《Skillmaster : Haven》Chapter Eleven



A Groll, it seemed, was a rather nasty amalgam of a number of wild creatures, created somehow by magical mishap many centuries ago, and being quite enthusiastically fecund, they were constantly in plague proportions. The bounty was placed upon them to reduce their numbers, as well as to provide some safety to travelers in the region. Groll ears would earn anyone five coppers a pair when handed in. Being of low intelligence, they were unable to create anything useful, but were cunning enough that they were capable of using many small weapons, such as dagger, that they may have found.

The full explanation that Tam had received had taken up the full two hours it them to travel though the forest, with the occasional rest to restore their stamina, with the unspoken reality that ‘their’ really meant only Tam, his physical stamina being much less than the elven brothers. They had come across another band of Grolls, who usually seemed to travel in groups of around four, and Tam, using a dagger he had borrowed from Emerion, had managed to earn a set of ears and, as he only assisted in the kill, very little experience.

Finally the trees ahead were thinning out and the elven brothers constant attention to their surroundings was scaled back to an occasional glance, the village must be quite close now, Tam considered, for the elves to relax so much. Daeron walked next to Tam, so he diected a question at the elf. “Are we nearly there, Daeron ? I am starting to become a little fatigued and don’t really want to stop if it’s not far to go, now.”

Daeron answered, his attention still on the trees around them. “About two minutes. We should see the walls of Oakengate about then.” To his left Alarand quickly whipped his bow off his shoulder, knocked an arrow and let it fly. Thinking they were under attack again, Tam dropped to one knee, borrowed dagger drawn, eyes scanning for danger. Laughter broke his concentration and he looked up at the elves, who were still standing casually around, watching his antics.

“Tam, what are you doing, you look silly down there.” Daeron asked from his standing position above Tam, amusement apparent in his expression.

“I thought we were under attack. Alarand fired that arrow.” He slowly rose to his feet again, not bothering with the dirt on his tattered pants. Looking at Alarand, he continued. “What were you shooting at, then, Alarand ?”


“Dinner.”’ The elf replied as he casually walked over to where the arrow had flown, then quickly bent over and picked up a dead rabbit, the arrow lodged in its side. “Saves paying the Tavernmaster for a meal.” The rabbit disappeared into Alarands inventory.

They continued on their way, and it wasn’t long before the trees gave way to small patches of farmland, unidentified crops growing profusely. As promised, the walls of the town were easily located and the path the party was traversing wend its way between the growing plots heading towards some gates that could be seen in the wall. The wall itself wasn’t that tall, standing only about twelve feet in height and constructed of tree trunks.

As they approached, the crowd of people waiting to enter the gates became noticeable, and it was obvious that it would be at least ten minutes before they would have their chance to enter. Alarand turned to Emerion. “Emerion, go to the guards at the gate and inform them we have brought a stranger that the headsman needs to see urgently. All the guards in Oakengate knows who we are, so let them know I think this shouldn’t be delayed.” Emerion just nodded and sped off down the line.

The line slowly diminished in length, and it wasn’t long before Alarand stood before the gates guard, Tam and Daeron behind him. Tam was a little surprised the guard was human, and not elven. For some reason he had assumed that the town would be an elven one, maybe because the brothers had spoken fondly of this place.

The guard, though, was poorly equipped with armor and weaponry, wearing a rather dirty and cracked leather set and carrying what looked like a dull pointed spear. Sniffing, he swiped a wrist across his nose, the leather coming away darker where the moisture from his nostrils had soaked into the surface. “Ah, the hunters return.” He spoke in a nasally high pitched voice. “The captain has taken your brother to the townhall, he said to meet him there.” And stepped aside to let them through.

Alarand nodded at the guard, and wordlessly entered the town, Daeron close behind him. As Tam, stepped forward to follow them the guard thrust out a fist, connecting with the side of his head, knocking him backwards and reducing his heath by ten points. .“Where do you think you are going, scum.” the guards growled belligerently, his jaw thrust forward in challenge. “Get back in the line and wait your turn, before I teach you to show some respect for the laws.” The guard looked Tam up and down, sneering at his disreputable appearance., then spat at Tams feet. “Stinking derelict.”


Tam was shocked by this treatment, he had never encountered this type of behavior before from a game generated character, especially one of so little importance within the game. Didn’t his position as a player earn him some respect at all ? He also knew the helplessness of his current position. “But, im with Alarand…” Tam started to say before the back of the guards hand stopped him as it struck him across his cheek.

“Shut your puking hole.” The guard roared in Tams face and raised his hand to strike again, but it was halted from falling as a hand suddenly gripped the guards wrist from behind. Tam raised one hand to rub at his now stinging face, and saw Alarand behind the guard, his face suffused with anger.

“What the hell do you think you are doing, Sham.” Alarand demanded in a stern voice.

The guard pulled his hand out of Alarands grip, and gave the elf an annoyed glance. “This vagabond tried to sneak in behind you. You know the rule, all new visitors to town must pay a gold coin entrance fee, and this one, ‘ he indicated Tam with a jerk of his chin, “was trying to avoid it by pretending to be with you.” He spat again at Tam. “The dirty begger deserved the beating I was going to give him before you stopped me. Look at him, dressed in filthy rags, and I bet not a coin in his pocket. We don’t need this type of rabble in our town. “ obvious disgust and distain growing in his speech as it progressed.

The elf gave the guard a hard look. “He is with me, Sham, and as a companion of mine, he deserves to be shown the same respect you show me.”

“You damn well show him respect, if you want, elf, I am under no obligation to show him anything but the back of my hand.”

Alarands reply to this was interrupted by the arrival of the captain of the gates, who was returning after escorting Emerion to the townhall. The captain looked from Alarand the guard, Sham, and seeing the tension between the two spoke. “What’s going on here, then. Who wants to tell me why both of you are puffed up like roosters about to have at each other ?” Still looking between the two antagonists, he reached forwards and pushed them firmly apart.

Sham quickly spoke first. “I was doing my job, and refusing entrance to the tramp near the gates, when Alarand interfered, stopping me from performing my legally required duties. If he had stayed out of my way, the tramp would have got what he deserved and none of this,” he indicated the standoff between him and the elf, ”would have happened. His tone had lost its bluster and now was only whiny.

The captain held up one hand, showing that he had heard enough from Sham, and quirked one eye at Alarand, as if indicating it was his turn to explain.

“The tramp, as Sham calls him, is the stranger we are bringing to the headsman. He is with us and Sham denied him entrance, even after I stated he was with my party. He even struck Tam on two occasions, which I do not think this situation required or warranted.” All the while speaking, Alarand just stood there, arms crossed glaring at the guard. “I am considering the offence that has been given to me, and may seek satisfaction.” He rubbed the sword at his waist, illustratively.

The captain pursed his lips in thought, then turned to the guard. “Sham, you are an idiot. You are only on gate guard because you have stuffed up every other position you have served in, no one wants to serve with you, and now you are starting problems with people trying to enter the village. When your replacement shows up, you can consider yourself transferred to the armory. From now on, until I feel you have learnt something, your duties will only consist of you cleaning all the armor and weapons until I am satisfied they gleam.” He looked at Sham until the smaller man just nodded in understanding and acceptance, then turned to Alarand. “I apologize, Alarand, for the actions of my guards. I hope you forgive the insult that you have received, and if you wish to speak further on it, meet me in the Golden Goblet after nightfall. Now, please feel free to take the stranger to the headsman.”

Alarand nodded at the Captain, gave the guard, Sham, one last glare for good measure, then gathered up Tam and they all entered the village.

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