《O.A.I.》Day 7, Alone in the Lab [Reader Poll]


Les did her job well, greeting everyone in the break room with the trays of cookies, asking them their names, and introducing herself. Mark stood in the security hall, looking through the one-way glass until everyone had left. As far as he could tell. He really hoped he didn’t bump into anyone that decided to stay behind in the labs.

Moving down the hall and into the changing room, Mark once again went over his options. He had already decided to call Dan’s bluff and ask Wanda for a tour of the locked room in Neuro, so he didn’t feel a need to try and get in there on his own. Not yet, anyway. However, he still hadn’t decided the best way to tackle the lab as a whole, and now it was go time.

The patrol route went in a roundabout way, but passed through each room. Supposedly. If he followed that order he wouldn’t get lost, and could move faster.

If he tried to go in reverse order, he might get a little turned around, but then he’d be seeing each room from a new perspective, possibly catching something he hadn’t seen before.

There was another option, however, but it was risky. He could not follow the patrol route at all, and simply go room to room in a more random way. This might take a little longer, giving him less time in each room, but with the maze-like layout of the lab, with so many doors in all the hallways, he had always wondered if it was possible there were rooms the patrol route passed by? Unlikely, but this was the only way to have a chance at finding out.

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