《Not another zombie apocalypse role playing game》Chapter twenty one: I lost track of time.
“This has to be the most out of touch human being I have ever witnessed, and I´ve watched over them for over a thousand years.”
“Its over. What’s the point?
You give me everything!
Just to rip it out of my hands!?”
“Despite the nonsensical nature of his actions his performance appears genuine. I rate it a solid three point eight out of five.”
“Returning to the nearby fight that seems to have escalated into a slug fest, mountains of thick black liquid can be seen covering half the street and splatters on nearby buildings.”
“I don’t care what or who you are. You will pay for my breaking my heart.”
“It would appear our hero has lost his mind, or what was left of it.
Moments pass and Ji reaches the two undying creatures’ skirmish.
With a closed fist our hero throws a punch. A near negligible amount of force has next to no effect on the massive undying slave.
One punch after another leaves Ji Aleksy’s hands matted black and red blood.”
“With bated breath, an unhealthy disregard to his situation and what we can only assume is uncontrolled anger, our hero yet again lets another punch out.”
“Gathering every inch of power he can get his hands on. Chaotic mana gets willed into a sphere that has started gathering his left palm. Appearing truly unruly.”
“For the first time, attention is paid to the small human. The fierce and nearly unmanaged mana and aspects that has been amassed can be noticed even by the most insensitive of minds.
As the sphere makes contact with the mind controlled undying, a small pause can be heard. For a fraction of a second there is silence again.”
“Awoken from his frenzy, yet too late. The damage is done.”
“The twisted explosion appears alive as it sucks in the nearby aspects and mana before finally exploding.
Before our hero is thrown away, defeated by his own stupidity, in a quite remarkable turn of events. The beast, the undying creature Arra, has managed to shield our hero from majority of the blast.
After flying meters our hero slams into a building wall, barely holding onto his consciousness.”
“Thank you sweety.”
“The two giants appear in shoddy shape but still maintain their ability to move. A limp leg and poor posture. Not much fight left in them it appears.
The mind intruding insect appears to have been crushed in the chaotic and the prisoner been let loose.”
“Despite their lesser intelligence, they have found respect for each other and set aside their previous grievances.
The unknown beast picks up the small carcass of its slaver and eats it before slowly limping away. We can’t help but play a tune for this freed soul.”
“Eh? It’s over?
I’m not satisfied.”
“A chilling crooked smile is plastered on our protagonist face as his gaze shifts about, appearing even more unhinged than his usual bizarre behavior.”
“Even the newbie knows something is wrong.”
“I’m not smiling.
Huh. Why am I smiling?
God I feel good. Like relieved. Why?”
“One might guess that having one’s mind fiddled and probed would cause some of a person sensibilities to falter.”
“Falter!? My dick is harder than it ever has been. I feel like slaughtering thousands.”
“Shut up, mutt! Scram!”
“In a surprising turn of events, our hero has started sprinting with immense vigor. Most likely looking for something to kill, one would assume.
The aftereffects of having his mind played with are escalating further. His veins nearly throbbing. Eyes, bloodshot.”
“Fuck! Shut up! Fuck off! Shut up! You never stop! Never!”
“With a violent shake of his head we see small amount of blood splatter. It would appear his hearing may have been compromised.
Mere moments pass before our hero has his hands deep in the chest of a decayed undying beast.”
“Ahhh. God damn, that feels nice.
“From victim to victim our hero fells defenseless undying by the hundreds. His hands trembling, most likely from fatigue.
His body might regenerate at an incredible speed but if he keeps up this momentum, his stamina will so overly taxed that his muscles will start to collapse, putting an even more strain on his body.
I’m afraid if this continues, his never ending rejuvenation will not be able to compete with the natural side effects of the ‘Undying physique’.”
“Just one more! One more!
One more!”
“The only bright side of his madness is that his wantonly using his mana, and will more likely than not, lose his consciousness before long.
But that leaves us with another problem, an unconscious idiot in the midst of enemies.”
“Ah. Of course, the maimed old man. Ready to save those in the need of saving, yet barely alive.”
‘Hmph, hmph!’
One more!”
“As with any massacre, it must come to an end. The twisted smile of our hero stiffens, his eyes widen.”
“It hurts.
Oh god, it hurts!”
“How intriguing, it would appear the young master has awoken from his frenzy and is currently feeling the insurmountable pain.
Having his muscles in such a state of disrepair that it forces him, a common friend of relentless agony, to his knees.
I guess no one grows truly accustomed to pain.”
“Narrator! Help me!”
“Only the Maejio can save our hero now.”
“Damnit! Come out camping stone.
Defective shit. Why won’t it come out.”
“Only a clear and focused mind can interact with the world’s devices. Our hero’s bewildered state prevents him from doing so.”
“Fine. Breathe in!
Breathe out!
Breathe in!
Breathe out!
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.”
“The stream of blood coming from one eye is nearly concealed by the thick layer of black vicious liquid of the undying he prayed on.
The uncontrolled shaking and the convulsing muscles.
It would be something of a twist of fate if would be able to keep his mental faculties under his command.”
“A previously forgotten ally has returned.”
“Girl. You came back.
I’m sorry sweety. I. I got a bit hot headed.”
“And I’m sorry!”
‘Uaaaaaa! Uuuurrraaah!’
“I’ll give you a bun if you forgive me.”
“Simple creatures are handled in simple ways.”
“Good girl! Now watch over me while I pass out.”
“As the words leave the young master, he keels over, his face rubbing against the remains of his enemies.
Despite the few creatures lurking in the area, some even strong, not one approaches the area, clearly understanding that something bad is there.
And now we wait. Our hero’s body constantly convulsing involuntarily. A hunkering behemoth vigilantly watching its surroundings, occasionally gazing at its companion.
The surrounding mana, elements, aspects, even undying elements and aspects constantly move towards the young master. Albeit slowly, yet faster than ever before.
The undying. One half of our ‘majesty’s’ physical anomaly. The curse, the cancer and the source of his pain. Yet the reason for his potential.
I’m thinking three days. The hunger will wake him up at that point. Any takers?
Oh! We have a day. That’s brave. Anyone else? Hooo! Half a day! That’s one three hundred Teouls!
Ah. The honorable lord has four hundred on two days! Alright, leave your bets with Lovelies and we’ll be back after a quick break.”
“Day one and still no signs of the young master waking up!”
“Day two people. His body has stopped convulsing yet no movement. His body has been rapidly repairing itself and even the ambient mana hasn’t been fuel enough.
His body nearly only skin and bones. Looks like it will either be day three or that this is his final goodbyes!”
‘Uuu. Uuuuu. Uuuuu.’
“Day three. It would be hard to convince anyone that this is a living a body. But we have confirmed breathing. A steady but slow heartbeat.
No signs of movements, looks like it’s going to be a clutch victory from the mistress with day four or the pessimistic captain, who bet on never.”
‘Uuaaarrrrh! Arrrrfffh!’
“Oh! Judges!? They say day three! So close mistress, so close! Sad to say but it looks like the house wins again!
As always, bets will continue to open on whatever one wishes. No one has taken our bet that he’ll fail his quest towards mastering his hybrid body. Just a friendly reminder.
Yes, yes. We know the likelihood of such things. Which is why we won’t bet for it you see. I'm sure you can understand.
Alright. You know the drill. Come boy, your back on. And remember, that old man may not hear me or our privilege guest, but he’ll hear you. Just nod if you understand.”
“Good lad! Alright, on with it then.”
Oh! Look. It appears our hero has finally come to, and even on the day I predicted. How coincidental!
Owh! Okay. I get it!
The converted undying beast peers concerned at our hero as he struggles to open his eyes.”
“Hueth. Ugh. So dry.”
“Struggling to get into a sitting position our hero materializes a drink from his inventory and chugs it.”
“Oh my sweet Alice in wonderland. That was one hell of a dream.
Arra. Listen. If a rabbit with a meter long hat offers your tea, assume its spiked.
I mean, never say never. But that was really uncalled for.
Aren't you looking a bit skinny girl.
Holy, what the shit. My arms! My feet!”
“The talking skeleton rambles on, practically bathing in his own lack of awareness. Most likely not even feeling the swelling hunger that must be eating away at him.”
“Excuse me! I didn’t realize that pain was hunger. Oh god. Now that you said it.
Oh wow. I need to eat.”
“I will spare you the extravagant eating habits of our protagonist.
Almost like an inflatable balloon, we already see the newfound energy come in use.
He only has to increase the intake of mana and not even a day will be needed to recover.
I hate scripted lines.”
“Right! Mana!
What did you mean by scripted?
Oh! Arra! I promised you a bun right? Here you go girl!
Eat, eat! I’m leaving as soon as I can anyway.
I can’t believe I got so skinny.”
“One can only marvel at the sight of his body almost inflating to its preferred form, it would appear it has a standard it wants to keep.”
“You know, I’ve been wondering why my body always stays like this. I don't mean to complain, the sleek look isn’t that bad.
I just had a period where I wanted to be bigger.”
“If you peer your eyes, you can see an old man’s face look on in complete shock. His wound not yet healed but our hero could have died and be reborn a countless time.”
“That old man! Hey you bastard!
I know you were there when I got mind zapped! Where were you then!
Our friendship is on very rocky ground right now, I’ll tell you that.”
“The day slowly passes. Young Ji has already started moving towards the out edges of town, his path goes through the scattered remains of hundreds.”
“Hmm. Why haven't they done that star trek thing? You know beam into the air.”
“When ones power exceeds another by a certain degree, they cannot expect to receive benefit from destroying said existence.”
“No, ye. Make sense.
You what what’s funny? I’m still hungry, even after all those buns. I’m going to need Tio-oh to get me some more food. I doubt anything here is eatable.
Would you like a piece of black rib stew? No?”
“Like nothing ever happened, our hero continues his incoherent babble, even his undying companion appears listless.
I suppose we’ll see you all next time.”
“Ye see you all!
Whoever you are. Oh! Oh my lords and ladies! I’ve finished my quest right!?
I think I’m pretty sure what I’m going to pick.”
|Class quest: Tier one|
Finish your master’s quest.
Survive for zero days to two days and sixteen hours outside the sanctuary.(Complete)
Optional: kill hundred undead foes. (Complete)
Optional: Save ten friendly or neutral creatures. (Complete)
Optional: Control and hinder thousand undead foes. (Complete)
Optional: Heal ten creatures.
Optional: Befriend one creature. (Complete)
Optional: Tame one creature. (Complete)
Optional: Sacrifice twenty creatures, friendly or hostile. (Complete)
Optional: Train your physical body. (Complete)
Optional: Train your mind. (Complete)
Optional: Train your control over mana. (Complete)
Optional: Connect with more elements in the world. (Complete)
Optional: Connect with a creature on a physical level.
Optional: Connect with a creature on a psychological level. (Complete)
Optional: Endure repeated physical attacks from a hostile foe. (Complete)
Optional: Endure repeated psychological attacks from a hostile foe. (Complete)
Optional (hidden): Slay a superior undying. (Complete)
Quest will reset if you return to the sanctuary within the required time.
Quest will reset if you receive outside help.
Additions may be added to quest depending on continued progress.
Rewards: Unlocks a class specialization (one or more).
Rewards: Grants one minor class specializations point (one or more.)
Rewards (hidden): Granted one extra class specializations point.
Rewards (hidden): Granted one extra minor skill point
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