《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 1: Welcome to Abyss/Edited/


After the bright light faded, I met a world of total darkness. From the looks of it, I did successfully reincarnate into the realm that God was spoke of.

Then I began to examine myself. For some reason I couldn’t feel my neck like it was not there. Do I even have a neck?

When I tried to move my head, my whole body follows after it. Seems my head and body are one.

Next, let’s check my limbs. Well, I can move my mouth, but as for my arms I don’t have anything except a something…like a tail?

Is this a tail?…

Let me try to move it.


I am moving, but I don’t seeing anything, but my body definitely moving in a direction. But this feeling of drag and slight pressure…Am I underwater?

*Oh, what is this delicious smell!?* I began to swim; following a scent trail and eventually bump into the source. I don’t know what this is, but I don’t care. Nothing matters but this delicious smell.

*Thanks for the food.*

*It feel like trying to eat jerky; hard and chewy, but it tastes sweet and soft.*

Absorbed 100 material mass Activate Racial trait Skill [Upgrade ] YES/NO

I hear a mechanical-like voice in my head. So is this what they call a ‘system message’ ? So is this my perk or can everyone can use it? [Upgrade] means to making things ‘stronger’ or add extra ‘functionality’. Right ?

I answered ‘Yes’ to the ‘system message’.

Add-on, Remodel/requires level limit/

Seeing two tabs appear before me I obviously choose [Add-on]. Well duh, I don’t wanna be blind forever alright..? After I choosing [Add-on], I select a ‘Detection’ tab showing me two kinds of detection.

Sonar radar lvl I Cost 50 Vision lvl I Cost 50 Sonar radar lvl I, Vision lvl I accquired


I immediately buy Sonar and Vision. A moment later, vision returns to me, and I see many white things raining down in pitch-black ocean, like snow under a dark sky. At the same time, I began to feel everything around me, but it was very faint as I couldn’t tell the exact shape and size, but at least I can feel it is there.

Then I saw the corpse of a creature that looks like small black canoe-like ship with a mouth that was full of sharp, white teeth. Noticing a part of the creature was missing, as if a big chunk was ripped out of it leaving bite marks behind. I know it was me that had tried eating this creature/thing.

*….Judge! I have nothing to say*

*Ah f*ck it! They say when in Rome do as the Romans do. I gonna eat it who knows when I find another food like that.*

*Sh*t it is so delicious, but why do I feel like I lost something important?*

Absorbed 550 material mass

With the message, I finally finished eating the creature. I regret nothing. Thinking about a further upgrade, I active the [Upgrade] skill and check the list, but I only found all the other tabs are totally empty except the status information.

*I am doomed!*

Well let’s calm down…let’s check my status…maybe my status is insanely high…like an most overpowered MC’s..?

Name None Age 0 Race Abyss Level 0 Class Abyss minion Titles [Reincarnator] Health 100 Armour 22 Attributes Health 100 Armour 22 Energy 10 Strength 10 Agility 10 Intelligence 20 Add-on Vision lvl I, Sonar radar lvl I, Body of Abyss lvl II, Pressure reducer lvl I Active Skills Bite lvl I Unique Skills Martial art mastery Racial trait Skill Upgrade

Abyss Minion? That seems so weak it like I am like a cannon-fodder type-of-thing that appears in any game.


Do I have a any good skills at least?

Pressure reducer lvl I Reduces water pressure and resistance Body of Abyss lvl II Strengthens skeleton durability, enhancing physical characteristic (Teeth, Claw, Hair) Martial art mastery Allows user can master and restore any chosen martial arts

God damn it!

*Seriously…are you telling me I got a ‘martial art’ as my cheat? Martial Art ?! you mean the things people do in TV shows & movies? WHAT THE F*CK…I HAVE NO LIMBS!*

*Are you telling me do head a fu? Then Kung and F-UUU!!*

*Okay, calm dow-*

“UOOOOOOOUuoO” …. Hearing the creepy sound, I moved my body and looked towards where the sound had come from and saw a gigantic creature that looks like the god-damn Titanic had had a baby with a battleship and added nightmare-like fuel.

Why am I so calmly explaining details you ask ? Well they say when emotion passes their limit, people become insanely calm. Looks like what they said was true.

The air around me disappears.

*Think of nothing…you’re just ‘air’.* … *I am Air…I am Air…*

While I was doing an air-dance, the creature moves past me and disappears into the darkness beyond which my sight can properly see.


*This realm is insane. With those kinds of creatures around, doesn’t the world get destroyed?*

*Well, that’s their problem.*

Checking my surroundings I start to swim towards the closest creature that’s by a large rock. Reaching the rock I see a big white ball with a large mouth full of sharp teeth and glowing red eyes which had some text floating above its head.

Abyss minion lvl I

*Ooh, so I look like this huh? At least it’s quite cute-like a scary Pac-man!*

*AS IF!*

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