《journal teleport science something》hot light is not as fun as it sounds


maybe i don't like lasers so much after all

or maybe


like i got one working and it looks all sweet and dinky on #4 hulk drone so that's cool i guess, and i mean sure it does some damage but yeah whatever bored of weapons already

anyway sent him up to be all armoured and lasered around the biscuit warehouse. like why did I even hulk him up and now like ARM him with an actual WEAPON like what's that about? that's not what I'm about. what's he gonna shoot, like if someone messes with him do I want him to actually take them out? murder drone.


i mean people are gross but i don't want to hurt them. i just want them to be somewhere i'm not. that's all.

why did i make a hulk laser murder drone. he won't fit in with the other scamps. social outcast drone.

oh no

i have created in my own image

to do:

[ be sad and work ]

be sad and tea

be sad and be more sad and be just really sad

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