《The Immortal》1: My Wasted Life


I look down on what is driving me mad; a white cast around my leg. The lack of movement is driving me crazy, yet I must persist in gaining all advantages for when it once again comes off. I glance at my former glory adorning the shelves. Countless trophies weigh on the wood, arranged by my mother in chronological order. From the left it starts with the cheap plastic children's stuff, but the farther right you go you notice the trends.

First that they are of better quality, real metal. Secondly that it is more medals. Thirdly the increasing rarity of that all sportsmen desire most; the golden color. If you inspected them further you would also notice that with age, a lack of the coveted gold appeared. Specialization also occurred. It has been over 10 years since anything with more than 400 meters has been put up there. Those were the times. When I could be the best simply by putting in the effort. When everyone praised me for my abilities.

Shit! I cannot get distracted reminiscing, that's when it is really over, when you rest on your laurels and wish yourself back to the glory days. The moment you stop working for the future is when the future really takes a turn for the worse. But try as I might, I have a hard struggle against reality. The lost training of the remaining month is gonna be a pain to reclaim, and the doctor even recommended that I stop. He doesn't understand, nobody does. Once I stop it is over. I do not have anything else.

Shaking my head to regain focus. I look over the depressing charts once again. I have undoubtedly gotten slower ever since I turned 26. But I still do not have any of the great achievements. I have never been the best in the states. I have never even made it to the olympics yet. I must find something, anything to give me the edge I need, but apparently you can train too much, much evidenced by the current state of my foot and the impact I need to become good enough keeps growing bigger now. Shit! Just ignore it. Focus on finding areas you can improve on!


A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. 

"Come in."

My mother opens the door to the room. I can already tell from her face that she is going to bring an uncomfortable subject up again.

"Brian, we need to talk." 

I sigh "We've been over this, mom. I just need more time, I can do this, but not if I have to deal with other distractions." 

"But that was before the fracture. The doctor said you can't keep pushing yourself"


The outburst shocks both me and my mom. Shit, these past weeks spent not moving is getting to me. I need to calm down.

"Sorry, mom, it's just... I need to do this"

She replies sounding distraught "I can't keep seeing you like this. You're not happy anymore. Why don't you think your father's offer over again?"

"Okay mom." I say, hoping for her to leave me alone. I have no intention of working that desk job though, but the last few years my mother's constant support has turned into this whole "get a normal life"-thing. Keeps talking of finding a sweet girl and starting a family and finding a hobby and stuff like that. It annoys me to no end.

As she closes the door, I feel the frown stuck on my face. Shit, sorry mom, but I need to focus on this. Without this, I have nothing, I am noone.

Then, a light starts shining in the room. It slowly grows, becoming shining cracks in space itself. I am speechless. A pair of small hands appear and tear it apart, revealing a shining, childlike nude figure of indeterminate gender.

"Greetings" it says.

I just nod my head. Did the stress finally get to me? Am I going insane?


"I've been looking for someone like you"

"like me?"

"Someone who doesn't give up, no matter what. Want to have a second chance?"

I think I am hallucinating at this point, but part of my heart is tugged on. A second chance at what? Being the best? Running?

"Life" it says.

I think for a moment. Honestly, I want to, I really want to. I could get a better start, start the right diets and workouts earlier, plan out my training better, become the best! But countless stories I have encountered throughout my life also runs through my mind. The monkey's paw, deals with the devil etc. And most likely, I am having a dellusion, I need to dismiss this.

"No, go away" I say, hoping to turn my attention back to my charts and notes before I go insane.

"Too Bad" it says, "But your cooperation was only wanted, not needed"

I swing my head to look at it and is blinded by a flash of light from the shiny child.

The light turns into darkness. I feel warm. Then, a sudden pressure from everywhere hurts me, I scream out before light envelops my vision once again, and when I come to my senses, I just feel warmth, and a wave of tiredness washes over.

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