《Alice The Roaming Dungeon》Chapter 14 The People in Power (Part 1)
After the city and royal guards threw everyone out of the plaza and guilds, Alice and King Halon argued about leaving the Oak Guard around the entrance. After some rather loud negotiating Alice left two of them to watch the entrance and sent rest back to her house on the bottom floor. The King wasn't about to let Alice wonder off again and had Haliae watch her every move while she was in the capital. At the same time rumors of the Pale Rider were spreading almost as fast as the news a dungeon had formed in the middle of their city. The king was beyond angry and was trying his best to play damage control. He brought Alice and Erethon back to the castle, and they were all sitting in the throne room with a few of his ministers.
King Halon POV
King Halon sat in the throne room screaming at Alice "Of all stupid stunts, you could pull you just had to commit murder and then have a standoff with almost every guild in the Association on top of the city guard! Did you even think of the effect this would have on the city! You even dragged Erethon into your mess!"
I swear this stress is going to put me in grave even sooner. Now I have to make the announcement that we have Alice's support before panic spreads through the entire city. I also have to explain how a dungeon opened up right in front of the Association Headquarters not just to the public but the Association Master. That old Satyr is never going to let me hear the end of it so many problems all created in under three hours.
"You are going to be confined to palace until I sort this mess out am I understood!"
"I refuse you can't-"
"No, but's Alice Halon is right don't even think about leaving!" At least Erethon is on my side.
"Not you to Ery."
How can she be the cause, so many problems then sit there and get scolded, like a child that got caught in a lie? Some of my ministers look like there even questioning if she is the real Pale Rider or not. It's almost laughable, why did I bring her to the capital so soon?
"Enough you just sit there and stay quiet for now we need to figure out how we're going to clean up the mess you made!"
"No buts young lady don't you think for a second that I've forgotten about the conversation we're going to have about your behavior!"
"No fair Ery you're supposed to be on my side."
At least I don't have to deal with correcting her behavior. "I'll leave it to you Erethon."
"Thank you, Halon."
"What was that Alice!"
Wow is this how I looked when I scolded my children...
"Anyway Minister of Information how far has word spread."
"Your majesty word is spreading like wildfire about the Pale Rider. And needless to say, word of the dungeon appearing in the city is known by everyone do to the system notification."
"I see what is your opinion on the best way to handle the situation."
"I would recommend we meet with church immediately and then announce Pale Rider as an ally. We should also say that the dungeon is a gift from her to us. If the reports are true, her dungeon will provide a lot of benefits to us."
"I was thinking the same thing. Archbishop Luca is the Pope going to be visiting us or has he given you authority over the situation?"
"My king in light of the situation the Pope will be coming here to directly to meet this Pale Rider via the churches teleportation array."
It looks he doesn't believe Alice is the real thing can't blame him for doubting her though. I doubt any of them could imagine the daughter of Mania being scolded by the likes of Erethon and me. And looks like Alice herself has picked on it to great...
"You doubting me dumb ass floppy ears."
Why did she have to point out his ears? The Archbishop is a rabbit man, and his ears have always been a source of pride for him.
"How dare you insult my ears do you wish for me to teach you a lesson brat!"
Be warned any challenge against the Pale Rider is one that must be fought to the death and the punishment for such a challenge will last long after death.
Oh, she sent out a notification. Wow, this first I seen all my ministers go pale at once. Even more impressive is the Archbishop stopped mid-rant looks she understands just how much the people of this world respect the system.
As much as I enjoy watching them sweat I should put a stop to this. "Alice please don't threaten my ministers."
"But he started it!"
"Alice listen to Halon or do you want to get into even more trouble!" Thank the gods for Erethon being here.
"But Ery Floppy-"
Am I watching a crappy comedy routine or is this really how they are.
"Archbishop, how long will it take for the pope to arrive?"
"Oh yes, my king! He will arrive in a few hours he was interested in meeting the first and only daughter of Mania."
Looks like she scared him into belief already impressive. "We will meet with him as soon as he arrives then. Minister of the Treasury has the appropriate amount of funds have been allocated to begin construction of the new fortress city."
"Yes my king the treasury has just enough funds in this year's budget, but we will have to cut back on all unnecessary spending if the cost war keeps up. But if we immediately set a tax on the monster cores that are being harvested from the dungeon we should recover the money lost in a year."
"I want half of that money going to me!"
What in the world would she even do with it?
Before I could ask the Minister of the Treasury said: "With all due respect Lady Rider but what would do with so much money?"
"I'm an Archduke, and that city is under my complete control so I guess I would put it towards maintaining my city?" Why does that sound like more a question than an answer?
"Archduke!? My king what is she talking about!?" And there it is.
"Her court ranking will be made such in light of her future contributions to the war and the countries welfare."
It looks like the ministers are losing it again. *Sigh* I'm too old for this.
I better shut them up quickly or we'll be here all day debating this. "The agreement was already made via soul contract any objections you have will fall on deaf ears."
"Is my rank that big of a deal?"
"Yes, it is Alice you're the first Archduke in well over 1,000 years. My predecessors abolished the rank because the rank gave almost complete autonomy to a house. It led to a civil war between the last Archduke and the royal family."
"Sounds great you can't tell me what to do in my city."
Wow, a genuine smile ignoring her blatant disrespect she's a cute kid.
"Anyway Minister does that work with our budget."
"From my predictions, yes but I won't know for sure until the dungeon is opened up to adventurers."
"I see then I want the announcements to be made tomorrow morning. Everything from the Pale RIders aid, the dungeon, and her court rank. The results of the meeting with the pope will also be announced if they benefit us in some way. With this I close this meeting, Archbishop let me know when the pope arrives."
""Yes your majesty.""
This has become a mess...
Alice POV
Finally, this stupid meeting is over. I was getting yelled at the entire time; I get I screwed up but come on. I'll just sneak out with the ministers for now and wait till Ery's a little less angry with me. I just got to be quiet-
Oh shit.
"You're coming with me and Erethon I have someone I want you to meet."
Good, King seems to be a little less angry, but Erethon looks like he'll cut my head off any second now. This such bull shit when did Ery get like this he has never yelled me before. Not even during my "mood swings" back in the dungeon. Well, they were mostly hysterical laughing and crying mixed in with a murderous rampage when I had a bad dream but still.
King asked, "You coming?"
I can't get out this ugh..."Yes, king jack a-"
"Alice!" Wow, I can practically see the anger burning in his eyes.
We made our way out of the throne room and started walking through an overly complicated maze of a castle to where ever were going. It only took five minutes of walking before the voices got bored and began to complain.
"*Crying* Main why is Ery so mad at us?"
"Because I listened to the dumb ass and the bitch."
"How is it our faults!"
"You guys are the one who put the idea of killing that guy in my head!"
"Don't lie even I know that idea was already in there and you're the one who wanted to open the entrance!"
"Yeah but if we didn't kill that guy, I bet we could have escaped by playing dumb! Well, you wouldn't have to play at it!"
"Oh fuck you and just because we say something doesn't mean you have to act on it!"
"*Crying* Please stop fighting! We need to make sure Ery doesn't hate us!"
Erethon POV
*Sigh* We were walking down the halls of the castle when Alice began one of her "episodes." Halon is making the same face I did when I first saw one of them happening. Right now "Main Alice" and another voice are trying to get the crying one believe I don't hate them. It's adorable in a way each of the voices is a part of Alice that she doesn't show. I think she doesn't realize it herself, but most of the time she speaks out loud with her voices unless she thinks about it. It's hard to stay mad when she gets like this, but I need to stay strong.
"Erethon should we do something about this?" Halon asked concern evident on his face.
"It's fine." Is it bad I got used to this already?
"But she crying and cursing at her self."
"I said it's fine it worse when she does in her head." At least when she does it out loud, I know how to help her.
"This is normal then?"
"Yes." Sadly.
"Oh shut the fuck up already you stupid little crybaby! It's always Ery this or Ery that! Why are you like this with everyone!? If it isn't Ery its Mania, I can't take your constant crying anymore! Who cares if they hate us!"
"Um, Erethon."
"Fine, this is a little bit much for me too. Alice, you're talking out loud again!"
"Why didn't you tell me!"
She's turned bright red, how cute.
"Is she always this unstable Erethon? If it is I may have to alter my plans." Yeah, you're worried about your plans, I have a pretty good idea who we're going to see.
"It is, and you don't. She has been through... a lot. But she is perfectly capable of doing her role. By the way, let me say this one more time even if your my student if you use her in any way that purposely, hurts her not even castle will save you."
"Realy threating your king you forget yourself."
"Halon." Wow, that came out much colder than I meant it to.
"*Sigh* I understand. Your tone just now reminded me of the old days of Erethon the demon teacher."
"Demon teacher?"
"It's what me and sister used to call you."
"I can't blame you for that it was a bad time in my life."
"I know that girl certainly did change you though, me and my sister only wished you met her before you became our teacher. Is she why you are sticking with Alice?"
"I honestly don't know, but I want to help her. Her Journey's scare me Halon if she stays the way she is..."
"Why how bad is it?"
"Journey of the Tortured and Journey on the Mad are both complete."
"She is a daughter of a god they do tend lead harsh lives despite popular belief. But still its cruel to torture a child so much, I can't say I would still be all there either."
"I wasn't finished Journey of the Insane is at 92%, Journey of the Shattered is at 46%. Well if they haven't progressed since the last time she showed me."
That probably did the trick. One of Halon's worst qualities for being a king is that most of his emotions are clear to see on his face when he's not in court. From the looks of it, he feels like a piece of shit for forcing Alice into a situation that'll probably make her even worse. War is only good wasting people and resources, and the last thing I need is for him to see her as a resource. But he looks like he understands where I am coming from now, good thing he always had a soft spot for kids.
I also bet that after one Alices nightmares it'll be a done deal. Good thing his sister Safphira isn't here she would be crying right now. She was always far too kind and emotional to rule the kingdom.
"How much further do we have to walk?"
"Still haven't learned the layout I see."
"Don't look so smug I don't know it because I always took the tunnels to the inner castle. Besides, I know this castle better than you ever will."
"I can't deny that you were walking around these halls 200 years before me."
"So how far?"
"About five minutes."
"Good and were taking the teleporter or the tunnels back." This walk is just a waste of time.
"No I feel bad for Alice but she still is a potential enemy and her being unstable only makes it worse." As much as I hate to admit it, he isn't wrong.
"Fine no tunnels but we are taking a teleporter."
"*Sigh* Fine."
"That's a good student."
"Shut up."
Alice POV
I finally got those guys to shut up already. The crybaby really is the bitches trigger. I also can't believe Ery heard most of that conversation and didn't say anything! I thought it was all inside my head but if I was speaking out loud then without realizing it... No, he couldn't have just have been listening to me rant and rave all that time in the dungeon. Damn it all that's beyond embarrassing why didn't I notice!? Is it because I lived alone for so long or am I going further off the deep end? Screw it I'll just pretend it never happened but for now, why is the king is looking at me like I'm a hurt puppy just like Haliae? What did you tell him Ery you know I hate people looking at like that!
"King where are we going? And stop looking at me like that!"
"We're already here." Whats with that look am I supposed to be impressed?
We're in the middle of a stone hallway with no art or decorations unlike the rest of the castle. On the way here I noticed a few unfamiliar runes and what I think are magically powered traps. It looks like a basic dungeon maze hall in a way; I might be able to use this as a reference. But what's with... Oh, I get it time to get some payback. "The middle of a hallway great."
"Not quite there is-"
"A magically powered elevator behind that wall figures." Ha, dreams crushed.
"How could you-"
"Obvious judging from the floor and walls show signs they have been moved a lot. Also, an elevator is the best guess because after going through a labyrinth of a castle I doubt it would stop hear."
"But the-"
"I was trained in infiltration, assassination, and general espionage if it makes you feel any better." I hope it doesn't.
With a defeated expression king was about to speak but ery cut him off. Joining in on the fun I see. "Yes, it's an elevator that will lead to the royal families living quarters."
"That the answer I was looking for thanks, Ery."
King asked, "So you've seen one before?"
"They were common in my old world."
"Usually people go nuts when they see this. It requires several powerful monster cores to operate only our country has the number of powerful monsters to make it possible."
"I more impressed with the runes everywhere but let's get on with it."
"Alice be polite."
"But he's the one dragging it on!"
"Then let's get it over with then follow me." Pft, the king is sulking.
"Halon you don't have to cater to her."
King put his hand on the wall and as expected the wall shifted brick by brick. When it was finished an empty room was revealed, and everyone walked into it. The elevator ride was fast, or at least it felt like it did. The door opened up to an overly fancy room the exact opposite of the previous hallway.
When we walked out, King said, "Welcome to the royal chambers you'll be meeting my youngest daughter Imerae."
"So is she your heir?"
"So what's she like?"
"Well, she's my third wife's child, 19 years old and a half snow elf. She is, how should I put this "unique." She is a genius at everything from running a kingdom, war, magic even sword fighting. But she is awkward and cold. If she doesn't know or like you, she will pretend you don't exist. So be prepared and forgive any disrespect she truly is a sweet girl."
"Great meeting her is going to be so much fun."
"Try to be nice Alice."
Ery and I started walking when King asked, "Erethon do you mind staying outside she hasn't met you before so-"
"It's fine Halon. I'll wait here while you to introduce Alice."
"Thanks, follow me, Alice."
We ended up walking down few a halls and ended up two guards in front of a door when I appraised them they were both 600+ typical of the royal guards. Unlike Haliae these guys reek of death, the atmosphere around them is completely different. They looked at me like I was a meal more than anything else definitely people I should avoid. But even between them, there was a big difference the White Dwarf on the right seemed cuddly compared to the Oni on the left. He looks like the type of guy that would happily run into the middle of a war just for fun a complete psycho, and that's coming from me. But for some reason, the bitch said she likes him. I could feel them probing me somehow so I kindly responded with The Presence of Inevitability the dwarf flinched a bit out of suprise, but the oni's eyes just narrowed. We stared at each other for a minute, and psychotic a smile started to appear on his face and unsurprisingly mine too. He put his hand sword, and I brought out my scythe, at the same time white dwarf moved in front of the king before he could say anything.
The oni seemed to grow tense at the sight of my scythe and asked: "Who are you?"
I swung my scythe at his neck with the full intention of chopping his head off and as expected he stopped it his sword "Alice the Pale Rider. Who are you?"
He didn't get tense or frightened he just grinned. "Royal Guard Takeo ex-leader of the Oni tribes."
"It's a pleasure battle manic oni."
"Mine as well insane little girl."
Before the situation escalated any further, the white dwarf spoke up, "That's enough Takeo you don't need to do this to everyone who arrives."
"I only do it to the dangerous ones Dovron. My king, why have you brought her here?"
"She is here to meet Imerae now open the door."
The Oni or Takeo I guess paled a little and said, "I can't say I approve of this idea she is dangerous."
Dorvon cracked a grin and said, "Ha, you only saying that because you fancy the princess. It's nice to be young."
Takeo went red and screamed, "Shut up old man!"
A little lost I whispered to King Halon "Hey, King you fine with that?"
The king responded in mater of fact type of way "He may not look it, but Takeo is honorable to a fault so he won't try anything. Plus if he loves my daughter, he'll fight to the death to protect her."
"Well, aren't you manipulative?" Wow, I'm almost impressed.
"A quality necessary to rule sadly."
"That wasn't a total insult."
Halon shrugged "No matter will one of you open the door."
The white dwarf Dorvon responded, "Yes my king."
The doors opened up, and me and the king walked into a lavish waiting room. King Halon sat on a couch and motioned me to sit down. "So where is she?"
"She'll be out in a soon."
A few minutes went by, and the awakened silence was begging to kill me. Where is this pampered brat! Looks like have to start some kind of conversation with the king, damn it. "So are all the guards that eccentric."
The king seemed fine with the situation and began to speak "Yes they are. There only 34 royal guards at the moment and to get that level of strength they've done and been through things that would break a normal person."
"I see..." Well, that idea failed.
Another 20 minutes just went by I can't take it anymore where the fuck is she! "King get that girl out here already!"
Looking slightly annoyed with the situation King said "Alice your right so calm down. I'll go get her so just wait a minute."
"Fine." Yeah, not gonna happen.
As soon as Halon turned around ran to the door and used my chains to destroy the lock and kicked open the door. The royal guard rushed in, but the king stopped them mid attack, not bad King. Behind the door was another hallway with a few other doors I used Deaths Eyes to spot the souls of three people in the room at the end of the hall. I ran and was about to kick that door down when the king came out of nowhere and grabbed me by my shirt. I was still wearing the same clothes that I had when I was fought the UMRD, so it didn't rip. Although it wasn't as good as my Liquid Orichalcum Armor, it still had some Orichalcum weaved into it same as my pants. Note to self I need to buy shoes...
"Nice try but I'm still SS Rank and speed is my specialty."
"Don't get to smug prick."
"I'll be sure to tell Erethon about this."
I'm really starting to hate this guy. "Whatever you want just open the door."
The king knocked on the door, and two maids opened it. They both 400+ so that would put them around A Ranks regarding level. The king said he would like a word with his daughter and they both quickly left the room and closed the door behind them. The king and I stood there in an oversized bedroom waiting for a minute. The king scanned the room then called out "Imerae I have someone I want you to meet."
I saw some movement coming from the bed and heard a whisper "Ok father."
Soon enough a pale girl with whitish blue hair slowly dragged herself out of bed. At first glance, the girl seemed delicate, but I could see she was a 500+. She's 5'7" so she has almost a foot and half on me and cold blue eyes. They weren't normal they were like ice, and they were dull with no shine to them. She didn't even acknowledge my existence and only looked at the king. "Who do you want me to meet?"
She's must be stupid for not noticing me, or she's ignoring me. Either way, she gets on my nerves, and the voices feel the same way. "Wow, wanna pretend to be interested bitch?"
"Quiet bitch nows not a good time!" I hope that stayed in my head.
"Why are you talking to yourself?" Fuck.
"Imerae this is Alice the Pale Rider. She is going to be helping us during the war and controls the dungeon I told you about. She will also be named an Archduke soon, so I want you to at least meet her."
She responded in an indifferent tone, "I see."
"Ok, then Alice I'll be waiting with Erethon. Come out when you're done."
The king left but I heard him whisper to the maids "If anything happens to Imerae have the guards kill her."
Not as stupid as I thought. "So princes-"
"Call me Imerae."
"Ok then Imerae what-"
"Please have a seat."
She sat down on a couch, and I sat on the one across from her and said: "What are yo-"
"You opened the dungeon?"
Keep cool Alice the king warned you about her "Yes, but it just an entrance-"
"How big are the floors?"
"*Sigh* A hundred square mil-"
"How many floors?"
Seriously let me finish a sentence! "Wanna let me finish a senten-"
"How many floors?"
This bitch "Only 3 for now."
"You just gotta keep calm Main. There's no way we can take the guards out front."
"Why do you talk to yourself?" Fuck I did it again.
"Why don't you go fuck-"
"How many monsters are in your dungeon?" At least she stopped the bitch voice from talking but like hell am I going to tell anyone that.
"None of your damn business."
"Then what types-"
"I thought we were supposed to be getting to know each other. What's with the interrogation!?"
"I'm calculating the number of adventures we could put in your dungeon at once."
This girl doesn't even flinch. "Want to talk about something else?"
"Yes, why don't we-"
"Have you met the gods?"
"Which ones?"
I can't take this anymore I smashed the table between us and yelled: "That's it fuck this and fuck you!"
"You have sad eyes."
What kind of response is that? "What the hell ar-"
"Your eyes are sad. Why?"
"None of-"
She suddenly got up and walked over to me. She looked straight into my eyes and asked me again "Why?"
Without even thinking I answered, "I'm happy."
"You're sad you're happy?"
"Yeah, nothing ever ends well for me and higher the high the lower the low."
"I see."
She sat and began to pet my head. "What are-"
With a kind smile, she said: "Don't be scared."
She started to hum a melody and before I knew my head was her lap being pet. It feels nice, she's an oddball, but I guess she ok.
Imerae POV
I had just finished editing the amount funds we would need due to the increased scale of the war and started to take a nap when father walked in with a child. He knows how busy I've been and I don't like meeting new people. So whoever she is must be important to some degree.
"Wow, wanna pretend to be interested bitch?"
"Quiet bitch nows not a good time!"
Huh, why is she talking to her self so rudely? "Why are you talking to yourself?"
She's blushing and father looks concerned was I not supposed to point that out? I've never been good at talking to people.
"Imerae this is Alice the Pale Rider. She is going to be helping us during the war and controls the dungeon I told you about. She will also be named an Archduke soon, so I want you to at least meet her."
"I see."
She's the Pale Rider I thought she would be much more monstrous. To be honest, I half expected a Wraith or some other type of undead, not a child. She also controls the dungeon that appeared in the city as well, this is interesting. But why meet me, does father want me to make some calculations about the dungeon?
Father left me alone with Pale Rider, or I guess Alice.
"So princes-"
"Call me Imerae."
I always hated being called princess. It makes me feel like more of an object than a person. Now, what should we talk about I have so many questions for Alice? Well, for now, I should offer her a seat.
"Ok then Imerae what-"
"Please have a seat."
No, I interrupted her! I always end up doing this to people by mistake. Oh no, why is she sitting on the other couch? I wanted to sit next to me so I could try to be more friendly. Now that I can get a closer look at Alice she's quite the little cutey. White hair with rainbow eyes and from here she looks a little animal. Maybe a kitten or bunny, too bad she so far away I want to pet her. I guess all I can do is make the calculations on how to use the dungeon. I should start with figuring how parties can go down there at once and the recommended size.
Let's start off with the simple questions "How big are the floors?"
"*Sigh* A hundred square mil-" A hundred miles should be large enough for 100 high level parties to move around easily.
"How many floors?"
"Wanna let me finish a senten-"
"How many floors?"
"Only 3 for now." 300 miles should work depending on clear times and death rates 400 parties should be fine if the floors a sparsely populated.
"You just gotta keep calm Main. There's no way we can take the guards out front."
She talked to herself again. I wonder why she does that? I want to ask but her and father already made it obvious I shouldn't point it out. But she looks a little annoyed with my questions, so it's worth a shot.
"Why do you talk to yourself?"
"Why don't you go fuck-" Oh, she's mad I need think of something I'll just switch back the dungeon.
"How many monsters are in your dungeon?"
"None of your damn business."
"Then what types-"
"I thought we were supposed to be getting to know each other. What's with the interrogation!?"
Wait I wasn't supposed to make calculations? I'm such an idiot how do I fix this? I should tell why I was asking so many questions. "I'm calculating the number of adventures we could put in your dungeon at once. Want to talk about something else?"
Wait if she's the Pale RIder than she's a child of a god that's a good topic.
"Yes, why don't we-"
"Have you met the gods?" Why do I always interrupt her!
She's met them I wonder what they're like? I have spoken to other children of gods before, but all of them haven't met their parents directly. "Which ones?"
Out of nowhere Alice smashed my table and screamed: "That's it fuck this and fuck you!"
No, this bad think of something Imerae um I know "You have sad eyes."
"What the hell ar-"
"Your eyes are sad. Why?" It's a little random, but I noticed when she first got here that she was hiding her sadness for some reason.
"None of-" I'm not taking that for an answer.
"I'm happy."
That doesn't make any sense. "You're sad you're happy?"
"Yeah, nothing ever ends well for me and higher the high the lower the low."
"I see." Why is this child saying things like this? She shouldn't have to fear to be happy right? I thought children of gods lived easy lives in their temples.
"What are-"
I gave Alice a big smile and said: "Don't be scared."
I walked over to her side and sat next down. I want to hug her, but she looks like a cornered animal. I'll just pet her head for now. Her hair is so soft! Oh, she layed down on my lap how cute! I wonder how she would look in a dress...
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8 117 - In Serial172 Chapters
A Happy Life Across The Orc Continent [ Danmei MTL ]
[ WARNING: THE UNOFFICIAL EDITED BOOK COVER HERE FOR ONLY ]Dear Reader, Please Read the Following;; THIS IS F-A-N-E-D-I-T-E-D-M-T-L / FAN EDITED MTL; BEWARE OF MISTAKES IN ENGLISH, GRAMMAR AND PHRASES!; FOR OFFLINE READING PURPOSES ONLY; THE BOOK IS ONLY OWNED BY THE AUTHORS AND PUBLISHER.■■■■[ SHOU MC - TRANSVERSER-PRIMITIVE-ORC WORLD - MPREG/CHILDBIRTH LATER STAGE, 1V1, HE, NO ABUSED, SWEET PET- WEAK BODY MC BUT GOLDEN FINGER IS KNOWLEDGE, CUTE AND STRONG GONG ]Author: 有一家雜貨鋪 (There is a grocery store)Status: finishedLast update: October 12, 2020Chapters: Chapter 172====The night before graduating from university, Wu Xiaoyin's lost consciousness with the expectation of a new life amidst the loud sales of his classmates. Unexpectedly, when he woke up the next day, he saw a gorgeous tiger. In addition, this gorgeous giant tiger has a dramatic scene of becoming alive. Wu Xiaoyin's, who had just woke up, were fainted gorgeously, so the big tiger dragged the little female Wu Xiaoyin's back to the tiger's nest and gave birth to the baby, haha!×××××××
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