《The Demon King's Seventeenth Wife is Scary》Book 1 Chapter 10: Tao Jinghua and her Previous Lives


Book One Chapter 10: Tao Jinghua and Her Previous Lives Three days after the Grand Weiqi Tournament, Jinghua transferred the title deeds for the restaurants in Xichang town to one of her older brothers- Tao Lan Yun- and left him to take care of the stores. Tao Lan Yun was a glutton and has been following Jinghua around ever since she had woken up from that dreamscape. So, he happily accepted the title deeds. It was Mi Ling’s fault for telling Lan Yun that she’s a great cook- causing that glutton to follow her around begging for food. Not only that, ever since she had awakened from that dreamscape that was originally Mingming’s Soulscape and got better, but her sisters had also all pleaded with her to make them some clothes. Of course, they didn’t ask right away but rather a couple of weeks later when they deemed that she's stapled enough and not in an emotional wrench. So far in three years, she has made them each two outfits. Three of her older sisters got married in the last few years. One of them already has a daughter with her husband. Two of her older brothers, not Qingshan and Mi Ling, had already married and one of them was moving out in a couple of days from now on. Aside from that, the things that have changed about this town were the games that she had to introduce to this world. The three-color weiqi was the most popular but it wasn’t the only game that was played. Surprisingly, the most famous game after the three-color weiqi wasn’t shogi or a similar game, rather it was RPG Card Games. Jinghua didn’t feel guilty at all as she stole ideas from Earth. Fire Emblem Warriors, Pathfinder, and Dark Souls Roleplaying card games were mixed, recreated, and then, with Grimwood as its base, turned into a card game that caused countless young boys to join in. The two schools in Xichang town even adopted the games as a way to test intelligence, wisdom, and train their students for the real world. They even hired two inscription masters to inscribe those card games into the walls of their school and infused spiritual qi into it. In other words, once a test is up, the administrator would infuse a couple of low-grade jingshi stone or diamond coins into the inscription, making the card game come alive with a manifestation. Or just said that a holograph of the card will manifest. It wasn’t something that could physically touch because it only has enough spiritual qi from a low-grade jingshi stone or a diamond coin to manifest for a week. Very weak when compared to what immortal cultivators could do. Even a beginner level immortal could do better than that. Just the energy from a couple of low-grade jingshi won’t be enough for them at all. Anyway, that’s not her business. Anyhow, after this tournament, Jinghua was pretty sure that the games she has introduced in this town would spread all over this continent; it might take years for everyone to be proficient in these games but nonetheless, life won’t be so boring anymore. And thus, moving on to other subjects. Jinghua has been feeling very curious about something for a while now. This year, she’s already 16 years old. Yet... She still hasn’t got her “Woman’s Monthly Bleed”. ... She’s already 16 years old and yet... is this body dead? From the former Jinghua dead? Is this a consequence? Jinghua would never get her PMS? Jinghua doesn’t know if she’s thankful for that or finds it worrisome. Or... is there something wrong with this body? Maybe I should ask Tian Feifei since she’s an alchemist. One of the alchemist grandmasters that still practices her skills even now. Anyway, it's almost time for Jinghua to join those beasts in the soulscape again. The Soulscape that Jinghua was talking about isn't hers since she wasn’t a cultivator. No, it used to belong to MingMing but now, it wasn’t his dreamscape anymore. It doesn’t belong to Jinghua either. No, that Soulscape belongs to Ju Feihua, one of the spiritual flower beasts of the phantom bloodline that came out from the lotus pond. Ju Feihua was a plant spirit beast. A Lotus-like plant that grows on land and is not submerged or on water. According to her, I had met her when I was on my 47th Life Trials. Something about World Tribulation and Heavenly Purge Trials. She was one of the innocent that the heaven of that world was purged due to a lack of resources and spiritual energy in that world and realm. As a result, she said that I had taken her with me and planted her in my Inner World. Ju Feihua had grown up with the older beings inside the Original Jinghua’s original Inner World so she knew about Jinghua’s soul more than anyone else. Especially since Ju Feihua specialized in using Soul Force and Mentality fortitude to make pills, dans, and weapons. Ju Feihua said that when I left that world, my inner world at that time was removed into a Gemstone and was sealed deep within my soul. It seems like all of the beasts that came out from the lotus pond used to be my partners from the previous worlds that I had been through. According to the beasts, I shouldn’t be here in this world at all. I should have been in a world that doesn’t have much spiritual qi and was relatively peaceful. Well, true, Earth was a peaceful world compared to this world. For one, there was no such thing as Spiritual Beast and Mythical Monsters on Earth. But well- one of the Items that I had created before called Pearl World Gemstone found me and was a little too excited so it accidentally knocked me off that planet’s physical dimension. As a result, my soul was stirred awaked and came to this world, where another copy of my body was living like a normal human in this world to experience life in general. Yet, now that my original soul meets a world with spiritual qi and a drop of my blood essence actually was licked by a being that has the essence of a primal dragon bloodline; it awoke the lotus pond deep within my soul- causing the Chaos Gate Pagoda to awake. Who had sealed the Chaos Gate Pagoda deep within Jinghua’s soul, she doesn’t know but according to the oldest chaos beast within that pond, the man who sealed it for her was not someone that she could afford to offend. Afterall, according to him, it was because of that man that Jinghua had the opportunity to transcend into a Transcendent Immortal cultivator with 9 Immortal Soul Core, making it possible for her to live for as long as one of her world gems is intact. And Jinghua has a lot of World Gems. What is a World Gem? Literally that. A Gem that has a world inside. Created from her own soul essence and spiritual essence. Like that damn pearl that was currently inside Jinghua’s body. Although, that pearl was a different grade and it is a sentinel mobile-dimensional pearl. Meaning that it can travel to other dimensions at its own will. According to Xian Dexi, the titanic Bloodhound with 7 heads and 7 ancient bloodlines, that damn Pearl Gem World was created by someone who her soul knew very well of and the Original Jinghua herself. Who was it? Xian Dexi doesn’t have the courage nor the privilege to talk about who that man is. All he could tell her was that this man was not her enemy and will never be one. That black pearl and the gem that the lotus pond originated from was not the same. They function the same way but they aren’t the same in a sense. The lotus pond originated from the World Gem that Jinghua created herself long ago. However, that black pearl was created by someone else and herself, and it has its own will. It's very much like a baby who was given to Jinghua long ago and it keeps looking for her whenever possible. What is that Pearl World Gem for? According to all of the guys and girls in that lotus pond, there’s only one word for it; Dowry. Fucking damn Dowry. Who fucking damn give a whole world as a dowry?! Jinghua has never known of anyone like that before! Actually, from her knowledge of how Dowry is, on Earth, a couple of her Masters had actually used an island, company, shops, places, and all sorts of resources as Dowry for her future before she came here. But that marriage didn’t go as planned so such a thing wasn’t known. And really, there was no one on Earth who was rich enough or idiotic enough to give planets as dowry. Although, whenever she thinks of someone who would really give a whole world as dowry, there’s only one person that appeared in her mind. But.. odd. When she thinks of that man- the aching hole in the deep of her heart doesn’t feel as empty and hurt as she used to have anymore. After that man left her behind, her very life itself turned dark and empty. No matter what she does, it didn’t do shit for her mentality and emotions. It was to the point that Shiny got so mad that he destroyed the school that Jinghua had met him. Don’t tell me... that the ‘man’ and the man who created this Gem have some kind of connection? Or... or they like me and the former Jinghua? A fiber copy of a soul? No, don’t get your hope up, Jinghua. It will only hurt you more. Jinghua shut off the hope that bloom within her chest with a resolve bang. She doesn’t need uncertain hope right now. Anyway, it's time for her to see those guys and girls again. Jinghua closed her eyes as she lay down to sleep for the night. A moment later, her eyes were met with the smirking face of Mingming and the brightly lit up face of Gui Lingying, the giant gem tortoise. Hong Fenglong was right behind them with a smile on his face too. It looks oddly weird because out of all the beasts in the lotus pond, only Gui Lingying and Hong Fenglong cannot change into their human form, temporary. The reason was that when my former life left them behind, they were still only a baby. Even though right now, they are thousands of years old, it still wasn’t enough for them to transfer into their human form. The reason was that in this lotus pond, there aren’t anymore Bloodline Transformation pills strong enough for beasts of their bloodline. There are countless and a large variety of alchemy pills within the 49 Floor Chaos Gate Pagoda. Even without Jinghua there, they could still open up to 12 floors with no problem. However, those pills aren’t any different from candy for them. It has no effect whatsoever for beings of their levels. So, even till today, they couldn’t transform into their human form. After all, without Jinghua here to open the door for the upper levels of the pagoda, they can’t go inside it. Which means that they can’t use higher grade spirit herbs to refine any alchemy pills. Thus, the two youngest beasts aren’t able to transform. Jinghua being here had already opened up the land into a spiritual holy land. Tian Feifei and the rest of the beasts have already started to plant the herbal seeds from inside the 49-floors pagoda into the lands that have turned into spirits land. And now, those herbs have already grown and are mature enough to be picked. But it hasn’t been picked yet. Why? Because Jinghua has no use for them since she doesn’t even know how to use them. What? Jinghua’s memories were still sealed. As long as she doesn’t start practicing in the arts of the immortal and open her apertures to the sensitivity of spiritual qi, she’s just a normal human who was slightly special. And she plans to be this way for as long as possible. Even though she doesn’t need to as she has already passed her so-called Heavenly Tribulations back when she decided to save those sorry asses of excuse monks. No, even before that. If she wanted to be an immortal practitioner, all she had to do was allow one of her tamed beasts to open up her apertures to spiritual qi and start cultivating. Anyway, the point here was that Jinghua does not want to be a cultivator. She doesn’t want to live that long. She’s not the power-hungry kind of woman nor was she the kind that likes to be in the spotlight. She’s just the kind of woman that got bored really fast and lost interest in things even faster. So far in her life, the things that she has passions for were weapons collection, practicing martial arts, and finding new things to do. Ever since she came to this world, she has had to lead a life that she fully has no intention to change. Being poor wasn’t so bad since it teaches her the value of hard work. Seeing new things like the Nine-Wings Birds was an eye opener but she had no intention to surround herself with them all the time. Cooking new things? Sorry, but she’s not Joël Robuchon much less a 5 Michelin Stars chef- she has no intention to be. She might be interested in this world’s ingredients but she wasn’t a real chef. Jinghua knew how to cook but that’s only because her tongue was very sensitive toward food and she’s very picky about what she wants to eat. That’s why she opens those restaurants in this town after all. It was so that whenever she’s hungry, she doesn’t have to cook for herself. “Master, the Spiritual Grains that we planted last week are already mature now. Do you want to harvest it?” Hong Fenglong asked telepathically as he lowered his head. He’s currently in his semi-human form so he was only a couple of feet taller than me. “It’s ready? Show me,” Jinghua was quite interested in the so-called spiritual grains of this world. The ones that she had seen so far cannot be called real spiritual grains as the amount of energy it contains was far from enough. The blackened earth in this place was called Crystal Dark Earth. It was very dark because of the spiritual qi of higher grade and because of the abundance of nutrition found in the ground. When Jinghua first planted a normal apple tree in this place due to curiosity, that apple tree sorely turned into a large apple tree that bears thousands of apples in one harvest. According to Guan Ning Ning, a Sunset Falcon Spirit Bird who specializes in Spiritual Agriculture of any kind, that normal apple has turned into a spirit fruit tree when it was growing. So, now if Jinghua wanted to, she could use the seeds from the apple in that space to breed some very strong spiritual apple fruit trees. Well, she’s only experimenting right now. She doesn’t want to start a farm right here in this Soulscape. The spiritual grains that Hong Fenglong showed Jinghua was very bizarre. It looks like rice grain, like the Basmati from Indian on Earth but it was far larger in terms of size and dimension. Not only that, the fragrance of the grain itself was very strong. Jinghua could already smell them from all the way here- about 15 meters away. If you are to compared the spiritual grains to the rice that Jinghua knew of from earth, then it would be long like the Basmati rice but fragrant similar to the Jasmine rice yet with the hardness of a glutinous rice grain, it is plumb like the Japanese Short grain rice that were used in sushi but very long in physical looks and features. All in all, just imagine the basmati long grain that is three times larger and rounder than normal and you would get the perfect picture of what these spirit grains look like. Not to mention. It was shining with a glow surrounding each grain. Ahhh, so that’s what a spirit grain looks like. “What grade is this spirit grain?” Jinghua asked. “Low Grade. It is a Tier 1 Grade Grain. However, in terms of purity, it ranks level 12.” Mingming answered with a nonchalant face, totally uncaring for such a small matter. Tier 1 Grade Grain at level 12 Purity? Isn’t it that a Tier 3 product in another word? A jin of these tier 3 spiritual grains cost 12 low grade jingshi already! ... Yeah, these grains should never be known to the outside. Unlike the things that Suyi left behind for Jinghua, which she gave it all to the family to increase their foundation, the things from this space must never be found outside unless Jinghua has the strength to protect it. The amount of spiritual grains in the field was enough for 3.5 tons of grains. That’s already more than seven thousand pounds, or about 6,350 jin! Do the math and you got seven six thousand and two hundred low grade jingshi... Yeah, Jinghua was never going to let these spirit grains out into the real world. “Can I even eat these?” She asked the primary question. Since Jinghua wasn’t a cultivator and doesn’t have the necessary apertures and or meridian open to absorb the spiritual qi within the rice grain. All of the beasts: “......” Jinghua: “......” They all blinked at the question. “Master, you don’t need to worry about that,” Mingming replied after thinking for a couple of seconds. “Hmm?” Jinghua tilted her head to the side and blinked at Mingming. “Master, inside the pond, there’s a Spiritual Qi Gathering and Extract Formation on the pond.” Mingming said with his facial expression of “What formation, not mine,” as he tried to convince Jinghua that he had nothing to do with it. Well, he truly doesn’t have anything to do with it. “Ah- I remember,” Ju Feihua and Guang Lingying said at the same time, causing them to look at each other in surprise. “Spiritual Qi Gathering and Extract Formation? What is that?” Jinghua asked, not knowing what the hell was Mingming talking about. “Master, the lotus pond was made out of Spiritual Condense liquid. Meaning that it was created from pure Spiritual Qi of a higher grade. Inside this space, it is very deep within your soul, the World Gem has been here for more than a couple eons already. Since that time when you had created the Spiritual Condensation Formation as the base form for the Spiritual Qi Gathering and Extract Formation, it has been refining the spiritual qi from outside the world and from the universe into its purest form, Lingdi [Spiritual Qi Droplet]. Over time, the lingdi turned into gas, then from gas into liquid again, and from the liquid form, it turned into this very world; the earth was dark because it has been refined by the World Gem for eons already.” Du Tang Tang, a Heaven Silk Spider, said with her face full of wisdom and age. She looks like an 18 years old girl with long white hair, three eyes that were gleaming purple like a diamond, and she was wearing full silkware. Her face and beauty was enough to cause a kingdom to collapse. Her demeanor was of someone who knew that they are sexy and was willing to use it against their opponent. In other words, Du Tang Tang was not sweet at all; she’s hot like spicy food that people can’t get enough of. She got the charms of an older lady that was alluring enough but not slutty like a woman who only seems to want to be seen as sexually sexy. She got the beauteous figure that was not too busty or too small, a waist that wasn’t huge but it certainly wasn’t small either. Her figure attracts both men and women alike toward her like bees to honey. Only to find out that it wasn’t honey that they were sucking on but rather, poison. “... You mean to tell me that this lotus pond was completely made out of a higher grade of spiritual qi droplets?” Jinghua wanted to confirm if her understanding of the situation was really right. All of the Beasts, including Mingming, nodded. “... How high is it?” I asked, feeling both nonchalant and yet curious at the same time. “The normal spiritual qi that people like the cultivators that you meet a couple of days ago used the World Spiritual Qi called Huanqi. The next tier of energy from that is the True Essence, Zhenqi. After Zhenqi comes Divine Essence, Shenqi. After Divine Essence is the Universe Essence, Taiqi. The water in the pond is all divine Essence,” Long Yunli, the Heaven Crown Spiritual Dragon-Snake, answered as he placed his head down near the ground so that I could pat him. My hand automatically went to scratch the corner of his mouth. His scales were oddly warm and tender. Not hard at all. “Anything that you eat that is spiritual in nature will naturally be absorbed by the pond, so you don’t have to worry,” Wang Baoyi said from the berch of the crystal tree. Wang Baoyi is the White Thunder Hawk from the Heavenly Thunder Hawk races that doesn’t exist in his original world anymore. Since they ates Heaven Tribulation Thunders as food and the people in his former world have no such thing. And thus, they became extinct in that world. Wang Baoyi was the only one that survived since I took him with me when he was just an egg. “So, you don’t have to worry that you can’t eat it. At all. No matter what you eat, you would only feel full like eating normal food. The spiritual qi within the grains aren’t affecting you at all. Unless you are willingly to open your meridian and start cultivating like your brothers, then such foods won’t even do anything to you.” Mingming concluded, this time with his eyes twitching with an expression that doesn’t know if he should be crying or laughing. “Oh,” Jinghua was already used to how OP she seems so she only said ‘oh’. The first time that she came back to this place after she woke up, she accidentally entered the pagoda and found thousands of chests filled with golds, silvers, and all kinds of mundane currency. If that was it, then she wouldn’t have been shocked. After all, Tao Jinghua had seen their Assassin Group back on earth’s treasury before so she wasn’t that surprised by the amount of mundane currency there was. She was shocked because aside from the mundane currency, there’s materials, resources, and also spiritual and magical currency, too. Honestly, a lot of the currencies in those chest, Jinghua had never even remembered seeing them before. She only knows that those are very pure in their forms. The gold coins-object was pure gold and the silver was pure silver. Even though they are purely gold and or silver, some of them look different. Some were red while others were blue. Not to mention the spiritual and magical in nature currency. Those are just Otherworldly. When she had asked Mingming, he said that he doesn’t know because he has never used mortal currency before. It was Hong Fenglong who had answered her; that those moneys were from her previous lifetimes. And she has a lot of previous lifetimes before the ones on Earth. She had accumulated so much money that those chests were created just for it. Although the chest seems to be only a meter square in size, in actual fact, each chest was far larger than it seems. And far heavier than it looks. When Jinghua had taken one of those chests into her room in the physical world, she found out that her whole room was not even enough to contain even a percentage of the stuff inside the chest. And her room was just rebuilt a couple of months ago since her old one was shared with her sisters. So, it was larger than before. Turns out that the space of each chest was more than ten thousand cubic meters of space. That’s already seven times bigger than Jinghua's current room. As a result, Jinghua had to take that chest back into the 49- Floor pagoda. However, for one odd reason, the chest that she had taken out changed in looks and features. The currency inside that chest had changed into this world’s currency. Copper Coins, Lead Coins, Silver Coins, Gold Coins, and even Diamond Coins are all of this world’s currency. In the trillions. So now, Jinghua was so rich that she wouldn’t know what to do with the money. Including the money that she made from the restaurants and the money that her father gave her from Tao Suyi’s portion, she already has enough money to live a luxurious life without having to work. And now that she has ever more money from those chests, she became numb to such things now. Which was why she wasn’t really surprised about the features that the pond has. Anyway, continues on to why she’s here. “Feihua, you said that you would unsealed some of my memories for me. What are you going to unseal?” Jinghua asked. Last time that she was here, the beasts explained to her that all of her previous lives experiences were sealed off within the lotus pond. If she wanted to unsealed them, they could do it. However, there’s a price that she has to pay. Her mental fortitude has to be stronger or else her mind won’t be able to make it due to the painful process. This was the main reason why she introduced the Three Colors Weiqi to this world. It was to train her Mentality Fortitude again. And she succeeded. “Master, we will have to test your Fortitude first.” Feifei said as she took out a purple star shaped rock from somewhere. “Master, put this on your forehead. A light will surge out toward your brain and measure your Mental Fortitude for you,” Feifei said with a respected smile on her face. Her expression was filled with longing and excitement but her face was good enough to keep her poker-face on. Jinghua did as asked. A bright light came out of the star shape rock and vanished into her forehead. A couple seconds later, the stars dimmers, leaving behind a number. “1490,” it said. What does that mean? Jinghua was confused but the expressions on the beast's faces were astonishing. Their eyes were wide open and some even had their jaws dropped to the floor. “I know that the master was very talented and intelligent but these numbers... they are a little too big, aren’t they?!” Hong Fenglong was near hysterically insane as his eyes turned bloodline red from both surprise and fear. What was that supposed to mean? “Master... you had passed the test. In fact, you only need 150 to passed the test for unsealing memory. However, with the numbers being this high, you would not feel any pains at all. “ Feifei’s eyebrows was twitching and her smile was also trembling with something akin to excitement. Why was she so excited? That was because the memory that Feifei plan to unsealed for Jinghua has to do with Weapon Refinement and Alchemy Refinement!!! You have to know that there was never a time in Jinghua's previous lives that she wasn’t famous. She’s a master of a lot of things and subjects: Alchemy and Weapons Refinement was just one of the many things that she knows and master of!!! After all, the one that had taught her was that “Legendary Grandmaster of Heavenly Magic and Hell Raising Alchemy!” The Only Human Woman to have reached the realm of the Creator Gods aside from that man and his brother! Aside from His Highness Chu Meng Yi and his Holiness Li Youran, the two brothers of the Tian[Heaven] Creation Family Tian Yuanle and Tian Yangle were the only ones to cross that line! So, of course she would be excited that their master was the only one that has ever come close!!! If she unsealed her master’s memory of those world's accumulation of knowledge for Weapons Refinement and Alchemy Refinement, her master would be safe! There won’t be anyone in this world that would look down on her or offend her! Too bad, Feihua forgot that her master’s personality was very calm and lazy. She forgot that her master didn’t even want to cultivate anymore in this life. She also didn’t account for the fact that Jinghua was an assassin who was called Airless by the Underground World in her previous life on Earth. Ten hours later, Jinghua had fully started to awaken her previous memories. In her hand was the black pearl that she had swallowed. It was rotating in a calm manner as it emits gas of green mist into her mind. In a split second, Jinghua knew how to use the black pearl. She collects her Mental energy and sends it toward a small, very small, whole on the pearl; causing it to shake with excitement. “Mother!” A small voice called out to her from the deep of her soul. With her eyes still closed, Jinghua reached out with her consciousness toward that voice. Now she knows why her heart doesn’t hurt that badly anymore when she thinks of Him. Turns out that he was also in this world too. Tian Yangle!!! You dare to send me off to another world while you took care of that invasion!!! You sure have guts to leave me behind on Earth this time!!! Watch how I’m going to kick your ball when we meet again! The smile in Jinghua’s eyes caused the black pearl to twitch with fear and excitement. “Mother! Father just didn’t want that man to see you so he hides you away!” The Black Pearl World Gem said with a tender voice. Jinghua didn’t answer the pearl. Instead, she grabbed the pearl with her mental energy and gave it a hard pinch, causing it to cry out pitifully. “Mama- Wuwuwuwu, I’m sorry!!! Don’t be mad at Gem!”the cries from the Pearl were very childish and loud. Its voice sounded like a male but it was too high pitched. Humph! What father? I’m not even married! Nor am I your mother! The reason why the black pearl called Jinghua mother was because that man who created the pearl was her “former” husband, Tian Yangle. That guy sacrificed a whole world to create this Pearl using a Forbidden Arts, that’s why this pearl was pitch black even though it was very innocent. The world that the Black Pearl originated from was a world that used the Forbidden Arts. That world has sacrificed countless planets and stolen countless lives- causing the world to emerge with the Origin of All Sins. Jinghua remembers, now, that Tian Yangle used half of his Immortal Bones to purify that world first before he created this pearl. Which was why the pearl was very innocent in its core. And the man that the pearl spoke of was the son of another dimension Heaven’s Son. Tian Yangle and that man have equal strength so it caused the man to use his last resort: sending Jinghua to other dimensions. It just happened that at that time, Jinghua was undergoing her Heavenly Trial to transcend to the next realm of cultivation. This caused her soul to divide itself up into 9999 pieces. The souls that went through trials and succeeded will return back to the original soul while the pieces of soul that failed were obliterated within the Dao’s Universe. The Jinghua from Earth was supposed to be living a peaceful life- even as an assassin. However, because of a chaos tear in space somewhere, the Black Pearl senses her soul, causing it to rush toward Earth to find her. That pearl was the cause and effect of those new resources that earth people had found. In a way- that was how the Black Pearl repaid the world for taking care of Jinghua. However, by the time that the black pearl reaches earth, Chen Huafei had always gone to the netherworld. The causes of his death was very stupid too. Afterall, Chen Huafei was not weak. That man doesn’t even have a weakness. If he had one then it would have been easier for Jinghua to deal with him. Ah? His cause of death? Book. A small children's picture book that wasn’t even weighed a pound, fell from a tree while he was sleeping underneath the so called tree with Jinghua’s thigh as his pillow. All it took was one hit and for some reason that was completely illogical and unreasonable, Chen Huafei died. He’s heart stopped and his soul was gone. Just like that. CPR doesn’t work. Electric shock doesn’t work. Even when Jinghua used the Golden Acupuncture needles in his acupuncture points, he still doesn’t wake up. Jinghua even does things that are completely cruel and painful to wake him up, to restarts his heart and yet; it does nothing. By the time that she got him to the hospital, his heart, brain and nerves were already not responding. And now, she found out that that body called Chen Huafei was just a Doll?! Yeah. Some balls need to be cracked. Someone needs to be taught a lesson. A very painful lesson. Suddenly, Long Yunli made a hissing sound at the back of her throat and she winced, drawing Jinghua’s attention away from the black pearl and back to her surroundings. “What’s wrong Yun?” Jinghua asked. Long Yunli was a Dragon-Snake Heavenly Crown Beast. She has the abilities to Predict the future with her Divination Eyes. This was why she didn’t despair when Jinghua sealed them inside the pond, too. “Some soldiers and two official governors are currently making their ways toward Xichang Town with orders from the Emperor to have you as the Third Prince, Prince Changyang, or Formerly known as Prince Yangli, Seventeenth wife.” Long Yunli hissed out, feeling both offended and infuriated that a mere human thinks that they have the authority to force their master into a marriage. Not to mention, as the 17th wives?! Jinghua: Why am I not surprised at all? All of the tamed beasts and even MingMing looked very irritated at that prediction. Jinghua doesn’t seem to care about that prediction as much as the tamed beasts and her servant. “When will they get here?” Jinghua asked instead, totally appearing nonchalant. She’s not interested in politics and she was not interested in the prince either. After all, she knows that he has a high chance of being that man. The one that left her on Earth while he sent his Doll Puppet to stay with her as he takes care of the Invasion from another Dimension. And she has a bone to pick with that man. If, only if, Prince Yangli was him, then she’s going to make him suffer. A sarcastic gleam entered Jinghua’s eyes, causing MingMing and all the other beasts to wince in sympathy. They know alright. They all know that their Master was not someone who is evil in intentions or greedy but they also know that when she decided to hold a grudge, not even heaven's declaration can erase her maliciousness. They had seen how forgiving she could be, know how intelligent she was, how nonchalant she is toward things that she has no interest in, but most of all, they all know that if she was ever to hate someone, then that person will never get a good life. They had also known that she was also very possessive of those that are hers. All of the tamed beasts are more than happy to know that she loves them dearly. She takes care of them really well in both mental, physical, and spiritual. They are all happy to know, remember, and reciprocal her feelings for them. So, even when she has to seal them all up for thousands of years, when they have to be apart from her for millions of years, they all still love her and are totally loyal to her. Of course, this was if the master that they had knowledge wasn’t corrupted due to something else. After all, she had told them all that if they ever meet a Her that was corrupted with greed, jealousy, resentment, and all the negative attitude in the world, then they are to ignore her until she either died and reincarnated into someone better or get over those negativeness and forge herself into a better person. This order was so that she wouldn’t use them for No-Good. This order was to protect their Karma. This order was because she really does care for them. And this is because she knows that some live, she will be so black-hearted that not even Grandma Mo’s Soup can erase her darkness. Thus, this order was to protect them. They were lucky that in this world, her core personality wasn’t a bad person. Otherwise, they will have to continue waiting for more of her new reincarnation. And by then, god won’t even know if they would still be here anymore. Long Yunli answered, “12 days,” with her eyes twitching. Jinghua turned to Tian Feifei, the Chaos Blazed Origin Phoenix that was known as a Grandmaster Tactician and Strategist. “Yes, master. It is as you had suspected. I sensed his soul in that man’s body. Although, the souls feel odd. Like, it's only a quarter of what it was supposed to be. The suffering that he must’ve gone through each night is not little at all.” Tian Feifei said lightly with a solemn tone. She knows exactly what an incomplete soul could do. She’s a phoenix after all. For someone like Tiang Yangle, dividing his soul wasn't that big of a problem. However, the problems are at the core of such soul-fragments. A fragment of such a soul can live a normal life but once it starts to cultivate, if such a soul fragment was not completed, then there are severe consequences. Tian Feifei and Long Yunli turned toward each other and started to use their ability to search for more information about this man, Prince Changyang. What they found... was both worrisome and yet causes a lot of eye-twitching. Prince Yangli, formerly known as Prince Changyang, was already 21 years old this year. He has no wife but 12 concubines. And all 12 of those concubines had already died due to ... activities in bed. This year, an additional 5 concubines were called in and Tao Jinghua was one of the five women. When the Imperial orders came in, the other four women cried for a day and night. Their family members react differently. One of them was the Di-daughter to one of the general houses in this Kingdom. Her mother died when she was only a 3 years old child so her stepmother and step siblings look after her. Her stepmother cries herself nearly to death while her step siblings all wanted to hide her away. She was loved in the household. Her name was Murong Shifeng. Age 17 years old. She is good at weiqi, dancing, singing, poem and painting. The second one was a girl from a scholar-house, named Liu Beihua. Ages is 16 years old. Specialized in the arts of dancing, singing, pipa, and flute. Her family, however... was very cold toward her. Her mother was the Di-Wife but she doesn’t love her husband and her husband also doesn’t love her. So, Liu Beihua was treated coldly in the house both by her mother and father. The ones that treated her right were actually her half-sisters and brothers. Her own blood older brothers treated her as if she didn't exist and had never talked to her with warmth. It was actually the half-siblings that watch after her and make sure that she was okay in both health and mental connection. Thus, the ones that cried when the imperial declaration came in were the half-siblings. The third girl came from a military family. She was the first daughter of the Di-Wife. However, her mother was a lovely wife who treated everyone in the house with equal rights. Thus there was no ill-treatment of her. She is currently 17 years old this year and unlike the two other girls, she is good at martial arts, medicines, weiqi, dancing and flute. Her mother cries themselves to sleep but her father doesn’t react at all. Her brothers, however, were all worries. Her name was Cui Meiyu. The fourth girl was an orphan in an official household. Her mother and father both died in a beast horde stampede long before she was even a year old. Her grandmothers and grandfather all treated her okay but not good either. Her father’s brother, her uncles, decided to use her as a tool to see if they could get connection to the Imperial Family. Thus, her name was chosen among the 5 girls that was to be sent to the Imperial Family. She was only 14 years old this year and her name is Qiang Feixin. All four girls knew that this was the same as sending them to their deaths. Because they all knew that Prince Yangli has a spiritual problem that causes death to his concubines. Rumors of all sorts have already been made known around this whole kingdom. Even a 5 years old kid had heard of the tragedy that his concubines had to suffer and die from! Tao Jinghua, however, does even bother to cry. It was no use. And yet, she still couldn’t help the twitching of her eyes when she knew the causes of the other girls' deaths. Die in bed? Seriously? During sex?! And he actually touches those women? ... Jinghua would like to say that she will not allow such a thing to happen if that man really was him. Tao Jinghua knew herself well enough to know that she is one freaking damn possessive person. Back when Chen Huafei was still alive and they were dating, both Chen Huafei and Jinghua themselves were very possessive of each other. It was to the point of unhealthiness. So, if Chen Huafei fucking damn touches other women in this world? Then, well, tough luck, asshole, you ain’t fucking damn marrying me. Mingming and the rest of the beasts shiver at the coldness deep within their master’s eyes. A glint entered Jinghua’s eyes. “We need to fake my death.” Jinghua’s voice was cold and her eyes were even colder. It causes Mingming to shivers while the other beasts all smile. That is their master alright! She would never enter any harem! Ever! “Of course, master.” Ju Feihua answered as she started to create a human body that looks exactly like Jinghua’s body. And so, the next morning, one of Jinghua’s younger brothers went to wake her up to make food for them, only to find out that Jinghua had passed away in her sleep with a smile on her face. The whole town boiled up. Some people started to cry right there on the street as news of her death made it around town. Liu Ying cries so much that she fainted and only woke up a couple of days later. The officials that got the Xichang Town were so happy that their job was already halfway done- only to find out that the girl had already died in her sleep and it was her funeral. The two official governors exchange grimmed looks. They both check the body, check the soul connection, and yes- this body is truly dead. The two official exchanges look. There are three reasons why Jinghua chose to fake her death. The first reason lies in the fact that she doesn’t want her current family members to get in trouble because of her. The second reason was due to the memories that she had reawakened. The third reason was that she’s pissed off at that man. Her feelings were hurting so badly that her heartfelt bruises from his death. And then, she found out that that man was just a doll? Fuck that sonofabitch to hell and back!!! She’s pissed and very enraged at him right now to want to see the man. Thus, she chose to fake her death and leave this town. Her new destination? Silver Moon Forest. A forbidden ground where not even immortal practitioners would set foot inside. Fuck Chen Huafei and his new life in this world for now! See if I care!

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