the same social standing! Besides that what girl would possibly want to have a date in a monster-infested dungeon!
My delusions aside Alice brought us to our final destination a house that looked straight out of a fairy tale. It was the last place I imagined the Pale Rider would live, but it's better than a tomb I suppose. At this point, Alice was trying desperately to get any reaction out of Princess Imerae, and even I was starting to feel bad for her. But everything considered this was a pretty solid dungeon it had something for all the low to mid ranks and was big and profitable enough for multiple large groups to attempt at once. I'll probably come here regularly if anything to blow off some steam. After all, I don't need to worry about collateral damage in a dungeon...
Alice POV
What the fucking hell is with Imerae does she not like my dungeon!
"*Crying* Main is she doesn't like it she won't talk us anymore do something!"
"I don't have anything else to show her!"
"You two need to calm down I doubt our relationship is reliant on our dungeon."
"*Crying* But what if it was?"
"From the looks of it we would be screwed in case, but I'm tell-"
"*Crying* No!!!"
The hell why is this bothering me so much I can't be that desperate for praise can I? Well anyway, I have an idea that might just work. What the hell this isn't a time for a system message.
Hi, sweetheart were ready to start I would recommend you end the tour sooner rather than later. I don't think you want your friends to get involved in our little experiment.
Love, Mom
Dammit, all to hell! I turned around and addressed everyone "Ok listen everyone I need you all to go because I'm about to do something that will probably kill me and will definitely kill you if you stay."
Ery confused asked, "What do you plan on doing?"
"Listen Ery I'm sending three Oak Guard to each entrance I need you to go out and make it clear that anyone who comes in before I come out is dead."
My frantic tone made Erys face change from confused to worried as he said, "I need details Alice and what do you mean you might die?"
"For fuck's sake Ery I told you this would be a short tour Mania, Atum and Lyssa are ready to come over so for your own good just leave."
"Fine open a portal to the entrance."Don't worry Ery this will only most likely kill me. If Mania isn't right, I'm going haunt her. Wait I don't have a soul can I even haunt her! Wait I do have one it's just dead why keep saying I don't have one? Whatever I have other things to worry about.
I ignored any other questions and pushed them into a portal to the entrance and then out of the dungeon. Then I sent my Oak Guard to the entrances outside. I walked back through the portal to my house and unsurprisingly Mania, Lyssa, and Atum were waiting. And for some reason Thoth was also there looking even worse then he did the first time I met him. Not a good sign, I honestly starting to believe Mania is trying to kill me.
- In Serial261 Chapters
Lineage Saga (Kingdom Building Fantasy)
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] The continent of Erdenia is in flux, nations large and small move to swallow their neighbors. Roving bands of marauders pillage the countryside, and the seas are choked with piracy. Against this backdrop upon the central island of Syroneika exists the Mercan League, an alliance of city states ruled by the Archon from his seat in the Capital, Merlabria. Yet all is not well beneath the surface. The Archon’s health is waning, while the House of Mercan appears on the verge of conflict. Both princes vie for the Archonship, with the aristocracy close behind looking to settle old scores. In the immediate west the Althai Federation is in a state of civil war, the conflict spilling over the border into the League, while nobles’ squabble over petty slights. In this time of growing conflict, the Archon has summoned the warlord of the southern frontier, bulwark against the horrors of the dark forest, and former Grand Scholar of the court. Behind the scenes pieces are in play, and the Scholar possesses numerous enemies, many still envious of his meteoric rise to power. A simple trip to the capital may be more than it appears. However, the branches of fate are fickle things, a single encounter could change the course of history. Or perhaps that is simply the will of fate, and nothing has changed at all, who could know? Could the meeting between a simple slave and a warlord truly be fate’s bough? And if so, where could that lead? Read this if you like: Army Building Rational Combat War and Strategy Gritty Violence in a Dark unforgiving world Realistic and engaging characters Medieval/Classical Economics and R&D Do not read if: Looking for OP MC (power gain is gradual) Last minute Deus Ex Machina moments Want Evil enemies who are evil just to be villains Can't stand Slow Development and extensive world building You can join the Discord here: Lineage Discord Channel Cover Art created by: Illusstation Check out their work: Illusstation's page Updates Monday-Thursday (Guaranteed) [more chapter releases per week are possible depending on buffer and as rewards for events I announce]
8 289 - In Serial28 Chapters
You Are The Gods.
You read the title right, YOU are a God within this story. In fact, every single reader of the story is a God. Many stories like to take the path that there are Gods that watch over the characters of the story, helping them or hurting them as the characters progress. What if, the readers of this story are the Gods that are watching the Main Characters? What if the readers could accrue points by reading that they could spend to help the main character, hurt the main character, or to even create new characters, dungeons, and scenarios? That is what I aim to create! I am trying to get the community involved in creating a reality that the readers themselves can directly influence! If you have any interest in this at all, I implore you to read the intro chapter called 'The Tutorial' and join everyone else on many interesting stories on Planet Earth and what it is to become! Volume 1 is where you can find how the system works, and the various things within the system! Volume 2 is the actual story and invasions itself. Volume 3 is where you can find previous polls and the such. Volume 3 is so we can all look back at the decisions made. Quick note. I am not the best writer, and will try my best to create the best quality story. There might be some grammar errors, or I might write in a simpler way compared to other authors because I do not have much time, nor can I write ahead either! If you wish to give me advice on the system as the story goes on, then I will gladly accept it. Lastly, just have fun with the story as I try to do something completely new! Cover Art made by one of the Deities, The Hive!
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