《The Feline Faction》Questions Answered


AN:so, this little, something, is my reply to a private message from the awesome person who told me how to change my avatar, littel. it answers his question on the back ground for talkir and egain, and why they evolved the way they did. and, because i'm a lazy asshole, instead of integrating the details into the story to help the imursion, i'm just going to post the answers in a thread that no one will read. (take that, suckahs!) this thread fully explains the characters thoughts, and emotions, during their transformation. so, here it is. (i'm lame, i get it.)

heres the soundtrack, my prettys. :3



i'm a horrible person. but if you havn't picked up on that yet, your stupid. (no offense. oh, who am i kidding? ALL THE OFFENSE!

the answer to the question, what is the back ground behind talkir and egain becoming human? and why are you such a douche? (littel didn't ask that question, it's just kinda inferred that the rest of you want to know.)

Lets see if I can explain. (this will go horribly wrong, just you wait.)

so, i don't know if you know, but i changed the fiction description a few days back, and i think it reflects my thoughts quite clearly.

lets, see,

in Talkir's case, he was abused from birth, with rarely any acceptance from friends, family and loved ones. when Shadowpelt showed signs of giving a damn about him, he over reacted, and became a fanatic. when he calmed down, he finally realized that simply worshipping the person you admire is useless, since you cannot further that persons goal. so, with the mindset of one who wishes to be usefull, he set off on a long journey, with the hopes of becoming powerful.


while he was being chased, and his life was in constant danger for hours, if not days, his mind reviewed all the things that led up to him being chased.

then, in the case of escape being impossible, and all hope of becoming useful to the one he worships, his mind relapsed into a fanatic mindset, allowing him to brazenly risk his life, for no other reason than he felt it would make Shadowpelt proud.

while doing so, he consantly thought of shadowpelt, and in particular, his image.

when Talkir thinks of shadowpelt, he see's the look on shadowpelts face as he was leaving.

what talkir see's is the epitome of strength, and that strength takes the form of a human. so, when his crazed, blood soaked mind is offered a choice of evolution, he takes the one most like the one he adores. (though, it did take more than one evolution. i'm not going to be exact, but talkir evolved more than once during the moshpit in the mountains.)

well, that takes care of talkir's back ground. you can understand why i say i ramble, can't you? now for Egain.

btw, it isn't really a human form, or even demi-human. when egain evolves, he is a normal wolf taking on the most powerful form a wolf can take. when he is offered the choice of 'Pure, Noble, Alpha Werewolf, Strength Variant' it is the only choice he has. there are a few reasons for this, but lets not get into them.

first, i want to tell you what those titles in front of Werewolf mean.

Pure: this means he isn't harmed by silver any more than another metal, as silver cures impurities, were as Egain has become a Pure werewolf.

Noble:what this means, is that it is harder for him to take human shape, than to leave being a wolf. as you know, the full month cycle we have on earth is condensed into a week on this particular world, so werewolfs are more of a threat, as they transform weakly, instead of monthly. the thing is, for egain it's a little different. the moon does make him stronger, but it doesn't force him into wolf state. because, he is a wolf. he can just take human form sometimes. the details of his ability will be explained in future chapters. probably. just know, egains base form in not that of a human, nor a demi-human. he is, and always will be, a wolf.


Alpha:I'm not gonna tell you what that means! that would spoil it! so your just going to have to wait. (hehehe, they'll never see it coming)

now, onto the reason for his tranfomation into a werewolf, and not into just a bigger wolf.

while writing the last chapter, i was in a thoughtful mood. and, i allowed Egain, in his own mind, to ponder humanity, and pride, as well as his relation to shadowpelt.

he saw shadowpelt, not as a role model, or as someone to be worshipped, but simply as someone who was wise, and able to take care of his pack, in situations where he himself cannot.

during his cleansing of Road's End, he asks a simple question of everyone he comes accross.

"will you bow to the king?"

in a way, this reflects his own thoughts. he is asking himself the same question, over and over, and wondering if bowing his head to another damages his pride.

he carefully observes the reactions of different people to his question, and ponders the results of such a decision. finally, he meets resistance, people who will not bow, even though they clearly want to. he leaves the encounter thoughtful, and tired, and when he comes back, he meditates, and clears his mind until nothing intrudes into it. when he has achieved, as buddists would say, inner peace, a voice calls out to him. in reality, becoming a werewolf wasn't the only option. but the option to become a werewolf was the only choice he heard, as his mind filtered out the evolutions that would hinder his ability to think clearly, in his meditative state.

finally, the pain.

no other evolution in the series has this 'pain' happen during it. the reason, is because it's hypocritical.

becoming a werewolf, taking on human aspects, no matter how small, is against his beliefs. in the beggining of the chapter, he belittles humans, he scoffs at their weakness, and their inability to make intelligent decisions. so, becoming a werewolf, and taking on that weakness, that stupidness, is going against his own instincts.

and so, egain is both the most, and the least, human of shadowpelts followers.

also btw, shielings evolution isn't going to be really... human.

you'll see. or you'll read. screw this! i'm getting tongue tied. or finger tied.

you get what i mean! i'm going to sleep before i write something weird...

a;lgakdshg;lwqkntg;lsd hg;ankjfc;axlkdhmfoshidng;hkldsnhfafnlhapwlhngdhl;

i have an appreciation speech ready for when i'm elected.

why haven't i used it yet?

and in regards as to why i'm such a douche, you should ask your mother, when you get older. also, tell her i had fun last night. ^^


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