《The Demon King's Seventeenth Wife is Scary》Book 1 Chapter 4: Leaving Home


Book 1 Chapter 4: Leaving Home

The next morning, Tao Jinghua wakes up before the sun even rises. After getting ready, she double-checked the large Jar of fermenting rice and sealed it away tightly and securely. After that, Jinghua made sure that the windows are tightly shut to prevent the air within the room from escaping but not so tight to prevent air from coming inside. After all, she wanted to ferment and age the wines, not age her own room.

Too bad, Tao Jinghua doesn't have her own basement or cellar for aging alcohol and liquor. Thus, her own room will have to be it for now.

Leaving her room, she grabs the four Universe bags, the normal Universe Bag was tied to her waist belt while the other three abnormal Universe Bags were hidden somewhere else on her body.

Just for today, Jinghua didn't want or have to wear the dress that normal ladies-girls like to wear.

For today, she was wearing a martial arts outfit that looked similar to a man's grown. A hanfu that consists of a head-ribbon, tying her long hair into a design pattern that look very adorable but still left her bangs along, a hair band that was pink and purple, a slightly dark purple, pink and white garment that she made herself, a bracer on both her arms for protection, shoes that have two spaces for hidden weapons, and a dark purple pants that had a lot of hidden weapons on it.

For today’s outfit, she forgot the normal hanfu that she normally wears, the ones that all ladies wear and, instead wore a protective martial arts hanfu outfit.

This caused a huge change to Jinghua’s demeanor and temperament.

All in all, Tao Jinghua looks very majestic, mysterious, elegant, and graceful at the same time. The outfit doesn't make Jinghua look arrogant but rather mysterious. You can imagine the chaos that it caused when the servant saw her outfit once she was outside.

"!" Tao Qingshan looked at his sister and his breath was caught in his throat. Hua’er.... Her temperament changed so much with just a change of clothes?

His sister has her long bang covering nearly half of her face, hiding her eyes away from the world but the way that she moves as if the world belongs to her yet wasn't arrogantly announcing it to the world had also created an unforgivable contrast image in his mind.

What a pity that this sister of his doesn't like to interact with the outside world. Otherwise, Qingshan was sure that Tang Beifeng would have a lot of rivals to defend from since it was a given that his sister wouldn’t be able to hide herself away.

"Big brother. I am ready." Jinghua said with a tone that shows how excited she was even though her facial expression was completely neutral. Qingshan had to smile at the innocence that his sister had.

"Okay, let's go. We will have to go to the Traveling Agency to buy a spot for faster traveling. Where are we headed toward?" Qingshan said as he and Jinghua walked toward the door. Right now, it was only 5 in the morning and only the servants were up so no one else was there to send them off. However, Jinghua suddenly stopped walking halfway toward the front door and narrowed her eyes.

"Hua'er? What's wrong?" Since Jinghua didn't answer Qingshan, he was surprised that she stopped walking. Did she forget something?

"Ming'er, come out right now," Jinghua called out as she sighed out loud. That surprised Qingshan.


The sound of gasping was heard from behind a brush. Slowly, a boy about 10 years old came out in light brown and black clothes. The boy looks very guilty that he was caught but he also looks very determined. This boy is Qingshan's youngest brother.

Qingshan frowned. "What are you doing here this early, Ming'er?" He asked solemnly, causing the boy to jerk in surprise.

"B-big Brother." He stuttered nervously as he looked at his big brother and sister Jinghua. For some reason, once his eyes lay on his sister, his breaths were caught in his throat, making it hard for him to breathe. Today, his big sister looks very pretty... His heart beat wildly in excitement.

"Ming'er, why are you here?" Jinghua asked, completely knowing the answer to her question. She notices that Tao Mingyu was eavesdropping on her back when she asked her father for permission. He was hiding behind the wall. Yesterday was the day that Mingyu should be training in martial arts with his other brothers but it seems like he ditched it so he was hiding away from his brother. Whom at that time was searching for him with a very pissed-off expression within his eyes. If it were her, she would be hiding also.

"Big sister! I want to go too!" Mingyu begs desperately. Mingyu had always been the kind that loves adventuring outside so when he heard that his big sister and big brother were going to go search for something for his big sister, his yearning for adventure soars its head at him, telling him that he has to go too no matter what. However, he knew that because he was far too young, his father would never let him go. Especially when his martial arts was only a Tier 1 level 6. He was far too weak because he wasn't diligent enough to practice constantly. And thus, his cultivation realms were only at that level.

Mingyu's yelling draws out the attention of the servant. Seeing that this involves the youngest of the Madame, he quickly runs to tell the madame and master. The servant's action was caught by Jinghua. She sighs internally. It seems like they are going to have to take him with them.

"You can not, Ming'er. You are still too young. And besides, the place that we're going was for women only. I can not protect both of you and your sister at the same time with just my strength." Qingshan said seriously, in a tone that said this was his final answer.

Tao Mingyu's eyes water, "No! I want to go too!" He yelled out as he cried and clenched onto his big sister Jinghua's legs. Jinghua was only 4 years older than Mingyu but Mingyu was very small for his age so he looks like he was a 7 year old boy instead of a 10 year old boy.

"!" Qingshan was so surprised at Mingyu's action that he froze completely, not knowing what to do. His brother usually wasn't this stubborn.

"What is going on so early in the morning?" A very cold and pissed- voice called from the corner. A man of 18 years old was glaring at both Jinghua and Qingshan with a cold look in his eyes. This man was their fifth mother's oldest son, Tao Mi Ling, the weirdest son in the Tao household. His name means compassion and understanding but his personality is different. It's like day and night.

"Big brother Ling." Jinghua tried to act nervous whenever she met this brother of her's but because she had already known what he was hiding, her acting around him would always make him look at her suspiciously. Tao Mi Ling acts like a very cold heart person but Jinghua had seen his soft side already. This man loves cats. A lot. He was what the Japanese from modern Japan called a Tsundere, cold on the outside but warm on the inside. A very hard-headed person.


"Hua'er? Why are you and Ming'er causing so much commotion this early in the morning?" He glared at the crying boy, causing him to jerk in fear and whimper. Of course, Mingyu would be scared of Mi Ling since he was the one that trains the younger boys in martial arts in the family, and Tao Mi Ling has a very bad reputation of always driving all the boys to tears when he trained them.

"Big bro, is like this," Qingshan begins to explain as softly as possible while Mingyu was being stared at by Mi Ling with a glare that will melt iron if looks can kill. Qingshan was younger than Mi Ling by 3 years but because Qingshan was a martial addict, both Qingshan and Mi Ling are now nearly the same Tiers of strength. Measurement of martial arts wasn't measured by levels but rather by Tiers of levels. In a Tier, there are 10 levels so it was very easy to understand.

For example, Tier 1 Level One. Tier 1 Level Two. Tier 1 Level Three. And so on.

"So, why are you going with them Mingyu?" After Qingshan's explanation, the glare that Mi Ling was using wasn't getting any softer, in fact, it only got colder.

"I-I-... I want to travel with my big brother and sister too." He tearfully said as he whimpered upon Mi Ling's glare all the while still clutching onto his sister Jinghua's legs. It was a good thing that she wasn't wearing a dress at the moment, otherwise, it would look very awkward right now.

"You are not going anywhere. You will just be in their way. Qingshan can not protect Hua'er and you at the same time." Obviously, Mi Ling knew his younger brother's strength enough to accurately judge the situation.

"What is going on?" A voice sleepily called out from behind Mi Ling. It seems like all the other family members are also waking up to Mingyu's crying.

"Big brother..." Mingyu tearfully called out to his other brother, Tao Yuan Chen, their second mother's fifth son, who is the manager of their pottery store.

More and more people are starting to wake up because of Mingyu now.

Qingshan sighed out loud and explained to them again of the situation, as Mingyu refused to let go of Jinghua's leg all the while tears fell down his face with big droplets.

Nearly everyone agreed with Mi Ling's opinion and analysis when Qingshan finished explaining. However, the younger kids who were too young to fully understand the dangers behind this trip ask why can't they also go with them.

Jinghua sighed out loud, making everyone's attention on her. When they first got there, nearly everyone's attention was on Qingshan and Mingyu so they didn't fully see what Jinghua looks like. However, as time passed by, the morning sky lightened and made it easier for them all to see, so they were all shocked and speechless at what Jinghua was wearing and her demeanor.

"Hua'er?" A couple of her big sisters called out shockingly and breathlessly at the image that met their eyes.

All the younger siblings gasped as amazement filled their hearts and their eyes turned adorably at Jinghua. No, it wasn't at her but rather at the clothes that she was wearing. It looks very majestic, elegant, and very mysterious at the same time. The clothes look like the outfit that they wear when practicing martial arts but it was for a girl, creating an image that said this was what it means for women to be one of the martial artists' practitioners. The clothes were made out of mostly leather and cotton fabrics but the looks are far more dignified than silk clothes or dresses could be.

"It would be okay if Ming'er wanted to come too. There won't be much danger on the road anyway. Besides, Big brother Qingshan can use this opportunity to train him in the outside world." Jinghua said as she looked at the crying boy who still won't let go of her legs.

"Really?!" Mingyu called out happily and excitedly with his eyes widened, making him look like a puppy. Qingshan sighed out loud. He knew fully that this road would have danger, however, if Hua'er didn't mind that their traveling speed would slow down then they could avoid those dangers if they took their time. Good thing that they have at least 2 weeks of traveling time. Otherwise, he will never agree to Ming'er plead.

"It should be fine if you have Father's permission," Jinghua said with a tone that said she will not say anything else if her father agrees to it too.

"It’s fine." An older voice called from behind the other boys and girls who all are Jinghua's older and younger siblings.

"Father." All of them greeted each other nicely, and a couple of their youngest siblings went to hug the man, making him patted their heads with fondness.

"Father." Mingyu happily greeted him from where he was, still clenching onto his sister's legs like a koala.

"Father, Qingshan won't be able to protect both Hua'er and Ming'er at the same time!" Mi Ling protested with glare in his eyes. Naturally, Yuanyu also knows this.

"Whoever was saying that Qingshan will be the only one going?" Father Yuanyu asked with a small smile on his old, stressed out, wrinkled face.

"Eh?" Qingshan and Mi Ling both gawked. I can see big brother Yuanchen twitching as he looks at his father with comprehension in his eyes.

"Let's take this chance and have all your brothers go with you, Hua'er. That way, they can all protect you and gain experiences outside too." Yuanyu said with a gentle smile on his face. The Tao family was a pottery family so they don't have a lot of martial arts fighters. They can not afford to buy elixirs and higher-level martial arts for their sons and daughters to practice. The only two skills books that they have was from their ancestor who used to be from another country about ten thousand years ago.

After all, a martial arts manual book of the lowest level was already about 10 gold coins. They can not afford that. And besides, this Xichang town was far too small for there to be any bookstore that sells martial arts manuals. This was why, even with both Mi Ling and Qingshan's talents, they were only Tier 4 martial artists. If they can afford pills and more martial arts manuals, then by now, both Mi Ling and Qingshan could at least be Tier 7 or 8 fighters already. Jinghua has also noticed this too.

"Ehhh?!" All the younger boys who were training under Mi Ling and Qingshan all exclaim in surprise. What? Are they going to have to go out to experience the outside world? They all look at each other in surprise. A couple of them look very excited at the ideas but most of them look nervous and afraid. Not because they are going out but rather because they just knew that big brother Mi Ling will be training them out in the wild too. That very idea was very scary.

Both Jinghua and Qingshan look at each other and understanding shines in their eyes. Obviously, both brother and sister have the same idea as their father.

"Okay. That's fine too. Although when we got there, none of the boys could go with me since that section was forbidden for men to go to." Jinghua didn't protest. Yuanyu nodded his head in appreciation of his daughter's sensitivity. However, when his eyes land on his daughter, Yuanyu has to say, his little Hua'er is very adorable. And what was with the clothes that she was wearing? It looks like martial arts clothes but clearly, it wasn't. There was only one version of martial arts clothes for both boys and girls but the clothes that she wore were much different in both the looks and the demeanor. He mentally shakes his head.

"Go get ready, You all will leave in another hour." Yuanyu didn't wait for protest from his sons and ordered them all to get ready. There are only 7 of his sons who practice martial arts, the rest would rather make ceramics instead so they didn't have to go.

All the boys sigh out loud as they comply with his order. Mingyu looks so happy that they're flowers blooming in the background. Since he had already finished his preparation last night, he didn't have to go prepare again. However, he still refuses to let go of Jinghua's legs. Jinghua has to convince and threaten him at the same time for him to let go.

Because of the increase of people who were going with them, Jinghua had three servants to buy more supplies for them all. Things like food ingredients and spices. Not meat because the meat is a bit too expensive and it was something that they could hunt outside so they didn't need to buy it. Although, in case of emergency, she had also brought her beef jerky and some smoked salt.

She also had one of the servants go to the blacksmith and brought a hardwood iron bow and 150 arrows. While they were buying things for her, Qingshan took Jinghua to the alchemist hall and brought ten different kinds of poisons and two large fusion agents. She didn't know anything about the poison in this world but the poison from that age’s earth was far more advanced than here by a large portion so she had no trouble creating some for herself just in case of emergency.

In fact, Qingshan was so surprised that Jinghua actually asked him to take her to the alchemist hall to buy poison. However, he didn't say anything much since he thought that maybe their other big brother and sister from the Tuanfeng Sect had taught her how to mix poison for self-protection. In fact, he wasn't that surprised, just plain startled. Poisons are something that every citizen of Wuzhi knows about since the beasts and demons that live in the south of this continent were mostly poisonous. It's just that this was the first time that he ever knew that his sister Hua'er knew about poison fusion. After all, the arts of poison concoction were wide and broad. There’s no end to it. Only more and more beginning.

When they came back to the house, the servants were all waiting for them along with their other younger brothers. Some of them looked like the world was ending while the others were so excited that they couldn't sit still. After that, they left together after saying bye to their parents.

By the time they made it to the traveling agent, a lot of early risers had already started to show up. Since there are 8 of them together, they would have to rent a flying mount instead.

The flying mount in this world was like a version of the air chopper from the earth. However, in this world, a mount can be a kind of spiritual beast or animal that was raised solely for such purpose.

The most common ones, the cheapest, are called Nine Wings Bird. A Nine Wings Bird was very big, twice the size of an elephant, it allows up to 10 people to sit on it. Nine Wings Bird can fly at the speed of 200 miles per hour. Traveling at that speed, the winds could knock people off the bird, which is why every traveling agency will charge an additional 5 Lead coins per person and they will include a talisman that will bind you to the bird’s back to prevent it from falling off.

Immortal practitioners don't have to pay since they won't fall off but everyone else will want to pay because falling off a bird that travels at that speed will most likely mean death to nearly everyone.

Which was why Tao Jinghua's father gave them an additional 10 Silvers coins to use on the road. With 8 of them traveling together, it meant that the cost for the set plus the talisman would be 7 Lead coins per person, since each seat cost 2 Lead coins, meaning 2,000 copper coins. This wasn't expensive at all if you compare the cost that it will be if you are foot-traveling. Aside from the cost of the tickets and the talisman, Tao Yuanyu also made Tao Mi Ling promise that he would buy him a couple of gifts when they come back.

Huh? Didn't you know that Mi Ling will be going with them? Of course, he's going to go with them. First of all, this trip wasn't just for Jinghua now. This trip was now for all the boys in the family to gain experiences outside. Which means that Mi Ling will be training them the hard way. This Jinghua and Qingshan have no problem since Jinghua planned to do more training too. Of course, by training, she meant silently training Internal Martial arts using the beast in this world as her punching bags.

As they get on the bird, the agent does a real quick check with everyone.

"Please remember that this bird can only travel up to 3 hours constantly and then will need to rest for an hour. You will have to provide the foods that she will eat. Bamboo Rice, Tricabbage or Spiritual Wheat- whichever one’s fine-10 Jin every 4 hours is fine." The agent said as he took out a talisman paper that looks like those ancient talismans from ancient china. On the paper was some kind of word that Jinghua could not make out since it was written using spiritual powers and not just Qi. Mi Ling nodded his head in understanding as he tore the talisman in his hand, causing the letters or symbols on the talisman paper to fly toward both his whole legs and his back. Jinghua and everyone else copies him.

Hm... I see. So, this was what it feels like to have a talisman activated on you.

When the Bird felt that all of the passengers on her back were ready, she spread out her white, beautiful and elegant wings and with a cry, flew off.

Wow- this feels exactly like sky diving- was what Tao Jinghua’s thinking. Her expression was unchanged while the rest of the boys were ‘wowing’ and shrieking in both surprise and excitement. And fear, of course.

Unlike her brothers who didn’t bother memorizing their direction- Tao Jinghua can see that they were heading toward northwestern at a slight tilt angle. Looking at the sun for direction was an old habit that Tao Jinghua had developed when she was training. So, she knew right away that wherever they are headed, it was slightly farther away. She looks around her and mentally creates a map for herself.

Although all that she could see were ants sizes, beasts of all kinds, and a lot of dense trees packed together, she could still make out the topography of the area, making it easier to create a mental map for herself.

A couple of minutes later, when Xichang town can not be seen anymore, Mi Ling takes out the map that he saved from when their brother Yingteng had sent it to them and started to see when and where they should land for supplies and food for the bird. Looking at Mi Ling, Jinghua was surprised that the map didn't fly off when the winds were this powerful. If she didn't have the talisman on her, Jinghua would probably have a very hard time staying on the bird's back- to be honest.

Although the map itself looks very... old and lacks details.

"We're going to stop by Xue Chengsi [Snow City] for an hour to supply the food for the bird and an hour of rest. After that, we're heading toward Mountain Xue and we will start the training. Hua'er, do you have anything you need to do before that?" Mi Ling asked as he eyed his stepsister who was so quiet that he thought she was a corpse, both her and her brother Qingshan.

Mi Ling was still a bit shocked about the clothes that she was wearing. Her demeanor was also another thing. If he didn't know better, Mi Ling would have thought that this woman beside him wasn't his sister but rather someone else, but because he knew clearly that this is his blood sister, Mi Ling was nicer to her than he would normally be.

After all, she caught him kissing a cat before and hasn't told anyone about it. To his surprise.

"No. There's nothing. Big brother Mi Ling, when you go to buy the food for the bird, could you also buy some hard leather and a couple of brocades of cotton fabrics?" Jinghua asked. She noticed that on the map that Mi Ling was holding, the region that they needed to pass was a snowy region, which meant that it would be very cold. For them, it wouldn't be a problem but for the bird, the cold region will make her flying speed slow down so she wanted to make a couple of protection clothes for the Nine Wings Bird.

When Jinghua first lands her eyes on this bird, she suddenly has the urge to make a lot of clothes for her. The elegance and graces that this bird let off was like a mini-queen. Jinghua is very motivated for some reason. Ahh- motivation and muses are hard to come by for artists like her who aren't a pro.

Jinghua is very motivated for some reason whenever she sees this bird.

"Hard leather and a cotton brocade? Sure. How many yards of leather?" Mi Ling asked, completely ignoring the looks that Qingshan had on them. Qingshan was very curious about what his sister was going to make. He had never seen her do any needlework before. Actually, the only one who knows how to do needlework in their family was Mi Ling's mother. All the girls in the family aren't that much of a lady that will know how to use needlework. Instead, they're all very hard working in ceramics instead. So it wasn't a strange thing that none of them knew how to cook or do needlework. However, does Hua'er know how to use needlework? Did she make the clothes that she's wearing? It looks very cool! Qingshan's eyes nearly burned the clothes that Jinghua was wearing.

"Thank you, big brother. Here is the money for the leather and cotton." Jinghua said as she handed Mi Ling 3 Silver coins.

"?!" Mi Ling was shocked at the amount of money that his sister gave him. Qingshan's eyes widened in disbelief at the amount of silvers that Jinghua had in hand.

"Sister Jinghua, why did you give big brother Mi Ling that much money?" Asked Mingyu and Tengyu, another sibling of hers who were both one year older than Mingyu.

"Hum? Oh, because the town was larger than Xichang Town so the supplies and demand will be different, causing the cost of living to increase here. Everything would be more expensive here than back at home," Jinghua answered, totally unaware that she was making both Qingshan and Mi Ling look at her weirdly.

"Supplies and demand? What is that?" Mingyu looks at Jinghua with his eyes wide open in curiosity. Jinghua looks at Mingyu like he was an idiot.

"What do you mean by that, Hua'er?" Asked Qingshan, who was quite interested in the answer himself. The words that she used weren’t traditional Chinese but rather a far more modern term so none of the brothers knew what it meant. Thus, Tao Jinghua notices that she slipped a little. Luckily, none of her brothers were suspicious of her in any way...

Still, Tao Jinghua looks at her brothers like they were a bunch of idiots. Even though her expression doesn't change it all, they all knew that she was looking at them with a look that said she was very unimpressed, causing Mi Ling and Qingshan to look slightly embarrassed.

Sighing out loud, Jinghua looks at Mingyu and pats his head in fondness. His hair was very soft, like a rabbit. It was very therapeutic, patting his head that is.

"Supplies and demand is something that every business deal goes through. In life, when you have people who like certain things, it means that that object is very famous or rare, which means that a lot of people will want to buy them. Supplies are the thing that people have and are willing to sell while demand is the amount of things that people will want to buy. When people are looking forward to buying something that is rare, it will cause the cost of that object to increase, which is what supplies and demand are about." Jinghua answers as she looks around her. They have been flying for nearly 30 minutes now and they have already passed by the nearest town to Xichang town. Jinghua wanted to go more in-depth, however, that would cause some problems for her if she did. After all, the business terms and knowledge that she had from her former world are far too advanced for this world. So, Jinghua refrained herself and just explained it in a very simple way.

"Oh? So, it's like that. Huh? But why didn't our pottery business not thrive then? We're clearly doing it right." Mi Ling confusingly asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

Now it was Jinghua's turn to really look at her brother like an idiot.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Mi Ling asked with sweat drops on his forehead. True, he can not see how her eyes were looking at him but the way that his instinct screams that she was looking at him like an idiot makes his whole body tense. Shames and embarrassment colored his cheeks.

Jinghua didn't know if she should cry or laugh at the look on Mi Ling's face. She closed her eyes and sighs out loud in exaggeration.

"Big brothers, why do you think that our pottery business isn't thriving when we clearly meet the demand for the supplies?" Jinghua asked both her older brothers.

"Eh?" Qingshan looked confused as hell as he tilted his head in thinking.

"Hmm, because there aren't a lot of people in Xichang Town?" Mi Ling answered in uncertainty.

"That is one answer. What else?" Jinghua asked as he nodded her head.

"There is more? Well... let's see....hmmm.... Well... Because we don't have any big contracts with larger businesses?" The uncertainty answered this time with a dark look in his eyes. Thinking isn't really his forte...

"Yes, that's also another answer. There are three other answers. Now, what do you think Tao Potteries is missing?" Jinghua asked completely in lecturing mode.

"AH! I know! We don't have any brand!" Mingyu answered cheerfully, expectantly at Jinghua.

"That's one of them. Now, there are two more reasons." Jinghua looks at all her younger brothers and older brothers. Qingshan quietly closed his eyes thinking while Mi Ling frowned as his brain ran in full battle. Jinghua's younger brother Tengyu's eyes widened in understanding. Jinghua looks at Tengyu and smiles inside. It seems like Tengyu has some potential for business.

"What do you think is missing Teng'er?" Jinghua asked softly, trying not to distract her other older brother from their thinking. Tengyu jerks in surprise at her soft voice. Mingyu looked at his older brother and tilted his head to the side to listen to their talks.

"Big Sis, could it be that it was because our store doesn't have enough varieties of ceramics?" He asked with uncertain looks in his eyes.

Jinghua looks at him and smiles, however, because both her eyes are blocked by her hair and her expression was completely frozen in a neutral look, Tengyu, and Mingyu can not tell that she was smiling.

"That is one of the other answers. What is the other one?" She asked softly. Those answers aren't wrong but she never fully said that they are fully right either.

Tengyu and Mingyu's eyes widen as understanding shines in their eyes.

"Because we don't have any connection to other Towns or larger cities," Tengyu answers as his eyes widen in understanding. It wasn't just the connection, the Tao family pottery business wasn't even in a good location.

"You're right. Connection to other towns or cities is also important but that isn't the main reason. The location that Xichang town is in was good enough for a small business like ours. However, what made it impossible for it to thrive isn't because of all the listed reasons. It is because of something else." Jinghua answered softly to both Mingyu and Tengyu, away from her other siblings who were still thinking confusingly. The other three boys were currently sleeping since they woke up early because of Mingyu so they didn't know what was going on.

"What was the reason then?" Mingyu can not help but be curious. Tengyu was looking at his older sister with his eyes full of expectation.

"Why? Because the techniques that we are using right now aren't very good, which means that no matter how many varieties of ceramics we sell, our reputation won’t get any higher for it to be popular." Jinghua answered in a mysterious voice, causing both Mingyu and Tengyu to look at her in surprise. The technique that they were currently using was the main reason why the Tao Family’s Pottery wasn’t getting any reputation. Their reputation currently was stable and clean but it doesn’t have any calling for the higher class people to come to buy.

After that, Jinghua ignored both younger brothers and looked over at the older ones.

"Have you guys found your answers yet?" Jinghua asked softly.

Both Qingshan and Mi Ling look at each other, seeking each other's help through their eyes. Too bad, both brothers found that the other person was also in the dark too.

They both shook their heads.

"Well, you both can think about it as you go. There is no need to rush." JInghua answered both brothers.

A couple of minutes after that, they reached the city. This city was far larger than the Xichang Town that they came from. Xichang Town only has approximately about 7,000 households while this town, Xue Chengsi [Snow City], has at least 25,000 households or more. All the houses look very compact together and the streets are tightly packed with all kinds of people.

Since Jinghua and they are coming using the Traveling Agent's flying mount, they can directly fly over the gate without stopping since the bird is a pass itself when traveling in this country. They flew over the city to the other side where the Traveling Agent's flags are at. However, they didn't stop there, instead, the Nine Wings Bird flew past the city wall to the other side of the wall and parked outside the city.

Why? Because Jinghua and Qingshan don't like crowds, and this city was nothing but crowds or more like hordes of people in an abundance. It looks seriously packed.

So, Qingshan and Jinghua will be waiting outside with everyone else as Mi Ling goes inside to buy their supplies for them and for the Nine Wings Bird while they rest and eat here.

As Mi Ling left, he made Qingshan train the boys while Jinghua started to measure the size of the Nine Wings Bird since she was going to make the clothes while they were in the air. The next town that they will be passing by was the one nearest to the mountain Xue, so it means that they will stop at the base of the mountain so that the boys can train in the forest for a couple of days before they fly over the mountain. This means that Jinghua had a couple of days to finish the sets of clothes for the bird and maybe a couple of sets of clothes for her own brothers.

It's rare when Jinghua found the inspiration to make new clothes so she intends to use this chance fully. After finishing measuring the sizes of the bird and its wings, Jinghua started to play with her by using a handkerchief and water to clean her face. The Nine Wings Bird cheerfully greets each stroke on her face with happiness.

Jinghua plays with the bird for an hour before her brother comes back. Just one hour of training from Qingshan had made all her younger brothers look like they had run a marathon. However, since Jinghua also half paid attention to what the contents of the training are, she understands why all of the boys were so tired. The things that her younger brothers train in aren't just muscles and martial arts training, they are also training their spiritual Qi, which is why they all are so tired after one mere hour.

After Mi Ling feeds the Tricabbages to the Nine Wings Bird, he let the bird rest for another hour as we ate our lunch. Since they had skipped breakfast, all the boys were hungrier than Jinghua so she only ate half her portion and gave the rest to Mingyu and Tengyu. Jinghua's appetite was smaller than the boys but that wasn't the only reason why she can only finish half her food.

The other reason was that the food that Mi Ling brought from inside the city was very poorly made, in her humble opinion.

The buns were harder than necessary, it wasn't chewy enough nor sweet enough. It was very plain and a bit tough and sandy. Just because this world doesn't have baking powder or active yeast, their cooking technique was very polished but that doesn't mean that it tastes good. Other than the bread, the soup, and the salted meat were also very plain. Can't they at least put some herbs or spices on the seasoning salts? Truly, Jinghua had thought that this city would have better food but it seems like that’s wishful thinking on her part. And now, she has no appetite for eating the food from the city.

Her taste in this body was getting more and more alike to her previous taste. Her tongue was getting more and more sensitive so she was getting more and more pickier about her foods.

After lunch, Mi Ling did a couple of sword movements to help him digest as he gave Jinghua her stuff. While waiting for the boys to finish their food and stuff, Jinghua started to line up the hard leather clothes and marked the shapes that she will be cutting on both the hard leather and the cotton brocade.

By the time they left, the bird was fully energized and all the boys weren't as tired as before. After a full three hours of flying non-stop at the fastest speed possible, they reached the next location where Mi Ling will be training the boys.

The location was at the foot of the mountain to Snow Mountain, right at the door to the so-called Mountain of Beast. That's right. Snow Mountain has another name. It was called Mountain of the Spiritual Beast.

Since this mountain is a snow mountain, most of the spiritual beasts here in this world’s region were snow and cold attributes. This is why Mi Ling will only train them one at a time in a routine for one week total. As they settled down, Mi Ling and Qingshan made the boys help Jinghua set up their tents. In total, there are five tents since Jinghua had one whole tent by herself. After all, she is an unmarried woman, even if she was engaged, she wasn't married yet. While that was happening, both Qingshan and Mi Ling were collecting firewood in a large abundance since they will be staying in that area for a whole week. Which means that they will need a lot of firewood for cooking and other stuff.

Judging by the sun, the current time should be around 5 pm in the afternoon. Since none of them know how to cook, Jinghua had to volunteer for tonight's dinner.

"Big sis, are you sure you know how to cook?" Tao Yuanfang, the youngest boy of them all, who was only 7 years old, asked nervously as he watched Jinghua take out the pots and cooking knife from her universe bag. Jinghua mentally sighed out loud and didn't answer Yuanfang on purpose, making them all nervously look at her. After all, it is true that all the girls in the Tao family don't know how to cook. The most they know is steaming rice and making plain porridge. That's it. Literally. However, the boys aren't better. In fact, they only know how to boil water, and that's it.

Which is why no one complains when Jinghua volunteers to make tonight's dinner.

Jinghua ignores the boys as she takes out large porcelain jars from her universe bag. Inside the jars were water made with ashes. This is ash water for making buns. There was no other way since this world doesn't have baking powder or active yeast so she will have to substitute ash water for baking powder and active yeast together. She measures out a precise amount of water and sets the water aside as she puts the jar back into her bags while taking out the flour, eggs, a small jar of oil, spices, and everything else, including a jar of filling that she made using yam and sugar. Thank god there is sugar in this world. And thank god that sugar wasn’t expensive.

After tonight, Jinghua was sure that none of the boys would forget her cooking skills for the rest of their lives.

With a glint in Jinghua's eyes, she starts to make three kinds of buns. After the buns were the vegetable soup and stirred fried vegetables mixed with the rabbit meat that Mi Ling had caught when he was collecting firewood.

While Jinghua was cooking, the boys were going through hell under the watchful eyes of Qingshan and Mi Ling. Since they are training their body and spirit together, all the boys have to clench their teeth as sweat rolls down their foreheads and soaked their training clothes.

As sweat rolls down their forehead, a very delicious smell emerges from where Jinghua was at and penetrates their nose, making all the boys, including Mi Ling and Qingshan, start to rumble in protest. They all look at each other surprised as their tummy hungrily protests because of the smell. They don't know what kind of food it was but it smells freaking damn delicious in a very aromatic scents.

They all were swallowing their saliva as they stopped training and sneakingly making their ways to where Jinghua is at. Qingshan and Mi Ling look at each other, silently asking each other, Where or when did Hua'er learn to cook? However, no matter how much they ask each other, they both have no answer to the other.

The image that met their eyes made all the boys' jaws drop to the floor.

There was a wooden table full of different kinds of dishes. On the table was a plate of steaming hot buns that look so freaking damn good, next to the buns was a plate of stirred fried vegetable with meat in some kind of sauce that smell like heaven, beside the vegetable was a large bowl of soup that was steaming, besides the soup was the large bowl of steaming rice that have some kind of herbs sparkles on top. All in all, all the dishes look like they are for royalty.

All the boys swallow their salivas.

Jinghua takes one look at the boys and pretends that she didn't see them as she continues serving another two dishes onto the table, totally ignoring the boys as they all swallow their saliva again and again.

She added fried eggs that were stirred in sauce and herbs along with other dishes that looked like a pancake but were far more delicious. Jinghua takes out 8 porcelain rice bowls that she made herself from her universe bag and scoops three scopes of steaming rice from the large rice bowl into each rice bowl. After placing the rice bowl on the table, she took out 8 pairs of chopsticks that are bright red with three characters written on the button that said, Thanks for the Food.

Then she looks at the boy, who was still swallowing their saliva as their eyes glued to the dishes. All those dishes are dishes that they have never seen before. The looks are totally different from what they had known off and the smell alone was different; something that they had never tasted or smelled before. But it didn’t change the fact that it was very aromatic.

"How long are you guys going to look? Go wash yourselves and come eat before it gets cold." Jinghua finally acknowledges them as she sits down on her seat. What? Of course, they bring wooden chairs with them. The wooden table was something that Qingshan had made just a couple of hours ago but the chairs were brought from home.

All the boys jerked in surprise at her voice and all ran toward the river a couple yards away to wash. Mi Ling and Qingshan were the last ones since they both were too surprised at the sight of food in front of them. By the time that Mi Ling and Qingshan finished cleaning their faces, hands and hair of their sweats, all the boys were eagerly waiting for the two of them.

The next moment was something that Jinghua will never forget.

Chaos. Utterly Chaos.

Since the boy's appetite was huge, Jinghua had already made sure that she made enough buns for them all to go around three times each, with some left over in her bags for night snacks.

Yet, when Jinghua finally said that they could eat, the first dish that was empty was the bun plate. There were only 8 of them and there were 34 buns available. However, within 5 seconds, there were no buns left. Qingshan and Jinghua look at each other in surprise at the speed that Mi Ling and the other boys go through. Good thing that she already has one bun on her hand and a bowl of rice with some food already.

Within less than five minutes, all the food on the table was cleared off.

Qingshan looks at the table in surprise. He hasn't even started to eat yet and all the food is already gone. He blinks as he looks at this bowl of rice and starts to eat it slowly to savor the taste. He never knew that Hua'er was this good at cooking. The rice itself tasted like it was bathed in a soup of meat and all kinds of vegetables. However, the rice was very clear, fluffy, clean with a pure taste, and smelled very fresh. Where is this taste coming from?

"Big brother, eat this." Jinghua looked at Qingshan's plate and noticed that there was only rice on the bowl since all the other dishes were cleared off already. Jinghua picked up a couple of the stirred vegetables on her plate and placed them on Qingshan's rice bowl. She divided half of her bun, which surprisingly has filling inside, and gave it to him.

"Hua'er, what about you?" Qingshan asked as he looked at his sister's own plate and noticed that there was not much on it. He remembers that his sister Jinghua was always an eater so how come this time she ate so little?

"When I was cooking, I kept tasting the food so I was half full already." Jinghua lied with a straight face.

"Oh?" Qingshan makes a sound as he looks at the half bun in his hand. inside the bun was a purple color filling that smells like yam. He was about to take a bite at the bun but his eyes met with Tengyu's watering eyes and froze on the spot. Tengyu, Mingyu, Yuanfang, and Yongyu all look at the bun in Qingshan's hand with watering eyes and saliva dripping.

Qingshan sweat drop. They all eat everything already and they still want more? He was going to ignore them and eat the bun but then their tearing eyes made Qingshan feel very guilty. Mi Ling looks at his other younger brothers and can understand why they wanted the half bun in Qingshan's hand.

Because damn it, the taste was heaven.

The bun didn't taste plain and rough like the ones that they are used to. It was soft, chewy, a little sweet, and with the filling inside, it was fulfilling. He watches as all his younger brothers make teary eyes at Qingshan. He very, really wanted to laugh at the image but he can not bring himself to when his eyes are also on the bun itself. Mi Ling has never tasted anything so delicious before in his whole life.

Jinghua looked at the sweat drop on Qingshan's forehead and knew right away that he was going to give away the half bun. She didn't know if she would call this man soft hearted or gentlemen. In any case, he was going to starve if he kept giving his food away to his brother when they had already eaten it themselves.

Jinghua was right when Qingshan broke the half bun into four equal parts and gave them to Tengyu, Mingyu, Yuanfang, and Yongyu with a helpless smile on his face. True, he likes to spoil his sisters a lot but that doesn't mean that he doesn't spoil his younger brothers too. Jinghua mentally shakes her head. She then breaks her half bun into half again and gives it to him.

Qingshan looked at Jinghua with a small smile as he accepted the bun. He takes a bite of the bun and froze as a taste that he never tasted before assaulted his tongue.

When he finally swallows the bun, Qingshan has to stop himself from crying. The taste was so good that it made something inside him warm up. Jinghua continued to eat slowly as she waited for Qingshan to finish before cleaning everything up.

After that, Jinghua went inside her tent and left the boy to themselves as they trained for another 3 hours under the watchful eyes of Qingshan and Mi Ling. However, before going to sleep, Jinghua asked her brother to make sure that they don't kill any animal near them tonight since the smell of blood will attract spiritual beasts. Mi Ling and Qingshan knew that and comply with her wishes. For tonight, they would only train the boys in martial arts movements and make sure that none of them enter the forest to hunt.

Hunting at night wasn't that simple, after all.

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