《Crystal Guardian》Chapter 12: A constant called Change
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Crystal Guardian
Arc 2: Restoration of Hope
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Chapter 12: A constant called Change
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A week after the events that led to the death of Guardian Commander Kolen the mourning process was concluded, so the Council of Elders and the Guardian Council convened at the Council Chambers to plot the way forward. There were great questions that needed to be addressed, further more the positions of the fallen Guardians needed to be filled, and a strategic review of Crystalan fighting techniques was also necessary.
As the Crystalan leadership convened Nalen was also summoned to the Council Chambers to be part of the meeting.
Gaurdius : " Welcome! All of you! We've called this meeting to try and forge a new reality after the events of past days, to find more Nuanced Ideas on how we must confront the path ahead! Also we wish to hear the Crystalorb leadership on who should replace the fallen Guardians."
Isis : " We went through a dark moment this past week, and I for one am relieved that we have made it through intact!"
Onala : " Indeed we are fortunate to have so many of our people return home alive!"
Cyris : " I find myself delighted to have my former student back amongst us!"
Lumen : " It's good to have you back Nalen!"
Nalen : " It feels good to be back my Lord!"
Gaurdius : " At this point we would like to thank Esara for her long, distinguished and unrelenting service!" he looks at Esara "Crystalorb was blessed to have you serve as the Expeditionary Guardian!"
Isis : " We would have been lost without you Esara!"
Esara : " It has been an Honour Lady Isis!"
Cyris : " It's strange you know! Your particular bloodline produces some of the most powerful warriors we've ever seen, yet every single one of these great warriors eventually rejects violence in favour of a simpler existence."
Jalen : " I've also found it strange, but we hope that should Crystalorb need you, you will once again answer the call for justice.”
Lumen : " Speaking of the call to arms, who have you nominated to replace you?"
Esara : " In the Expeditionary Division there are two Vangleads with extraordinary talent; warriors I have been proud to serve alongside. They are Peo and Nasan! They've proved themselves worthy of the responsibility of Guardian Armour. I'm sure all of you have witnessed their capabilities as they succeeded where even Guardians had failed, and by overcoming the power of a Grandlord they proved that they have the necessary discipline and control required."
Gaurdius: " But there is only one Guardian position at the Expeditionary Division? Unless you want us to transfer one of them to a sector?"
Esara : " They work better together, which is why I recommend that the Council make Peo the Expeditionary Guardian and Nasan the deputy Expeditionary Guardian, but both of them in Guardian Armour. Create Expeditionary Recognisance headed up by the deputy Expeditionary Guardian. With the Expeditionary Recognisance incorporating units from or working alongside units from the Mobile Assets Defence. The main flaw in the fighting techniques of the sector units was exposed last week, the necessary skills for that kind of fighting are at the heart of what we do at the Expeditionary Division, I'm merely asking that we expand those skills to include covert surveillance and interdiction."
Isis : "You want a permanent offensive capable force, ready to act on a moments notice?"
Onala : " Perhaps if we had such a force our losses would have been minimized"
Cyris : " I agree; we should do as you ask!"
Jalen : " We will agree to this as the final request of the Expeditionary Guardian."
Lumen : " Peo and Nasan will be informed of their promotion to Guardian."
Hamun : " I would like to propose that Anun be officially promoted to Guardian Commander."
Lumen : " Can the Guardian Council agree on this?"
Lenong : " The Guardians have discussed this and are in agreement, and we also recommend Lesego for the position of Deputy Guardian Commander."
Kanang : " We also recommend Lebago, Thuso, Tsea, Lebogang, Tumi and Grace for the vacant Sector Guardian positions"
Segao : " As the Guardian Council we have agreed that there can no longer be a multiplication of duties, and to that end the Deputy Guardian Commander can no longer serve as a sector Guardian.”
Gaurdius : " Are you sure that all these people are ready for Guardian Armour?"
Lesego : " Even if they are not ready we will give them the Rank and Authority of a Guardian (a sort of Crystalan General/Admiral)"
Anun : " This is how we want things to look"
Anun activates a holographic Image showing the following details
Anun - 『Guardian Commander』
Lesego - 『Deputy Guardian Commander』
Ocyris - 『Research Guardian』
Peo - 『Expeditionary Guardian』
Nasan - 『Deputy Expeditionary Guardian』
Loj - 『Mobile Assets Defence Guardian』
Tumi - 『Deputy Mobile Assets Defence Guardian』
Inala - 『Sector 1』
Aman - 『Sector 2』
Lebago - 『Sector 3』
Thuso - 『Sector 4』
Tsea - 『Sector 5』
Lebogang - 『Sector 6』
Grace - 『Sector 7』
Kanang - 『Sector 8』
Segao - 『Sector 9』
Pule - 『Sector 10』
Lenong - 『Sector 11』
Isalo - 『Sector 12』
Gaurdius : " Then let it be known that the Council of Elders has approved the above listed for promotion to the rank of Guardian"
Lerata : " What I fail to understand is why the two Red Guardians have decided to abandon Crystalorb at this our hour of greatest need?"
Nalen : " For the record, I'm not a Guardian; I hold the rank of Vanglead! I'm a lieutenant not a Captain! Certainly not a General or Admiral! At best I'm a Colonel!"
Lerata : " Yes, by choice if anything else isn't it? You don't want to be a Guardian; do you Nalen? But still the four bars on your shoulder indicate that you are wearing Guardian Armour!"
Tshego : " And remember that you were chosen by the Spirit Stone to wear Guardian Armour! Is it that you don't want to answer for your actions? You act without authorization; you answer to no one but yourself?"
Nalen : " Indeed; We all ultimately have to answer to ourselves; our conscience."
Tshego : " And you find nothing wrong with that?"
Lerata : " For someone as powerful as you to have no external accountability?"
Nalen : " All I'm saying is that the decision to fight must be mine, not an order from an external force! I am held accountable by those I hold in high regard! As a husband and father I'm compelled to seek the understanding of my wife and children, and that extends to my friends!"
Esara : " Nalen makes a compelling argument to me, at the heart of his complaint is the decision by the Council of Elders not to intervene in the world, and not to manage the outcomes of the introduction of Mutagenic recombinant RNA into human society."
Jalen : " So your view on this is that the Council of Elders is wrong on the matter?"
Esara : " Yes I believe that the Council of Elders has taken the wrong position, I think you have chosen to bury your heads in the sand, giving the HOD the upper hand, allowing them to recruit from the new Hybrids a new massive army. This is the reason I've chosen to resign my position, I believe that we must be a counter force to the HOD, we must show the world that they have nothing to fear from enhanced humans."
Aman : " Esara is correct, unless we show the hybrids that there is another way they may be tempted to find security with the HOD."
Tshego : " The Council has made its decision on this"
Nalen : " After 4 years things haven't changed!"
Onala : " What do you mean?"
Nalen : " How did I become the Harbinger of death? After the events of last week I find myself conflicted by the continuing war with the HOD. After the HOD introduced the Mutagenic recombinant RNA into human society the need for secrecy evaporated. I'm reasonably sure that the world knows about us, did you think that you could confront the HOD openly without the more technologically advanced nations being aware of us and the HOD? The cat is out of the bag!"
Gaurdius : " I can see that you are also unhappy with us, but then again you've always thought that our position on the HOD was wrong. You want to have more contact with the world, mainly the South African government!"
Tshego : " You want an alliance with the South African Republic?"
Nalen : " Why not? They are the only government that is of any consequence to us! They are the only government that can offer us true security, and there is no reason why we should not do this now, the HOD has given us the perfect opportunity for closer relations with the South African government by introducing the Mutagenic recombinant RNA into human biology."
Esara : " I agree! Standing on the sidelines is not a logical course of action! That is tantamount to surrendering to the HOD! We would be surrendering the world to the HOD! We can offer the world better than the HOD's dark design; we can do better, we must do better!"
Isis : " Esara and Nalen are correct, we cannot afford to stand on the sidelines; we have to find another way!"
Jalen : " We've been through this; the risk is just too great!"
Esara : " Risk? I’m sorry; did none of you see the Hodians Transform?"
Gaurdius : " A surprising development!"
Esara : " They’ve surpassed us physically! And once they build Hodian Armour it will be all over!"
Gaurdius : " It is a terrifying prospect, but as Elders our actions must be carefully considered!"
Esara : " What if there was a way to minimize the risk?"
Tshego : " In what way?"
Esara : " I want to put together a team?"
Inala : " What kind of team?"
Loj : " I know where you are going with this! You want a team to go into the world and form some kind of barrier between normal humans and hybrids. You want to rescue all the hybrids that want the assistance and protect humanity from those hybrids that decide to use their power for evil."
Lumen : " A noble gesture!"
Tshego : " But ultimately futile!"
Jalen : " In any case we can't order Crystalans into such open involvement, which will lead to their deaths"
Esara : " Which is why I would ask that membership to the team be voluntary. I ask that we let Crystalans make their own choice on this matter, all of us must have a way to express ourselves on this matter."
Lerata : " Why does that seem like you want to undermine the decision of this Council?"
Lumen : " I don't think that's the intent, but an attempt to find expression for something they hold dear."
Tshego : " And we are expected to lend financial and material support to this?"
Jalen : " That doesn't sound like something in line with the Council's decision!"
Gaurdius : " Crystalorb can't afford such a distraction!"
Isis : " The Council's decision was not to get involved directly, but this should not prevent Crystalans from individually taking the initiative!"
Hamun : " We've been over this before, and we've made our decision."
Gaurdius : " The involvement of Crystalans is the involvement of Crystalorb!"
Esara : " With respect; The Council's decisions are not absolute and infallible."
Gaurdius : " Now you want to challenge the authority of the Council of Elders?"
Inala : " I don't think that Esara is challenging the authority of the Council of Elders, but merely affirming Crystalorb Law."
Ocyris : " True! Crystalorb Law clearly states that the highest authority in all Crystalorb matters is all the citizens of Crystalorb."
Jalen : " You are talking about a referendum?"
Ocyris : " Yes!"
Gaurdius: " That provision has never been applied! There has never been a situation that required the use of that protocol."
Onala : " And there is no need for it to be applied now!"
Jalen : " The Council of Elders is not deadlocked on this, we have a majority decision."
Ocyris : " Unfortunately the decision to apply the protocol was not left to the Council of Elders alone."
Isis : " Ocyris is correct! The Elders past must have foreseen the problem of placing absolute authority with the Council of Elders, so they created the protocol as a guarantee that the ultimate will of Crystalans is obeyed! The Guardian Council has the right and the authority to call for a referendum."
Cyris : " Then the question becomes; Is the Guardian Council in agreement on this?"
Anun : " We are in agreement! All the Guardians agree that doing nothing will lead to a future situation where Crystalorb will face multiple enemies from multiple locations."
Lesego : " The main concern for the Guardians is that the HOD will very soon start recruiting these hybrids to their side! We could very quickly find ourselves up against millions of enforcers"
Ocyris : " The HOD have found a way to increase their numbers exponentially. At the Research Division we think that the Hybrids will probably have the ability to use the Manacle of Destiny. We think that this was always part of the Hodian design."
Anun : " We can't bury our heads in the sand; we must do something, and Esara's plan sound like a perfect first step!"
Lumen : " Please excuse us as the Council of Elders confers!"
The Council of Elders holds a short private meeting away from the Guardians.
Jalen : " The Guardians have decided to go against our wishes"
Isis : " That's not what happened!"
Lerata : " What would you call it? They are openly going against our decision!"
Isis : " They are merely asserting what is their right as the ultimate protectors of Crystalorb!"
Hamun : " Even if that goes against our decision?"
Gaurdius: " Nevertheless if we put this matter to a vote in a referendum the majority of Crystalans will go with the Guardians, we can't risk losing the confidence of our people."
Onala : " In the eyes of Crystalans the Guardians are heroes, we have just recently witnessed their courage and determination, and on the battlefield a Guardian was the first to fall. The first to die for Crystalorb!"
Isis : " Why can't you accept that the Guardians are merely doing what they feel is their duty? You react as though the Guardians are making a grab for power?"
Jalen : " What would you call it? The Guardians are forcing us to reverse our decision! What's next?"
Cyris : " Every one of us was elected by the people of Crystalorb. Trust the people, they will make rational decisions!"
Lumen : " The Council of Elders is the guiding light, not the source, the Spirit Stone is the Source, and we must never forget that!"
The Council of Elders return to the chambers, and the discussions continue.
Anun : " Honoured Councils we understand your apprehension, but fear is not reason enough to avoid the correct path."
Lesego : " We are all afraid, but it is when we are the most afraid that we must prove our courage."
Isis : " However events have a way of conspiring to force those of us who are afraid to overcome our fears."
Hamun : " Where will you base this team?"
Esara : " On the Intrepid!"
Gaurdius : " The Intrepid has been destroyed!"
Nalen : " Then I will build another, a much better vessel! Yes!" Naole reflects "With advanced systems!"
Gaurdius : " You've been silent on this matter Nalen, what do you make of all this?"
Nalen : " Esara and I have talked at great length about this, and I think that this could be a good first step, but to be truly effective the team will have to be independent of any of the Crystalorb Command Structures."
Onala : " In what way? Do you want complete autonomy?"
Nalen : " No! What I mean is a division of control. Ever since I returned I have been troubled by the continuing conflict with the HOD. None of this makes any kind of sense, but yet the war continues. The HOD indicated that their major problem with us was that we were doing things that could expose them, but they themselves decided to shine a spotlight on both our peoples, leaving a trail of bread crumbs that can lead anyone willing to search to us both. The disappointing thing is that in response to this the Council of Elders wants to hide, but our opposite numbers in the HOD are taking this opportunity to announce their existence to the world. We must do the same!"
Tshego : " You think we should make direct contact?"
Nalen : " There is no other way!"
Jalen : " We are already talking to the government above, but we must move slowly to avoid pitfalls"
Loj : " I'm with Nalen on this! To some extent we have to throw caution to the wind and move more quickly in our engagement with the South African Government"
Jalen : " What would you have us do? Invite South African Government representatives to Crystalorb to meet with the Council of Elders?"
Nalen : " That sounds like a great Idea! Let’s make direct contact! They will find out about us, and I'd prefer that they find out from us. The team Esara wants to setup will be more effective if we include all parties involved. If I were to make a suggestion, it would be that the team be jointly led by One Hybrid, One South Africa Military Commander and One Guardian"
Loj : " I get what Nalen is trying to do with this, and it just might work! The appearance of an inclusive arrangement may make the hybrids more trusting of the team."
Hamun : " This could give us an opportunity to manage the situation, and even bring the government to our side of the conflict."
Jalen : " Ok then!”
Gaurdius: " By special Order of the Council of Elders the Guardian Council is authorised to form a team that will function independently of the Crystalorb Command Centre. With the intent of intervening in the world as peace keepers in the interactions of normal humans and hybrid humans."
Jalen : " It is the decision of the Council of Elders that we accelerate our interactions with the South African Government."
Lumen : " The Council of Elders will bring the light of Crystalorb to the world, and by doing so ensure that the flame of hope is never extinguished!"
Tshego : " Nalen; We ask that you make yourself available to the needs of this team."
Jalen : " Because of her experience and capabilities Esara will have to be the Guardian in charge of the preparation and operations of the team"
Gaurdius : " The team will operate under the group insignia Gallant!"
Cyris : " And we will recruit from Hybrids, Crystalans and the South African Military"
Loj : " After Hodian losses in Crystalorb's last engagement with the HOD, there will be many people amongst the HOD who are eager to abandon the cause of the HOD. The first task of the Gallant must be the rescue of those who want to abandon the HOD. The Ilesian Guard will help in any way possible!"
Ocyris : " We have been receiving requests for help from people who claim to be Hodian, but since we have no independent verification there is a probability that this might be another trap"
Anun : " I estimate that the Gallant group will need at least 3 months to become operational"
Nalen : " I will begin immediate construction of the Airship Intrepid II"
Ocyris : " Airship?"
Nalen : " I did say that I will build a better vessel"
Jalen : " Isn't that a bit ambitious?"
Esara : " Nalen was already working on something similar four years ago, and an Airship would provide better mobility not just for the team but also for conventional Crystalorb forces."
Tshego : " How long will it take to build such a vessel?"
Nalen : " With the help of Ocyris; perhaps six months"
Isis : " Ok then! The meeting is now formally adjourned!"
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After the meeting Esara, Nalen, Inala and Cyris walked home together, and because they’re neighbours they had become accustomed to being part of each others daily lives.
Cyris : " There's something I find strange?"
Inala : " What?"
Cyris : " Even with four year old Armour Nalen proved himself to be a very capable warrior, and yet the Guardian Council did not consider him for one of the Guardian positions?"
Inala : " Yes, that is strange! I did propose that he be formally promoted to the rank of Guardian!"
Esara : " It's almost as if the senior Guardians don't like you Nalen?"
Nalen : " Don't let that worry you too much; Though it’s been said I can be a little abrasive and arrogant."
Esara : " A little?"
Inala : " That's an understatement!"
Cyris : " Esara and Nalen were both the most difficult and talented students I ever had, but no one is more stubborn than Nalen"
Nalen : " Let me tell you, I've seen stubborn and her name is Casara!"
Esara : " That's true! That child is relentless; I wonder where she gets that from?"
The others laugh at Esara.
Nalen : " In any case, I don't mind the fact that I don’t hold the rank of Guardian. And what do you mean four year old Armour? Have there been some great improvements to my original designs?"
Cyris : " Typical! He doesn't care that the other Guardians treat him unjustly, but he cares that someone else has improved on his design."
Nalen : " I am a scientist at Heart!"
Esara : " Ocyris and his team found a way to increase the energy output of the Armour Energy Crystals by 25%, and the Crystal Armour energy reserves were increased by 50%. That's why my Armour is almost entirely red"
Inala : " And that's why they call Esara the Red Guardian?"
Cyris : " About this Airship?"
Nalen : " Yes!" after a brief pause "I originally intended it as the transport system for the Expeditionary Division, but chose to go with the Crystal Armour flight systems."
Esara : " It would have to be very large"
Inala : " How are you going to build such a large system?"
Cyris : " Or do you have some kind of plan to solve the size problems?"
Nalen : " I'm not going to build it; I'm going to grow it."
Esara : " Just like the buildings in Crystalorb"
Inala : " But how will you get it through the Crystalorb gates?"
Cyris : " And how large will you make it?"
Nalen : " Lordship; By my original calculations it will have to be at least 400 meters long and 250 meters wide. As for the other stuff, I will deal with them when the time comes. I've been talking with Ocyris about some of his designs on the weapon systems the research team put together for the ship Intrepid I.” after brief pause "I think we should develop some of those systems as an automated Crystalorb defence system as well as apply them on the Airship"
Esara : " You want to reduce the dependence on Crystal Armour for Crystalorb's security"
Inala : " And that will free up our forces for other purposes"
Cyris : " I will talk to the Council of Elders about this tomorrow"
Nalen : " I have to admit to being a little disappointed with how little progress most of the Crystalorb Forces have made in the past four years. Only Esara's people seem to grasp the true potential of the Chest Crystal. The rest still use the Chest Crystal like a hand held weapon, but the Chest Crystal is much more than a weapon. We have only scratched the surface of its full capabilities."
Inala : " Where do you think we've gone wrong?"
Nalen : " There have been some positive developments, but the emphasis is in the wrong places. I see that most of the functions of the Armour are performed through the Armour's operating systems, driven by a very powerful computer, and this has led to less innovation on the part of the user. I thought that more people would learn to directly link their minds to the Crystal Armour, but training seems to have gone the other way."
Cyris : " I will schedule time for you to come and speak to the Council of Elders about your concerns about the way we train our forces. Every one on the Council of Elders is eager to here how we can improve and be closer to your capabilities."
Inala : " We all want to know how you do what you do!"
Cyris : " The Hodians seem to be moving in all the right Directions!"
Nalen : " Yes! How did they break through? I mean; I have always felt that there is a Power Level beyond the Abilities of a Guardian, but I never imagined that the Hodians would get there first."
Esara : " So you think we can also transform?"
Nalen : " I don’t see why not? We are also Hodian!"
Inala : " Something most of us seem to forget!"
Cyris : " Are you saying we can also Transform?"
Nalen : " Lordship; Understand that I only just begun to make my analysis. However I’m reasonably confident that Crystalans can achieve a Crystalline form; though the path would be far more arduous than for a Hodian."
Esara : " How so?"
Nalen : " Negative Psionic Energy is far more potent and easy to come by than Positive Psionic Energy. Thus matching the potency will be a challenge; we will have to grow a lot stronger before we can Transform to a Crystalline Form."
Inala : " What about the Viceroy’s Double Transformation?"
Nalen : " Analysis from telemetry data of every one who fought a Transform Grandlord suggests that even in Grandlord Form Tsela is a lot stronger than the other Grandlords. There is definitely more going on there than just a Crystalline Transformation; he seems Denser."
Esara : " What are you saying?"
Inala : " If it’s more than a Crystalline Transformation; then what is it?"
Nalen : " The fact that Tsela did not show up with 2 Manacles suggests that he didn’t feel like he needed the extra power! Therefore whatever is going on inside him makes him reasonably confident that a single manacle is all he needs. I suspect the first time he reached the Golden Metallic Crystalline something changed and the change is Permanent; a kind of Permanent Powered State! "
Cyris : " Can we match it? Can Crystalans achieve a Permanent Powered State?"
Nalen : " Honestly; I’m not sure a Crystalan can ever gather the energies required to achieve a Permanent Powered State. Hopefully we won’t have to; the Spirit Stone can help us through the Transformation. Though I suspect that we would have to be a great deal Stronger and Denser; I’m talking about somewhere in the region of a Hundred Times Stronger than the Power Level of a Crystal Guardian. Only then would we be able to Ascend to a Permanent Powered State; a Power Level I have since principally imbued to be an Ascended Crystalan! "
Cyris : " Ascended Crystalan?"
Nalen : " The Ascended Crystalan will be capable of things I haven’t begun to imagine; a sort of Super-Crystalan."
As the two couples part ways and go into their homes. All of Crystalorb is slowly going to sleep. There is a new feeling of hope in Crystalorb, everyone can sense that the world is changing, and the hope is that a brave new world is being born.
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