《Domain》Volume 1 berserk interval chapter 8 - bargains
Volume 1 berserk interval chapter 8 - bargains
Having met in the front lobby Alice and I made our way towards the shopping district, while Gareth went to the pleasure district. We had found a map of thervil in the lobby. The city was divided into 5 districts, each at least the size of a large town.
The central hotel district, where all manner of temporary housing could be found. The eastern shopping district full of all manner of shops, ranging from weapons and armour to pets and slaves. The northern guild district, having both guilds housing and a communal area for guilds to make deals. The southern pleasure district, any form of pleasure imaginable is sought here. Then finally the western teleportation district, houses large arrays used to teleport people between the neutral city's.
Having received a basic map Alice and I made our way toward the eastern district. From the centre square where we were there were four strait roads stretching to the other districts. As these were the main routes through the city they were full of people. Finding the eastern road Alice and I walked side by side down it, Necro and his goblies tailing behind us.
Every now an then a guy with list in his eyes would approach Alice. Unfortunately for them the mixture of her cold attitude and Necro and my glares forced them away. Though she was not extremely beautiful, compared to what most of the guys here could find she was top class.
After overhearing a conversation I had learnt that most of the attractive females were either monopolized by clans or abducted by slavers. Hearing this put me on guard. Considering that the goblies were only drones it would take Necro a few seconds to respond to an attack, in that time Alice could be abducted. Considering this meant I would have to respond immediately to any attack.
Having walked for around 50 minutes we had reached the eastern district. Standing in front of several gates we learnt that the district was separated into quarters. The first gate marked weapons as well as the second marked armour were self explanatory. The third marked consumable was rather vague but not completely confusing. The forth gate however was marked techniques.
I doubted they could sell skills like the exchange system, that meant that they would sell physical descriptions of techniques. As my thoughts reached here it opened a new group of questions. Could I learn skills outside of the system. It was within reason but why would the system sell skills if you could acquire them elsewhere. Feeling that I could think about this for hours, I made a mental note then moved on.
With the sun sat directly overhead we made our first port of call. Walking through the first gate we were greeted by an open market. A huge square filled with stalls, most of which selling odd items. Around the edge of the square were specialised shops, some for sci fi weapons, some for energy using weapons and others that I had never heard of. Moving into the square with a combined budget of 292 points we looked at the prices on display.
weak weapons like handguns and swords ranged from 5 to 10 points, higher grade versions like assault rifles and lightly enchanted swords ranged from 10 to 20 points. The highest grade weapons in the square like rocket launchers and stat boosting weapons ranged from 20 to 40 points.
Having wandered around the market for half an hour we found a interesting stall. An old man in tattered robes sat with 3 items on a rug. One was a small translucent orb, another was a handgun with a long barrel and the last was a short sword with a blue grip and golden cross-guard. Having recognized these items I instantly thought they would be outside our price range.
The first was from hardcore opness, a web novel. The second was from hellsing, a manga turned anime. The last was from the gamer, a manhua. Each of these weapons were top class and could easily sell for 60 points. Knowing this I was surprised by the signs in front marked 5 points each.
Solomon: old man, are you really selling these for five points each.
The old man nodded.
Solomon: you do know each of these is worth at least 60 points.
Looking up the old man smiled, bunching up the mass of wrinkles on his face.
Old man: your to good for this place kid. if you see some idiot underselling you should just scam them.
Solomon: maybe I should, but I'm not going to. I cant pay what these are worth, but would you sell them for 30 a piece.
Old man: hahaha, most people after pointing out these items worth don’t try to still have me undersell them.
Solomon: I'm not most people, do we have a deal?
Saying this I reached my hand out.
Old man: hahahaha you interest me kid, deal.
As he shaked my hand the cold voice of Ourous told me that all my points and 8 of Alice's were spent.
Old man: well I'm done here, have fun with your new toys kid.
Finished here the old man disappeared into the crowd.
Alice: are you sure these were worth 30 points, they just look like ordinary weapons.
Solomon: you have a lot to learn. I know there worth much more than they look because I recognize them. I was modest when I said they were worth 60 points, you could probably get 100 points for them.
Alice: huh, then why would he sell them for so little.
Solomon: I don’t know, if I had to guess I'd say to him there's little difference between 30 and 100 points to him.
Alice: wouldn’t that make him really strong?
Solomon: well, there's no point worrying about it now. Lets go.
Finished getting weapons we moved onto armour. The setup was the same with a market surrounded by shops. After 20 minutes we had found someone selling high grade body armour for 40 a piece. These armours could hold up against any attacks weaker than an anti tank rifle. Though they couldn’t protect against energy's.
Moving on we went to the consumables area. There were several different types of consumable. Ranging from weapons like grenades to MRA's and lots of other types. After buying 9 normal grenade's, 3 thermite grenade's, ammo for the cassull, several food canisters and several med packs we had spent 30 points.
Having got all that we came for we decided to look in the last gate, techniques. Entering we were greeted with the market and shop layout. Walking into the market we got an idea of what was sold here. Looking around books were everywhere. Most having flashy title's like nine heavenly thunder Manual or ancient strengthening technique. Most of these techniques cost at least 100 points. With our remaining budget of 52 we couldn’t afford them.
After wandering for 10 minutes I had lost hope of finding anything. As we were making our way out I felt a slight tingle in my hand. Looking down I saw a bucket full of tattered books. Picking up the bucket I felt the tingling increase. After fishing through a few books I had found what was giving me this feeling. A book covered in red scales. As I picked it up the scales vibrated increasing the tingling to greater heights.
Looking at the man selling the book I asked the price, fully expecting it to be sky high.
Man: for that crap, 10 points.
Hearing this I was confused did he not understand the value of this book, or was this really the strength of a "crap" technique.
Solomon: I'll take it.
After getting my technique we looked for one for rift energy. The few we found cost several hundred points alongside tokens. Seeing this Alice became disheartened.
Solomon: don’t worry, this just means you picked a strong enhancement, if the weakest techniques cost so much imagine how strong they are.
Alice: that’s true, thank you Solomon.
As she thanked me she smiled while tilting her head. She looked incredibly cute when she smiled. Embarrassed by my thoughts I turned away blushing.
Solomon: that’s okay, don’t mention it. Anyway its time to go back, Gareth should be finishing his job around now.
Having spent the afternoon shopping the time had flown, now it was approaching evening. Walking back through the streets there was a lot less people. As we were nearing the our hotel everyone had disappeared from the streets. Feeling an ominous chill in the air I went on high alert. I had Necro make the goblies circle us. Around 5 minutes from the hotel the eerie silence was broken.
Robed man: HALT!
Standing in the centre of the street was a robed man, to either side of him stood 4 burly men.
Solomon: we don’t want any trouble, let us past and we can all forget about this.
Ignoring me the man continued.
Robed man: hand over all you equipment and that pretty woman, then we'll let you pass.
Burly man 1: I get first go at her.
Burly man 2: huh, no way you got first dibs last time.
Burly man 1: are you gonna stop me?
The first man glared at the second causing him the scowl and step back.
Hearing this Alice took a step closer to me and pressed against my side. I could feel that she was shaking. Angered beyond belief I lifted my hand towards the first burly man.
Ourous: hostile intent detected, killing these contestants no longer costs points.
Pulling an eight of my qi through my tattoo's my body began to light up. Even through my clothing you could see the ominous red. When the energy reached my hand I performed the flame serpent art.
Solomon: Fuck you!
The little lizard flew at the man before he could react. Hitting him square in the face, the small lizard exploded. When the flames cleared his body lay on the floor, the front half of his head had melted off. Though he wasn't dead he needed medical attention.
Solomon: leave, before I kill you.
Hearing me the robed man snapped out of his confusion.
Robed man: men, regroup. Attack formation B.
Hearing this the other men followed the order. They ran towards us pulling out small black knives. From this I could tell that they were enhanced, though they didn’t have g rank strength they could still rival pro athletes. Pulling another eighth of my energy out I fired at another man. This time I made a hole in the mans heart. By this point the men were too close. I wouldn’t have time to make another shot.
Solomon: Necro!
Understanding my meaning Necro sent 3 goblies to cut of each man.
Solomon: can you take them?
Necro: I can handle them but if the robed guy gets involved I won't be able to hold them off.
Solomon: Alice, stay with Necro. Necro, finish of those scum.
Having finished giving my orders I ran between the burly men. I stopped 10 meters from the robed man.
Robed man: hahaha, your quite strong I'll give you that. So are you ready to die?
Solomon: die? Did you not pay attention, I fried your friends like they were flies what can you do?
Robed man: friends? They are merely pawns, their a dime a dozen. How can you compare me to that trash?
Solomon: if your so sure of yourself, let me see your strength.
Saying so I lifted my hand, this time using a quarter of my energy.
As the larger lizard shot towards the robed man he raised his hand. Appearing in front of him was a wall of water. As the energy's collided a huge plume of steam spread out. Taking this opportunity I ran towards him. As the mist cleared I was a meter from him leaping forward. With another wave of his hand a pillar of water shot forward. I crossed my arms to take the impact. As the pillar hit me I was pushed back a few meters. Realizing this wasn't going to work, I changed my strategy.
Robed man: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! How can anyone with enhancements be this weak. Come on, at least put up a decent fight.
Reaching into my pocket I brought out the weapon I had purchased earlier, the arcane orb. This orb was able to inflict damage through energy. Knowing this I pumped the rest of my energy through my tattoo's into the orb. As my energy filled the orb a connection was created.
Ourous: weapon boosts in effect. Adds 20 stat points to mental processes. Attacks using orb amplify attack by 4 times
Through this I could control the orb. Causing the orb to levitate I sent it flying towards the robed man. Due to the orb the attack was amplified above what I could normally do.
As the orb flew at the man the stored energy burst forth, shaping into a lizards head. Sensing danger the robed man raised both hands. A huge spout of water sprung from his hand. As it flowed out it condensed together, forming a spear. After forming the spear sped forwards, its speed and strength rivalling my attack. As the two attacks collided a huge wind spread outwards. After a moment of struggle both attacks cancelled each other out, causing a huge gale to spread.
Half way through his tirade he was cut off. During the time he spent watching our attacks I had snuck behind him. After grabbing a knife from his dead "ally" I embedded it into the back of his head. Looking back towards my allies I saw that they were just finishing off the last man. Feeling it was not best to idle around I quickly searched the bodies before returning to Alice. Having finished fighting she had lost 2 goblies to the men.
Solomon: we should leave quickly, before more of them turn up.
Having grabbed anything worthwhile we rushed back to the hotel. As we reached the lobby Gareth was waiting there. Seeing our rush he tried to ask what happened but not wanting to stick around we rushed back to our rooms. We all entered Alice's room gasping for breath.
Gareth: what happened?
- In Serial10 Chapters
Midthalion Saga
+++Working on new chapters. Share what I've posted with your friends and family! Be sure to build strong bonds with those who are important to you. We only have each other in this world for so long!+++ Can Roderick XXIII gather together and train a party of adventurers to clear out Madeon Caves and bring peace to the wildmarches of Midthalion? Sent from his home monastery in the west to the wildmarches of Midthalion, Roderick the Holy Avenger is devoted to living out his oath to bring the Holy Light to the dark corners of the world. He enlists the help of an old friend, Ulrich Vogelbrandt the dwarf druid, to train and prepare a fighting force capable of defending the west from the evil they both see gathering and growing in the east. Eoroth is an ode to Tolkienesque epic fantasy, Robert E Howard and H.P. Lovecraft's pulp fiction, and Gygaxian Dungeons & Dragons. I like to write about serious topics because I think it's fun. I hope it makes for a fun read. Place: Eoroth, a vast, flat world with many continents set in oceans that reach out and mingle with the Celestial Sea. Our story takes place on the continent of Thalion in the middle, unsettled region called Midthalion. Peoples: Races in Eoroth aren't different species; the species of man is just incredibly diverse, consisting of many known races (and perhaps some unknown). There are no humans in Thalion. Thalion's races include variations of elves, dwarves, halflings (billowits), pierros (clownish men), bergeracs (long-nosed and swarthy men of honour), orcs, trolls, goblins, and hobgobs. The Church: There's one dominant religion in Westhalion. The faith of the elves is an analogue to Roman Catholicism while the dwarves practice an Eastern Orthodox analogue. (Forgive me for not having figured out names yet.) The practitioners worship a triune god (the All-Father, Son-of-All, and Holy Light). There are many powers in heaven, all created by God. These include the Twelve High Thrones, individual, created beings who take on the role of guiding mankind in different aspects, drawing them closer and closer to God. (That should be the essentials. I could write pages on the theology. Comment where something's unclear in the story.) Natural World: There are plants and animals in Eoroth, but the world is also inhabited by spirits called aeons. Aeons are transformative beings; in the wild, they'll change based on whatever is happening nearby. Pollute a pond? Expect to see toxic toad-men running around. Leave a bunch of dead bodies strewn across a battlefield? Expect the place to become haunted with ghouls and ghasts. Druids are important for making sure that the aeons are pacified; that their needs are met so that they don't become rampaging monsters. Where the wilderness becomes overgrown, so too do the aeons. Aeons and People: Long ago, men learned how to trap aeons in stone tablets and use them for war. Now, anyone can capture an aeon into a special staff made by a druid. Men train, raise, and bond with these aeons. Druids often build entire ranches devoted to raising healthy aeons as allies and companions. Aeons are divided into twelve known families, and the church sees these as corresponding with the Twelve Thrones in Heaven. Direction: My goal is to get the story to one million words by June next year. I have tons of content in mind for the world. I want to release novels set in different ages of the world depicting different historical events. I hope to expand the setting into a tabletop role-playing game as well as a series of old-school JRPGs. But, it all begins with writing some stories and publishing my novels.
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