《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 4: In Belly of the Abyssal Cruiser


New status [Dextery] added Total energy increased by 100 Energy regeneration increased by 4


I always welcome good news.

Abyssal hand Lvl I All-general purpose hand. Upgrade to unlock further functions Lesser Energy Core lvl I A single core used by second-generation minions to supply their add-ons 21in-Abyssal torpedo Old model torpedo used by minions, small cruiser and destroyers. Effective against slow-moving or stationary targets.

Second generation?

Is that mean someone created those creatures?

So there also third and the fourth generation so on?

Oh, sh*t!



I immediately dodge a stray bullet and felt a bullet passing right beside my eye by a hair, SO close.

Then I saw a fight between Abyssal Cruiser and a group of minions about to end just as expected minions side about wiped out. Now there are only ten minions left alive from the group.

As for two Abyssal Cruiser, they are also not in good shape either the first one's whole body looks like the body of people who appears in pirana movie but still alive as for the second one's the situation is the bit better than first one.

All the cannons on body damaged from constant shots and bites along with wounds from the torpedos, now it fighting against minions only using it largemouths and big body.

Forgive me, but I need the power to survive.

I don't know there is Buddha or Jesus in this realm, but I clearly understand an idiot god exist so they must exist as well.

I chanted all sutra and prayer I know then sent torpedo towards one Abyssal Cruiser about to die meanwhile I line up one minion and other Abyssal Cruiser insight, then fires my gun.



With last pitiful howl, the light disappears from an eye of wounded Abyssal Cruiser. Followed Abyssal Cruiser's death, I received the message.


Level up x5 Due special achievement acquired Title :『 Giant Killer』 Due unique achievement Acquired active skill :Coup De Grâce『 LV1』 All skill upgraded by 6 Max level limit reached. Storing exp in [Reincarnator] for later use [Remodel] unlocked Active [Remodel Yes/No]

That is not a time for this!

I began to fire against the last Abyssal Cruiser swimming towards me after finished eating the last minion. I use upgraded [Dash] to evading it jaw by moving to the left side. At same time shot few times at point blank range leaving some dents on Abyssal Cruiser's body.

Now I know why other minions didn't use their cannons it is because it can't even leave a dent on Abyssal Cruiser's body looks like I have to either bite it to death or kill with a torpedo.

Noticing I evaded it Abyssal Cruiser quickly changes its course and attack me again.


I evaded again with hair's breadth. Then I saw a bright red pulsating vein began to spread around a body of Abyssal Cruiser starting from an eye, and eventually enveloping an entire body making looks like an incarnation of madness and carnage.

Yep, this clearly some kind of berserk or rage related skill.

Abyssal Cruiser rushes towards me with insane speed despite a large rock right beside.



My new arms disappeared along with large rock!

Especially my arm is blasted apart just by pressure created from speed!

The scariest thing is I didn't even felt a thing!

That is bullsh*t how can such a big thing move at such a speed!

I immediately create torpedo from my mouths while using my teeth as a guide I let it go towards Abyssal Cruiser's general direction.

I don't care just hit him!


With an explosion, some part of Abyssal Cruiser's head is blasted apart by a torpedo. But despite brain matter showing Abyssal Cruiser continues to rush towards me and opens a large mouth.


I really wanna punch me from 1 hour ago.


Well, it was a nice life, right pals.



I will not die not like this!

Too bad motherf*cker didn't your mother told you always chew your food before swallow?

Even without any feeling, seeing my body is slowly beginning melting by acid starting from my lower part give a sense of anxiety. Sh*t eighter I die from acid or live by eating this guy from inside out.

Eat, eat, eat, eat!

Due particular action Acquired active skill 『Berserk LV1』 The Abyss took an interest on you. You granted [Madness engine lv1] Condition met Berserk became [Mad enhancement(Curse) lvl1] Mad enhancement(Actived)

Following the system message, my mind became blank.

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