《THE HYBRID》Chapter 03 - Cleaning up


AN: Here is the fourth chapter, battle chapter


As the young man was advancing toward his goal, he felt a weird pressure coming from behind him and put his back against the wall as a bolt hurled past him. He almost got shot in the back. He didn't know how his body would handle direct physical hits, but he wasn't eager to know that. Looking toward the place he came from he could see a man with a hooded cloak hiding in the darkness, he could even see his surprised look.

''Must be the right hand named Doug...I couldn't hear him coming at all. Was it his bloodlustI felt?''

-BOSS, INTRUDER!! Shouted Doug.

''Shit, fighting both of them could be dangerous, and more are likely to come now. It would be best to finish the sneaky one first.''

As he heard noise coming from a nearby room, the young man run at top speed toward Doug, who tried to retreat. Doug was fast, but not as fast as the young man. The chase didn't last 10 seconds, 10 seconds during which Doug threw 20 knives at the young man, all of them repelled by his spear or avoided. As Doug reached the groundfloor, he took out his dagger, the young man launched vicious thursting attacks, aiming to quickly end the life of the assassin.

There were footsteps coming from outside and heavier footsteps coming from the upper floor, and that made the young man a little anxious. Doug could barely defend against the flurry of attacks and in the end his throat was stabbed. At the same time, several men coming from outside entered the hall as the boss appeared at the top of the stairs. He was a handsome man with brown hair and a nice beard, and steel blue eyes. He wore his chainmail above his sleep wear and had his axe in his hands.

''And here come the troubles... But still, who said all bandits were ugly men? This guy could make any girl's heart flutter with a well placed smile''

The boss looked at the corpse of the assassin on the ground. The 6 men that entered the hall also looked at the dead Doug


-You, you little shit, you just killed I have known for 20 years, a man with whom I went through many experiences and saved me countless time. You killed the only man I dared call a friend in this world. Guys, he is mine, don't interfere.

-Is that so... Well, If you want to make it a duel, do you want to fight here or outside, it's how you like it.

-Kill him outside boss, I owe Doug a lot, and many here do so. I want everyone to see him die.

-I will jsut d-

As the boss spared a glance at his underling for a split second, his old friend's dagger was speeding toward his head as his nemesis was climbing the stairs at an amazing speed.

-Water spear! Said the man as he deflected the dagger with his axe.

3 water spear appeared in mid-air and launched themselves toward the young man. Surprised, he stopped and lied on the ground to avoid the attack. He felt the magic building up during the short incantation, but it didn't know the spell would be that fast once activated. The 3 water spears loudly crashed in the wall behind him, living 3 drilled holes. Aquick look at them told him it would have been really dangerous for him.

As his gaze was once again on the boss, he was in the air, falling toward him, his double headed axe closing in on his head. He dodged by rolling to the side and as he stood up the flat side of the axe slamed him against the wall. It didn't hurt the young man, but it did destroy his balance. The boss didn't waste any time, he turned his axe to point the blade toward the young man and attacked once more. But this time, the young man stopped the axe with his left hand while still being pressed against the wall.

-...What the fuck are you?

-It was a nice strike, my arm is numb! You're stronger and faster than your look suggest, especially with such a heavy weapon!

The boss took several steps back. The 6 people near the double doors were schokked by what they witnessed. An unknown young man, no older than 15 in appearance, stopped the double handed axe strike from a veteran fighter with just one hand. Worse, their leader actually took his distance. The fear of the unknown youth grew in their hearts.


''With all the noise we are making more people will come and it will be troublesome if some of them are shooters. From this strike, I can tell my body is quite durable but not invincible. And I haven't quenched my hunger and thirst yet. I can't waste anymore time with him.''

The young man used his material manipulation to create plenty of small cracks on the stairs where he was standing, and slowly took a step back while keeping his arm hanaging to the side, to bait the boss into attacking and advancing toward the trap. As for the boss, he was wary of what kind of trick the young man would use if he tried to cast a spell. He had surprised him once, but knew it wouldn't work second time. Then looking at his left hand, he thought that it would be indeed unnatural for someone to stop this strike without injuries, so he took the bait and attacked.

Even though magic spells and matter manipulation use mana, they aren't used the same way. Normal magic user can feel the flow and building up of mana when a spell is cast nearby, but they can't feel the flow of mana from matter manipulation. That is why the boss couldn't notice the trap made by the young man. And the young man was also lucky, he didn't think of the possibility that the boss could feel his magic the same he could feel his spells.

When the boss reached the place, the stairs crumbled to the side and he completly lost his footing. Due to the surprised he couldn't defend himself against the viscious spear strike aimed at his head. The last thing he saw was the smile of his opponent, the gleefull smile of a young boy that got what he wanted. Once his body reached the ground, his blood and brain decorated the hall. The others bandits gathered there, now numbering 19, were completly stunned.

The young man didn't wait, he started at them, bloody spear in the right hand, bloody dagger in the left, and proceded to finish them all. A few of them ran away calling for help, but that was useless. The 19 men gathered them were the most sober, the others were either dead or too drunk to be of any help. Within a minute, 15 men were killed, the last 4 gone to find some help.

''Humm, that make 23 bandits left eh... Let's wait for them''

He didn't have to wait long, as the previous 4 came back with 13 men, numbering 17 in total. The young man was waiting patiently for them, with corpses around him. He could tell that the newcomer weren't in condition to fight, and he got a little pity for them. 5 of them, seeing the corpses, including the corpse of the leader and the assassin, left their weapons and ran away. The others hesitated, but the young man didn't leave them any choice and slaughtered them. He looked around the place and killed the last bandits still presents in the abandonned building.

-Ok, the place is clear, now I can eat, drink and get some sleep. And tomorrow I will deal with the girls.

And he did just that. He went to the storage room of the bandits and ate and drank until he was full. He secured the room with matter manipulation. He went to the boss room and secured all the slave collars, 13 in total. He also gathered all the usefull or valuable items he could find and put them in the storage room, of course he had to open it again.

And to avoid being attacked in his sleep, he took a blanket with him and sealed himself in the storage room. He was looking forward to the following day and fell asleep while grinning.


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