《Survival》The Island


Howler awoke hours later. He was all alone now, no friends, no family and most of all no parents. It took him the whole day to get deep into the forest where he lay down and fell into a deep yet uncomfortable sleep.

The next day Howler awoke and got moving, he had been washed up on a beach with no idea where he was. After a while Howler got the feeling someone was following him but when he looked around but saw none.

Just after Howler had calmed down a blue thing landed on his nose,


“That is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard” it replied,

“What are you?”

“Oh, me? I’m a frog.”

“Ok, can you get off my nose please?”

“Yes of course” the frog hopped of Howlers nose and landed on the ground in front of Howler,

“Thanks, what were you doing?”

“I was going to hitch a ride”

“Ok, why?”

“Because, I have to save my energy for the frog Olympics.”

“The frog what?”

“Olympics. Froggy I’m 1st place in everything.”

“Froggy, that’s your name?”

“Yep” There was a pause.

“Ok, then hop on,” The frog hopped on to Howlers back and they started to move.

“That has got to be the most obvious name ever” Howler laughed after a little time,

“And what is your name?”


“And my name was obvious! By the way I am the greatest hopper in the frog kingdom no, one can beat me.”

“If you don’t stop showing off you can walk,” Howler remarked,

“Okay, okay,” Froggy replied,

Soon Howler dropped Froggy off by a lake.

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