《I was Reborn as the Villainess but I will become a Great Sage》Chapter 38


Open books lay on the table in front of me. A few stacks lie around, and many shelves have noticeable gaps between books. I collapse into the chair behind me, exhausted and hopeless. After a few moments, I activate my bracelet and after my father responds, I say, “It’s no use. I think I have to go to the demon realm.”

There’s silence from the other end, and then, “You only started searching yesterday. Are you sure you found all the information?”

“Papa I know I only told you about this yesterday after… my talk with Jennis, but I already looked through all the books.”

He awkwardly coughs. “Then, do you need an escort? I’m worried about sending you alone, no matter how good at magic you are.”

“I’m not going alone. Rather than that, I’m more worried the demons will strike before I have a chance to talk to Mama’s family.”

“They might not receive you.”

“They can’t not receive me. Besides, my escort knows people… demons… who know them. I’m not confident in stopping the war, but at the very least, I need to try.”

My father sighs. “I honestly do not want to send you there. Who knows what unknown dangers lie there?”

“It might be overrun by demons, but I’m half one too. Besides, I supposedly have more power than them, so I will be fine.”

“Then, be careful. I’ll finish preparations here in the event the war begins.”

“Thank you, Papa. I’ll contact you soon. I love you.”

“I love you too, Nova.”

After ending the call, I mutter , and my scenery changes from the messy library corner to my room. Donning my black cloak over a t-shirt and trousers, I say, , and a familiar gem forms in my hand, spins for a minute, and then points to a direction.


When I leave my room, I’m stopped by a raised arm. Hiding the gem in my fist, I look up to see Lovina staring at me. “I’m sorry, Nova,” she says expressionlessly, and then she yells, !

Immediately, I shout, ! It’s just in time as I feel a momentary heaviness in my eyelids. “What is this about, Lovina? I thought we were friends.”

Her eyes widen. “Your only choice is to come with me quietly right now. You can’t go out.”

“I’ll humor you for a bit, then.” I turn around and lock my room door. “Where are you supposed to take me?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Then I can’t go. I’m sorry, I don’t have time to play with you right now.”

“You don’t have a choice.”

“Lady Petranovich, if you wish to remain off my blacklist, it would be wise to move aside now.”

Her eyes glance over to the side, and I follow her gaze to look behind me. There stands none other than Karen Stornrich. Almost unrecognizable, she stands with her hair wild and untamed; her puffy, red eyes dart side to side, her school uniform is torn in places, and she has a few small cuts in places where her bare skin can be seen. Her eyes land on my face and she struggles to hold back the bawling that is sure to come. I can feel a headache coming.

“L-lady A-al-allandis,” she hiccups, “ple-please help J-jennis. Y-you’re friends, ri-ight?”

“I don’t have time for this right now.” I begin to move but Karen runs up to me and grabs my arm.

“Y-you don’t under-understand! He-he’s been t-taken by those de-demons!”

I pause. “Demons?”

“You have no option other than to come with us, Lady Allandis.” Lovina’s voice almost stays confident. Almost.


“You’re scared.” Lovina’s eyes stay on me, as if trying to prove me wrong. I scoff and turn back to Karen. “I thought you loved him. Well, now’s your chance to prove your love.” I push her hands off my arm, but her grip tightens.

“Y-you’re the on-only one who can h-help him, Lady Allandis!” she shrieks. “I wouldn’t come to you for help if I didn’t love him! Do you think I would willingly ask you for help?”

“Let me go,” I say, my voice dropping.

Karen hiccups. “P-please, Lady Allandis,” she says after a moment, her voice feeble.

I sigh. “Where is he?”

Karen loosens her grip, a smile appearing on her face, as Lovina says, “Follow me.” She turns on her heel and leads us to a basement hidden with magic, with Karen sniffling behind me the entire way. From there she leads us down a long passageway into a labyrinth.

“All this walking is making me wonder why they don’t have some shortcut to get there,” I say. “It’s as if you were sent just to waste my time.”

“The area is blocked off by jamming all the way around, to prevent people from leaving through magic,” Lovina replies.

“Then how are you supposed to run when you’re caught?”

“The veil is strong enough. Not even you realized the basement was here all along.”

I scoff. “I may as well just leave right now if we don’t arrive soon. I don’t have time to be wasted like this.”

Karen chortles. “We are almost there. Hasn’t being a mage taught you anything about patience?”

“This and that are two different things. You could just as easily be leading me into a trap where Jennis is actually completely safe and the real reason why you have come to ‘ask’ me for help is because it doesn’t actually involve Jennis at all.”

Neither of them respond and the hallway falls to silence. Soon after, we arrive at a dead end. Lovina walks up to the wall and knocks twice, and then she stands back. The wall turns outward and the stench of blood and rotting flesh hits my nostrils. Gagging, I quickly cover my nose and mutter, . The air around me turns fresh again and I stand up straight. On either side of me, Karen and Lovina are hunched over and retching.

Walking past them, I enter the chamber.

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