《Domain》Volume 1 berserk end chapter 4 - Solomon



Volume 1 berserk end chapter 4 - Solomon

As I was beginning my fight with the final boss my comrade had her own troubles.

Girl: you’ve got to be kidding me.

Having climbed the rampart she had full view of the disaster approaching. An army of men, ten thousand at the least. Looking back she could see her teammate fighting the boss. Thinking quickly she devised a plan to stall the soldiers. steeling herself she turned to a mercenary captain.

Girl: you, go take some men to the storehouse. Bring back as much gunpowder as you can carry.

Captain: huh, who are you to order us little girl.

Having prepared for this reaction she enacted the first step in her plan. She rushed forward unsheathing her rapier. The captain caught unprepared had the edge of the rapier held against his neck.

Girl: there is no time for this, either you listen to me or I find someone else.

When she finished speaking she lightly nicked his neck with her blade, further pressing her point.

Captain: ye..YES MA'AM!

Finished with the captain she left him to his task. having moved to the centremost section of the rampart. She had one of the nearby mercenaries blow a war horn. Having caught the demoralised army's attention she enacted the second part of her plan.

Girl: men of the battlefield, I have a plan to escape this catastrophe. With my plan there's no guarantees. I cant promise your survival or success. What I can do is offer you hope. If we can hold this gate for 20 minutes we can survive. If this gate falls we all perish. Now for this great battle, will you be slaughtered like lamb or fight like wolves.

Finishing her speech she raised her rapier in the air. After a momentary silence the mercenaries followed suit.


Having done all she could she cast one last worrisome gaze towards her teammate before leaving the ramparts to join the army.

**********************************************************************************in the future these will signify a change in pov.


Charging forward I brought my sword downward in a diagonal slash. Matching my pace Guts did the same. Against our attacks Bazuso swiped sideways with his axe. As my sword was hit by his axe the blade was cut in two. Continuing with his momentum he slammed his axe into Guts's sword, cutting half way through.


Having both been forced back by his raw power we stumbled back. Continuing forward Bazuso swung his axe towards me with a downward slash. Knowing I had no chance to dodge I adopted an old enemy's method.

While raising my arm I jumped backwards. Before I could escape his reach Bazuso's axe cut through my arm. Thankfully the added momentum from his blow saved me from further harm. Falling backwards I let out a pain fuelled scream.


Guts having long recovered from the first attack snuck up on Bazuso. Taking this opportunity he slashed at the backs of this thighs. Having his hamstrings severed forced Bazuso to kneel. Spinning around Bazuso struck Guts. As a mark of his strength Guts chest plate was caved inwards.

Having been heavily injured Guts was now out of the fight. Seeing him cough up blood before passing out I was placed on a timer. Fighting against the pain I stood on my feet. Picking up the remains of my sword I prepared one final attack. Bazuso seeing my actions lifted his axe.

Placing all my hopes on my newly shortened sword, I charged forward. I Lifted my sword up in preparation for a downward slash. Bazuso held his axe horizontally to guard against me.

As our weapons were about to meet a giant explosion rocked the earth beneath us. Bazuso being unbalanced by the shaking began falling forward. I also lost my footing falling into my strike. As he was falling Bazuso lowered his axe.

Seeing my chance I thrust my sword forward with all my weight behind it. As my sword approached his face the fear in his eyes grew, eventually turning to terror as my sword cut through his eye socket into his brain.

As the last glimmer of life drained from his eyes the world turned white. In this whiteness my body floated aimlessly. Looking down I saw my severed arm floating before me. As I watched it floated to my arm and began to re-attach.

I could see as the veins, tendons and bones were reconnected. This whole place brought a sense of calm, contrary to its gruesome purpose. Following my arms re-attachment the other minor injuries on my body closed themselves.


Every time a wound healed I could feel a flowing energy enter my body. It was this energy healing all my injuries and calming my mind. Relaxing I decided to enjoy this new sensation.

After floating around in this whiteness for around 20 minutes it disappeared, instantly replaced with the same small room I was in before the test.

Ourous: congratulations on completing the test. From here I’ll explain what comes next.

Floating in the centre of the room was the glowing ball of light known as Ourous.

Ourous: this place is your origin plane. This is where you will appear after completing a mission. This is your one safe space. In here you have completed control.

Learning I could control this place gave me several ideas. Looking around I tried to manipulate this space. Starting simple I tried to imagine a bed appearing in the corner of the room. As the image solidified in my mind a bed appeared in the corner.

Ourous: you catch on quick.

Continuing on I created several prices of furniture. After decking out my room with a desk, computer, bookcase and several other standard items I turned back to Ourous

Ourous: seeing as you’re done I’ll continue. In your origin plane you have the ability to exchange your points and tokens. With them you can buy ability’s skills or any number of useful things.

Me: how do I exchange for things?

When I asked this a panel hovered down from Ourous.

On the panel were several tabs. As I read over them Ourous explained them.

The first was genetic variations.

Ourous: genetic variation are the exchanges that change a person’s race/species.

Then there was energy enhancements.

Ourous: energy enhancements give you access to mystical energy’s. The most widespread examples being Ki and mana.

Followed by equipment.

Ourous: equipment are items you can use during missions.

as well as skills.

Ourous: skills are, well skills. Most require you to have certain types of enhancements.

Second to last being my status page

Ourous: this tab shows your points, tokens, enhancements and stats.

As she finished explaining the tab opened up along with brief descriptions of the stats.


505points 2 g rank token




The measure of one's physical strength. Does not account for energy's.



The measure of one's speed dexterity and reaction speed. Does not account for energy



Th measure of one's stamina, regenerative abilities and physical defence. Does not account for energy


The lifespan of the contestant . One point equals one year. Does account for energy.


Mental processes

The intelligence and other mental factors of a contestant. Does not account for energy.



The supernatural ability to perceive the future. This is an inborn trait not changeable through any exchanges.




Finishing with the recreation category.

Ourous: recreation allows you to exchange for items to be taken outside the origin plane. This allows you to take any desired items into the outside world.

Me: outside world?

Ourous: yes, other than your origin plane there are two other planes. The neutral plane and domain. The neutral plane being the world you died, domain is... well let me just show you

Once again the blank white walls of my plane disappeared. Appearing in a open meadow I saw Ourous was still floating nearby.

Ourous: this is the domain. In here contestants are free to interact with one another.

As I listened to this the ground shifted below my feet placing me in a city.

Ourous: aiming to survive the missions, contestants banded together forming guilds. Now far into the future domain is fully of city’s and guilds, each vying for power and the

Having finished with her explanation Ourous brought me back to my origin plane.

Ourous: that is the basics you’ll pick up the rest as you go. Anyway as you’ve completed the tutorial here’s the reward.

At that moment a huge mass of information appeared in my brain. Overwhelmed I stumbled back, falling onto my bed.

My previously blocked memories were returned to me. Filtering through the information, I found the one thing I truly missed.

Me: I am Solomon.

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