《Chronicles of Soma: Rise of a King》Chapter 1: Booting up v2


Proofread: Azcheron, CBRRacer

It took me a good 30 minutes to settle down. I mean, anybody would panic if they suddenly found themselves in such a bizarre situation. A 26-year-old common man like me was no exception.

I sat cross-legged on the ground, with my eyes closed I ordered my almost fried brain to refresh my memories.

“I am pretty sure, that I came back directly to my home from the office, had a simple dinner and then went to sleep.” I said out loud. I had not even changed my clothes before I had dragged my tired body to the bed. As proof, I was still wearing black trousers and a white shirt with red neck tie. I even had my shoes on as I was too lazy to remove it.

“What is with this turn of events? Was I abducted? Where in the hell is this place?” I shouted out loud as once again frustration piled up inside my heart.

Being an unmarried salary-man, my everyday routine was simple. Wake up, get ready, go to the office, come back, eat and sleep. It’s not that I lacked friends, but I was not the popular type either. I was and still am a normal type guy. I did have a good number of friends back in my home town, where people had time to spend with others, but when my job forced me to the crowded city, I failed to make new ones. Not because i didn't want to, but because they didn't want to. In the beginning my colleagues were really friendly but after a while things changed. Being a newbie, i had to work hard, I had to, since I thought if I made a good first impression with the boss, my life there would become good. And so, I had politely declined the drinking offers from the seniors after I promised to treat them for a drink in the near future. And as I immersed myself in the job, I found the boss happy at me but my colleagues growing distant. By the time I noticed it, things had gone from bad to worse. While they didn't try to harm me, they refused to help me either. And so I was isolated in that office room


My parents passed away when I was a little over 20 years old. My dad was the first to pass away being bedridden for almost a year after he had met with an accident. For that year my mom forced herself to take care of the family, while I tried to complete my studies and earn some money through part time jobs. But once my dad passed away, as if she had had enough of it, my mom bid me goodbye and followed dad. The doctor told me that it was due to overwork.

From then on it was just me. My friends from the village understood my situation and didn't complain when I decreased the amount of time I hung out with them. To complete my studies, I too ka part-time job at one of my friend’s shop. Luckily, my best friend’s father was able to find me a job somehow in a new company as a programmer as I was always good at it. I moved into a new apartment with the help of the insurance money I had obtained. Thus began my daily routine between home and office.

I don’t even remember just how many years I had continued the same actions. Time kind of had stopped for me. I earned to eat, ate to live, and lived to earn. My colleagues started calling me dead-eye Soma behind my back, but I had began to grow insensitive to them. However, even that came to an end. Unless absolutely required, we hardly held a conversation. The boss though was always good to me, but he never noticed the awkward situation in the office, or maybe he purposely neglected it as I never complained about it to him. My only oasis was a little kid who lived next doors. His parents too were kind and would often bring food for me to eat. They even let me join them for family occasions.


And after one such normal day and night, I now am sitting cross-legged in an unknown land, surrounded by mother nature in all its primal beauty. Greatly different from the concrete forests, polluted air, and overcrowded streets that I am used to.

With a thud, I let my body fall onto the ground, and stared into the endless blue sky. My heart slowly calmed down. I had resigned myself to the cruel fate that had brought me here, the despair and panic from a moment ago disappeared completely. To be honest, even I was kind of surprised at how fast I had accepted this turn of events.

By the way the dazzling sun was sitting in the sky, I assumed that it was the start of a new day. The peaceful blue sky was intruded by birds now and then. A gentle breeze swept across the huge stretch of land, making me comfortable and pleasant. A sudden urge to go back to sleep invaded my body, but my logic driven brain warned me against it.

As I fought back the urge, I began to calculate my next course of action. Few questions popped up in my mind, ‘what should I do now?’, ’Where would I sleep?’, ‘What will I eat?’ and so on.

Forcing my body up, I got on my legs, dusted off my back and then looked around once again only to be greeted by a vast plain in all direction.

“Damn! Why is there no google maps at a time like this?” I blurted out loud in slight anger. And then something that changed my life occurred.

After a few lines of a mechanical voice, a huge screen appeared before my eyes out of nowhere and I screamed.

“The fuckkkk?”

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