《(OLD)Play On! My Lovely Goddess!》Chapter 18: Two Birds With One Stone


Cheng Yu was greatly intrigued by the kitten and lifted it with its arms in the air.

“Hmm, why would she bring a kitten inside here? And this one looks like a stray on top it.”

While Cheng Yu was deep in thought, the kitten which was still dangling in Cheng Yu’s arms, mewed in warning and suddenly pissed on him.

Cheng Yu felt a warm liquid running down his leg as he caught a whiff of its horrid scent. Cheng Yu hurriedly took a step back. But it was already too late as he felt an uncomfortable squishing between his socks and shoes.

“You filthy pest!” Cheng Yu dropped the kitten and delivered a vicious kick towards it, causing the frail kitten was sent flying towards a stack of musty old books where it landed, causing the books to topple over.

“A filthy stray actually pissed on me and dirtied my Bucci shoes...” Cheng Yu scowled as he cursed his rotten luck.

Unbeknownst to him, Li Rou had already returned. Having witnessed everything Cheng Yu had done to the kitten, Li Rou

She tightly clenched the water bottle she had just bought and unscrewed the cap. Afterwards, with the open water bottle tightly in her hand, she called out to Cheng Yu in a sweet, angelic voice.

“Hey! The handsome guy there!”

“Hmm? What is it?”

As Cheng Yu turned to face the source of the melodious voice, his attitude did a 180° change and smiled as he turned towards the voice. It was as if nothing had just happened at all. It was only natural to assume such a high-pitched and angelic voice would belong to a cute and petite girl.

However, Cheng Yu’s face was met with a splash of water when he turned around. Resulting in his body being drenched from head to toe.


“What the fuck? Are you crazy? The weather’s freezing!” Cheng Yu shouted as he wiped the water off his face to clearly see who the perpetrator was. But just as he regained his vision, Li Rou threw a brick she obtained from the dilapidated walls. The crude rectangular projectile flew directly towards Cheng Yu’s lower body, dealing heavy damage to his manly possessions.

Cheng Yu’s legs gave way as he gradually slumped to the floor in a fetal position while caressing his jewels. He was incapacitated from the excruciating pain and his veins were bulging as he lay on the floor.

“You… My balls.” Cheng Yu gasped out while wheezing. He struggled to lift his head and observe Li Rou’s face, only to be met with Li Rou’s indifferent expression as she coldly stared Cheng Yu down.

But underneath her indifferent and cold demeanour, Li Rou was actually in a daze.Not only had she had unintentionally struck a man’s most valuable asset, the system suddenly displayed a notification.

Achievement Two Birds with One Stone Description You really killed his two ‘birds’ with one stone.(brick) Effect Throwing strength and accuracy increased!(Insignificantly)


Li Rou quickly returned to her senses when she heard Cheng Yu’s agonizing grunt. Fearing that Cheng Yu could muster the strength to stand up and fight, Li Rou scurried to the pile of books that had collapsed to search for the kitten.

As Li Rou scrambled to clear the books away, from under the pile of books, the kitten crawled out, slightly bruised and battered and limping with its hind leg injured.

Fortunately, the thickness of the stack of books had largely cushioned the impact with its preposterous number of pages. Otherwise, the results would've been unthinkable.

“You’re okay…” Li Rou quickly pulled the kitten into her embrace and fled from the classroom.


If looks could kill, Li Rou would’ve been dead by now. Cheng Yu clambered onto his feed, using a desk as support to get up while watching Li Rou’s silhouette got further away. Cheng Yu’s stare drilled holes in Li Rou’s back as he frenziedly murmured to himself while clutching his genitals, “My fanbase will hear about this, you have no idea what they’ll do to you!”

While leaving a pet clinic, Li Rou felt like crying, for her wallet felt lighter than ever.

“Who knew veterinarian services would cost so much…” Li Rou sighed as she counted the amount of money she had left.



Li Rou turned around to be met with two adult cats sitting near the door of the pet clinic.

“The patterns on those cats are similar to this kitten, they must be its parents.” Li Rou thought to herself while comparing the fur coats.

“Mew~” The kitten in tenderly licked Li Rou’s arm, demanding to be released.

“I...I see.” Li Rou gently let down the kitten reluctantly after determining what the kitten wanted. To her, the kitten was a kindred spirit, they were both ostracized by society and led horrible lives. Fortunately this time, Li Rou had the Goddess’s World System to change her life.

As Li Rou made her way home, she found solace in that thought.

Unbeknownst to Li Rou, Cheng Yu had riled up his fan club on his Weibo account and called forth a witch hunt.

I stretched my hand out in kindness to the loner in our school.

Only to be backstabbed and assaulted.

She wanted me all to herself that she tried to knock me out by throwing a brick aimed at my face.

Kindness begets kindness, but vicious snakes lie in wait.

Cheng Yu could be considered to be a relatively popular and could garner public interest.

Even if Li Rou was unwilling to establish friendly relationships, Cheng Yu was determined to reap some benefits by defaming her with a scandal.

Furthermore, by twisting the story and exaggerating the events that happened, the media was sure to flock to his banner.

Naturally, there’s was no way Cheng Yu was going to announce that he had his balls smacked.

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