《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 10: New Home


Because of sudden shock being seeing my beating heart about getting punched, I wasn't able to respond and just standing there observing MEC's first meeting my beating heart.


After the sound of a clash between metal, I saw my heart is completely intact without even scratch.

Then I saw after receiving the punch from MEC my heart began to beat more rapidly while sending a weird black liquid with red tint through one of the tubes connected my body.

I open the status screen and saw my health began to regen at a rapid pace. Oh, now I get it that is my [Madness engine]...ah, crap!

Noo stop! I don't want to become h*lk. I started to shake my head with rapid pace towards Kurogane who is trying to punch [Madness engine] again.

[What is it, master?]

Said opens his full in curiosity towards me. First I point my [Madness engine] then MEC he is controlling a shaken my head.

[Oh, I get it Master don't worry I know how much is dangerous of this liquid is] said Kurogane drops MEC's controller on the ground and takes my [Madness engine] and went to my body to put it back into place.

A moments later he appears in front of me with a small controller in his hand.

What is that controller is for?

[Now then]

*pochi do na* he pushed button.


What the f*ck!

I heard a small explosion inside me followed by rapid healing I completely restored my body in exchange for my few dead brain cells. Covering his mouth, with his long sleeve Kurogane explained to me.

[Please don't worry master I got everything under the control that was just a small explosive I found on my way. Master your [Madness Engine] is a very unique engine that turns a percentage of every type of damage to energy and health at the same time. Including damage that cannot harm you. Let me show you]


Said Kurogane takes a gun from a corpse and pulls the trigger while aiming towards me.


As I expected some bullets ricocheted away while other just stuck on my thick armour. I also received a message stating some mad cell generated from my [Engine].

That, however, didn't sound good for me because that means no matter what I do mad cell will still be generated from [Madness Engine] and mad enhancement will level up. It sounds very bad. What a second why Kurogane knows about my mad cell and [Madness Engine ?]

[Hehe, Master you know I am Dwarf Oni right ?] said Kurogane with cat like a smile.

I heard from Sky Mage dwarf oni's are proficient at mechanical and alchemy. What does it have to do with knowing an engine that made from lost technology?

Apparently, my curiosity was both obvious and immediately apparent even though my head armoured with a thick plate. Seeing the look on my face, Kurogane spoke in a calm tone.

[That is about right, Master we dwarf oni's skilled in mechanical and alchemy that we gain unique active skill from working in one field in a very long time along with a title. The reason why I know information about Master's [Madness Engine] is because of my unique skill called [Eye of Artist] enabled me to view a information about anything I touched with my two hands, but it is only limited to things created by someone ]

Kurogane paused for the moment, then said with a smile while rising his arms in the air as if saying 'that is it'.

[Sorta like an [Appraisal] skill but only works on things I guess]

After hearing his explanation, I decided to not dive any deeper and began to produce minions from my [Lesser Minion Hangar lvl-5].

[Oh so master also can give birth small ones ?]

Like a hell, they are my babies? I am creating them not give birth to them Iike some cockroach. After creating 25 minions I sent two group towards a tunnel to act as a watcher. I commanded two group to explore this futuristic dock while, as for last group act as workers under Kurogane.

With that, with Kurogane, we began to transform this dock into our new place to stay.

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