《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 3- CHAPTER 3
Me: “Miss Adi’Je, I have still many questions for you. If you be so...”
Adi’Je: “Husband...please...you do not have to call me Miss...Please call me by my name, or if you want you can give a name of your liking...I would love it...”
She was looking at me with an expectant face...those emerald eyes really to the job of melting one’s heart & why not...she was my wife after all...HA...the look of Aby’s face was priceless...Now, I think she won’t call me a boy anytime soon.
Me: “Okay then, Adi...I still need to know many things...like what was that Aura crystal &...” She puts her finger over my lip.
Adi’Je: “I will answer anything you ask of me, dear husband...but (she looks over to Javel & others who were listening to us keenly & somewhat disbelief on their faces) not in front of your servants...”
Everyone looked at us in disbelief...their faces saying “What just she called us?” Me on the other hand, let a small smile out & said.
Me: “Ah... Adi...they are not my servants...they are my friends...”
This time she gave a look of disbelief...as if she couldn’t comprehend this situation.
Adi’Je: “These lowly creatures are your FRIENDS!!! A Blood much less a Blood Royalty should not call these lower life forms as his friends...”
Oh boy...that was unexpected... I gave a glance towards everybody...oh boy...their faces told me that a storm was coming... It looked like Aby was going to say something to my new wife & with a knife in her hand?? But she was cut in the middle of her approach by Adi’Je.
Adi’Je: “Come with me husband, I have something to show you. Leave these simpletons to their devises for some time; I’m sure they are itching to lick their paws... I will answer all your questions while we walk there. I am sure you will love it.”
She held my hand & pulled me towards the direction of the forest. We entered the forest before I could talk to my team mates. I will ask their forgiveness later when I come back.
I was looking at her while she held my hand. My elbow grazing her moderate & soft breast. To anyone it would look like I was doing that on purpose but it was not me, she was purposely walking close to me to make that contact... not that I had any complains.
This all seemed like a dream to me anyway... I still did not understand many things. Why did my clan forget their own history? Did they did it on purpose or was it because we lacked able people?? I doubt Adi’Je had any knowledge about this...my best option was to return to Zuma & ask the council there about the truth. But there were lot of questions I had for Adi’Je.
She was a beauty I couldn’t even dream about...to be called husband of this woman...I did not have any more reactions to it. We were walking for quite some time without a word; I decide to break the ice.
Me: “Adi...why do you have emerald eyes, where as I have slit red eyes?”
Adi’Je: “Because my husband...” I interrupted her.
Me: “Please call me Le’On...just Le’On or in any name you might like.”
She blushed & gave a heart warming smile.
Adi’Je: “It would be disrespectful to you if I start addressing you by your true name. Therefore, from this moment onwards I would address you just as you deserve to be addressed, My Lord.”
I had no words to say. From the moment I met this woman who was now my wife, I had heard of many things that made me more proud of my Clan but to be upgraded to a Lord was somewhat unexpectedly cool.
She continues...
Adi’Je: “My Lord, female Bloods had emerald eyes while men had red ones. But after mingling with the Crodon Clan, new generations had slit red eyes for both men & woman. After that, the following generations started having different colours of slit eyes except red. Those who could successfully control the new trait had red slit eyes.”
Me: “So, that’s the story behind our evolution cycle.”
Adi’Je: “But My Lord, your appearance is still not of the satisfactory rank.”
Me (little surprised): “What do you mean Adi?”
Adi’Je: “My Lord, you see when a male Blood reaches its adult hood the black borderings turn into a flame formation on their shoulders, giving a look of black flames. But yours are not...”
Me: “Ah...maybe it was due to the fact that I am still a new Blood as would call. In all fairness, I’m still a teenager.”
She laughs at the statement. Even her laugh gave my face a burning sensation.
Adi’Je: “You really do not know anything about the Bloods do you?? Then let me explain it to you My Lord.
When a person male or female reaches the age of 3, then they gain there Bloodhood. That means they would only grow through the experience gathered by them in their life time. Practically any or every Blood are immortal, we do not age with time like others but with experience. The only way for a Blood to die was to get killed by someone or by any serious injuries which could not be healed by their regenerative abilities or through a serious illness.”
Me: “Ohh...is that so?? Then I’m no longer a boy???”
She laughed again...
Adi’Je: “Absolutely not...you are at this point in time...a grown man of the Bloods... you could even father multiple babies...if you want... *wink*” & she laughs again...Oh...she was so beautiful.
HA...take that Aby...I am a MAN!!! Not that I had any doubts about it!!! Don’t get the wrong idea.
(Author’s Note- Whenever someone talks about someone behind their back they don’t sneeze, where I came from...they get hiccups. So think Of Aby getting hiccups...an unstoppable hiccup.)
Her expression changed, she was looking at me, and her eyes gave a different vibe... a vibe of mischief.
Adi’Je: “My Lord, can you guess what changes happen when a woman achieves Bloodhood?”
Me: “Ah...they get a tail?”
Adi’Je (with a smile...not an innocent smile but it had a different meaning): “Yes...that is true, but one thing also happens...can you guess the other one?”
Me: “Apart from that??...sorry...I don’t have any more ideas.”
Adi’Je: “My lord, the black colour not only borders our shoulders but also borders on the sides of our breasts & unlike the men, the black flames form on our stomach with the belly button in its center... he he he he *wink*”
She laughs... My face feels hotter than ever...
I gather my senses after that funny titbit...
Me: “Now, Adi...tell me about that Aura Crystal.”
Adi’Je: “Yes, My Lord. Many many generations before my birth, my family was ordered to launch a campaign in this forest. At that time, it was rumoured that this forest had something hidden in it which made the common animals into vicious creatures. Naturally, after fighting for many days, they reached the source of the creature’s power. It was glowing just as it did while you came here, My Lord. We took possession of it & were given the job of protecting it & researching about it.
We were not just simple mindless fighters...we were far from it. We researched it for many generations & then we found its secret. The crystal would allow someone with a pure heart with a pure reason to enter it & remain there; utilizing its power to his or her heart’s content until the exit conditions are met. After the exit conditions were met it would disintegrate into pieces.
Thus revealing a great price for its power. It was only a one time use... which you just saw.”
Me: “Oh...WOW...it’s really awesome...”
Adi’Je: “If you liked this...then My Lord, wait until you see your reward. I am sure you would love it.”
Me: “Reward?? You were not the reward??”
She blushed again, she smiled & said.
Adi’Je: “Thank you, My Lord...I am really happy... (I saw tears starting to form on her eyes)”
I wiped them away unconsciously... somehow I didn’t want her to cry...
She smiled at my gesture, wrapped her hands over my hand which was touching her face, & said.
Adi’Je: “The real reward waits for you My Lord & we have reached our destination.”
I looked around; we were standing in front a cave.
Adi’Je: “This cave was specially made to house our valuable in this forest. No animal dares to come here. Let me guide you to our reward, My Lord.”
She pulled me into the cave. It was dark in there but she didn’t have any problems.
Me: “It’s so dark in here...I can’t see anything but how can you walk with so ease?”
Adi’Je: “Oh...it is a trait of some Bloods... we can see in the dark...not everything but just enough to guide ourselves in ease, My Lord.”
Me: “WOW...wonder if I would get that trait...”
Adi’Je: “Maybe...it all depends upon your gathered experience, My Lord. We gain traits by that rule...gathering enough experience in one thing to permanently make it ours.”
Before I could give out a response to that, she opened a door...bright light came forth, slightly blinding me. After some time, when my eye sight returned to normal I saw a large space filled with many things. Light blue crystals covering the entire area. The moon light fell upon them through small holes in turn made them glow, lighting the whole place. There was a medium sized pool present, along with a place to change, few drawers, chairs & tables. She looked back at me with a smile & said.
Adi’Je: “My Lord, welcome to our rest house... Your clothes are messy & filled with blood. It also does not suit you or a Blood. Please take a bath here to clean yourself & after that I will give you proper clothes to wear befitting a Blood.”
I agreed, a nice warm bath would get me some rest & I sure could use some new comfortable clothes.
Me: “Yes...that’s a good idea...where should I change?”
She smiled at me; I understood...this smile was of a mischievous type.
Adi’Je: “It is customary for Blood wives to undress there husband before taking a bath & also bathe with them & clean them, especially when they returned from a battle.”
I was...let’s just say...my heart was racing...my face was burning...
Me: “Adi...are you comfortable with....”
Before I could even finish my sentence she walked in front of me, put her right hand behind her...& then...her dress fell off...revealing something which even if I try to describe it...I couldn’t. There are no words to describe her body. She made me skip some beats in my heart which I though made me lose some years of my life. Just as she said, the black bordered the sides of the juicy & perky breasts running down to form a flame shape on her stomach with the belly button as her center... She was clean down there. Her curves made me drool...yes...I was drooling when I saw my beautiful wife naked... Who wouldn’t...but don’t drool thinking about my wife... think about yours... if she could match mine... (Just kidding)... No, seriously... don’t.
She smiled, put her hands on my waist... grabbing my shirt she pulled it upwards. While watching her with my mouth open I complied. I raised my hands up so she could easily lift up my shirt. After removing it, she threw it on the floor, I saw her eyes glowing with a strong emotion...biting her bottom lip, she looked at me while unhooking my pants. It too fell down revealing my true intentions. She gasped slightly when she saw my member hardened.
She held my hand while guiding me towards the pool... It was then for the first time I truly wished that nothing should interfere in this moment. I stood on the edge of the pool, she moved on my left... she had a smile on her face but it was of a mischievous type...Why?? I wondered... *thump thump thump thump thump thump* *thawk* *dhushhh...* something tackled me into the pool...as I fell I heard a familiar voice...
It was Marion... but why???
I face planted into the water without any warning... because of that I swallowed some water while I was trying to get a foothold in the pool to stand up. After trying for several times, I finally got a foothold & raised myself from the water. I coughed to get the water out of my lungs...what was that??
After settling myself, I turned around to look at thing that tackled me. I saw Marion in the pool...she was wearing only a white undershirt which was sticking to her due to getting wet by the water. It was revealing her body, each & every curves along with her breasts...they were pretty big...I didn’t realize it before but she had a great figure...not at the level of my wife but still it was great. But why she tackled me??Wait... why is she here in the first place?? Before I could ask her I noticed Marion was held from the back, while a pair of hands was massaging or fondling her breasts. Marion was flustered & her face showed a different kind of emotion...the likes of ecstasy. But who was holding her? As I looked, it was Adi’Je holding her from the back with a mischievous smile on her face.
Adi’Je looked at me & said: “Look My Lord, one of our lowly friends followed us here & tried to stop us. But I have captured her & I am giving her some much needed punishment.”
Me: “But...why did you follow us, Marion?”
Marion: “I...I...I...j...just...ahhhh....want....want....ahhhh.....”
Adi’Je: “I knew it...I knew that you had your sultry eyes upon My Lord...You wanted him so bad that you could not hold any longer...Am I right?? You lusty woman...”
Marion: “N..N...ahhhh...No... I came here....ahhhh...to....ahhh...please...stop...him...fr...From...”
Adi’Je: “So...you came here to stop My Lord...from what?? From making me his...You wanted him first...Is that right?? You lusty woman...you wanted to mate with My Lord before me. Am I right??”
I saw one of Adi’Je hand slip down from Marion’s breast & started fiddling something.
Marion: “Uhhhhh....ahhhh....N...nooo....uhh...I wanted....to...”
Adi’Je started fiddling down Marion’s more rigorously...
Adi’Je: “You lusty...lusty woman...you want My Lord so bad...OK...I do not mind if he decides to mate with you here...” Both of them looked at me.
Me: “But...why?? before we came here, Marion stopped me several times while stoking me in our room...”
Marion was now moaning softly, biting her lower lips...her shirt becoming more transparent.
Adi’Je (she was smiling): “What?? you tried it before...you lusty woman?? And even refused to give him pleasure after enticing him...You deserve punishment...No one stops My Lord from getting his pleasure...(Adi’Je looked at me)My Lord...take her...punish her as you see fit...her lust for you has exceeded her level of control...please punish her...”
Me: “But...”
Marion moaned a little loudly...
Adi’Je: “See My Lord...she want you badly...please fill her...remember that she refused to give you pleasure even after enticing you several times...”
But...those were for medical purposes...or were they?? Did she wanted it from the start?? If she wanted that then she aroused me several times but refused to go any further... Was she playing with me all this time??No...No...I won’t be fooled any longer...I won’t be called a BOY any longer...My body filled with an urge...so strong that I couldn’t hold myself any longer. I moved forward towards Marion. I came in front of her...She tried to say something...
Marion: “Uhhhh....ahhhh...Le...Le...Le’On...do...n...uhhh”
I ignored what she said...I was possessed...possessed by my urge...I placed my hands on her shirt & ripped open her shirt freeing her breasts out in the open. She had a pair of juicy, pale brown breasts with deep brown nipples. They were erect & protruding out. I placed my hands on both of them & started massaging them roughly...Adi’je removed her hands to let me have a full view of her breasts. I bend down closer towards her nipples & started licking them, tickling them, kneading them at my whim. All Marion could do was to moan...& in between she gave out a large gasp, shuddering & then it looked like she was out of energy. I caught her & carried her out of the water & placed her on the edge of the pool.
I carried on my sucking of her breast & nipples while my other hand found its way inside her vagina... moving them slowly...She gasped, called my name in between...that’s all she could say...then she bit her lips hard while she shuddered...I slowly moved down kissing softly on her body, I drew a circle slowly on the edge of her belly button, she moaned loudly while grabbing my hair, calling my name...well half of it. I then continued to move down at the same pace until I reached her vagina...it was red & overflowing with juices...I licked it slightly...it felt different...it pushed my urge on a different level...on the touch of my tongue on her vagina, her grip of my hair tightened, she moaned & said:
“Pl....uhhhh....ummmm...pl....ahh...ummm...please...ummm...no more...ahhhh....”
I couldn’t hold any longer...I placed my penis onto the walls of her vagina & pushed it hard...
Marion gasped & moaned loudly...the place was echoing with her moans which was increasing my urge even more...I started moving...moving...trying to find a good, slow rhythm...it was hot inside her...as time passed I moved deeper & deeper until I couldn’t go any further...it felt like I was hitting something inside her, that sensation I felt at that time was making me move even harder...sometimes she arched her back, digging her nails deep inside on my back & shuddered violently...but it was not enough for me...as the pleasure decreased after reaching a maximum point... not able to reach the full ecstasy was driving me even into her...I felt her body’s warmth as I pulled her closer to me while moving hard inside her...She opened her eyes for just a bit & kissed me on my lips...it was warm & I kissed her back. I don’t know for how long we were going...not a care in the world...but I was not feeling that ultimate pleasure...which was turning me into an animal...I felt that Marion had little to no energy left in her...with whatever she had...she said.
Marion: “Le...uhhhh uhhhh uhhh...ummmm...Le...ummm...remember....ummmmmm...ahhhh...the...ahhhhh...ummm....cu...ummm...cur...ahhh...umm...curse...”
All energy left in her & with that word I was brought back to reality...curse...soon I was pulled back from her, still not feeling that pleasure...I didn’t care at this point...my urge was uncontrollable...I was pulled by Adi’Je towards her...She caught me & locked her arms around me & whispered in my ear...
Adi’Je: “None can please My Lord other than me...”
She kissed me...I kissed her back. I wrapped my arms around her...pulled her upwards & entered her into her vagina...She let a loud yet sensual moan close to my ears which drove me mad...I carried her on to a solid surface, I didn’t know where nor did I care...placed her down, then massaged her breasts, licked & sucked her red nipples...while I was moving harder inside her...Occasionally kissing her on her juicy lips...our sweat mixed creating a scent which made us even more hungry for each other...moans were coming out from both of us...she placed a hand on my cheek & another over my waist...
Ad’Je: “My....ummmm...Lo...ummm...ahhhhh...Lord...ummm...harder....more...ummmm...harder...”
She was shuddering violently, she bite me on my chest, drawing out my blood, licked the place where she had bitten which made me drive in her more harder...I bite her on her neck, then licked the place...then she said something which was unexpected...I slowed down for a moment to let speak more easily...
Adi’Je: “It seems you are placed....ummmm...ahhh...placed under an aphrodisiac curse...ummm...”
I remembered now...about the curse...I didn’t heed to it before...I must stop or else...
Adi’Je: “Do not worry My...ummmm...Lord...ahhh...who placed the curse ummmm upon you?”
Me: “A monster named Aniya...”
She giggled...
Adi’Je: “Oh...ummmm...that little bitch...I was the one who taught...ahhh...her that curse...”
I was surprised...many questions started forming in my mind.
Adi’Je: “While I was inside the crystal...ummm... she sought me out through telepathy...ummm...she was depressed that nobody wanted her...so I taught her our own female Bloods curse....ummm...”
I was more shocked...
Adi’Je: “It was created by the female pure Bloods for...ummm...their husbands...ahhh...so that they do not impregnate any other women except Blood woman...ummm....only blood women are capable of handling their men’s lust...ummm...only us...”
Me: “Can you cure me from this?” I could see a light from at the end of the tunnel...
Adi’Je: “Of course I can...ummm...But...I would not.”
Me: “Why??”
Adi’Je: “I do not want any other...ahhhh....woman to bear your child first....ummm...so after bearing your 10th child I will release you of ummm...youur ahh...curse...”
Me: “But...”
Adi’Je: “That is my right My Lord...ummm... & do not worry...ummm...you would receive your much sought ahhhh...pleasure with me...so please...harder...more ahhh...harder...”
After hearing that many of the questions subsided & lust...only strong lust took its place...I lost control over myself & gave in to the immense pleasure I was receiving...I started moving faster, harder & stronger without caring for anything...
Moans...only moans filled the cave...I don’t know for how long we were mating but finally after moving in & out for all this time, the moment came & I ejaculated inside her...it was a lot...as my sperm overflowed from her vagina...we finally dropped on the ground filled with extreme ecstasy, happiness & relieved.
I got over her & lay beside her...I looked at her with my final amount of energy...I saw her...she was also exhausted & probably was asleep...she looked more beautiful than I first saw her... I fell asleep with a smile of happiness on my face.
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