《Alive?》Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Some experimentation
and selling wares
On the way back, I make a detour to collect more quartz. If it works, and I see no reason why it would not, even the smaller pieces would be worth my time. By themselves, the possibilities are exciting, but it would also be a big step towards solving my resources problems.
While I was away, the golems dug as instructed, but without proper knowledge and tools, the excavation is not progressing well.
“Dump the dirt as far…” What was I about to order to a golem? “Dump the dirt there, and if the pile starts crumbling, make another pile behind this one in that direction. Repeat until you cannot dig further down or I tell you otherwise.”
I take a look at the tanning process and see both ‘Enchants’ have ceased working: with the golem always around, there is not enough mana for them. This time, I charge them with my own power, but I order the golems to leave the tools alone and get away from them for two whole hours if it happens again.
With that being taken care of, it is time to experiment. I head to my room and add the quartz to the previous pile. I do not have a need for it myself yet, but I start with a more efficient renewable power source: the research only needs small fragments, and will certainly be of great interest to Thenewcity.
I inscribe only the Words to fasten mana collection on tiny shards and leave them alone, then I do the same with slightly bigger shards. There is very little mana here, so the increase in gathering speed does not show as well as I would like, but it still noticeably faster than usual.
For the next part, I need to decide on a spell for the experiment; it has to be decently long but not something that would drain mana too fast... A simple barrier spell should fit the bill as long as I am not too specific about the details.
I take a crystal not even one-sixth as the one I used for my barrier and start working. It is unexpectedly hard to write in a spiral inside a small crystal. Maybe that is why the idea has never been implemented before.
On my first attempt, I simply miswrite a word, and on my second, I fail to put enough space between the spires and it ends up causing a mana leak. Looking back on my recent work, I cannot help but feel there is something about what I am doing. Drawing in a spiral makes is a lot harder than expected, and it did not look like it was that much better at using the space?
That is it, I understand what felt wrong; I drew my spirals as though I was using a flat surface! Not only is it a lot harder, but it also leaves a lot of unused space. It is understandable since I always inscribed my spell in a straight line... “It is really hard to go against old habits , uh.”
Third try is in a helix pattern, and there is no problem whatsoever. Inscribing like this is only slightly more difficult than the usual way but saves a lot of space. Even so, there is still a lot more I could use… I wonder… I wonder if I could make the helix winds back on itself.
I pick a similarly sized crystal to test this “double helix” idea, and it fails miserably; there is more leeway than with the spiral, but it is also harder to visualize and do by sight alone. As to not be too wasteful, I make a few more attempts with simpler spells and even smaller crystals but they all end up in failure and as if to mock me, the renewable mana sources chose that moment to shatter one by one.
As I ponder about what can be the cause, the second batch absorbs the liberated mana and shatters soon afterward.
“I was such a fool: the pressure is too strong.”
Crystals naturally absorb mana, but they also leak some. Much like a reservoir, if the inflow is only slightly more important than the outflow, it leaks, but if suddenly get many times greater, it breaks. And that is with water, the current case is much worse since the leaked mana gets reabsorbed.
“Maximum unpleasantness!” Why is using the word ‘unpleasant’ give me such a soothing sensation? Is there also a power to normal words?
Enough rambling, I need to think about what can I do to stop the charge from going critical? The simplest methods are draining and isolation.
Isolation makes no sense to store considering the intended usage, and the metal cabinet in my workshop has rusted beyond use ages ago. Add a spell to draw some mana? Would it not interfere with its primary function… unless I put an activation switch? No, while it would not conflict with the intended usage, but it would be no different than storing them in a cabinet.
What else is there? There was… when I messed up the spiral and the flows from the two spires came in contact, the crystal discharged without breaking. There will be a fine line though, just near enough that the flow can touch when the pressure rises. That might be too hard with the spire, but maybe not so much with the extremities.
I swiftly inscribe a new crystal to test the idea, but it is a partial failure: even if it does not break, the crystal discharges its mana far too often and in too great a quantity. To be usable, it should either discharge less often or release less mana each time... or I could look for a way to reduce the absorption when the pressure grows even if it is not very likely.
Easier said than done… I could recycle the switch idea and put it on a timer, but then I would need a second switch to stop the whole thing. Now that I think about, what frequency should I use? I cannot always use the same, I would need to know the parameters for each crystal beforehand, or drop the absorption so much it might as well be an unenchanted crystal.
Also, something external that does not prolong the spell would be ideal. Maybe an outlet with low conductivity? Something like metal? No, the conductivity is too low, the crystal would probably break before it goes through… impure crystal though?! There are a lot of salt gems with impurities around here, and it is pretty easy to reshape compared to quartz.
It works, but not as intended… with those kinds of results, I would have to cover the main crystal in salt to achieve anything.
I know I have all the right elements, but I cannot find the right answer for the life of me! “Flow... mana gathering rate... purity… controlled discharge… I am on to something, but what?!”
At this rate, between my failures, and the ones that break, I will find myself out of small crystals before long… Ah, if only my success rate was higher with the double helix pattern…
Because of this, I order four greater golems to go fetch some quartz in the mountains, it will probably take them days, but it is not like they are much use to me here.
Suddenly, I notice the time? How can it be so late already? It is about two hours to sunrise. It annoys me quite a lot because I had other things I wanted to try, but a promise is a promise.
I gather a few bolts of leather, some unprocessed hides then roll them inside a wing along with some bones, sinew, and one of the tanning tools before securing both ends with sinew.
It would probably be more efficient to make a bag but that would take hours, and the clock is ticking. The package tightly secured under my arms, I enter to Thenewcity for the second time.
The ‘voices’ welcome me with their usual nonsense; I wish I could do something about it.
I head toward the elf’s shop and find the great Korok from yesterday waiting for something right beside my destination. Since I am in no hurry and he has been very forward with information, I take some time to chat with him for a bit. It obligingly teaches me a few things about the city, commerce and about the elf - apparently, they used to work for the same person - then bids me farewell: an important meeting is about to take place nearby and it is its job to secure the area.
I bid him farewell then enter the ‘shop’ to sell my ‘wares’ to the ‘buyer’ - those are words I just learned from the great Korok.
The elf is surprised to see me so early and for some reason, it looks outside briefly before speaking.
“That was unexpectedly fast...” It grabs a piece of leather to scrutinize and exclaim. "By the Goddess, that’s some quality work! I am getting even more interested in that Enchant of yours! Can you please show it to me?”
I hand him the enchanted tool I made from wyvern bones and a magic organ.
“I don’t see the spell? Where is it carved? It really works though, I feel it.”
“Why, in the crystal obviously, where else?”
“YOU CAN DO THAT?! THAT’S STUFF OF LEGEND YOU KNOW! I only know of a few relics like that in the department’s collection.”
“What does legend mean?”
He answers with a tired voice. “You and your strange questions. It means lost knowledge, something great the people cannot do anymore. I doubt even the Queen herself can create such a tool.”
“She cannot?”
To my species, this is basic knowledge, something every young child learned alongside the language and magic. If it like this, then she cannot be one of ours, but where do the name of the city and the use of the Language come from? And the name Thenewcity implies there was another before.
“It is not very hard you know, look.”
I take out a small shard I brought for a demonstration, then speak the Words of Power while slowly guiding the flow of mana. The elf’s sight focused on me rather than the crystal, confirms my suspicion.
Just to be sure, I move to the second experiment. “Do you have a piece of metal you would like to enchant?”
“This one? It was meant for a heating spell if you please.”
That clinches it, the enchanters looks at the word being carved but ignore the mana accomplishing the trick. Now certain, I ask. “I thought your use of metal was strange, but… could it be that you are unable to perceive mana?”
“What do you mean by ‘perceive mana’?”
“Like, how do you control the output of your spells? Could you please show me how you cast a strong and a weak lighting spell?“
I had been expecting it, but it feels strange to hear the elf define most parameters of the spell with words. In my case, I would simply say light, then control the output and form, but he has to specify everything from strength to shape, and position. No wonder their Enchants are so primitive, they could never do any detailed work this way.
“What’s wrong?”
“I suppose you usually carve the spell in your enchants using tools?”
“Yes, obviously.”
It seems like our ideas of what is obvious are in conflict. “I will teach you the spell I just used.” I recite the carving spell a few times, then explain how it works… or at least how I assume it will work for its kind. “First, you recite the carving spell, then move your finger slowly on the surface of the slab while reciting the words you wish to carve.”
“Like this?”
I stop it immediately. “You must concentrate on the words of power while you recite them and imagine you are carving them with your finger.” If my hunch is right, tactile sensation will help him direct the spell.
It tries my idea, but the piece ends up being unusable, not because of a problem with the method itself, but because of the one applying it.
I reassure the elf. “That was good for a first, I am sure you will be able to do it with a little training.”
“Boy, this spell is incredible, it will revolutionize everything.”
Mesmerized by the possibilities, it seems to have forgotten about me and my reason for being here. “About my wares? Will you buy them?”
“Oh, right, sorry. I’ll take everything you brought for thirty sovereigns.”
“Thank you very much.”
“No haggling? I suppose that’s natural since you have no idea of what it’s worth.”
“I barely understand the concept. It will take some time before I understand what is what.”
“Don’t you worry lad, I was expecting it and since you have proven yourself to be well worth my time, I’d rather you didn’t get ripped off by an unscrupulous competitor. A sovereign is the biggest denomination. Yesterday, I told you about the common denomination, but this one is a special one used among traders, or for buying houses and large plots of land. To put it simply, you could live frugally for a year from a single small gold coin and the sovereign is worth ten times as much. This kind of money could buy you a house in the posh parts of the capital while still leaving you enough to live in comfort for years.“
“I do not eat much.”
“No surprise there...” It coughs. “you’re just skin and bones.”
It has no idea how right it is. “I feel like I am receiving too much.”
“You aren’t… Honestly, I can’t evaluate properly things that don’t exist, like the Enchant, so I have given you as much as I could.” For some reason, he looks outside again.
“Is that so? Could you tell me how much it would cost me to have an expert make me an armor? I still have a lot of wyvern hides and bones.”
“It’s long and hard work, even for a specialist and they aren’t cheap. I’d say it would take about one sovereign?” The elf appears uncertain. “It takes a bit more than that to arm a great Korok, but even if you’re taller, you aren’t nearly as big. Then again, you probably have it for less if you offer them some extra materials.” There is a sudden glint in his eyes. “On that subject, how much more do you have?”
“Probably around forty beasts worth, they were not all similarly sized and the elder wyvern was easily worth three normal wyverns by itself.”
“Forty worth? Including an elder?” The elf’s eyes go vacant from the shock. “Do not tell anybody else, you’d crash the market. As for your armor, give them a few rolls of leather and some teeth, that will be more than enough payment. Come back in a few days and I’ll give you the name of some serious craftsman’s name. With this kind of money, it would be all too tempting to cheat you or outright sell everything and make a run for it.”
“I did not collect the teeth. I could not think of a use for them.”
“If you can recover them, do it. With some work, they make some damn good knives and daggers… but like everything else, don’t forget to bring them little by little.” The elf looks up then offer. “I can buy them from you directly or auction them for a fee. Just remember to never bring too many at once, though.”
I did not get the last part, but I do not care, I seem to have enough money already. As I am about to leave, it calls to me.
“You’re forgetting your books.”
I take them and walk out, only to run once again into the friendly great Korok.
“Finished with your errand, are you?”
“Indeed, I am. I have learned a lot, obtained some currency, and even a dictionary.”
He pushes a wooden plaque toward me. “It’s for you, you don’t have one, right? If you present this tag to the guards, they will let you go in and out of the city.”
The tag is cut in a strange shape and is embedded with a piece of metal enchanted with a marker.
“Thank you very much.”
“No need to thank me, Thenewcity welcomes all strangers… as long as they behave themselves. Don’t lose the tag, mind you. You’re easily identifiable with your size and all, but it also doubles as a key and an identification in certain places.”
“I do not know what to say.”
“Then don’t say anything. See you soon lad.”
He waves at me and walks inside the elf’s shop.
“Good day to you.”
Equipped I have my own tag, I walk proudly through the gate like everyone else and follow the road until I reach the cover of the forest.
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