《Psy》The Agency


Agent Contract

In becoming a Member of the Agency, you agree to keep undisclosed:

1. Your status as Member.

2. The status of other Members.

3. Previous, present or past Agency activity.

4. Any objectives of Agents.

You agree to:

Join in the Agency’s ongoing enterprise in protecting innocents from parapsychs who would abuse their abilities.

Commit to the Agency’s view that parapsychs who consciously use their parapsychological abilities unlawfully will be brought to prosecution.

Remain true to the Agency’s belief that Members may use their parapsychological ability extralegally in the name of the greater good.

You acknowledge that you may submit written resignation from Membership at any time.

In the event of your resignation, you agree for the Agency to permanently keep a record of your involvement. Under Agency rules, evidence of your Membership will never be disclosed.

As we, the Agency, hold our trust in you, your signature is your bond that you hereby subscribe to Membership.



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