《Entropy's Servant》End of Arc 1 character summary.


Astaroth Eskaria

~The pitch-black demon king~

The main character.

Ruler of the nation of Eskaria, the demon lord, the Overlord, the demon king… many different people call him many different things.

He’s very rude, and appears to be entirely aware of that. Yet the greatest insult he can extend someone, barring direct hatred, is false courtesy, which he is actually quite skilled at.

Loves drama, theatrics and flaunting his powers. In other words, a massive drama king.

Because of the extent of his powers and the way he paints himself, many members of his army look up to him, almost like a god. They’re often grateful just to be able to eat in the same room. (He doesn’t really care.)

On the other hand, those who know him personally know that much of his personality is acting, and that, though ruthless, as long as the other party is the correct person, he is not unkind.

Incidentally, he took his last name from the land, not the other way around.

Recent worries include “paperwork”.



Astaroth Eskaria






9 (Divine)


Demon Lord

[True Demon Form] [Overlord’s Authority] [Aura of the Overlord]

True Demon Form

A compound of several different skills, this skill makes you stronger in a variety of ways and brings out your true nature.

Overlord’s Authority

You may give absolute orders of up to ten words that monsters of the 9th rank or below must obey.

If a monster is 7th rank or below, you may ravage its soul, leaving only loyalty to you. Such puppets will no longer have any autonomy, although it is possible for you to return their autonomy to them.

Aura of the Overlord

Passive: your mana is of higher density and purity. It is significantly easier for your mana to transform into miasma. You will have an easier time spreading your mana into the environment for intimidation, awe, investigation or any other purpose. Your general control over your mana is greatly improved. If your mana is run into certain equipment, such as a crown, a staff, or a cape, you will gain the impression of being a ‘ruler’.


[Storage] [Skill Borrowing] [Saviour] [Self-status] [Increased efficiency: Light]


Place an item you are in contact with into or retrieve it from a special sub-space. Living beings may not be placed into this sub-space.

Skill Borrowing

Use a skill that belongs to any being which recognises itself as your subordinate, although with decreased efficiency.


Passive: anyone who you rescue from a life-or-death situation will forcibly have their mental state calmed, and gain permanent increased mental resistance.


View your own status, as if through the effect of [Appraisal].

Increased efficiency: Light

Passive: the efficiency and effect of any light-attribute or healing-type magic cast on or by you will increase.

Aspect of Protection

[Barrier] [Protect] [Shroud]


Form an unbreakable barrier around one area, to a maximum size of a small continent. Mana usage will increase as barrier size does. Nothing may pass through this barrier, in or out.


Form a protective barrier of light around yourself or an ally, protecting them entirely from physical attacks. Specialised barrier-breaking attacks may be able to pierce it. You may control up to ten, each costing more mana. Blocking attacks with such a barrier will consume mana.


Wrap yourself or an ally in protective darkness, hiding them from visual detection and granting them complete protection from magical attacks. It only works in dark environments, and you may control up to ten, each costing more mana.

Aspect of Blessing

[Divine Blessing] [Blessing of Light] [Blessing of Darkness]


Divine Blessing

Grant a being a permanent divine protection. Its effects will depend on your power, as well as the strength of the divine protection. Since it comes from this Aspect, the divine protection will possess every attribute.

Blessing of Light

Temporarily grant a living being the skill [Divine Protection: Astaroth (Light-attribute)]. The stronger the target and the longer the duration, the higher the mana consumption.

Blessing of Darkness

Temporarily grant a living being the skill [Divine Protection: Astaroth (Darkness-attribute)]. The stronger the target and the longer the duration, the higher the mana consumption.


[Darkness-Attribute Magic: Complete] [Original Magic] [No-Attribute Magic] [Night Vision] [Divine Protection: Luciel] [Divine Protection: Entropy] [Fragment of Earth-Attribute Divinity] [Fragment of ∎▲z]

Darkness-Attribute Magic: Complete

You may use any darkness-attribute spell that exists, as long as you have the mana and the concentration.

Original Magic

You may use the spells you yourself have developed.

No-Attribute Magic

You may use various spells that are not bound to any particular attribute. You may use these spells without chanting.

Night Vision

Passive: you may see in the dark in greyscale, but otherwise as though it were light.

Divine Protection: Luciel

Passive: your affinity for light-attribute magic will increase. Your hardiness will increase. You will not feel pain. You will become a ‘Hero’ and gain appropriate power. You will find it easier to see through deception and discern secrets.

Divine Protection: Entropy

Passive: your affinity for darkness-attribute magic will increase. Your hardiness will increase. Your confidence will greatly increase. You will find it easier to keep secrets and remain unnoticed.

Fragment of Earth-Attribute Divinity

You have inherited the power of the earth-attribute. With just a speck of this power, the earth will bend according to your will and the forest will bow before you. As you are incomplete as a god, it will have no effect on beings with self-awareness, and attempts to use this power on such beings is likely to earn you their ire. The more people profess their faith in you, the stronger you will grow.

Fragment of ∎▲z

You have inherited the power of ∎▲z. With just a speck of this power, ∎▲z will ⬜89Q& according to ♕▲.


~The youthful dragon~

One of the five Demon Generals.

About seven years old. The equivalent age for a human is about fourteen.

As expected of someone her age, she is certainly a little childish. Yet, unlike normal children, she is a complete battle maniac.

She’s basically always cheerful in spite of her warlust. Even relatively hard fights are often games to her, and a deprivation of battle saddens her.

Since Astaroth is the one who’s raising her, it wouldn’t be out of place to be concerned for her future.

Recent worries include “I still can’t beat Master…”.







Red Dragon


7 (High)



[Dragon’s Glare] [Dragonsbreath]

Dragon’s Glare

Use a dragon’s predatory glare to paralyse your prey.


Breathe fire that can burn through anything.


[Humanisation] [Telepathy] [Fire-Attribute Magic: Offensive] [No-Attribute Magic]


Take on a humanoid form. Depending on the amount of mana you use, the form will be more or less humanoid.


Establish a telepathic communication with a consenting other party, or multiple. The more people in the connection and the higher the distance, the higher the mana cost.

Fire-Attribute Magic: Offensive

You may use various fire-attribute spells that are geared towards attack.

No-Attribute Magic

You may use various spells that are not bound to any particular attribute. You may use these spells without chanting.


~The castle’s cheerful mascot~

One of the five Demon Generals.


Although she has an indistinct personality—likely due to her largely instinctive nature—she is still well-liked by the demon army. In addition, although this is an impressively rude way to phrase this, she is somewhat used as a cute garbage disposal. After all, she’ll eat anything one feeds her.

Exactly because of her simple thought processes, she may sometimes come up with a plan no one else could think of.

She has no such thing as recent worries.







Grand Slime


7 (High)



[Amorphous Body] [Natural Camouflage: Water] [Omni-Digestion]

Amorphous Body

Passive: your body does not have a set form, and you may reshape it as you wish.

Natural Camouflage: Water

Passive: certain types of monster are naturally hard to detect in certain environments. In your case, you blend in with water and other similar environments.


You can digest anything, edible or not, and gain energy and nutrition from it.


[Long-distance Control]

Long-distance Control

You can control parts of yourself even if they are separated from your body.

Lilith Bral'goch

~The indulgent devil girl~

One of the five Demon Generals.

Around 1.300 years old. The equivalent age for a human would be their twenties.

Enjoys making dirty jokes and reading inappropriate books. In spite of this, or perhaps as its cause, she is actually a virgin.

Despite her generally carefree, lazy personality, she holds grudges for long and can become very angry if left unchecked. In a sense, her own personality acts as a limiter of sorts.

Recent worries include “how to treat that bastard”.



Lilith Bral’goch






7 (High)



[Fiendish Speed] [Hell Magic] [Devil Magic] [Devil Ritualism] [Limitless Mana Pool]

Fiendish Speed

Passive: certain species of Devil could very well be said to be embodiments of magic itself. As such, they can use any spell they know without so much as chanting.

Hell Magic

You may use magic exclusive to high-ranking devils dealing with the fundamentals of magic itself, such as mana manipulation and arcana attacks.

Devil Magic

You may use magic exclusive to devils dealing with things such as the other party’s mental state and their mobility.

Devil Ritualism

You may use various elaborate magical rituals known and useable only by certain devils.

Limitless Mana Pool

Passive: as devils can get their mana directly from Gehenna, they can continue casting spells for a practically infinite amount of time, assuming they maintain concentration. You may not feed yourself off of this mana.


[Darkness-Attribute Magic: Offensive] [Fire-Attribute Magic: Offensive] [Water-Attribute Magic: Offensive] [Earth-Attribute Magic: Offensive] [Wind-Attribute Magic: Offensive] [No-Attribute Magic]

Darkness-Attribute Magic: Offensive

You may use various darkness-attribute spells that are geared towards attack.

Fire-Attribute Magic: Offensive

You may use various fire-attribute spells that are geared towards attack.

Water-Attribute Magic: Offensive

You may use various water-attribute spells that are geared towards attack.

Earth-Attribute Magic: Offensive

You may use various earth-attribute spells that are geared towards attack.

Wind-Attribute Magic: Offensive

You may use various wind-attribute spells that are geared towards attack.

No-Attribute Magic

You may use various spells that are not bound to any particular attribute. You may use these spells without chanting.

Charlotte Wright

~The demon king’s loyal aide~

One of the five Demon Generals.

Several millennia old.

Places an almost unheard-of amount of emphasis on manners and proper conduct.

She has a good head, and knows how to use it. As a result, she is in charge of Eskaria’s coffers and, by extension, its treasury.

Despite her common resigned expressions whenever Astaroth acts theatrical, she continues to call him “M’lord”, so it can be assumed she respects him.

Common nicknames for her among the army are “everyone’s big sister”, “queen of good manners” and “terrifying little girl”.

Recent worries include “M’lord is evolving, yet he cont’nues t’ be a blackguard”.

* Charlotte is an evil, blood-drinking vampire.



Charlotte Wright




Vampire Princess


7 (High)



[Heiress of Midnight (Inborn)] [Bloodworks] [Blood Conversion] [Bloodshift] [Blood Life] [Sunlight Resistance]

Heiress of Midnight (Inborn)

Passive: the blood of the true Vampire Crown runs through your veins. You may telepathically communicate with thralls, subordinates and the like without limit. Your power grows exponentially the darker the night is. This is amplified during a blood moon. You have a natural affinity for shadows and darkness. Vampire royal races are available.


You may manipulate your blood as if it were a limb or a weapon, even after it has left your body. In addition, you may use it as a medium to cast your magic.

Blood Conversion

You may use blood you have ingested in various ways, such as to restore your strength, to gain mana, to heal wounds or to influence the minds of those weaker than you.


You may shift your form into one befitting of your situation, whole or partial, such as a swarm of vampire bats, a cloud of mist, or a pair of wings upon your back.

Blood Life

You may give life to your own blood, in the form of various familiars, such as bats and wolves.

Sunlight Resistance

Passive: you have overcome a Vampire’s natural weakness. Sunlight poses no threat to you.


[Appraisal] [Monstrous Swordplay] [Shadow Magic] [Light-Attribute Magic: Expert] [Darkness-Attribute Magic: Advanced] [No-Attribute Magic]


View the status of a person or an artifact.

Monstrous Swordplay

A version of the [Swordplay] skill that only monsters may obtain. In addition to various slashes and other techniques, you can incorporate your superior physical abilities into your way of fighting.

Shadow Magic

You may use light-attribute spells that incorporate darkness and shadows into their design and execution.

Light-Attribute Magic: Expert

You may use various high-level light-attribute spells with various purposes, such as attack, defence, etcetera.

Darkness-Attribute Magic: Advanced

You may use various medium-level darkness-attribute spells with various purposes, such as attack, defence, etcetera.

No-Attribute Magic

You may use various spells that are not bound to any particular attribute. You may use these spells without chanting.

Tempest Maleficum

~The demon king’s magical apprentice~

One of the five Demon Generals. Her messy hair and the terrible bags under her eyes say much about her personality.

In one word, a scientist. In two words, a mad scientist. Although she has developed many boons for the demon army—it is only under her guidance that a way to artificially produce Black Silver was created—she has caused just as many explosions.

Despite this, she is valued as a genius inventor, enough so as to have her own tower in the castle.

There is definitely no relation between this tower and the explosions she causes.

Uses “Master” in the sense of “master and apprentice”.

Recent worries include “the fact that Master is getting stronger, but he still won’t let me examine him”.



Tempest Maleficum




Witch Queen


7 (High)



[Skill Forge] [Magical Disposition] [Magic Formula Comprehension]

Skill Forge

Particularly powerful witches can create incredible, single-use skills, at the cost of large amounts of mana.

Magical Disposition

Passive: witches find it far easier to learn new spells, and to use the effects of spells on their own body.

Magic Formula Comprehension

Passive: you can comprehend a spell simply by seeing it once.


[Explosion Resistance] [Light-Attribute Magic: Expert] [Darkness-Attribute Magic: Expert] [Fire-Attribute Magic: Expert] [Water-Attribute Magic: Expert] [Earth-Attribute Magic: Expert] [Wind-Attribute Magic: Expert] [Original Magic] [No-Attribute Magic]

Explosion Resistance

Passive: you are significantly less harmed by explosions and similar sources of damage.

Light-Attribute Magic: Expert

You may use various high-level light-attribute spells with various purposes, such as attack, defence, etcetera.

Darkness-Attribute Magic: Expert

You may use various high-level darkness-attribute spells with various purposes, such as attack, defence, etcetera.

Fire-Attribute Magic: Expert

You may use various high-level fire-attribute spells with various purposes, such as attack, defence, etcetera.

Water-Attribute Magic: Expert

You may use various high-level water-attribute spells with various purposes, such as attack, defence, etcetera.

Earth-Attribute Magic: Expert

You may use various high-level earth-attribute spells with various purposes, such as attack, defence, etcetera.

Wind-Attribute Magic: Expert

You may use various high-level wind-attribute spells with various purposes, such as attack, defence, etcetera.

Original Magic

You may use the spells you yourself have developed.

No-Attribute Magic

You may use various spells that are not bound to any particular attribute. You may use these spells without chanting.


~Formerly human traitor~

A former Hero who defected and joined Astaroth’s demon army. By a ritual, she was transformed into an undead Shadow Grand Mage.

Despite being a living shadow, she still wears the robes she wore as a human.

She’s naturally nervous, which is worsened by the fact that she appears to be the only person around for miles with a shred of common sense when it comes to power scaling.

Recent worries include “preserving my common sense”.







Shadow Grand Mage


5 (Greater)



[Amorphous Body] [Natural Camouflage: Darkness]

Amorphous Body

Passive: your body does not have a set form, and you may reshape it as you wish.

Natural Camouflage: Darkness

Passive: certain types of monster are naturally hard to detect in certain environments. In your case, you blend in with darkness, whether artificial or natural.


[Storage] [Grimoire] [Saviour] [Self-status] [Increased efficiency: Light]


Place an item you are in contact with into or retrieve it from a special sub-space. Living beings may not be placed into this sub-space.


Use a spell written in a grimoire at its original effectivity and efficiency, regardless of elemental aptitudes.


Passive: anyone who you rescue from a life-or-death situation will forcibly have their mental state calmed, and gain permanent increased mental resistance.


View your own status, as if through the effect of [Appraisal].

Increased efficiency: Light

Passive: the efficiency and effect of any light-attribute or healing-type magic cast on or by you will increase.


[Light-Attribute Magic: Advanced] [Darkness-Attribute Magic: Advanced] [No-Attribute Magic] [Strategist] [Divine Protection: Luciel] [Divine Protection: Entropy (lesser)]

Light-Attribute Magic: Advanced

You may use various medium-level light-attribute spells with various purposes, such as attack, defence, etcetera.

Darkness-Attribute Magic: Advanced

You may use various medium-level darkness-attribute spells with various purposes, such as attack, defence, etcetera.

No-Attribute Magic

You may use various spells that are not bound to any particular attribute. You may use these spells without chanting.


Passive: you will find it easier to come up with plans.

Divine Protection: Luciel

Passive: your affinity for light-attribute magic will increase. Your hardiness will increase. You will not feel pain. You will become a ‘Hero’ and gain appropriate power. You will find it easier to see through deception and discern secrets.

Divine Protection: Entropy (lesser)

Passive: your affinity for darkness-attribute magic will increase. Your hardiness will slightly increase. You will find it slightly easier to keep secrets and remain unnoticed.


~The demon army’s blacksmith~

A unique Cursed Golem, created by the fusion of a wandering soul with a Steel Golem. Possesses little combat ability, so third grade.

It possesses great blacksmithing ability, in addition to the ability to smith magical artifacts.

Its blacksmithing is at the point where getting repaired by it is a reward to the army’s Living Armours.

It is the designer of most of the demon army’s standard-issue equipment.

Recent worries include “equipping the new frontier properly”.


~The demon king’s pet dog~

A Kobold Astaroth picked up while he was in the Goblinoid kingdom.

It seems to enjoy being dominated and treated as a soldier.

Ever since Astaroth punched its previous, abusive master in the face, it has loved him.

Recent worries include “making myself useful to the demon lord”.









3 (Normal)



[Kobold Instincts] [Kobold Pack Bonding]

Kobold Instincts

Passive: your instincts have evolved to the level where they can be trusted and relied upon without issue. They will guide you to ways to easily form a pack, gain strength, survive, etc.

Kobold Pack Bonding

Passive: you will have an increased sense of unity with those you consider allies. Your coordination when performing activities in a group is improved.


[Loyalty] [Divine Protection: Entropy (lesser) (Inborn)]


Passive: your parameters will improve when you are following orders.

Divine Protection: Entropy (lesser) (Inborn)

Passive: your affinity for darkness-attribute magic will increase. Your hardiness will slightly increase. You will find it slightly easier to keep secrets and remain unnoticed.


~Mysterious individuals in the castle~

A pair of mysterious individuals, who appear to work for Astaroth.

Of the two, one has decided to request something.

Recent worries include “the lack of something to do”.


~The cold Queen of Ice~

The world’s only current Grand Lich. Eighth grade.

Master of ice magic, which is a subdivision of water-attribute magic, and necromancy.

Also a master at ridiculing people. At least half her words are sarcastic.

She recently received a cursed gift from Undine, and seems to be planning something.

Recent worries include “my liege’s power is growing”.


~The Ice Queen’s new pawn~

A former Hero, who defected to Philia’s side. By way of a ritual, he was turned into an Ice Statue. Unappraised, but probably fifth grade.

A perfect M to Philia’s attitude and mockery.

Due to some ‘carelessness’ on Astaroth’s part, he is currently unable to speak.

Still learning to use his new powers.

Recent worries include “my inability to express my gratitude”.


~Sacrifices to the demon king~

A pair of beast-children who are travelling into Eskaria.

Mentally, they have discarded all hope of life. Their bodies disagree.

They have been sent to Eskaria as “sacrifices to the demon king”.

Recent worries include “the fate of our village”.


~Wielder of the god-sword~

A human Hero with a ‘wild’ appearance who possesses the Holy Swordsman class.

He’s the only one who can wield the god-sword, Claiomh Solais. When agitated, he has a tendency to lash out without thinking.

Despite this, he possesses a strong sense of justice.

He seems to know a great deal about video games.

Through his training, he can now perform manoeuvres a normal human body cannot.

He appears to have a crush on Ebstrea.

Recent worries include “the demon king I couldn’t defeat”.


~Companion to the legendary hero~

A human Hero with a gentle appearance who possesses the White Mage class.

Her outfit is one a Hero of the past designed, based on a certain video game series.

She appears to be the only one capable of holding Reynald back when he lashes out, so they’re often partnered up.

She seems to know a great deal about video games.

Although her potential has not been fully tested, she possesses large reserves of mana, and despite being a White Mage, she is skilled with the other attributes, as well.

Her feelings towards Reynald are unknown.

Recent worries include “those monsters which had more mana than I”.

Claiomh Solais

~The sword that could kill a god~

A sword created by infusing part of the Goddess of Light’s power into orichalcum. Though it generally remains quiet, it possesses an ego.

If the sword is pulled out in daylight, the light will always fall onto the blade and produce a beautiful gleam.

Its main feature is its ability to ignore any and all magical barriers. Whether Magic Guards, defensive magic, or the Aspect of Protection, it cuts through them with ease.

In addition, as it is made out of orichalcum, it is able to damage most physical materials, too. Astaroth’s claws are a notable exception. Likely, so is Black Silver.

It is able to take control of its user’s body, but appears to dislike doing so.

Recent worries include “the user’s morale”.

Cecilios Alexander Maximilian VII

~King of the Holy Astal Kingdom~

A toad-like man, who rules the Holy Astal Kingdom. His subjects don’t seem to like him much.

He appears to possess the unique ability to only understand things that interest him.

Recent worries include “the monster that strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest heroes”.


~Goddess of Darkness~

A taciturn, reclusive goddess.

She’s the one who gave Astaroth his current form, and has a stronger bond with him than anyone else. Apart from her ears, completely expressionless, to the point where even body language is a conscious decision on her part.

She hasn’t really displayed her power, but if Astaroth’s estimation is correct, she is far stronger than he. As she is a goddess, this is probably natural.

Seems to like sweets.

For reasons unknown, she suffers from many Afflictions.





None (Currently taking female form)


███████ God


10 (Almighty)



[Divine Being] [Divine Aura] [Divine Punishment: Darkness] [Divinity of Darkness] [Blessing of Darkness]

Divine Being

You may change your physical appearance and apparent sex at any point in time, without restrictions. This will not affect your physical parameters. Believers who believe in you in a specific form or sex will lose the status of believer if you differ too much from their image.

Divine Aura

You may pressure any mortal being into immediate compliance with as much as a thought. This skill has no effect on beings who have strong loyalty to a different divine being.

Divine Punishment: Darkness

You may use any darkness-attribute spell. No matter the situation, there is no chance of failure.

Divinity of Darkness

You lord over this world’s darkness, and it will follow your every command and wish. The more people profess their faith in you, the stronger you will grow.

Blessing of Darkness

Grant a living being the skill [Divine Protection: Entropy]. The stronger the target and the stronger the blessing, the more of your power will be consumed. If the target is a monster, there is a chance its core will be dyed in your colour; This chance will grow the weaker the target is. If the target’s soul disappears for any reason, the divine power will return to you.

Aspect of Concealment

[Fool] [Hide]


Convince a being of anything, logical or not. The target will delude itself into believing this, seeing delusions and hearing phantom sounds as needed. If you establish a constant mana link with the target, they will also feel non-existent touches and pain as needed.


Hide a physical area or a logical inconsistency. If you hide a physical area, there will appear to be a solid black wall to anyone except you. This wall can be passed through with no resistance. If you hide a logical inconsistency, then the targets you specify will simply make the choice not to think about the inconsistency and gloss over it.


[Fragmented] [Incomplete Divinity] [Missing Aspects] [Lent Blessings]


You are not complete.

Incomplete Divinity

Part of your divinity is not with you. You cannot use the parts you do not possess.

Missing Aspects

You are not in possession of all of your Aspects. You will thus not be able to use their powers.

Lent Blessings

You have blessed between 2 and 10 creatures. Your divine power has decreased accordingly.

* This is the status of a godly being. Although the being’s power has been quantified to the best of my abilities, I cannot guarantee that all of its powers are properly reflected in this status.


~Goddess of Light~

A crafty, manipulative goddess. She takes dying souls from earth, strips them of irrelevant memories, outfits them with an Azalyth and reincarnates them as Heroes, to wipe monsters off the face of the world she ‘rules’. She’s the one who caused the creation of the Holy Astal Kingdom.

Curses like a sailor while on her own.


~Goddess of Earth~

An innocent, childish goddess. Has asked Astaroth and Entropy for help. In return, she has provided Entropy with a mana source and Astaroth with a fragment of divinity.

Creator of dwarves.


~Goddess of Water~

Appears to be cooperating with Philia.

Creator of mermaids.


~Goddess of Fire~

Creator of drakonids.


~Goddess of Wind~

Creator of elves.

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