《journal teleport science something》put a portal in my portal so i can portal while i portal


okay cool progress like actual progress like actually getting somewhere finally jeez this project. why do i even. i mean yeah travelling city and all that but sometimes it feels like too much work. like what am i even gonna do with a whole city? don't even know what'll happen to the river. plus i still got to figure out how to make earthquakes or whatever to loosen up junk.

note: fire a couple of teleportals at faultlines, see what happens

so anyway all my theories about making teleportal generators smaller are basically 100% correct so yeah just doing my science genius girl thing over here. just blowing mainstream teleportation theory to pieces and all. no big deal or anything. would have gotten more done but playing with tiny teleportals is way too much fun. you can get some crazy acceleration going. only problem is there's this like spin factor i can't figure out. exponential escalation of instabilities woo. almost lost an eye haha.

got the mareo to make me a couple of minidrones because teleportals + roundish robots = science fun

did kind of wreck both of them but oh well superscience demands supersacrifice

project site not so good. only read like seventeen percent of the five million banked up reports but yeah. scamps haven't even dug down properly yet that is ridiculous. how am i expected to work with just one superscience lair. two is the absolute minimum. i mean how long have i been down here in this hole. like a year almost? actually have no idea. supposed to be temporary but man the life of a superscience genius girl can get crowded. lazy little scamps is the problem. i mean what the flip are they doing over there

just having like a drone party or something

little drone party poppers


little drone dancings


they should have dug the thing ages ago. like at this point i'd expect them to be setting up air and water and junk because breathing is nice and hydration is important and washing is sometimes necessary.

speaking of washing my shower's broken. dunno how long. haven't done any hygiene biz for a while. too busy. had a bit of a wipe with a damp cloth anyway.

fed old underwear into the mareo

matter reorganised new underwear from old underwear

thus i have both changed and not changed my underwear by changing my underwear

i don't know it seemed funny at the time

in drone news #3 is seriously slacking off what's up with that. she's supposed to be the boring sensible one. maybe i should send #4 over to the project site. hulk slavemaster drone cracking a laser whip. teleportal isn't even set up so have to move him at night i guess. so that'd be oh haha right now is night. circadian rhythms get donked to junk when you're a quarter mile underground.

anyway guess i better do something about all this. or just yknow do SOMETHING.

to do:

get #4 over to that silly ol project site kick some lazy little scamps into action

read all these boring drone reports bleh

super fun happy teleportal work fun work

have my own dang party with tea and cigarettes and rollerblading

[ shower? fix the shower? why did i write this ]

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