《Trapped: The GM》10. Showdown above the heavens
Merry laughter and a bard´s song could be heard from far away. The noise disturbed the peaceful night of a remote mountain range. Any animals or monsters as the locals called them, had long since been wiped out in this region, leaving no sound beside the party´s noise.
In a village that sported countless foreign machines whose technology was too advanced to be considered natural, multicolored lights illuminated the scene of a happy festival. A pyre had been lit in the center of the village plaza and a few flashily dressed people danced around it.
The precious garments which the attendants wore and the matching jewels would give an observer a clear picture of what kinds of people were in attendance.
Alas nobody ever came to this remote place as the outside world largely didn´t know of its existence.
Empty barrels of wine and beer indicated that this festival had been going on for a few hours. A few drunkards were sleeping at the side of the road, though they were the minority. Whenever someone felt that he wanted to sober up a bit it took naught but a spell to do the trick.
The merry atmosphere however was dampened by a few people who simply did not seem to be in the mood to party. They downed glass after glass, mug after mug yet could not raise their spirits. They did not agree with the reason for the festivities.
One such person approached the self proclaimed leader of the gathered. She was a vicious woman, strong and coolheaded. Never one to be ordered and always in the position to dominate other people, for some reason she was quite popular.
The man approaching her, a grunt by all means, had at the time not dared defying her orders. From start to finish he had kept his morals yet in the face of a leader with so much hate for a single foe, the man was unable to speak his mind.
Regret, it was the prevalent emotion this man held and he was glad for it as it proved to him that he was still human.
Why did they have to murder a person who, granted, made some mistakes and caused misery, but did none of those things with malicious intent? was there really no better option?
The fact that the man did not know what would happen to a killed GM only made his guilty consciousness worse.
Thus with courage brought by alcohol the man sat down next to the leader and began demanding answers.
"Silene, why did we have to do this? Why not lock him up or have him help us or any other way to repent?"
Silene´s eyes widened for a second and she took the time to brush her wavy red hair out of her face.
"Why? Look at her and you have reasons enough!" She pointed at WoodPriest who sat by her side, drumming on the metallic table to a tune that didn´t match the bard´s song at all. Her gaze was fixed on the bonfire and the flames were reflected on her soulless eyes.
Silene was WoodPriest´s sister, not in a roll playing way but in reality.
"I know. However, the ones who did this to her were the NPCs, not the GM."
"...Do you think I don´t know that?" Silene gave him a measured look.
"But that knowledge won´t bring back my sister. What use is revenge against code? The only possible way was to kill the GM." She closed her eyes.
The man couldn´t shake the feeling that if he continued this conversation he would make the girl cry. This ferocious leader of his, she was merely a girl who couldn´t cope with her sister´s current state.
With this realization the man could only stand up and leave the party. The 'should have's and 'could have's were of no use. The GM had died, what was to happen to him now was out of his hand.
The Gm felt good. He was immersed in blackness and felt more comfortable than ever before. He opened his eyes just to shut them again. The blackness never changed. It was everywhere.
Ever since he had died he had been surrounded by the darkness. The fear that he had felt in the beginning had long since faded away though. Only tranquility remained in this place.
Alas it could not last. With a sound akin to the breaking of glass the darkness was shattered by an unknown force and the GM felt himself falling down. For a long time the particles of darkness blocked his sight with only stray rays of light making their way through this impenetrable barrier.
He kept falling and with no way of knowing when he would hit the ground the GM simply equipped his GM robes once more and closed his eyes in wait for the impact. There was no impact.
After a while the GM opened his eyes again. The darkness was gone and he found himself in a tunnel with walls that were made of mirrors. When he looked at one of them he could see countless reflections of himself.
The entire tunnel was bathed in the eerie light, his cloak provided.
The GM was confused as he had no idea where he was and tried to teleport himself away but for some reason the teleportation failed. For a while he just stood in the hallway, not knowing whether to be relieved that he was indeed still alive or not.
What was this place?
He followed the tunnel for a while and soon reached an intersection. The two paths looked absolutely identical so the GM followed the left path. Once in a while a white door would appear and the GM would take a look inside the room beyond the door. However the rooms were completely bare of anything. Soon the GM stopped looking inside every single one and opted to just one or two rooms per corridor.
Another intersection greeted him and he chose left once more. Soon the thought that this place could be a maze hit the GM and he silently grumbled to himself.
With a thought he tried using the system to get his exact coordinates but shockingly he was outside the map. The GM was above the map to be exact. He had always loved the feeling of freefall and regularly transported himself to the upper bounds of the map so he could experience the joy of diving through clouds. However on all those occasions he had never considered the possibility that there could be something above the upper limit.
What was this place and why would a GM respawn here of all places?
Alas there was nobody to answer his questions so the GM kept moving. Always taking the left turn whenever he saw an intersection and drawing a map along the way the GM soon noticed something strange. The place was very symmetrical. He could easily predict where the next intersection would appear or where the next dead end would be.
With this knowledge he thought about the exit. It wasn´t hard to figure out as the exit should be in the center of the symmetrical labyrinth. Thus with a plan in mind the GM made his way through the eerie corridors. Always seeing himself, wherever he looked. It made him dizzy but he pulled himself together.
Why would anyone build something like this? Was it an instanced dungeon that wasn´t implemented or something?
The walk was pure torture for his mind but after what felt like ages he reached a golden door. There was no lock at the door so the GM just casually opened it and saw an incredibly futuristic looking room. There were what seemed like consoles and keyboards as well as gigantic monitors mounted on the walls. The most eye catching part of the room though was the enormous window that encompassed the entire right side of the room.
Awestruck, the GM approached the window despite the fact that he could clearly see what lay beyond the window from his previous location. It was the game world in its entirety. The entire continents with the boundless ocean surrounding it on three sides while the southern side was completely encased in ice.
The mountains that seemed so tall from below now looked like nothing more than tiny stubbles. Cities were entirely invisible due to their small sizes. Some clouds obscured parts of the continent with their white and grey bodies.
He really was above the game, that much was sure. Yet the GM still didn´t understand what the purpose of the terminals inside the room was. He inspected one of them closely. There were various labeled buttons. The GM pressed the one labeled 'start' and a monitor to his left lit up. It was unclear why they didn´t just use holograms.
The screen displayed the game companies logo, a cartoonish dream bubble, then switched to a progress bar. The bar was halfway filled and to the side a little text said.
'Freedom implementation'
A foreboding feeling in his chest the GM started the next terminal up. this one displayed various options that were either On or turned off.
NPC options:
Science progress: On
Technological progress: On
Social progress: On
Individual progress: On
NPC spawn: Off
Memory setting: Unchangeable
Freewill (NPCs): On
Monster options:
Monster upgrades: Off
Dungeon upgrades: Off
Monster spawn: On
Freewill (Monsters): On
Instances: Off
Player options:
Character creation: On
Character deletion: On
Auto save: On
Character progress: On
Interface: On
Login: Off
Logout: Off
The GM just stared at the monitor in front of his eyes. He stared and stared.
Could it really be this easy?
Was he dying and had some sort of wishful hallucination?
The GM kept staring.
'Logout: Off'
Who turned the shitty option off? Wrath flooded the GM´s system as he looked at this idiotically simple solution for a problem he had spent years of his life trying to solve. Who even made this control center? Was it some emergency plan in case of this exact scenario taking place?
"Josh if I ever get out of here I will kill you." The GM said with an evil grin on his face as he thought of his old IT collegue.
Tears entered his eyes and he quickly wiped them away. Whenever he stopped wiping them off they were simply replace by more of their kind. He decided to just let them flow. Even if they blurred his vision and kept him from turning the wretched option back on. The players would surely not mind the short delay.
The GM felt as if a gigantic burden had been taken from his shoulders. They were free. Everyone would be able to logout once this option was turned on again.
Trapped no more... was his beloved still waiting? The GM doubted it. For the first time in years he thought about his physical body and how it had to be a wreck after being unmoved for so long. He was honestly surprised that he was still alive and that nobody had shut down the life support.
Yet, despite the thoughts of the awful reality he would find when he returned he had the broadest smile on his face. He would go home. Finally....Finally!
Not even caring about the remaining terminals the GM turned the option on. He almost expected some grand reaction. The earth should move, shouts of joy should ring out and confetti should rain from the heavens but obviously nothing of the sort happened. The GM was alone in this strange place, which didn´t stop him from hopping around in ecstasy.
"Free! I AM FREE! HAHAHAHAHAAA" He laughed and laughed and laughed. There was no need to hold back anymore. This was his moment, the moment he had been waiting for ever since he was trapped in the game. Before he could logout though he wanted to tell everyone about the achievement.
Wouldn´t it be cruel not to tell them, after all they had suffered through?
At first he wanted to teleport to his friends and tell them personally but this option was not available due to the fact that he couldn´t teleport out of this place. He would most likely need to go through all of the other terminals to find the option needed to activate teleportation.
The GM didn´t consider it worth it.
Instead he opted for a more general approach. He would make an announcement and then chat with his friends, maybe exchange contacts with them and meet up in reality.
GM Announcement:"Hey there everyone! We sure were trapped in here for a freakishly long time. However, today finally I found the reason why we were unable to logout and I resolved it. Yes, you heard me. We can all logout again! We are free to go!"
In a random forest on the central part of the continent a small tree cheered with its branches for the news and soon after turned into particles of light that soon faded into nothingness.
In a cave deep inside the mountains a young spider monster hissed happily. It then proceeded to attack the sibling that had always tortured it. After a rough fight the attacker was victorious but fatally injured. However with its last power it initiated a certain countdown at the end of which the spider disappeared.
In the city of Mist the scream of a baby could be heard. This child was the crown prince that was finally born to the king and one of his many wives. With a sly smile that was very unlike a normal baby´s the little prince shook his head and laughed happily when his loving mother hugged him.
As shouts of happiness filled the air, spread apart as they were, the actual NPCs could only tilt their heads and wonder what the announcement meant.
Udo, the biggest follower of the GM immediately called for an emergency meeting because he thought his god had spoken to him.
After careful deliberation the church announced the day of the GM announcement to be a religious holiday and it would soon become a day akin to Christmas for the people of this world.
When the announcement came, they sat at a bar 'the merry fowl' in the city Grauling. They were surrounded by many NPCs, yet none of them cared about the sudden shouts the group of four made.
The NPC were too busy trying to understand what the announcement meant to pay them any heed.
Was he for real? Did he really manage to get the logout back up? These and similar questions went through the groups heads.
Complicated gazes were exchanged over the small round wooden table and especially one young woman looked distressed. What was she to do now?
Pie who had finally found love in this world was torn between fiction and reality. However, Pie was not the only one. Her entire group except the GM had consciously made the decision to stay in the game when he had offered to delete their characters in the beginning.
To be fair, the group didn´t know about what actually happened to the ones that had their characters deleted and thought they had returned to reality.
An air of uncertainty surrounded them as they regarded each other with mixed feelings. However, in the end a question arose in their hearts and finally Zessmi was the one to voice it.
"So... did anything change for us?" She sounded hesitant, as if she feared the answer she would receive.
"Not for me, I won´t log out. After something like this happened there is no way in hell that the game will stay online if we leave. Everything we did for the past years would have been for naught. I don´t want to leave him behind either..." Pie said nothing but resolution in her eyes. Zessmi gave her a hug.
"I made my decision ages ago." Ares said and ordered another round of drinks for everyone.
"I don´t want to go back to reality. Even if we finished the content, this is the world I want to live in. See, even the NPC turned self conscious. It´s not fake. This is my reality." Lars said.
"What a relieve, I wouldn´t know what I would have done if I lost any of you guys." Zessmi said and smiled.
"One of us will leave though..." Pie said.
"He deserves to go home. Don´t even try to convince him to stay." Ares said.
"I know. But I´ll still be lonely if he leaves..."
A collective sigh later Zessmi received a message.
"Oh GM just messaged me. He wants to talk to us about the entire leaving thing... Probably a farewell, eh? He said he can´t teleport to us for some reason."
"Ask him if he will leave now that he can." Ares said with a sad smile.
"Why? It´s obvious right? Oh well, I´ll ask. Ah he says 'yes, what about you guys?'. I guess I will answer 'we will stay.'"
"I don´t want him to leave..." Lars said.
"Maybe he can still visit us ..." Even Pie didn´t believe her own words.
"He says 'Really? I guess that was to be expected. I will miss you guys, but there is nothing that can change my mind.'"
The others grinned at that. It was time for their farewells.
The GM read the messages his team sent him carefully. After the group conversation via Zessmi the others had opted for a more private chat to properly say goodbye.
The GM knew that he would never return to this world once he had left it. He had decided to never even look at the virtual reality again once he was out of here.
He grinned at Pie´s sweet words, laughed at Ares´ bad jokes, was surprised by Lars´ obvious reluctance to let him go and Zessmi´s pleading for him to visit them once in a while. Sadly Zessmi´s wish would have to be denied.
For a brief moment the GM even thought about staying with them. Was living in this world really such an awful idea? If he could spend his time with people like them, maybe...
The feeling that he did not belong into this world was stronger though. The GM yearned for reality. He wanted to drive a car, jog in a park. He wanted to fall in love and start a family, live the normal and boring life of an employee with a loving wife to welcome him home in the evening. There was no great aspiration, no special reason to return. after such a long time the GM didn´t even believe that his fiancée was still waiting.
The GM simply wanted to go home, even if tat meant leaving the best people he had ever met behind.
His farewell said and the tears under control the GM was ready to turn his back onto the world he had inhabited for about five years. He stood up threw one last look at the world he would never see again and clicked the icon resembling the logout function.
A familiar timer should have greeted the GM at this moment, however, there was no such thing.
An intimately familiar message box appeared instead.
"You are not logged in therefore you cannot log out. Please log in to log out."
It was the exact same message that was accompanied by the exact same rage as back then. It all came back to him at this moment. The fear, the heartache, the suffering and the oh so familiar helplessness. He knew them too well.
Thus while the GM stared at the thing he least wanted to see in the world he did not realize for a long time that the option had had turned on enabled players to logout. Players, not GMs.
He collapsed to the floor, entirely wasted, unable to exert the willpower to stand up. Why was he unable to leave? Self pity, despair... How was he supposed to escape?
Luckily that state did not last. The GM dismissed the message box and looked at the monitor.
Player options:
Logout: On
For a while his mind struggled to add one and one but finally he realized where the problem actually was. Then he laughed.
"HahahahahaHAHAHAHhahahahHAHAHAH" He laughed and laughed and laughed some more until he abruptly stood up and searched the other terminals for the function that would get him out of this annoying situation.
While he was searching he thought about the things that happened ever since he was trapped in this game. He reflected on the many mistakes. There were deleted players, traumatized players, traumatized NPCs, the possibility that he had killed some reborn players, his assumption that all of this had been caused by a virus despite knowing better than anyone else that no virus could ever infiltrate the virtual fortress that is the virtual reality.
It was time to leave the sinking ship. He had to go, had to leave it all behind or go insane.
And there it was, hidden within the last terminal he looked at, on the last options page in the last spot. Of course, because where else would the thing, somebody is desperately searching for, hide?
The GM didn´t spare it a thought. He would leave!!!
Game master options:
Logout: Off
Alas, it was not supposed to be. Just when the GM wanted to hit the key that would have changed the option and given him the thing he so desperately wished for an explosion rattled the room and the GM stumbled away from the terminal due to the impact.
Without a care for what might have caused the explosion the GM charged at the terminal. He would change the option before anything else. He would change it!
The side of the room was blown to pieces and shards of broken mirrors rained down at the GM. He was launched away from the terminal once more and even worse, there was now something blocking his way.
Whatever was standing in his way would die a gruesome death, the GM swore to himself and walked towards the thing.
It was humanoid, cloaked in a white coat with feathers at the seams. The GM couldn´t see the face of the cloak wearer due to a blinding white light that shrouded his face in obscurity. Neon blue ones and zeros followed the stranger in his wake. Their light had the same intensity as the GM´s and mixed with the green light he provided.
"Who are you and why are you wearing GM gear?"
"GM gear? Is that what the gods call this weapon? I must say that I am slightly disappointed for I expected a name that would do it justice." The voice was clearly male and had an extremely arrogant ring to it.
"A name is merely a name. Who are you to wear the weapon?" The GM asked.
"Ah, excuse my rudeness. My name is of no importance however. I am merely a minion to my great master Torti."
"A nameless minion then... how did you get here and why are you wearing these clothes?"
"Now that I introduced myself, it would be rude if you didn´t do the same."
"I don´t have a name either. The people call me GM after my profession now answer my question before I erase you."
"Do you really think you can?" The GM couldn´t see the man´s face but he could practically hear the smirk.
Without further ado the GM summoned his keyboard and began the short process of erasing the cloaked minion, yet nothing happened. He stared at the creature and it began to laugh.
"Care to tell me how you even got here green one?" The white one asked nonchalantly.
"By dying, what about you?"
"The same thing, really. Who would have thought that the cloak could resurrect the dead in this foreign place. When those wretched immortals attacked my master´s lair and destroyed every single member of my clan, even weakening my master to her current hibernating state, I ,too, lost my life.
I thought it was over, surrounded by darkness, unable to feel or move properly I almost gave into the will of the world when the cloak appeared in front of my eyes. Was it the same for you?"
Only then did the GM understand that the minion in front of his eyes did not inherently consider him an enemy. However, something didn´t make sense here. Why would the GM cloak simply appear for this minion when he died? Who messed that up?
"Yes, the cloak appeared when I died and I was resurrected when I put it on. Can you tell me what this place is?"
"It seems to be a place from which the ancient gods controlled the world. Judging by its desolate state the gods must have long left, the devices still work though."
"Did you by chance change anything?"
"For the sake of avenging my clan and regaining the treasure that was stolen from my master I made it so the world traveling immortals could not leave this world for a while." he sounded so pleased when he said that, the GM wanted to kill him.
However, without a clear plan of how he could destroy the minion there was no way he would just attack him.
"So this grandmaster Torti can´t wake up without the treasure? Did you avenge your clan yet?"
"No, I tried to track the immortals down for the past five years but only a few days after I bound them to this world their scent completely disappeared. It was so strange. The magical item I used to track them didn´t work anymore and they could not be found but another magical item indicated that they were still here."
The white one shook his head in exasperation and the GM facepalmed, hard.
"How did you get out of here?"
"Oh just touch the window, it´s really simple."
"Whitey, do you know what kind of chaos and pain you caused with this? Do you really think I can just forgive you?"
"So you are an immortal? I don´t want your forgiveness anyway. I need to resurrect master Torti. nothing else matters. GM today I came here because all of a sudden my magical item informed me of the fact that the immortals I was hunting had left this world. Can you believe it? Something must have let them go..." His gaze became piercing and the brightness seemed to increase.
"Well, who else could have done that? I will kill you for causing so much misery."
"Very well, you don´t seem to want to stay alive anymore, let this master of the white cloak teach you a lesson."
The two adversaries charged each other. Even though the GM didn´t know whether he would even be able to injure the other party due to the GM cloaks that should protect them, he still charged.
Their fists collided with horrifying power! The GM had increase his stats to the cap and his adversary had seemingly done the same.
At the moment of collision for the first time in his entire time as a GM the GM felt pain. The barrier that used to protect him was nowhere to be seen but on the other hand his enemy had suffered from the attack as well.
They exchanged fierce blows for a moment but the GM soon realized that whitey was more experienced in combat than him. he broke away and retreated by five steps. Whitey followed him closely, not letting up on his barrage.
The GM used a strategist skill to get away and pondered his options. With a fast decision the GM granted himself access to the skills of all available classes and immediately used an ice needle rain to stop whiteys charge at his new position.
Whitey dodged them with what seemed like a rogue skill and was almost unhindered, the crucial part being almost.
Not wasting a second the GM used the paladin skill 'Holy ray' to attack Whitey but to no avail. There was already a magical barrier above his head and the ray was reflected and hit the roof of the room. a rain of glass hid Whitey for a second but that was all he needed to completely disappear from view.
Suddenly Whitey appeared behind the GM and tried choking the other with his hands. the GM struggled for a while until he remembered the 'Blink' skill from one of the magician classes. In an instance the GM had distanced himself from Whitey again.
"Stop running!"
Of course the GM used the instance of confusion after his sudden blink to attack Whitey with more attacks. He used 'telekinesis' to launched the sharp glass shards around the room at the man and used an illusion spell to make clones of himself around the room. Due to the lowered visibility with the shards in the way Whitey could only guess which one was the real thing.
Alas it did not matter. Whitey launched a 'Lightning chain' that subsequently hit every clone and destroy them.
Luckily the attack wasn´t fast enough and the GM had enough time to create a magical barrier for himself.
But while the GM made the barrier Whitey was already running towards him while dodging the airborne shards. Suddenly he had a golden broadsword in his hands and slashed at the GM who barely managed to dodge in time.
The GM dashed to the side when the next strike came and tripped Whitey in the process. The sword slipped from his grasp and slithered across the floor until it came to a halt by one of the terminals.
Not missing the opportunity to attack the GM grabbed a shard and stabbed it into Whitey´s unprotected back.
He screamed and blinked away but the damage was done, or so the GM thought.
Whitey was wrapped in white light and the injury was gone.
With the realization the GM healed his own wounds and briefly wondered how he was supposed to beat an enemy that could always regenerate and had neither mana nor stamina that could run out. The only reason to stop fighting would be death. However death would only cause one of the fighters to be transported to the other end of the maze. It was a stalemate, the GM knew that.
Even with the exact same stats and the same skills his opponent was clearly superior. The last hit was merely by chance, the GM was certain of that. Whitey had been training to use the skills of different classes while the GM had only ever played as a buffer. Combat was too foreign to him.
But, was it really that foreign? He had been fighting with his comrades. He knew their strategies, their skills and how they used them. Hell, he could predict what they would do next and even knew why...
With a smile the GM charged. Finally he had a plan.
A shield and a spear materialized in his hands when he entered Whitey´s range. He blocked Whitey´s new sword with his shield then pushed Whitey back with a sudden motion that was not a skill but Ares personal favorite move from a fighting game. The GM then stabbed at Whitey´s chest but Whitey immediately retreated a few meters.
The GM didn´t pursue as this is what he was aiming for. He took out a bow and shot an entire barrage at the retreating Whitey who saw the chance to easily slash him down. Whitey had no trouble dodging the deadly hail with some rouge skills and closed the distance even faster than he had made it. With a smirk the GM turned into a cat and jumped on Whitey´s shoulder where he immediately turned into a bear and chomped on Whitey´s head.
A crunching sound was heard as teeth hit a skull, yet the damage wasn´t worth mentioning. The most important factor were Whitey´s destroyed eyes. Whitey threw the GM off and backed up a bit.
Just when Whitey was about to heal himself again the GM´s voice could be heard. It was silent and melodious, drawing any listener in with its magical sound. The slow tune calmed the heart and soul and left one wanting nothing but sleep.
And that´s exactly what Whitey got. He fell asleep where he stood, not even minding the injury. The GM never stopped singing and slowly approach his enemy once more, but instead of ending the poor bastard the GM thought stealing the cloak from him would be a better solution for now. If he was troublesome he could still kill him at a later time.
Thus plan in mind the GM slowly and carefully without ever interrupting his sleep inducing singing stripped the man of his cloak.
Beneath the cloak was a feathery monster known as Angic. They were humanoids that looked like angels with feathery bodies. This one had pure white feathers. His humanoid face was hardly recognizable with the teeth wounds all over it but the man seemed to be quite young, in his early twenties perhaps.
The GM put the cloak that had caused this mayhem into his inventory and looked at the waking Angic once more.
"Ahhh!" The Angic screamed in pain and clutched his face. He tried to heal himself but without the cloak he had no access to the necessary skills.
"You lost." With a snap of his finger, that was more for dramatic effect than anything else, the GM healed the NPCs eyes.
The Angic looked at him with big eyes and then at his cloak or rather lack thereof.
"I... lost?"
"Do you have any last words?"
"Yes... Torti, I wished I could have seen you smile just once more." The Angic smiled and closed his eyes. His thoughts were without a doubt filled with Torti.
The GM hesitated for a moment, he was reminded of himself and his own beloved for a fraction of a second. A sword took shape in his hand and he cleanly beheaded the Angic. Despite the fact that he had finally found the one responsible for the entire mess the GM couldn´t feel happy at all.
In his situation, perhaps the GM had done the same, who knows. In the end what matters is not the revenge but the fact that this Angic should never have gotten a hold on the GM cloak to begin with. The GM was sure that he would find the reason why this happened in the outside world.
He resolutely turned away from the corpse and walked up to the terminal. Miraculously it was the only undamaged terminal. Finally luck was on the GM´s side, he could feel it.
He pressed a key and the option that had been the chain keeping him here was changed in an almost anticlimactic way.
Without hesitation the GM raised his right hand and placed the entire hand in front of the open door icon, symbolizing the exit.
"Farewell, game world. I won´t miss you."
It´s over. It´s over!!! I did it! 50k words in a mere month, damn I´m proud of myself.
Time to celebrate yay!
Dear readers I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support until now.
I know that the story sucks in many ways and yet you guys stuck with me till the end. Thanks!
If I find the time I will gradually improve the story from now on and in order to do that your feedback is necessary.
Thus I urge you to tell me about all the things you didn´t like and all the things you liked. It would be a great help, you see.
Special thanks to Zenlith who challenged me to the nanowrimo! Without you I would have never even started the story.
I really doubted that I could make it but... I actually did it, holy shit!
The stats: 50206/50000
The last chapter has 5946 words and is the longest of the entire story, hehe!
- In Serial15 Chapters
[Turkish] Kahraman Dünyâsın Da Ki Dede
Hide her şeyin bittiğini sanıyordu. Hayâtı boyunca düzelme uğruna çalışmış, acı çekmişti. En sonunda başarmıştı. Tüm yorgunlukla kendini kapattı. Ve ne şaşırtıcı ki darı yine uslu durmadı. "Bi bitmediniz amk." Tek cümle de; Daha önce şinobi dünyasının Tanrısı olmuş adam DC / MARVEL / X-MEN dünyâsın da yeniden doğar. Daha önce okumak için; https://tengriata.wordpress.com
8 235 - In Serial19 Chapters
Nightmare Infinity
God's Dimension was created for the purpose of evolution. It would push its chosen through countless trials, horrors and nightmares to fulfill this goal. Only through the constant threat of death will humanity be forced to evolved. The chosen are those who have given up on life. Those who have nothing to live for, and those who life has nothing to offer. With the hope of finding that meaning, they enter God's Dimension. In the beginning God used the stories of mankind to create these trials. Sending the chosen into the worlds of monsters and demons, and granting them the powers of the inhabitants of those worlds. But with man's evolution God changed these trials, sending the chosen into new and more dangerous worlds, which in turn granted them access to the powers of those worlds. The first change came when God sent the chosen into the worlds of horror and action movies: Alien, Predator, The Grudge, Nightmare on Elm Street, Starship Troopers, and many more. The second change came when God included the worlds of Anime, Manga, and Light Novels into its trials: Fate/Zero, Btoom, Highschool of the Dead, Akame ga Kill, Naruto, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Terra Formars and many more. Now God has changed the trials once again and included the worlds of Video Games into its trials. In recent years the number of video games that come out each year has skyrocketed. More worlds, greater challenges, and increased danger await the chosen of God's Dimension. No one, even the veterans of God's Dimension, knows how this will affect them. The number of powers and worlds God's Dimension allows access to has once again increased, but will they survive long enough to make use of them? *Warning* This story is a Terror Infinity fanfic and will heavily cross over with different video games, anime, and manga. I will try to use ones which have already well known stories so as to not spoil anyone. Though I might change it up here and there to keep the plot interesting. Another warning is that this story will, or at least try, to show the despair and horrors each character went through. There will be a some gore, mature content, and some pretty disturbing stuff, but nothing too much. A story is meant to entertain and a grimdark gorefest is not that pleasant to read.
8 87 - In Serial6 Chapters
Trùng Sinh Mạt Thế Truyền Thuyết - Hòa Xuất Thú Thú
Thể loại : ngôn tình, trọng sinh, mạt thế, dị năng, tùy thân không gian, nữ cường, hoàn.Sơ lược :Trong mắt ngươi mạt thế là dạng gì?Biến dị, thây ma, dị năng, người sống sót? Thân nhân, người yêu, cừu nhân, người xa lạ?Nhiễm Minh chưa bao giờ nghĩ tới bên cạnh mình có một ngày đầy dẫy quái vật, lại chưa nghĩ tới so với quái vật đáng sợ hơn chính là người bên cạnh. Âm mưu, dương mưu, giết chóc, phản bội, tử vong, trùng sinh ······Giống nhau mạt thế, không đồng dạng như vậy chuyện xưa, hoan nghênh đi vào mạt thế truyền thuyết.Một câu nói giới thiệu vắn tắt: Đây là mỗ nữ mang theo tiểu đệ khắp nơi đánh quái vật thăng cấp đập bãi chuyện xưa!
8 198 - In Serial31 Chapters
Oh My God, They Were Roommates
[KILLUGON] After a terrible first semester, Gon transfers to a university in San Francisco where he gets a stellar deal on a one-bedroom apartment.At least, it was a stellar deal until he moves in and realizes that he inadvertently signed a lease with a complete stranger as a roommate. Not only that, but his accidental roommate is the single hottest guy in his major, Killua Zoldyck, and everyone and their mother is trying to get with him.
8 171 - In Serial11 Chapters
ɢᴜᴀᴘᴏ | Qᴜᴀᴄᴋɪᴛʏ ツ DISCONTINUED
"ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ" ~ "wₒw ₜₕₐₙₖₛ ᵢ fᵤcₖᵢₙg ₗₒᵥₑ yₒᵤ" ~
8 173 - In Serial20 Chapters
iconic c . danvers
i don't wash dishes, i rule planets ⎉in which the killer queen of valyriate meets the noble warrior hero ⎉⏤ book two of the valyriate series ⏤ cover @ animositi⏤ oc x carol danvers / vers / captain marvel⏤ all dialogue and actions from the mcu belong to the mcu and respective owners animositi ©
8 206