《The Tragic Tale of a Zombie Survivalist》Third Rate Commander


I was getting itchy. I really wanted to participate, but what if I died? What would happen to the minions? And what about the guy who would gain my powers? I couldn’t let that shit happen!

Luckily, only a few Skeletons had been lost. No Humans were in any danger and the major people had the situation under control. Heck, I think the South Gate was in really good condition. I thought it would be difficult over there, but I guess since the Humans were relying on guns, Skeletons had a certain advantage.

You try shooting a creature that already has holes in it. Besides, Skeletons had no organs and no need for stamina. They were Undead, a limitless laborer! Heck, even after becoming a Demon and regaining the whole stamina and hunger/thirst problems, they were still leagues above Humanity!

Why is it that Humans are so weak? I mean, I know these guys look like the outcasts that cause problems during an apocalypse, but…Could…could some thing want to make Humans extinct? Probably the voice I thought was God. But if that’s the case, why create us in the first place? What if this whole set up wasn’t decreed by whatever God exists, but is a plan by something else?

Arrgh, I can’t concentrate! I am going to go get some air! Maybe watch the North Gate kick some ass.

As it was, three of the Ability Users were dead. Apparently, Spot got one. Nice. He told me he got a Scan Ability that allowed for the chance to see the bars and names of certain people. Being able to see the HP bars will be good for the future. But this means Spot now has all three of his possible Skills…A Skill to see further, a Skill to see the enemy’s data, and a Skill to help lead others. Not bad, but there’s no attack Skill.

Hell, Brandon should have his three as well. He had the Tough Body Skill which passively raised his toughness. He probably, no, definitely gained another after defeating a different Ability User, since he had ranked up. And after becoming a BOSS, he should have gained another one. I wonder what it is.

Wait…I just realized something. Humans don’t become BOSSes. And I wouldn’t know, since I already had three Skills, but what if you didn’t gain an Ability for becoming a Noble, either?

This means…Humans had the ability to choose their Skills. All they had to do was complete certain Missions, kill specific Ability Users, or maybe even purchase them in the Shop!

“Congratulations, you are thinking for yourself. Yes, this is why Humans have a better chance. They have the ability to pick and choose their growth. They can predict what to do in order to become the strongest around. Even when they kill a person with multiple Skills, they can choose if they want any of those Skills. Alpha was the only Skill the wolf had and Spot really wanted it.”

“Damn. So that’s how it is…huh?”


I looked over at Reese who was pretty much kicking ass and taking names. But then I saw a shifty looking guy sneak over. Is that?

It is! A strange blue smoke billows out of his clothes and catches Reese off guard! No!

Without even realizing what I was doing, I charged forward. I didn’t even think of using Triggered and I wasn’t feeling Tragedy acting up so I was just at my normal speed. I could only watch as Reese stumbled onto the ground.

“Dodge to the left!”

Then he kind of fell towards his right side. Thankfully, he dodged fast enough to avoid that asshole’s first attack. Caught off guard, the asshole stumbled, giving Reese enough time to get back on his feet. I had made it out of the Gate, but I still wasn’t any closer! Brandon was surrounded by enemies, crushing them with his weapon, and David was on the clear other side luring people to get hit by the Revenants’ and Ghouls’ attacks.

I was the only one nearby! But I still wasn’t close enough!

Reese pulled out his gun and just before he could fire the trigger, a bright light flashed, seeming to separate Reese diagonally.

I don’t know what happened, but I saw a fire exploding outwards and when I saw the light fade, there was Reese with a crack in his skull and fire escaping into the air.


There’s Tragedy. I pull out my Burning Brand and load it chock full of magical energy. I fired the shot, but the same splitting light appeared and cut the magic in half! Out of energy, my Triggered activated and a new surge of power enveloped me, allowing me to rush directly into the bastard.

I must have caught him by surprise. One good clean hit to his stomach sent him flying a good distance away. Hell, I think I even saw blood spat from his mouth. Triggered ended, and I tried to regather more Mana. I was definitely tired after that. I knelt down before Reese and saw he was still conscious.

“Che, why are you here?”


“Dammit, you come to see me die again?! Damn bastard. You are no better than my father! Damn asshat *cough* never wasted a chance to rub my mistakes in my face!”

“No, that’s not it at all.”

“Then WHY?! I fought for you and now I’m dying for you! Just like my dad! He made me do all those unforgivable things and for what?! Just to kill him because things didn’t go his way?! And now I have to suffer for this!”

His fire was draining, disappearing from his body. I could tell even without looking at the monitor that his HP was almost gone. But I had no words. I…

This was my fault. I went out when I was upset and got Reese and his buddies mixed up in my antics and killed them. They now had no chance of ever living a semi normal life. Well, as normal as you can get in the apocalypse. But then to add insult to injury, I am now forcing his friends to fight in my battles!


Shit. I guess my Puppetmaster is wearing off, if he’s acting like this.

“I…I am sorry. If I could, I would change my actions.”

“Che, well, there’s something that makes you different. He never apologized…Look. I may be angry, but if you want to make it up to me, don’t ever let my friends die!”

“Why? Can’t you do that? Who says you have to die?”

The new speaker daintily landed on my shoulder.

“Eh?! Navi?! What do you mean?!”

“Duh, the Shop! Buy an HP Potion! Stupid.”

Reese and I just looked at each other in an awkward silence. I quietly bought the Potion for 50 GP and had him drink it. The fire stopped leaving his body, but the crack remained giving him an imposing scar running through his right eye socket. Damn, it looked cool.

And his hat wasn’t even messed with!

“Ahem. Thanks.”

“No problemo, mate.”

“I am not your mate…man.”

“Are you still mad?”

“Of course! Yeah, looking like Al Capone or the Don is cool and all, but I’m a freaking Skeleton! Looking at your hot sexy wife made me a little frustrated!”

Is…he…no. He’s definitely blushing. How in the…no, if I think on it for too long, I might get a headache. And did he just imply he liked Rebecca?!

“Uh…oh. Ummm you do k”

“Hehe, you do know that if you become a higher Level, you can regain your ability to procreate? Just like our little Lich here!”

I was just about to say that. Now it was Reese’s turn to look amazed.

“Oh. Um, I think I need to dwell on this.”

Then the Rapist came back, charging right at us. He was surrounded by the fog, but it only surrounded him, not changing its course. He was kind of limping, holding an arm to his chest. As long as he wasn’t close, we were safe. But Reese wasn’t having any of that.

“Fuck you! Go die! EXPLODE!”

And explode he did. I guess that’s Reese’s new Ability he gained from becoming a BOSS. I mean, after reaching a high Level, I gained a Job. This is what gave me my magic. Same with Reese’s Fire Magic. I guess the wolf, Scratch, and even Brandon will have something too.

I need to name that wolf. Maybe…Daver like in cadaver? The Calcium Canine? Huh…Maybe I will save it for later. (**In the comment section, GO!**)

After that, it seemed that someone was making their way to the dorm! Scratch and Rebecca were fighting! Shit!

“I got to go, keep up the good work, kid!”

“Shut it! I do what I want!”

Damn, I don’t like him not being under my Ability, now that I think about it.

Navi just shook her head. Is she mad at me?

Okay. Let me focus. It would be really tragic if after wasting all my time to save a mere ally that my love interest would die and I could do nothing about it.

Oh! It worked! Tragedy activated upon a theory! It’s weak, but it’ll do! Maybe it has to do with how much I believe in it?


“Argh, tell me!”


It didn’t take but a minute or two to return to the dorm and see Scratch fighting off several fighters at once with her fast attacks and new wind claws. That must be the Skill she took from the guy, I wonder what her Skill for becoming a BOSS is?

And there was Rebecca swaying her hips and trying to seduce the men in front of her. It wasn’t working. Probably because she wasn’t activating her Skill, or it could have something to do with the fact that she doesn’t seem to want to actually seduce the guys. Luckily I showed up!

Well, as soon as I appeared, Rebecca immediately turned towards me and gave a loving smile. One that enraptured me and the other guys who saw it. Luckily, I had some sort of resistance to it. But the other guys were all with little heart symbols in their eyes. Well, in front of their eyes. It looked like the magic rune that I shot out of my gun before.

I never noticed her outfit, but I guess she didn’t want me to see her in it. It was a skin suit that showed all her curves and was made out of a very shiny material. It wasn’t black, but a sort of faded orange color, almost yellow.

In her hand was a small dagger that definitely looked scary as shit. The handle had a skull on it that was covered in blood!

Not realizing my awareness of her equipment, she bounded over to me and gave me a hug. I wonder how she would act without the Puppetmaster. Geez, makes me sad just thinking about it.

But I heard some sounds of fighting that wasn’t coming from here. I looked over and saw a massive hole in the blockade.

“Rebecca, where is that coming from?”

“The basement! Some bigshot made it past!”


Thankfully, the Amigos were taking care of it. They ganged up on the guy and let Red Amigo take him down. Oops, another alert! Looks like Red Amigo became a BOSS! Or not? He seems to be classified as a Mid BOSS. How?

“It’s because he’s not named. He is an Amigo!”

“Quit it, Navi. What do you mean?”

“Because you never called him by his name, he was just a simple Haunter. Now he’s an Undead Hero!”



“Great, now he is a Ranger. He looks like a god damn Kamen Rider.”


Shit. Well, at least the fight is basically over.

Now time for the clean up! I’m kind of drained. Even though all I did was punch a guy!

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