《The Feline Faction》Vol III: Prologue: Will you love me?


before we get to the chapter, watch this video. it's hilarious, and i'm not trolling you. also, rape jokes aren't funny.


just kidding. rape jokes are funny as balls. anyway, now that i've gotten that out of my system, we can get back to the matter at hand. first off, i'm ashamed. for the last month or so, i've been typing with my hands. now, i will type with my anus.

prepare your butts, and pray to the ass god. i'm back, baby!


Kat's POV

i walked down a stone corridor, decorations mounted on the wall. swords, axes, shields and spears. it seemed out of place in a wizard academy, but the more i learned of this room of artifacts, the less i wanted to go there. cat bastard had opted to accompany me, and was sitting on my shoulder.

who was that man?

during my fight with perry, a stranger had pulled me out of perry's spell, but i had no idea who it was. i could only remember small details, and the vague outline. cat ears, tail, and a pelt wrapped around his waist. just for a second, i thought maybe it was cat bastard, but there is no, way that piece of trash could be that attractive. i mean manly. i mean, so dashing.



the headmaster walked beside me, every now and then teetering as if he were going to fall at any moment. when we came to a forbidding door, made of black wood and decorated with runes of sealing, the headmaster turned to me and issued some final warnings.

"he, he, just make sure you come back alive! any one of those items in that room could kill you, the only difference between them is if it would be on purpose or not!"

maybe being beaten by perry was a blessing in disguise...

i had asked a few of the spectators if they had seen the man, but apparently the huge dome of ice had blocked their view of the whole fight, though a huge chasm had been opened in the arena, and everywhere the ground had been either scorched or frozen. walking down the hallways, i had noticed people giving me looks. both of fear, and awe.

still, i guess i could live with it. assuming they don't ever find out my big secret.

the headmaster was coming to a close, after telling me about several specific items that i should avoid at all costs, as they killed indiscriminately.

"and finally, i want to remind you. one item per person."

i wondered why he said that. i mean, it's not like cat bastards going to take an item, right?


here is this chapters soundtrack. enjoy.



Shadowpelt's POV

i listened closely to Joyin's instructions, keeping all of the mentioned artifacts stored in my head. when he had finished talking, he undid the sealing runes and opened the door.

"now, you will have three hours. the door will be opened for five minutes, and after that, well."

he got a crazy glint in his eye.

"well, you're screwed."

blunt. i like him.

kat nodded, and walked into the room of artifacts. when i heard the door close behind us, i quickly leapt off of kat's shoulder, and made my way around the shelves. when she made a small ball of mana, she found that i was missing.


to describe the room of artifacts simply, i have one word.


the shelves reached from floor to ceiling, and were laid out with no apparent preplanning, making traversing them confusing and time-consuming.


half way through looking, i transformed into human form. because of the restraints that beast form laid on me when i took a previous form, my mana was also cut into tiny pieces. that was why i had to change to human form in order to beat perry. now that i was in the room of artifacts, i wanted to be ready for anything, particularly if that anything wanted to kill me. then i saw something.

i was by the wall, with three shelves enclosing me, in the shape of a U, when something caught my eye. i walked closer to investigate, but found nothing.

i started poking around in the shelfs, finding all sorts of strange and useful items. a clock that seemed to go backwards, a candle that changed the color of it's flame, never seeming to go out, nor get any shorter. a spear lay against the wall, but when i touched it it change into a bracelet. i looked around, searching for something that would aid me when-

there it was again. i went back to the wall, which was bare. i looked in the corner, searching for what i knew was there. i ran my hand along the wall, not seeming to come into contact with what was there.

maybe i was imagining things?

maybe you've cracked for good this time? hmm?

shut up.

he he, for now. just let us know when blood is being shed...

i turned back to looking through the shelves, no longer paying attention to what i found, but looking out the corner of my eye.

... a knife that glowed green ... two rings that seemed to draw the eye ... a shovel that seemed to move ...

there! i whipped my head around, searching once more. but the wall was bare. i turned around, then carefully ... carefully ...


i kept my focus firmly on the object that could only be seen out the corner of my eye. i was so focused that i didn't realize where i stood until i was a foot away. i turned my full gaze upon the object, seeing it clearly for the first time.

a sword. the blade was one edged, and curved slightly. along the edge, a blue glow exuded, making me think i shouldn't touch it. i didn't notice when, but my hand was grasping the hilt.

the entire sword was black, but extending from the blade was the hilt. it took the shape of black vines, twisting upon itself, and growing out of the blade. two extensions of black vine made up the hand-guard, perpendicular to the blade, and seeming to zigzag away from the main part of the sword. at the butt of the hilt, was a jewel.

black as a cave, the dark gem seemed to swirl with darkness. i found myself reaching ... reaching ... until i thought i could almost touch the endless darkness. my finger inched closer and closer, and i came into contact-

my finger went through it. as i watched, fascinated, my finger, then my hand, were completely engulfed my this jewel. my arm kept getting absorbed, then my head. and i was in.

in were?

all i could think, was that it was dark. and i was falling.


i don't know for how long i fell, but days seem too insignificant a time span to describe how long i was hurtling though the unseeable air. i had tried holding my hand up to my face, but i could make out nothing. even my excellent night vision had limits, and total darkness was one of them.

during my fall, i had time to contemplate many things. my insanity, Jordan, and most of all, my friends.


oh, how lost i would be without you, my companions.

i was scared, truly afraid, by how true this thought was. they meant so much to me ... and i had let them go. it didn't matter if they were all delusions created by a dead soul stuck in purgatory, or a last ditch effort by a dying mind to bring some kind of semblance of life in it's final moments. they kept me sane, in a vision of insanity.

during my fall, i contemplated lots of things. silica, my master, the old hermit on the mountain, and the agency. i asked myself the tough questions.

during my twenty-two years of loyal, dedicated work, how much did i accomplish? did i help that orphan on the street to sleep? did i make the prostitute able to work without the fear they would be killed in a mass shooting? was i even on the right side?

as i fell, i started to doubt even my insanity.

am i really insane? do i really do things without my own consent?

and then, the scariest question.

what if i'm just a murderer? what if there was never, a purpose. what if all i did in my meaningless life, was purposelessly take other's lives? could i hide behind insanity then?

i'm alone. with the voices in my head. and they whisper truth and lies, only agreeing on one thing.

you are a killer. nothing more.

yes. nothing more.

i felt pathetic. but, perhaps, that is the correct feeling. i am, after all, a pretty pathetic excuse for a human being.

impact. i barely felt it, but i could tell it was there. i flailed my arms, trying to see what kind of situation i was in.

from what i could tell, i was in some sort of liquid. i could only see blackness, but when i moved my arms i felt slight resistance. i tried treading water, and found that i was gaining hight. my lungs were starting to burn from the effort of holding my breath, so i inhaled. just a little, but what i found surprised me.

i could breathe. i started taking deep, full breaths, and had no problem what-so-ever in doing so. when i surfaced, or what i think was a surface, i kept treading, moving in no particular direction, just looking for a hard surface to stand on.

"hahahahahaha! this one cannot even stand!"

i looked around the blackness. it was different from a second ago. the sky, or what i assumed took the place of a sky in this place, was a slightly lighter shade of black. the other thing stood in front of me.

it was me. or at least, a reflection of me.

the copy stood on the ground, and laughed at me. i looked closely, but found no visible errors with the copy. when i continued treading, and said nothing, the doppelgänger seemed to grow impatient.

"get up already! i can't mock you properly if your just sitting there!"

i paused, and tried something. i stopped treading.

to my surprise, i didn't sink. i tried raising my hands above the surface, and tried to push myself off of the ground, and found that what had been liquid a second ago was now firm ground. it messed with my depth perception, the ground being a uniform black, and i had a hard time judging the distance between me and the reflection.

"so, looks like another poor fool has won the tournament. it's been, what, a hundred years since the last unlucky winner wondered into my domain?"

"i'm not one you should be asking. i believe i have been alive in this world for about, oh, a little over a month?"

"hmmm, interesting. you said 'this world', does that mean you have graced other planets?"

i nodded.

"bwahahahaha! as if that will make a difference! now, since you are so interesting, i think i'll tell you what i'm going to do to you. just to see your terrified expression when you realize what i'm going to do."

i simply looked at it. "oh? telling someone what you're going to do? that seems like a recipe for disaster."

"shut up! it's only a bad idea when the person you tell can do something about it."

i raised an eyebrow. "and how do you know i can't do anything?"

it looked at me, all traces of mockery gone.

"because, i have slain men and women who were a thousand times the wizard you are."

i nodded. it was a pretty good comeback. "so, what are you going to do to me?"

the smile was lustful. "first, i'll beat your mind into submission, then once i've eradicated all traces of your consciousness, i'll take possession of your body, and wreck havoc on my creators!"

i stayed silent, and replied when he was done. "your creators are probably dead."

it just smiled harder. "then i'll wreck havoc on my creators children, and their childrens children, until i have sated my bloodlust!"

i thought for a little bit. "have you ever possessed anyone else before?"

it seemed to lose it's drive for a second.

"yes. there was one. it was the first merchant my creator sold me to, when he thought i was an abomination.

it laughed. "doesn't that strike you as stupid? he himself made me to be beautiful, and when i turned out like i did, he threw me away! like garbage!"

i remained silent. it seemed that this blade had had a hard life.

the blade smiled again. "but i showed him. i showed him how ugly i was, how much of an abomination i could be! i entered that merchants dreams, and i crushed his weak will. then, i took his body, and made it pick me up.

it's face, which was exactly the same as mine, changed to one of ecstasy. "oh, how wonderful it was to be swung! even if i was doing it myself, swishing through the air, cutting heads and limbs from their bodies...."

"it sounds wonderful."

the copy's face distorted, snarling and becoming a grimace. "but then, the hero's came. three of them, dressed in shining armor. they broke my stolen body, and tried to destroy me.

i listened closely. "they tried everything. from the most skilled dwarf smith, to the best elven arcanists. even a dragon! but nothing could undo the enchantment that bound me to this pitiful sword. so, the hero's sealed me. placed spells of binding to hinder my will, runes to dull my edge, and stuck me in this godforsaken room, to rot."

"if this sword is pitiful, what were you before?" i don't know why i was so interested. perhaps, it was because i felt something. i'm not sure what, but it was a strong feeling.

the copy looked at the sky. i followed it's gaze, but saw nothing.

"i was a demon. one of the most powerful. that's why my creator chose to bind me to this sword. now, i can barely remember being able to move on my own...."

"did you take vengeance on your creator?"

the copy simply shook it's head. looking sad. finally, it seemed to snap back to reality. it snarled, then a blade appeared in it's hands. it was identical to the sword on the outside.

i looked at my doppelgänger, and simply stared. "so, you said you only possessed that one merchant. why haven't you done the same thing, long ago?"

it snarled again. it seemed to like doing that. "because, mortal, the others before you were weak. their bodies burned up, just from my touch. even in my sealed state, my power is still too much for mere mortals. however, you are something more. i think, just maybe, your body could take the heat."

i nodded my understanding. the copy hesitated, looking torn, the sword held in it's hands. finally, it seemed to come to a decision.

"because you were so considerate, and let me spew my troubles, i will grant you a fighting chance. you will still die quickly, but at least it will be honorable."

the copy seemed to get uncomfortable. "you are a good person, for a mortal."

i smiled. "thank you."

"so, what weapon do you wish to hold as your consciousness is beaten into submission?"

i thought, and told my copy what i wanted. "could i get a sword like you? i think i would like wielding something like you."

it's face was unreadable, but it waved it's hand, and a sword identical to the one in it's own hand appeared in front of me. i reached forward, and grabbed the hilt. it was exactly the same as the one on the outside, except for one thing. there was no jewel on this swords hilt.

i pulled, and the sword came up. i admired it, looking at it from all angles.

it seemed embarrassed by my inspecting. "are you done? can we get to the fight?"

i nodded.

it howled as it came at me, sword drawn back over it's head. i calmly held up the sword, and took his blow on my hand-guard. we stood locked at the hilts, both unable to move without receiving a cut. i leaned forward, under our connected blades.

"how do i use you?"

it looked confused. then, i kicked it.

my copy flew back several feet, skidding along the black surface of the ground. their were no hills, no holes, it was just one level surface.

my copy snarled again. "what kind of question is that? if you don't know how to use a sword like me, why did you ask for a sword that looked like me?"

"because, i thought you were beautiful."

my doppelgänger paused. then it growled. "you think flattery will save you? think again!"

it came in with a swing, and i blocked once again, locking our hilts together.

"it wasn't flattery. and i still haven't heard the answer. how do i use you?"

the copy howled, and shoved me back, sending me flying. when i had stopped, i looked up at myself.

"i have learned how to use every kind of sword known to man. tell me how to use you."

my copy kept howling, like a wild beast.

"shut up! shut up shut up shut up!"

i came at myself with a flurry of blows, forcing me to block. i kept blocking, striking where i could. soon, the first cut was received by one of me.



the clashes continued. slash after slash, cutting into one of the demi-humans. they both drew back. one, with cuts decorating his entire body, and panting like a horse. the other simply standing still. once again, one of the agrias asked that question.

"how do i wield you? like a broadsword, with heavy slashes and devistating blows? like a katana, with graceful circles and lines? like a kilij, as your shaped? how. do. i. use you!"

"i don't know! i'm a sword, and before i was a sword i was a demon! i don't know how to swing myself, i just know it's fun! so stop asking me!"

the two men stood, one covered in cuts and bleeding profusely, the other without even a scratch.

slowly, they walked back towards each other. and began their dance of death anew.

a cut from the side. a slash from above. a leap to the side, a sliding of a blade into flesh.

one was winning. one was losing. but, was it the reflection that bled, or the original?

their blades locked for the last time. i was bleeding from every pore, and knew that if this didn't end soon, i would die of blood-loss, or exhaustion. my copy was too good. i gave a final kick, sending myself skidding across the ground, but falling to my knees from the effort. i reversed my sword, and planted it into the ground, trying desperately to keep myself from falling over. i panted, knowing i had one last chance. but, i was distracted.

i looked at myself, snarling, and licking the blood from it's sword. i was reminded of something ...

a rabid beast. a captain in chain and plate, holding a shining sword. the rabid beast cared nothing for it's life, and wished only to inflict pain, and misery. it was alone. it was abandoned.

it was me. i looked at my reflection, in more ways than just visibly, and pitied it. i made one last effort, and stood up.

the beast looked at me, rage and pain the only thing in it's eyes. it ran at me, preparing to thrust it's sword deep into my chest, and finish me off. as it approached, my copy expected me to try to defend, or to hopelessly lash out.

i did neither. i watched that blade come closer and closer to my chest, and waited.

with a sound like a hole being punched through paper, the sword went in.

everything fell still, in this world of silence and darkness. i moved my arms, dropping my sword.

my copy took one hand off it's sword, ready to stop my hand from grabbing it's sword and keeping it in my body, which would allow me to attack it.

instead, i circled my arms around myself, and laid my head on my own shoulder. at first, i felt only the stiff neck muscles of a beast straining to pull away, but soon it relaxed.

"i'm so sorry. you poor, poor thing. you were abandoned, and left all alone. i'm truly sorry."

and i told my copy everything. how i was a failure, how i had gotten silica killed, how i killed my master, and he let me. how i became nothing more than a beast of death, just something that killed.

i embraced my copy, and cried into my own shoulder. i was comforted, just as much as i gave comfort. and we stood, completely still, for what seemed like days. one of us, with his arms around the other. one of us, holding a sword driven full length into my body. soon, however, we both cried. my reflection told me how he was made into an object, and forgotten. we stood that way, alone with ourselves. and the funny thing? i really was alone with my copy.

the voices had become silent.

my copy backed off, leaving it's sword impaled in my torso, and looked me in the eyes.

i looked back, and said what i wanted to from the moment i saw it.

"you know, i myself think you're beautiful. from the moment i saw you, i couldn't stop looking. thats why i asked for a sword like you."

the copy kept it's gaze firmly on me, and let out a shuddering breathe. then, it got very close and grabbed me by the collar, and pulled my head toward it's face, till only inches were between us.

"if i become your sword,"

i waited. looking deep into those sad eyes.

"will you love me?"

i looked into eyes that were just like mine, but still different. in my copy's eyes, there was only loneliness. it was all alone, for thousands of years. reduced to an object by someone who didn't even know it. told it was an abomination, and thrown away.


we looked into each others eyes. one, a man who killed because he knew nothing else. the other, a demon that no one wanted. wrong.

i want it.

my reflection looked long into my eyes.

finally, it blushed. it blushed.


my copy turned around, not looking at me, and keeping it's hands clasped in front of itself.

"well, now that that's agreed, you better get back up to the real world."

i nodded. "how do i do that?"

it turned back to me, and i froze. in fear.

it was smiling, oh god, why was it smiling?

"like this."

it ripped the sword out of my chest, causing me to yell in pain, only to be cut off as my copy crouched, then leapt up, slamming it's fist into my chin, launching me into the air.


before i could finish my cuss, i found myself in my previous position, with the sword held up in front of me, and my fingertip held against the jewel. i looked down at it, then gave a heave. i felt all over my body, and found it completely unwounded.

whew, that was a chore.

oh really?


be quiet. it echoes in here.

where did you come from?! and how did you hear my thoughts?

we need some way to communicate, dummy. so just shut up, and get me out of here.

i nodded. i was a little weirded out, but i could get used to it. before i left, i had an idea.

hey, can you change size?

why do you ask?

for some reason, it sounded offended.

because, i'm in disguise. currently, i'm a cat, and i don't want my 'owner' to know i'm actually intelligent. she's seen me in human form, and will probably recognize me. especially if i walk out with a sword.

oh, so that's how it is.

it sounded smug. why is that?

what do you mean, 'so that's how it is'?

oh, nothing, i just never took you for a pervert.

i was confused.

what makes you think that?

oh come on. your a cat, with a female owner. i bet you watch her dress, and undress.

no. i have magic to practice. i only stay with her during the school day.

school day! so your a pedo, too?

no thats not-

my my, such an interesting master i have!

i'm telling you that-

it cut me off again.

anyway, i can change shape. just don't be surprised, okay?

the sword melted into shadow, and flowed into my body. i flexed my fingers, but felt nothing.

wow. that's cool.

i know, right? it sounded smug again.

i reached up to my right ear, and felt a silver ring in my ear.

if you can melt, why do i have an earing?

because, silly, you can summon me quickly with it. just flick the earing, and BOOM. instant sword.

okay. i'm still confused though. how did you melt?

it's simple. i just stored my power in you, my master. it's a bit difficult, as i have so much. your lucky i'm sealed right now. if i had all my power, you would explode just from me being near you.

good thing you're sealed then, huh?

anyway, i'll be focusing on making permanent lodging in you, so just run along and be a perv to your school girl.

i'm not- oh forget it. will you setting up lodging in me do anything to my body?

no. not really. maybe. a little bit? i'm sure you didn't need that part of your brain. and that organ didn't really look important...


kidding, kidding.


about the organ. it did look important.



i made my way to the door, a new earing hanging from my ear. i had changed to cat form, now i only hoped that it hadn't been more than three hours...

when i got there, the door swung open. kat was there, and took a second to look at me, and just shake her head.

"honestly... why couldn't you have just taken six more minutes..."

i hopped up on her shoulder, and we left. once she was asleep, i would leave this academy. i had learned all that i could, and now that i had a weapon, i can move on with my plans. next stop: the capital.

by the way, i never asked your name.

i felt surprise from my sword. it paused, then finally spoke up. or thought up?

the man who forged me dubbed me Black Moon, right before he clearly saw me, and thought i was an abomination.

it sounded sad.

i think Black Moon is fitting. the moon is beautiful and radiant, like you. and your dark sheen makes the glow around your edge even more striking.

y-you really think so?

i nodded solemnly.

well, actually, i have a name... it's Azariah.

i like that one even more.

i got the feeling it was smiling.

shut up, stupid.

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