《Crystal Guardian》Chapter 09: Sidelines
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Crystal Guardian
Arc 1: Between the Darkness and the Light
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Chapter 09: Sidelines
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After the meeting was concluded the three Elders who did not support the decision to abandon the world discussed what happened in the meetings.
Cyris : " I wonder if future generations will regard this day as the beginning of the end; our fall from grace!"
Isis : " They say that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!"
Lumen : " Has our power corrupted us?"
Cyris : " I hope not! I think it is fear; fear that has infected us, fear that has paralysed even the mighty Guardians!"
Isis : " Guardians have a tendency to forget that true power flows from the heart, the more a Guardian cares the greater the instinct to protect!"
Lumen : " These days it seems only Esara still remembers where the true power lies!"
Isis : " My son tells me that what makes her such a good warrior is that when you fight alongside her you know that she cares about you. Those who serve under her command know that she will do what ever it takes to keep them safe and as a result they do the same for each other!"
Cyris : " True, in the Expeditionary division they value life above all else!"
Lumen : " I heard a rumour that after they kill their enemies they gather to mourn the lives of the enemies they kill, they ask the Source to forgive them for what they had to do!"
Cyris : " Nalen was the same way, he is one of the most powerful I have ever seen, but he wants to be known for being a devoted father and husband!"
Isis : " Will our children forgive us?"
Lumen : " Have Faith, the world has come a long way since the mass murders in Europe!"
Cyris : " Has it?"
Isis : " What about Rwanda and Bosnia, and now Sudan. History tells us that relevant past behaviour is a good predictor of future behaviour!”
Lumen : " Give them time, this won't be another racially isolated act, what the HOD has done will cut across all racial groups, it will be a human phenomenon!"
Cyris : " What happens when the hybrid humans react to discrimination with violence? What do we do then? Do we rise to protect the rest of humanity or do we do nothing? Let them fight it out amongst themselves?"
Isis : " We do what the Council decides!"
Lumen : " I fear a split is coming!"
Cyris : " What Split?"
Lumen : " Some Crystalans may be moved to answer the call for help, even if it means disobeying the orders of the Council of Elders. They may argue they are answering a higher calling!"
Isis : " I hope it doesn't come to that, we must work to change the minds of the Council, avoiding the pitfalls of discourse!"
Cyris : " In the end all of us will have to make a choice!"
Isis : " Every person has a choice to make, indeed every community will have to choose as this new crisis approaches!"
Lumen : " May the Source give us the strength to make Just choices!"
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Before Esara leaves for the Intrepid she visits Nalen at the Crystalorb Medical Centre to share her uneasiness about the developments in the world.
Esara : " It's strange Nalen; we've won a majority of the battles but lost the war. The Council of Elders has given up; they’ve quit! I'm being recalled, my mission has been cancelled; they've deemed it no longer necessary. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I'm relieved, as you know I would prefer not to fight if it can be avoided, but to abandon the weak and defenceless to the mercy of the wicked is just wrong. After I return my people to Crystalorb I'll resign my position as Expeditionary Guardian, I can no longer serve under the command of those who would use me to kill only to serve their fearful needs. I must go now, but will return to be with you and our kids, and with luck I will never be asked to fight again!"
Esara said her goodbyes to her friends and family; then returned to the Intrepid.
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Meanwhile Ocyris received preliminary results of the analysis on the sample of the vaccine the research team had acquired. Ocyris requested a meeting with the Crystalorb leadership to inform them on the results.
The Council of Elders and the Guardian Council gathered to hear Ocyris's findings.
Isis : " Ocyris; I hope you bring us good news. What progress can you report?"
Ocyris : " Honoured Councils, we've acquired samples of the Mutagenic recombinant RNA, and we have done some preliminary analysis on the samples. The results of our tests indicate that our worst fears are in fact a reality"
Gaurdius : " So it's true, the Hand of Destiny is changing the world"
Isis : " More like contaminating it"
Onala : " Either way we must implement our plans"
Lumen : " What properties does this Mutagenic recombinant RNA hold?"
Ocyris : " The structure of the cells is very dense and as such very complex. We are convinced that the technology available in the world can't detect the Mutagenic recombinant RNA in the vaccine"
Isis : " Why is that? And can we warn the world about the presence of these mutagens in the vaccine?"
Ocyris : " What we know is that the Hand of Destiny has only put very small amounts of the Mutagenic recombinant RNA into a Vaccine dose, and that makes detection very difficult. We were able to detect the mutagen because our technology is more advanced than that available in the world. With the Council's permission we can send our findings by email to all the bio-research laboratories around the world"
Gaurdius : " Please do that, at the very least we should attempt to warn the world of the impending danger. Whether the world listens to the warning is a choice we'll leave to the world"
Isis : " Ocyris; is there a possibility of a cure or an antigen? An antidote to the mutagen?"
Ocyris : " I fear there is none, we...aahm!” taking a moment “We don't exactly know what the Mutagenic recombinant RNA does to the human body, by that I mean blood, tissue and bone. Our testing is incomplete, but when we exposed the Mutagenic recombinant RNA sample to human blood cells we discovered that the mutagen has a high preference for stem cells. The mutagen reacts to the presence of the stem cell by infecting them then multiplying the infected stem cells. We think that they were designed to specifically target stem cells, but not exclusively!"
Jalen : " For what reason? Why stem cells?"
Gaurdius : " And how would the mutagen affect us?"
Ocyris : " The mutagen should not be able to affect Crystalans in any particularly distractive way because the Mutagenic recombinant RNA is essentially Hodian and therefore Crystalan DNA. I think the HOD chose stem cells because they are the body's repair mechanism, giving the mutagen access to every organ in the body"
Onala : " What kind of transformations can we expect for those exposed to the Mutagenic recombinant RNA?"
Ocyris : " We can expect that at the very least that the body will be enhanced. The Mutagenic recombinant RNA will react according to the individual's DNA, consequently no transformation will be similar to another"
Gaurdius : " How long will this transformation take?"
Ocyris : " We don't know, but if I had to guess I would say anything from 1 day to 10 years. The thing about it is that extreme mutagenic transformation responds to an extreme situation, so depending on the situations of the infected persons the transformation will be spread over time."
Onala : " The Hand of Destiny would want a large component to have visible transformations"
Ocyris : " We don't exactly know where all genes in the Mutagenic recombinant RNA came from, so some may result in more than an internal transformation. We will just have to wait and see"
Gaurdius : " The Hand of Destiny wants the world to change; therefore a visible transformation is almost certainly on the cards. Ocyris make sure that you send the Emails today!"
Isis : " Use one of our Ghost servers! We don't want such emails traced back to us. If we cannot stop the Hand of Destiny we'll at least try an warn the world"
Lumen : " May the Source guide us in this our hour of despair!"
After the meeting Ocyris sent the emails throughout the world.
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As the world began to panic Esara arrived back onboard the Intrepid to formally inform the Expeditionary Units of their new orders. Nasan and Peo had already been informed by communiqué. Esara addresses the entire ship contingent.
Esara : " I trust that Nasan and Peo have informed you of our new orders and the reasons for the changes in our mission. Protocol dictates that you give any questions to team leaders and they will pose the questions to me, and I will answer to the best of my knowledge. But first I herby order the six support Vangleads to return to Crystalorb, as Expeditionary Guardian I thank you for your service to the Expeditionary division and wish you a safe journey home. I will now let my team leaders ask their questions."
Thabo and the other five Vangleads leave the deck to collect their Crystal Armours for the flight back to Crystalorb.
Peo : " What is the mood like back home?"
Esara : " The Council of Elders has taken a course of action that has led to Crystalans being divided, so as you can imagine things are a little tense!"
Nasan : " Divided? How so?"
Esara : " There are those who believe that the Council is wrong to abandon the world to the mercy of the Hand of Destiny, but others agree with the Council and feel that it's time the true nature of the world be tested!"
Peo : " And where do you stand?"
Esara : " I think the Council is wrong."
Nasan : " Why? They have always been the voice of Crystalorb."
Esara : " Then Crystalorb must be wrong!"
Peo : " I agree, to do nothing is to condone the actions of the Hand of Destiny!"
Esara : " I hold the same view, but I can understand the dilemma that confronted the Council of Elders. The Council of Elders had to choose between the security of Crystalorb and the disruption of the natural course of human kind"
Nasan : " But you will still follow their orders, won’t you?"
Esara : " Not as a warrior, but as a citizen of Crystalorb. Each and every one of us will be faced with a question, and to answer that question you have to know why you are a warrior? Also what kind of warrior you are? Ask your selves this question; what do I fight for?"
Peo : " I fight for honour and Justice!"
Nasan : " I fight for the security of my family and my home!"
Esara : " Both your reasons are valid reasons! I also fight for honour and Justice, but also for the safety of my kids, I fight so they won’t have to! Therefore I can no longer serve the Council of Elders as one of my order should, which is why I've decided to resign as commander of the Expeditionary division!"
Peo : " What? You can't leave us?"
Esara : " The past few days both of you have shown exceptional capabilities, proving that I have completed my work in training you. I have nothing left to teach you, the rest of the way you must walk alone!"
Nasan : " But who will lead us?"
Esara : " I will recommend Peo to be promoted to Expeditionary commander. As the most experienced Expeditionary team leader there is no one more suited for the task, and to assist him Nasan"
Peo : " Where will you go?"
Esara : " I hope to be allowed to return to my research roots, failing which I will go into the business sector. The world is changing, and we must prepare to be part of a rapidly changing Earth, I feel that my talents would be more useful to the world if I'm not required to kill. I cannot fight and kill for narrow Crystalan interests; if I kill it must be for the greater good of all human kind. I hope this does not diminish your perception of your duty to Crystalorb, but every warrior must choose his or her own path."
Nasan : " I may not understand your decision, but I accept and respect your right to make it!"
Peo : " I hope that someday Crystalorb finds itself once again worthy of your strength!"
Esara : " Remember that just warriors are guided by their hearts, Love is the only way to true power!"
Although Peo and Nasan were unhappy about Esara's decision they accepted it.
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Back at Crystalorb the largest assault force in the history of Crystalorb was ready to mobilize, but before they could leave a ceremony to enhance their link to the Spirit Stone would be performed. The force consisted of 5 Guardians Amang and Loj already deployed, and Sello, Kutu and Kolen deploying directly from Crystalorb with 25 teams. That meant a total of 128 Crystal Armoured warriors leaving Crystalorb for a single mission.
After the injuries sustained during the previous missions Ocyris upgraded the Vanguard Armour and the Vanglead Armour so that they included a tougher helmet, but the helmet was not equipped with a communications crystal at the forehead. As the scheduled departure time approached nearly all of Crystalorb gathered at the pyramid for the deployment ceremony
Gaurdius : " In the name of Crystalorb" All the Elders face the Spirit Stone “With the Crystal fragment on my Chest I unlock the seal"
As the Council of Elders focused their energy on the Spirit Stone, and it began to radiate a full spectrum of light energy aura. The energy activates the 128 Crystal Armour spheres making them hover in front of their operator.
Isis : " Heart of Crystalorb; shine your light upon the Crystal Armoured warriors of Crystalorb!"
Onala : " Let your light guide and protect them!"
Cyris : " We will now hand over to the mission commander"
Kolen the Guardian Commander steps forward and formally assumes command of the 127 units standing at the base of the pyramid.
Kolen : " Let us begin!" as Kolen said that all the 128 placed their right hand on their hovering Crystal Armour spheres “At my signal; say your Oaths!"
Kolen waits a few seconds and then gives the signal by raising his left hand.
All 128 Simultaneously : " I am the light on the hill, the line in the sand, here and no further!"
And with that all 128 Simultaneously activated their Chest Crystals to engage automatic Armour assembly. The fully Armoured non-deploying sector Guardians step forward and give the Guardian Salute honouring the deploying Guardian’s courage.
Kolen : " The moment has been chosen! The time has come! And that time is now!"
Kolen activated his Armour's flight systems and led the Assault force out of Crystalorb. Flying in formation out of Crystalorb, activating their Armours stealth systems at the Gates of Mount Crystalorb.
As the assault force was leaving Cyris, Isis and Lumen spoke to each other.
Isis : " May the Source enrich their spirits"
Lumen : " For light, for justice, for peace!"
Cyris : " Let us hope that they come home safely!"
Then the Council of Elders convened at their Council Chambers to observe the fighting that was scheduled to begin in 3 hours, but before they started Isis receives a call from her son Peo who was still onboard the Intrepid. Isis's senior aid informs her of the holographic call from Peo.
Isis : " Hi son!"
Peo : " Hello Mma!"
Isis : " I can't talk long, the Council is about to convene"
Peo : " There is some information that I thought you might like to know"
Isis : " What?"
Peo : " Esara has just informed us that as soon as she returns to Crystalorb, she will resign as the Expeditionary Commander"
Isis : " What?"
Peo : " She said that she could no longer serve as faithfully as one of her order should, and she feels that her talents would be more useful elsewhere, without requiring here to kill. Esara longs for a life without combat and death."
Isis : " Thanks for telling me!"
Peo : " You're welcome Mma!"
Holographic communications link was then terminated. Peo knew that word would eventually reach the Council of Elders about Esara's plans, so Peo did not want his mother to be caught by surprise.
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Meanwhile at the Crystalorb command centre every one was monitoring the target sites, scanning for possible defensive weaponry, analysing any suspicious movements of enforcers and in constant contact with the Crystalorb assault force that was en-route.
One hour before the scheduled attacks on the facilities in the Central African Republic and Zambia the formal public Observation centres were activated, this indicated that the countdown to conflict had begun. At this time the Council of Elders and the Guardian Council gathered at the Crystalorb Command Centre, with Anun the deputy Guardian Commander assuming Command of the Crystalorb Command Centre.
The assault force was divided into 3 groups each led by a Guardian. Kutu and Sello each led a 40 Units assault force to the Central African Republic, leaving Kolen the remaining 45 for his assault on the facility in Zambia. Kolen would join Amang’s 2 teams and Loj's advanced team, giving a total of 63 Units on the Zambian facility.
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As soon as all the teams were in position Kolen opened communications with the Crystalorb Command Centre.
Kolen : " Anun is every one in place?"
Anun : " Field Guardians report!"
Sello : " We await your command!"
Kutu : " All units ready to go!”
Amang : " Ready willing and able!"
Loj : " Scouting party now clear of designated targets, we're ready to proceed!"
Anun : " Kolen! Everyone is ready, the Crystal Armoured are hovering at designated altitude!"
Kolen : " Anun, ask the Council of Elders for final authorisation!"
Anun : " Honoured Councils; it's time!"
Each member of the Council of Elders then placed their right hand on the voting console indicating their approval.
Gaurdius : " The Council of Elders hereby orders Crystalorb Defence Command to proceed!"
The Crystalorb Command Centre receives communiqués from the field Guardians.
Anun : " On your Command!"
Kolen : " On your Command!"
Sello : " On your Command!"
Kutu : " On your Command!"
Amang : " On your Command!"
Loj : " On your Command!"
The Field Guardians relayed the order to the Vangleads who then mobilized their teams for the assault. Because the facility in the Central African Republic was buried deep under ground an air raid would not be sufficient the teams would have to eventually move in closer for a more sustained attack. At the Zambian facility things were going smoothly for Commander Kolen, as Kolen's teams delivered their Electrolaser Lightning Bolts and Plasma Balls they were met with very little resistance.
Kolen : " Crystalorb there is something not right here!"
Anun : " What's the matter Kolen?"
Kolen : " We've destroyed the target, but we encountered little resistance!"
Anun : " What do you mean?"
Kolen : " I've seen no enforcers, there seems to be just local security personnel; dressed like enforcers!"
Before Anun could respond the Crystalorb Command Centre receives a communiqué from Sello.
Sello : " We've destroyed all the surface structures; we are now moving in to hit subsurface structures. Kutu's teams will remain at 100 metres altitude to provide cover"
Anun : " Message received"
A minute later.
Kutu : " Hold on! We are picking up multiple hostiles on approach!"
Sello : " Ooh hell we are surrounded!"
Kutu : " Crystalorb we are under attack, I repeat we are under attack!"
Sello : " It’s a trap!"
Anun : " Get airborne! Maximum speed! regroup at the secondary location!"
As the Vanguard teams tried to escape they all came under attack from a barrage of multiple Plasma Blast forcing most of them to the ground. However 29 managed to escape the trap, but Kutu and Sello were trapped with the other Vanguard teams. Kolen had ordered six Vanguards to fly Loj and his team back to Crystalorb, and by now Kolen's teams were already en-route to the Central African Republic.
Kolen : " Anun; what happened?"
Anun : " We are still running analysis on the data we received from the Crystal Armours!"
The Crystalorb Command Centre receives a communiqué from Sello and Kutu.
Sello : " We are on the ground, moving on foot towards nearby hills!"
Kutu : " We can't take flight until we understand how they knocked us down!"
Sello : " We are in full retreat!"
Anun : " Acknowledged!" Anun turns his attention to Ocyris "Is it some kind of new weapon system?"
Ocyris : " Not necessarily, our analysis indicates that it’s the Manacle of Destiny, but this Manacle of Destiny has rapid fire capabilities. The plasma energy is the same, but there just seems to be more of it."
Anun : " Then how did they break through the Crystal Armour's shield?"
Ocyris : " They didn't. The impact force of the plasma energy on the Crystal Armour's shield can account for the flight disruption, but more than that the heat contained in the plasma energy is a big component. Multiple hits on the Crystal Armour's shield raises the temperature inside the Crystal Armour's shield to extreme levels resulting in respiration difficulties!"
The Crystalorb Command Centre receives a communiqué from Kolen.
Kolen : " We are five minutes away from secondary location where we will rendezvous with the Vanguard teams who were able to escape the trap"
Anun : " Commander Kolen; you will have to come in low to avoid detection, we think they are using infrared systems to map out thermal images of the invisible Crystal Armour. That means that they can see you, and the consequence of that is that they can attack you even at high speed"
Kolen : " Acknowledged"
The other Field Guardians enter the joint communications.
Kutu : " Commander; be advised, our recognisance indicates that more enforcers are heading in our direction and should arrive within 30 minutes”
Sello : " We are currently engaged with some 600 enforcers, but we expect that number to triple as those enforcers arrive!"
Kutu : " If we are to escape, we need to do that within the next 15 minutes!”
Kolen : " Understood!"
The Crystalorb Command Centre receives a communiqué from the senior Vanglead Lebago at the secondary location.
Lebago : " Commander; We have a scouting party! I repeat we have a scouting party!"
Kolen : " We can't afford to compromise the regroup location. Intercept them; they must not report your location, so jam their communications!"
Lebago : " Will do sir!"
Lebago then orders two teams to quietly intercept the approaching scouting party and eliminate them as quietly as possible.
Anun : " Kutu; what’s your status?"
Kutu : " Our combined force strength is at 83% and we are almost at the top of the hill. We are under constant attack, but we have been able to hold them off!"
Sello : " The Mountain should provide cover and give us a vantage point where we can observe their movements!"
Amang : " Commander; the regroup position coming up!"
Kolen : " Anun we are landing, I will assess force capabilities while you consult with the Council of Elders and the Guardian Council on a rescue plan!"
Anun : " Understood!"
At the command centre.
Gaurdius : " Anun; what is your rescue plan?"
Isis : " How are we going to save our people?"
Anun : " We've developed a strategy for the safe return of the deployed units, but there is just one problem!"
Cyris : " What's the problem?"
Anun : " Our people on the ground are outnumbered 6 to 1. If our people are to survive those odds have to change, and that means mobilizing more units from Crystalorb"
Gaurdius : " How many do you need?"
Anun : " I need a minimum of 200 units. I would prefer 500 units"
Isis : " Why 500?"
Anun : " Our surveillance indicates that the Hand of Destiny is reinforcing their position, we have detected additional enforcers en-route. Within the hour there will be an additional 1300 enforcers to deal with. I'm proposing that we send Kolen's teams to intercept their reinforcements and thus prevent them from taking away our ability to implement our plan."
Onala : " You want to pit Kolen's 80 units against 1300 enforcers"
Anun : " They are in their vehicles, and that makes them vulnerable to an assault"
Lesego the Sector 6 Guardian, daughter of Gaurdius and Kolen's wife enters the discussion.
Lesego : " My brother is right! If we allow the reinforcements to reach their destination then all our people will be lost. The odds are terrible but every Crystal Armoured warrior expects to at some point go up against a mountain!"
Anun : " I hate to rush the Council, but time is of the essence!"
Cyris : " Then you have the Council's approval!"
Isis : " Proceed!"
The Crystalorb Command Centre starts the joint communications with the Field Guardians and explains their plans. Kolen also approves and gets underway to intercept the approaching 1300 enforcers.
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Back at Crystalorb the Council of Elders authorizes the deployment of 4 full sectors. That is 4 sector Guardians and the 12 teams under each Guardian's command. Giving a total of; 244 Crystal Armoured Units.
The Guardians selected are Aman of Sector 2, Kanang of Sector 8, Lenong of Sector 10 and Pule of Sector 11. Because of the urgency the deployment ceremony was deferred, but the Guardian's Salute was carried out.
On the Field Kolen's teams were beginning their hit and run attacks against mobile targets, but before they could begin Kolen gives them final instructions.
Kolen : " Remember don't engage the enforcers, just destroy their vehicle. The objective is to stop them from reaching their targets, and when you're finished the Crystalorb Command Centre will direct you to the next available target. Upon completion we will regroup at the regroup location. Good luck!"
The teams began their stealthy interception of the reinforcing enforcer group, and by hitting their vehicles with multiple Electrolaser Lightning Bolts the teams were able to destroy the vehicles. That would temporarily delay the enforcers from their intended destination.
Back at Crystalorb the Council of Elders opened a communication channel with the Intrepid.
Cyris : " Esara; I trust you are aware of the situation?"
Esara : " I am!"
Isis : " A rescue force is underway!"
Onala : " Anun wants them to carve out a path allowing the trapped teams to escape!"
Cyris : " A great battle is about to begin!"
Lumen : " We want you to join the fight and help provide cover!"
Isis : " You can consider this your final mission as Expeditionary Guardian!"
Esara : " So you know about my intensions?"
Isis : " I know, but the rest of the Council did not know!"
Esara : " In any case I don't know how helpful I could be, I'm 14000 kilometres away, my Crystal Armour is at 60% and my energy sphere is depleted after I recharged my teams and the 6 Vangleads who just left. I just don't have enough power to be any useful in this regard!"
Gaurdius : " Is there no other way for you to find the extra power that you need!"
Esara : " I can’t think of any that are quick enough, recharging from the sun would take too long. The only other person who could recharge me is my husband but as you know he is somewhat incapacitated!"
Isis : " There may be another!"
Esara : " There is no other, the only adults with red Chest Crystals are Nalen and me ...!"
Isis : " Yes, but this one is not an adult!"
Esara : " Please don't drag my daughter into this; she's just a child. And in any case her training Armour does not hold enough power to give the energy I need!"
Cyris : " But she has an energy sphere"
Esara : " Even with that it won’t work"
Isis : " What if Casara had Vanguard Armour, would that make a difference?"
Esara : " Perhaps, but she is still too young, she has never even gone supersonic?"
Cyris : " Esara please excuse us, we need to talk amongst ourselves!"
The communication channel with the Intrepid is suspended.
Gaurdius : " Isis; What you are suggesting is highly irregular!"
Lumen : " We can't sanction any course of action that will send a child into battle!"
Isis : “ I'm not talking about sending her into battle; I'm merely saying that we send her to recharge her mother!”
Onala : “ To give a child the power of a Vanguard would be more than inappropriate!”
Cyris : “ Yet the way things are going we may require the unique capabilities of the Expeditionary Guardian!”
Gaurdius : " Our forces have only delayed the reinforcing HOD battle group, if they some how get through we may need more support. It would be handy to have the Red Guardian within range to make some kind of impact, but to give a child Vanguard Armour will not go down well with the Guardian Council!"
Jalen : “ It's too soon to take such a drastic step!”
Isis : “ Perhaps if we did this in secret. We all know that the Armour is not beyond Casara's capabilities, at age 14 she can generate energy levels equal to that of a 35 year old, perhaps even more!”
Onala : “ But does she have the control and discipline?”
Isis : “ No she does not! However we don't need her to have advanced control, all we need is for her to have the ability to recharge her mother; we don't need her to fight!”
Gaurdius : " If the Spirit Stone senses that the girl holds the potential, then we can proceed!"
The communication channel with the Intrepid is reactivated.
Cyris : " Esara; we have decided to secretly give your daughter Vanguard Armour so she could use her energy sphere to recharge you and your two Vangleads. We know you don't like it, but these are desperate times!"
Gaurdius: " So get going, you'll rendezvous with Casara off the coast of the Democratic Republic of Congo where she will recharge you and your Vangleads!"
Esara : " On your Command!"
And with that Esara, Nasan and Peo left the Intrepid for the rendezvous point.
- - -
The Council of Elders called in young Casara and told her what the needed from her. Young Casara was eager to help in any way she could, so the Council of Elders secretly performed the Armour awarding ceremony transforming Casara's training Armour into the Red Sphere they thought was Vanguard Armour.
Casara was a little hesitant in activating the new Armour so Isis gives her gentle encouragement.
Isis : " Go ahead Casara, Touch your destiny!"
Cyris : " Say the Oath of Crystal Armoured Crystalan warriors!"
Young Casara steps forward and touches the Red Armour sphere.
Casara : " I am the light on the hill, the line in the sand, here and no further!"
After the auto assembly of the Crystal Armour on Casara's body the Council of Elders saw that Casara had a single bar on her shoulders.
Gaurdius : " By the source!"
Cyris : " That's Command Armour!"
Gaurdius: " We should be used to it by now, all those with the last name Olen don't conform to normal standards. That bar on the shoulder indicates that Casara has become the youngest to ever wear Vanglead Armour!"
Isis : " Casara, all the data about the rendezvous point will be uploaded onto the Armour. Don't fly to fast, I don’t want you exceeding mach 4. Now get going time is of the essence!"
Casara : " Yes Lady Isis!"
With her energy sphere in hand she flew from Crystalorb towards the rendezvous point. The programming of the Crystal Armour meant that even a novice like Casara could operate the basic systems of the Crystal Armour like automatic flight, shields and navigation. The weapons applications of the Crystal Armour came with training and experience.
On the battle field the Crystalorb rescue party was minutes away from Kolen's position when the Crystalorb Command Centre received an urgent message from Amang.
Amang : " Anun; I'm detecting military aircraft heading this way, please advice!"
Anun : " How far away are they?"
The Field Guardians enter the joint communications.
Kolen : " They aircraft are 3000 meters and closing"
The Council of Elders are also on the joint communications.
Cyris : " Anun; engage the Aircraft, destroy them"
But before Kolen could give the order to Fire, the Aircrafts released some 300 paratroopers. The paratroopers began firing plasma blasts at Kolen's position immediately after they were out of the aircrafts.
Kolen : " All units; fire at will! I repeat; fire!"
Amang : " Crystalorb; the regroup position has been compromised!"
Gaurdius : " Anun; order the rescue force to redirect"
Anun gives the order for the rescue group to drop altitude to 1.5 meters and move in an oblique angle towards the regroup position at subsonic speed.
Kutu : " Commander; we are taking artillery fire now, where is that rescue force?"
Kolen : " Anun; We are in full retreat; taking fire from multiple hostiles!"
Kanang: " Crystalorb; Our sensors are picking up something 2 km from Kolen's position!"
Lenong : " The energy readings are off the scale! Whatever it is, it's very powerful!"
Things did not look good for the Crystal Armoured Crystalan warriors of Crystalorb.
They were surrounded by their enemies, their Commander Kolen was cut off and the rescue party could not activate their plans because their forward base had been compromised. Things were going from bad to worse; they detected something very powerful moving against Commander Kolen. The ultimate test of the Crystal Armour was about to begin, the power of the hearts of Crystalorb would face off against the power of Negative Psionic Energy.
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- In Serial66 Chapters
The Ascension Age
The Big Bang!It’s the phenomenon known for being responsible for the Universe’s birth. Except for those who were religious fanatics, most people had already come to at least partially accept this theory.As years passed, more proof that the Big Bang was the phenomenon that gave birth to the Universe continued to appear. At some point, religions ceased to exist as the claims of science simply couldn’t be refuted anymore. Humanity had finally accepted as a whole that in this Universe, such a thing as gods didn’t exist… or did they?However, humanity would soon find out that the Big Bang was just part one. That infinitesimally small point where the Big Bang originated… was still there! The Second Big Bang, which had a purpose unlike the first one, was about to begin.
8 652 - In Serial13 Chapters
Endless Lands
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8 84 - In Serial6 Chapters
A pile of rags crawls through caves, and chambers of an old dungeon to find what it's looking for, while slashing and dashing through specters. If said pile was to leave the dungeon, there may be a large world to explore, roads that begin the journey of a thousand steps, and all manner of adventurers dealing with their own business.
8 157 - In Serial109 Chapters
Phantom Limb: and the Chorus of the Dead
In the 2030s, humanity discovers the ruins of an alien race deep below the Martian surface, whose technology grant humanity powers beyond their imagination. Phantom Limb is a superhero web serial following the people who wield these abilities, called "Civs", as they struggle against the dangers of Martian civilization.
8 175 - In Serial63 Chapters
Witches Burn at Dawn ✔
9x AWARDS WINNING + 17x FEATURED + WATTYS 2021 SHORTLIST❝It all started in fire. But it never ended in flames.❞ Welcоme to St. Daktaliоn, the city where magic exists till these days. After burning alive for her crimes, Yarоslava Slavich, a witch once awed by everyоne, wakes up in a graveyard, in a stranger's body. Her cоnjurer, Mir Prаejis, offers her a chance to live anоther year, but in return, she must help him find a demon who hunts dоwn magic users.Witches are wicked, thоugh. And a witch raised frоm the dead is the most wicked of all. Now Yаra has a decision to make. Steal another girl's identity and run away to start her life anew? Or help Mir serve justice, redeem her sоul, but--die forever? The problem is, the girl whose body Yаra's now wearing seems to have feelings for Mir. And those feelings seem to slowly become Yаra's own. As Yаra gets to know Mir better, she learns that he keeps his own dark secret. Abоut the demоn they seek. About Yаra's own past. About the day she was betrayed and chose witchery over her humanity.Can she survive this time? A witch brоught back from the dead. A boy rоbbed of his heart. A demоn damned to wander in shadows till the end of times. They share a secret, they share a past. But only one of them can have a future. Tread carefully. For the dead of these lands dо not rest in peace.MATURE: sexual content, blood-shedding magical rituals, occasional strong language, mental health topics, and scenes of violence and abuse._________________________Featured on:✧@WattpadWitches✧@WattpadUrbanFantasy✧@WattpadESL✧@Ambassadors✧@fright✧@mythandlegend✧@Ghost✧@Fantasy✧@Paranormal✧@PsychologicalNovel✧@antiheroesgalore✧@TheWarriorGoddess✧@StoriesUndiscovered✧@lowfantasy✧@WattpadLitFic✧@WattStoryCenter✧@WattpadFusion↬Amby Awards 2022 Villains category Winner↬Speculative Awards 2021 Honorable Mention(full list of awards in my reading lists)
8 232 - In Serial15 Chapters
Pluto x Reader
Thank you for picking this story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it ❤️ Love you xx ~Kathy
8 110