《The Tragic Tale of a Zombie Survivalist》Expert Trouble Maker


I easily locate Reese at the Northern Gate. This gate was more used since it was closer to the major roadways that had supermarkets and restaurants. The scouts had procured quite a bit from the places nearby and we were always gaining new people who wanted to live an easy life.

This might be troublesome later on, but according to my Radar as of now, no one was planning on taking over the place. So far, only Chance, David, and Lucy had Skills amongst the living. This was the reason I sent Spot. He needed a Skill to help prove his worth to the populace and to help him become a valuable asset to the team.

Reese was standing watch himself at the sentry position on the gate. I called for him and his spot was taken by a Human with a rifle. Two Revenants guarded the gate and the Ice Specter was off to the side playing a card game with a human and the other Revenant.

How? Argh, this stuff is confusing me. I think I heard Navi chuckling from behind.

“Yes, your Lordship?”

“Why do you talk like that? Your image looks really like that of an old Prohibition mafia member.”

“I was raised by my family to meet with nobility from across the ocean. They would fund us in return for our product.”

“They bought really bad drugs from you?”

“Indeed. And since the clientele was notorious, we couldn’t afford to offend them.”

“I see. This is your polite speech. I thought you hated me since you ended up dying.”

Reese pondered a bit before reaching into a pocket on the inside of his blazer and pulled out a cigar. He used a little flame to light it and placed it between his jaws. It looked really weird, especially since he was actually inhaling the smoke.

Now I had a breathing problem when I was alive and disliked the smell of smoke. But the smell coming from this cigar was not only nice smelling, I wasn’t coughing. Then again, I had no need to breathe. Forgot about that.


You know, I never payed attention to that before. I usually forgot to breathe every now and then when I was alive because I would get too focused on things, but that was a long time ago. Now it seems to happen quite often.

I recognized it when someone would poke me to make sure I was moving. Forgot to breathe, but didn’t need to.

“You know what, let’s go to the party store.”


“Just come on.”

“But that’s outside of the range, isn’t it? What if something happens?”

“Since you’re with me, nothing should go wrong! And if people really want to mess with us, we can just make them into corpses. Oops, forgot to use my tickets.”

Reese looked at me oddly, but I ignored him. I noticed everyone from the community had accepted my invite so I sent some more requests to some simple looking people nearby. I only had room for two hundred people right now, and over sixty were already taken.

I used the tickets and a little capsule machine appeared before me. Instead of a place to put coins, it had a little slot. I slid the ticket inside and out popped a blue capsule. When I grabbed it, it glowed with a bright golden light.

In it was a magnificent pistol that had a strange marking on it.

“The Burning Brand…Hmmm it says here it turns magic energy into projectile spells that pack the same punch as a rifle, if not stronger. If that’s so, the recoil should be enough to break an arm if I’m not careful.”

I go to the firing range with Reese in tow. He stays quiet, but little puffs of smoke can be seen coming from his skull every now and then. I can just imagine him saying, ‘Nyah, see?’ in that cartoon like voice. He’s got the suit and the cigar, he just needs the hat and the gun.

I take the pistol and fire it at the target. Thankfully the firing range was set with the background being a sort of no man’s land. We made it that way so no one would get hurt by accident. But the wall would have to be fixed after this.


I shot the gun, but what came out was a floating circular pattern, a rune or something. It was black in color and reeked of death. Probably since my magic is Necromancy, it took on my magic property. The wooden target was instantly dried and turned gray wherever the bullet hit. The same thing happened to the wall behind it.

Even though he didn’t have eyes, I could tell Reese was surprised. Well, even if he didn’t have eyes, I still wouldn’t have seen his expression. I need to ask how to do that. I don’t want expressionless minions. I also don’t want to work so hard at wondering if they’re being sarcastic or not. Most of that stuff is based on gestures and facial expression.

Kind of hard when they have none of that. I pulled up the Summon Machine again, new name by the way, and inserted the armor ticket. I think it was obvious to say that the armor was the same rank as the gun, Ultra Rare. It had a dark oppressive feeling to it, and looked like something a grave robber would wear. Dirty, black, and ragged. But the power behind it was immense. It apparently increased the effect of Undead powers and Death Magic like my Necromancy.

I put on the outfit, aware that I looked shady as hell. It looked like something someone would wear around the time of the Salem Witch Hunts. It came with a black top hat and gloves along with the long black trench coat/petticoat looking thing. The pants were a little plainer but could still count as once having been formal attire.

I looked like I was getting ready to go kill some unfortunate whores in the dark streets of Old London.

In fact, the name was Ripper’s Rags. Totally wasn’t good for maintaining a heroic image. I looked even more like a bad guy!

Now I just need a cane that popped out as a sword. I would look like quite the dapper bloke, eh?


I have Reese follow me out of the little Area and use one of the nearby vehicles to get to the store. We don’t have to worry about gas since the Humans are too busy being lazy and let the zombies do everything. Is that my fault? Naw, can’t be.

As soon as I pass the Area border, I receive an alert. In fact, Reese also received an alert. He still had his monitor! Could he still receive rewards? Or is this because he leveled up? I wonder what would happen if he became…wait. I became a BOSS when I became Level 3…and Reese was already Level 3 when I turned him.

I could understand him losing the Bounty after dying, but he leveled up again when I became a Noble! Maybe because he possessed the requirements to become a BOSS as well, he could receive another reward?! I had Reese grab the monitor and sure enough, he conked out.

I checked the alert and was surprised to see my position now glowing on the Radar. My guess is on other people’s monitors, they would see an indication of which direction I am. Better hurry this up quick.

I stop at the party store and find the 20’s theme area. Sure enough, I spotted the costume. I grabbed the hat and booked it out of there. In the car, I place the hat on Reese’s head and take a picture using my actual phone. I don’t normally use it, but this seemed pretty important. It was like looking at the skeleton of Al Capone or something.

This time, I was headed for a gun shop. I knew they would probably be all gone, but I had to check. Eventually, I couldn’t hold out for much longer and headed back home.

I was welcomed with a group of people and an alert saying,

“Ahh, too bad. It looks like the big guy made it back to his base! Try harder next time!”

And then Reese woke up.

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