《(OLD)Play On! My Lovely Goddess!》Chapter 15: Li Rou's Decision


Li Rou sat in the toilet stall with her phone in her hand. She had several things to do before she could properly give a reply to the people who had come all the way to Tsinghua University for her.

“Now then, the first order of business is to find that Weibo video. This shouldn’t be too hard. They said it was popular after all.”

As Li Rou opened up Weibo, there were several eye-catching headlines that flashed by.

“Uninvited Guests make their way to Tsinghua!”

“Tsinghua besieged by talent scouts!”


Li Rou easily found the audio clip of her singing as it was still listed as a hotly trending post. Li Rou was greatly surprised when she saw the number of plays it had. She had underestimated the magnitude of the situation, she did not expect for such a large number of the nation’s eyes to be focused on her.

After quickly evaluating the current situation, Li Rou finally understood how popular she had gotten and what motives the people in the meeting room had.

“The next thing to do is to spend some of the points that I should have gotten from the clip away. Only by spending part of it, could one’s windfall be secured after all.”

Li Rou logged out of Weibo and checked the notifications she had gotten from the system, only to find that she had amassed close to fourteen million points! The number of points was about same as the number of views on the audio clip.

Li Rou then opened the lottery on her phone and spun countless times and soon, the lottery wheel's needle eventually landed on the ominous looking space.

Misfortune Reward Penalty Implemented: All consumable items from the Basic Bitches Lottery only have 2% effectiveness. Misfortune Point Shop Opened. A system update is required to run the new version of the lottery. The system will update when you are inactive.


“Wait. What? I have over hundred talent pills and facial masks that I have yet to use!” Li Rou was aghast. Her points were eaten by this piece of shit lottery yet again! The rewards she had gotten, now only had 2% of their original value!

Li Rou grit her teeth as she continued to spin the wheel until she finally obtained the gold reward.

As expected the gold reward was an upgrade for the lottery wheel.

Congratulations on obtaining the lottery wheel upgrade! A system update is required to run the new version of the lottery. The system will update when you are inactive.

It appears that Li Rou would have to wait until the next day before she could try the brand new upgraded lottery and the Misfortune Point Shop.


With the remaining twelve million points, Li Rou bought two Breast Enhancement Milk. Ten million points were deducted from her balance as she did so. The Breast Enhancement Milk was packaged in juice boxes with a transparent straw literally duct taped to their sides.

“This looks like a scam, it’s so cheaply packaged and yet they cost me five million points each!”

Even if Li Rou's heart was not bleeding from the lottery wheel's scam-like penalty, it was definitely hemorrhaging to death now. Such a crappy-looking product was bought at an exorbitant price of five million points! Furthermore, she had bought two of them! Li Rou stuck the straw into the first juice box and started drinking its contents.

“Mmph!!” Li Rou immediately covered her mouth using her hands. An overwhelming bitterness filled her mouth when the contents of the juice box came into contact with her mouth. Furthermore, the drink had a slimy texture, similar to that of bile. Li Rou desperately wanted to throw up.

“Creamy goodness delight? Aren’t you full of sh*t?” Li Rou silently cursed the system and continued to force the horrendous liquid down her throat. After all, it would be a waste if any of it dripped out. She had paid five million points for each tiny box of milk.


As the last drop of bitter bile was swallowed by Li Rou, Li Rou hastily took out her water bottle and tried to wash the disgusting flavor of the milk away.

Unfortunately, the taste of the milk was far too strong and it stuck to the back of her throat, resulting in its horrid stench and taste lingering in her mouth.

As Li Rou recovered from the repulsive taste of the Breast Enhancement Milk, her chest started to slowly grow in size! Two tiny soft lumps eventually formed and continued to grow in size, causing immense discomfort for Li Rou. Her worn out 28AA bra was too tight for her enlarged boobs and the straps were now painfully digging into her flesh! Every time she moved, the bra padding occasionally rubbed against her sensitive areas and stimulated her nerves with pleasure as the bra was no longer well fitted.

Thankfully, Li Rou was a person with public decency. here was no way she could masturbate in a public restroom. Li Rou would instead masturbate at home like how she has always secretly done; With her regularly used night-time companion who was currently staying under her bed.

In order to stop the bra padding from rubbing against her chest, Li Rou took off her bra and shoved it in her bag. Afterwards, fearing that the fabric of her top would have the same effect, she then proceeded to cover her delicate womanly parts with plasters she kept for emergencies.

“I need to be prepared the next time I drink the Breast Enhancement Milk. It makes my current clothing too small around the chest area. But finally! The Milk made my breasts grow larger despite its horrible taste!” Li Rou thought as she rubbed her newfound breasts, savoring their exquisite softness.

Fortunately for Li Rou, no one would notice the sudden growth of her breasts. The top she was wearing today, was far too baggy to tell the difference from before her short trip to the washroom or

With Li Rou’s urgent matters settled, she now had to decide how she was going to respond to the numerous school representatives.


Li Rou left the washroom and returned to the meeting room. Her small but shapely breasts bounced around rhythmically in sync with her steps.

And as she entered the meeting room, she was greeted warmly by Dean Wei.

“Welcome back, we would like to apologize for our inexcusable behavior just now. Putting that aside, we would all like to hear the school you have decided on. We assumed that you were deeply considering your options while in the bathroom. Unless you require more time to think?”

Li Rou sucked in a deep breath and started to announce her decision.

“I intend to enroll in Tsinghua as an honorary student in Business Studies and transfer over to the Central Conservatory of Music.

“It is not your choice to make as to whether or not you want to be a full-time or honorary in a faculty other than music.” Dean Wang from Peking University sneered when he heard Li Rou’s ridiculous decision. He was also starting to feel biased against Li Rou for not accepting Peking University's gracious offer.

“Although we are often at odds with each other, I agree with Dean Wang from Peking University. If you are to continue staying in Tsinghua, you have to remain as a full-time student here. I highly doubt you will be able to cope with the Business Studies final exam and project if you're exempted from lessons and tests as an honorary student."

"You’re biting off more than you can chew.” Dean Wei chimed in and supported Dean Wang’s stance on the topic.

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