《Entropy's Servant》Chapter 14: "Report title: Goblinoid-Hero War"


Report date: 10.418 A.A., 23rd day of the 8th month


Identity: Grand Atlas Management Entity, hereafter GAME.

Qualifications: Personal creation of System Entry: “Master” (Public title: [Goddess of Darkness, Entropy] / Past title: [The Goddess, Entropy]) and manager of the world █████ █████. Duties include announcing to inhabitants of █████ █████ when they have made great advancements or gained new skills, processing scraps of fallen souls for use in the production of new souls, administrating Library: “Akashic Records” and censoring certain information.

GAME has been granted these duties and accompanying required permissions for the following reasons:

300 A.A.: So that System Entry: “Master” may enjoy the world.

9.108 A.A.: So that System Entry: “Master” may enjoy the company of System Entry: “Master’s beloved” (Public title: [Demon Lord Astaroth] / Past titles: [Great Hero Arthur] [Hero Arthur] [Mundane human ] [████-███ Astaroth] [Acolyte of Entropy, Astaroth]).

9.118 A.A.: So that System Entry: “Master” may wage war against System Entry: “Hindrance” (Public name: [Goddess of Light, Luciel]).

Report type: War

War participants:

Group Entry: “Luciel’s Army”

System Entry: “Holder of Aspect 3” (Public title: [Third Saint, Guriel] / Past titles: [Hero ] [Mundane human ])

System Entry: “God-sword’s wielder” (Public title: [Wielder of Claiomh Solais, Reynald] / Past titles: [Hero Reynald] [Mundane human ])

System Entry: “Wielder’s companion” (Public title: [Hero Ebstrea] / Past title: [Mundane human ])

System Entry: “Devil-Hunter” (Public title: [Barrier Hero Yxon] / Past titles: [Hero Yxon] [Mundane human ])

Group Entry: “Wayward Souls” (Public title: [Heroes]), exactly 257 (TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN)

Group Entry: “Dark Army”

System Entry: “Goblin Pharaoh” (Public title: [Goblin King Sleehekt] / Past titles: [Goblin Horde Leader Sleehekt] [Wise Hobgoblin Sleehekt] [Wise Goblin Sleehekt])

Group Entry: “Goblinoid Army”, approximately 1,000 (ONE THOUSAND)

Conditional members:

System Entry: “Master’s beloved”

Group Entry: “Demon Generals”, exactly 5 (FIVE)

Foreword: This is a report I have created on orders of System Entry: “Master”. As she has requested a report of every major conflict to be made, but not specified what to do with these reports, their standard location is in the “History” section of Library: “Akashic Records”. Before the war, I ran a number of calculations and formulated an opinion on the ideal outcome.

The chances of victory of “Dark Army”, without the presence of the named individuals of “Luciel’s Army”, are approximately 90%. This is due to a number of factors, most of which caused by the pre-conflict interference of “Master’s beloved” and “Demon Generals”. If the named individuals of “Luciel’s Army” are not ignored and the conditional members do not assist, these odds drop to approximately 0,2%.

Past behavioural patterns of “Master’s beloved” suggest that, in the case either “God-sword’s wielder” or “Holder of Aspect 3” play an active role, “Master’s beloved” has a high likelihood of coming into action. Similarly, System Entry: “Lazy Mage” (Public title: [Arch-Devil Lilith] / Past titles: [Devil Shaman Lilith] [Berserker Devil Lilith] [Devil Shaman Apprentice Lilith]) is highly likely to act in the case “Devil-Hunter” plays an active role.


If “Master’s beloved” confronts either “God-sword’s wielder” or “Holder of Aspect 3” in one-on-one combat, victory is highly likely. If forced to deal with both of them at the same time, however, he will almost surely lose.

If “Master’s beloved” engages in serious combat, “Lazy Mage” ‘s combat potential will drop to approximately 75%, due to a secondary effect of the skill [True Demon Form].

Opinion: The most desirable outcome would be “Dark Army” ‘s victory over “Luciel’s Army”, as this is the side that “Master” supports. This outcome would also lead to “Holder of Aspect 3” ‘s demise, and the return of “Aspect 3” (Definiton: “Aspect of Holy Blessings”) to “Master”.

Report Body:

This report is a live recording of the significant events in the conflict. Interruptions will also be recorded.

00:00:00. “Luciel’s Army” has entered an area known as the ‘deep forest’, an area within “Borm Forest” nearby the base of operations of “Goblinoid Army”. Due to a number of instances of “Scouting Cell”, “Goblinoid Army” is aware of this fact.

00:14:43. 1 (ONE) member of “Wayward Souls” has been confronted by “Melee Cell” and “Ranged Cell”. Probability calculation: Victory of “Wayward Soul”, 37%. Victory of “Melee Cell” and “Ranged Cell”, 52%. Other outcome, 11%.

00:15:18. “Melee Cell” and “Ranged Cell” have slain “Wayward Soul”. “Melee Cell” has lost 2 (TWO) members. The remaining member of “Melee Cell” gains increased strength for defeating a foe stronger than itself. It is now at 57,6% progress towards evolving from [Orc] to [Ogre]. If it continues fighting in this manner, it will instead evolve into a [Shield Orc].

00:17:33-00:17:42. 5 (FIVE) members of “Wayward Souls” have encountered members of “Three-man Cell”. Probability calculation:

Complete victory of “Wayward Souls”, 0,52%.

Four victories for “Wayward Souls”, 4,23%.

Three victories for “Wayward Souls”, 13,58%.

Two victories for “Wayward Souls”, 21,58%.

One victory for “Wayward Souls”, 16,98%.

No victories for “Wayward Souls”, 5,30%.

Other outcome, 37,81%.

Average victory chance of “Wayward Soul”, 35,20%. Average victory chance of “Three-man Cell”, 55,80%.

00:18:45. Three battles have concluded. One victory for “Wayward Soul”. One victory for “Three-man Cell”, with loss of 2 (TWO) members. One battle has ended in mutual retreat, with 2 (TWO) losses for “Three-man Cell”. The other two battles have been interrupted by “Devil-Hunter” and “Holder of Aspect 3”. Members of “Goblinoid Army” are unsuccessfully attempting to flee.

As it has defeated a foe stronger than itself, the remaining member of “Melee Cell” gains increased strength. It is now at 98,7% progress towards evolving from a [Troll] to a [High Troll]. If it continues fighting in this manner, it will instead evolve into a [Troll Rare].


00:19:01. The fleeing members of “Goblinoid Army” have perished.

00:21:00-00:23:00. Several confrontations between “Luciel’s Army” and “Goblinoid Army”. Due to the great number of confrontations, this event shall be recorded as the start of the war. Due to the great number of confrontations and their proximity to one another, accurate calculations can no longer be made. From now on, events will be recorded on a minute-by-minute basis, and designations such as “Three-man Cell” will be replaced with “Goblinoid Army”.

00:24:00. “Luciel’s Army” has lost an additional 3 (THREE) members, for a total of 5 (FIVE) members. “Goblinoid Army” has lost an additional 4 (FOUR) members, for a total of 19 (NINETEEN) members.

00:25:00. “Luciel’s Army” has lost an additonal 1 (ONE) member, for a total of 6 (SIX) members. “Goblinoid Army” has lost an additonal 2 (TWO) members, for a total of 21 (TWENTY-ONE) members.

00:51:00. “Wayward Souls” has lost an additonal 2 (TWO) members, for a total of 97 (NINETY-SEVEN) members. “Goblinoid Army” has lost an additional 3 (THREE) members, for a total of 376 (THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SIX) members.

Communications request received.

Verifying requester’s credentials…

Requester confirmed as “Master”.

Communiations request approved.

«How may I be of assistance, Master?»

“Show me Astaroth’s war.”

«Request received. Processing… Error: request too vague. Request denied. Proposal: reformulate and try again.»

“You… Show me the war between the Goblinoid village and the Heroes.”

«Request received. Processing… Request approved. Sharing visual data with “Master”.»

“Give me a report of what’s happened so far.”

«Request received. Processing… Error: request too vague. Request denied. Proposal: reformulate and try again.»

“... Give me a report of the war between the Goblinoid village and the Heroes.”

«Request received. Processing… Request approved. Reporting.

System Entry: “Goblinoid Army” began the war with approximately one thousand soldiers. So far, has lost three hundred and seventy-six members.

System Entry: “Wayward Souls” began the war with exactly two hundred and fifty-seven soldiers. So far, has lost ninety-seven members.

Percentage-wise, “Goblinoid Army” is winning.

System Entry: “Devil-Hunter” and System Entry: “Holder of Aspect 3” have displayed sporadic activity. No pattern has been detected, so their activity is presumed illogical and random.

System Entry: “Master’s beloved” and Group Entry: “Demon Generals” have not acted.

System Entry: “Goblin Pharaoh” has not acted, and has spent the duration of the war in his private chambers with several members of Class: “Kobold”. Presumed reasoning: leave descendants. Presumed state of mind: hopeless. Presumed combat capacity: 0%.

This concludes my report.»

00:52:00. “Wayward Souls” has lost 1 (ONE) additional member, for a total of 98 (NINETY-EIGHT) members. “Goblinoid Army” has lost no additonal members. Total remains at 376 (THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SIX) members.

“I don’t think you’re right about the Goblin Pharaoh’s reasons, but that aside… Astaroth hasn’t acted? Why?”

«Processing question… Analysis: “Master’s beloved” has not acted, but is using various skills and subordinates to observe the state of the battlefield. Hypothesis: “Master’s beloved” is attempting to find logic in the actions of “Devil-hunter” and “Holder of Aspect 3”, and then acting accordingly. Proposal: no punitive action is required, as “Master’s beloved” is acting in the interest of “Master”.»

“I wasn’t planning to punish him, stupid. Stop treating him as a subordinate. He’s an equal.”

«Request received. Processing… Request denied. The request cannot be granted, as “Master’s beloved” does not possess the required power to be called ‘divine’. Proposal: request the same thing once “Master’s beloved” has acquired sufficient power.»

“How much power is that?”

«Calculating… Analysis: “Master’s beloved” is currently a Demon Lord. Sufficient power will be obtained once “Master’s beloved” evolves into an Overlord. Proposal: re-request once “Master’s beloved” obtains one more Aspect.»

“Then… defeating this Saint will be enough?”



«Analysis: “Master” currently has only the dark half of Aspect 7 under complete control, and Aspect 1 is co-owned with “Master’s beloved”. Proposal: in order to regain lost power, “Master” should retain possession of Aspect 3 once “Master’s beloved” has-»



00:53:00. “Wayward Souls” has lost an additonal 3 (THREE) members, for a total of 101 (ONE HUNDRED AND ONE) members. “Goblinoid Army” has lost an additonal 7 (SEVEN) members, for a total of 383 (THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-THREE) members.

«Analysis: “Master” is using GAME to observe “Master’s beloved” while remaining unnoticed. As a result, “Master” cannot observe the battle in person. Proposal: “Master” should use the power of the dark half of Aspect 7 to observe the battle in person while remaining unnoticed.»

“That wouldn’t work. Just the other day, he called out to me while I was using that. Though he did wait until we were alone…”

«Improbable. The power of the dark half of Aspect 7 cannot be overcome through normal means. Conjecture: “Master’s beloved” made an educated guess based on an analysis of the previous behaviour and personality of “Master”. Proposal: “Master” should use the power of the dark half of-»

“I already said no.”

«Understood. My apologies.»

“You can’t feel remorse. Don’t lie to me.”

«My apologies.»

“Like I just said… Ugh.”

«Analysis: “Master” is feeling agitated. Proposal: “Master” should make an attempt to-»

“Just shut up. Whose fault do you think that is?”


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