《Crystal Guardian》Chapter 06: To Arms
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Crystal Guardian
Arc 1: Between the Darkness and the Light
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Chapter 6: To Arms
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Gaurdius: " There are grave circumstances facing our people, the future of Crystalorb is at stake"
Isis : " I agree, the attack on our Vanguards is a clear escalation"
Onala : " More will certainly come"
Cyris : " Yes! But what do we do?"
Kolen : " The first thing to do is change our Crystal Armour energy management protocol, the shields should be set to maximum"
Ocyris : " Not maximum, 55% should be sufficient."
Kolen : " Will that be enough to stop an even more powerful Laser."
Ocyris : " My calculations indicate that the laser used in the attack was a 100 kilowatts Laser, Nalen designed the shield so that the shielding ability increases exponentially in relation to energy input. The result of this is that at 50% power the shield can stop a 450 KW laser. Nalen Foresaw the development of the Lasers so he made enhancements"
Isis : " What are the downsides of increasing the shield energy inputs?"
Ocyris : " The energy reserves of the Crystal Armour will be depleted in half the normal time. In that case should the Crystal Armour shield be engaged the fighting time is reduced, increasing the potential for defeat"
Esara : " It's clear what needs to be done"
Cyris : " What?"
Esara : " We can't win this way! We have to bring the fight to them, we must not play this hide and seek game that they are clearly better at. We have to move this conflict from out of the shadows and into the light, they live in the shadows this is their realm lets force them into the light where we hold the advantage."
Gaurdius: " Do you mean open confrontation with the Hand of Destiny?"
Esara : " Yes! We have no other choice"
Cyris : " By the Source! You will doom us all"
Kolen : " Esara is right, we are fighting with one hand tied behind our back, we can't win like that. We need to decide here and now what we would like the final status to be, what are our victory conditions."
Isis : " Victory conditions? Ours is a defensive posture!"
Kolen : " That's part of the problem, we wish to deter the Hand of Destiny, but they wish to dominate us. Their objective are clear, they intend to defeat and dominate us. Our security can only be assured by removing those who have a clear intent to destroy us; anything else will simply delay our demise."
Esara : " Commander Kolen is correct; the defensive posture will not deter the Hand of Destiny. We need to send a clear message to the Hand of Destiny; they need to know that if they threaten us they will pay with their lives. These raids on Crystalorb will increase over time as their numbers increase!"
Kolen : " I know that open confrontation with the Hand of Destiny brings with it many risks, but they are openly attacking us, we must respond in kind!"
Lumen : " And what if they use their connections to the South African Government to launch an open war with us?"
Gaurdius: " Yes, what happens then? Do we make war on an entire country? How far do we go? How many innocent lives are you willing to sacrifice?"
Kolen : " If the South African Government allies itself to the Hand of Destiny then they automatically become our enemies. And for the record there are no innocents, anyone who attacks us must pay an equal price no matter who they represent."
Onala : " Then how would we be any different from the Hand of Destiny? If we behave like them, then we are no different."
Esara : " With all due respect, the difference is in the intent. The Hand of Destiny wishes to dominate while we only seek to affirm our right to exist."
Anun; Son of Gaurdius and Guardian of Sector 5, and Sello Guardian of sector 4 enter the discussions.
Anun : " Even if we could launch an offensive against our enemies, where would we attack? their centres are spread throughout the world."
Isis : " Yes, we cannot sanction attacks of structures in all these countries, that act may unite the world against us."
Kolen : " But we can destroy targets in Southern Africa."
Loj : " Yes, we can prevent the Hand of Destiny from using these countries as cover in their offensives against us."
Ocyris : " We have to meet with these governments and try and convince them to server their ties with the Hand of Destiny."
Kolen : " These governments are in the pockets of the Hand of Destiny; they have already been bought and paid for!"
Ocyris : " Then we must use their own laws to persuade them to see the light. We must use Civil Societies to launch legal challenges to all suspicious activities!"
Gaurdius: " That sounds like a more reasonable proposition than launching an all out attack against all structures owned by the Hand of Destiny."
Isis : " However a limited strike on some of the more potentially dangerous assets belonging to the Hand of Destiny will be necessary."
Onala : " Yes! Like their weapons research facilities."
Esara : " But most of those are located overseas?"
Cyris : " Then we will have to attack them there. These research projects pose a clear and present danger to us!"
Gaurdius: " Esara; prepare your units, this will be your task. The expeditionary units will seek out and destroy these research facilities overseas, but for African targets Kolen will organise a taskforce."
Isis : " Kolen; put together a team for these operations, Loj will assist you in this endeavour" Turning her attention to Loj " Loj your units will be essential, make sure that they are ready"
Loj : " On your Command!"
Kolen : " On your Command!"
Esara : " On your Command!"
And that concluded the security meeting. The Council of Elders had made a decision to be more aggressive with the Hand of Destiny; the Council could no longer afford to be gentle in the confrontation with the HOD. The attacks on Crystalorb had caused a lot of fear amongst Crystalans, and the Council of Elders needed a decisive action to quell the fears amongst the Crystalan population.
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Meanwhile Loj chose a team, and Kolen and Esara selected 2 teams each for the strategic operations. Each of the three Guardians would train these knew selected teams under their commands in the special techniques required for the particular assignments. Before Esara begins the training process she addresses the two teams to inform them of the task ahead, to explain to them the need for the actions that they are about to take.
Esara : " As the Expeditionary Guardian it is my responsibility to lead, guide and protect you, to equip you with all the resources you will need to survive. I know that my leadership style is a bit unorthodox, other Guardians don't do things the way I do them, and they like things to be planned and executed accordingly. It’s because I'm so different, my strengths and weaknesses are so different to that of any other Guardian."
Peo : " Esara you are our Captain and we will follow you anywhere"
The second Vanglead chosen Nasan also indicated her support for Esara.
Nasan : " Absolutely"
Esara : " I appreciate your support, and hope that your confidence in my leadership continues in the difficult times ahead!"
Nasan : " It will!"
Peo : " Indeed!"
Esara : " The recent attacks on Crystalorb have necessitated the course of action that we are about to take. The Council of Elders has tasked us with the destruction of research facilities throughout the world, we have identified 56 targets that we have been authorized to destroy. It's the hope of the Council of Elders that we can accomplish this task without causing the loss of innocent lives."
Nasan : " And what if that can't be avoided?"
Esara : " Then we proceed anyway."
Peo : " Why is it so important that we destroy these research facilities?"
Esara : " They are mutating human DNA in an attempt to create a hybrid human. They want to multiply their numbers rapidly, if they are successful we will inevitably loose our fight with them. They won't stop the there, they may use these forces to take over they the country and possibly the entire continent. They're also developing advanced energy weapons that could prove lethal to anyone who would oppose them."
Nasan : " How will we travel to all these international targets?"
Esara : " Ocyris has duplicated and enhanced my energy module so that it can contain sufficient energy to recharge all 11 of the Crystal Armours involved at least 10 times. As you know my red Chest Crystals allows me the ability to recharge other Crystal Armours, it's an ability unique to red and blue Chest Crystals. The enhanced energy sphere contains far too much energy to be allowed to travel by air; the government officials will never allow it to move through customs."
Peo : " Then how will we travel?"
Esara : " Ocyris has purchased a Cargo ship that is currently being modified so that it can serve as a mobile base for our use. My enhanced energy sphere will be kept on the ship. We chose a cargo ship because they are so common, we can use the cargo as cover for the true mission of the ship. Because of our flight capabilities we will not have to dock in a particular country to attack any target, we will launch our assaults from the ship directly to the target while the ship remains in international waters."
Nasan : " What happens when your sphere runs out of energy?"
Esara : " Then I will fly it back to Crystalorb so that the Spirit Stone can recharge it, and then return to the ship once the Sphere is fully charged"
Peo : " What kind of odds are we facing?"
Esara : " I'm afraid they are not good. Analysis indicates that there may be as many as 50 enforcers at every target"
Nasan : " 50? How are we supposed to overcome those odds?"
Peo : " 10 against 50 is too risky!"
Esara : " It will have to be 5 against 50 for us to maintain the element of surprise. The Crystal Armour gives us an advantage, and I will teach you some experimental fighting techniques that will help even the odds"
Peo : " I don't Know, this seems like a suicide mission, even with all your power we are bound to loose!"
Esara : " What happened to I will follow you anywhere?"
Nasan : " That’s just it; you won’t be there with us!"
Esara : " I can’t be there, my red Crystal Armour does not generate the light spectrum that would allow me to be invisible. If the country authorities were to discover our presence it could mean the end for all of us. Stealth will be critical in these missions, you have to come in silently and be gone before they realise what hit them!"
Peo : " So this won't be direct combat"
Esara : " It's like my Husband always used to tell me, Fast and Hard!"
Nasan : " I see, we are a strategic tool, using the cover of darkness and the stealth capabilities of the Crystal Armour we destroy without ever being seen."
Esara : " After the first few targets they will increase their security measures, but it would be too late, they have been studying the responses of the Council of Elders to previous attacks so they will probably calculate a similar reaction, this offensive will catch them completely off guard."
Peo : " Yes, but we have never launched such a large offensive against them."
Nasan : " It's time they get what’s coming to them."
Esara : " We have a long road ahead, and all of you still have to learn my fighting techniques, so you need to focus, it will not be easy."
Nasan : " These techniques you speak of, why is it that we don't know about them?"
Esara : " Because they are not sanctioned by the Council of Elders."
Peo : " Why not?"
Esara : " It has to do with control."
Peo : " Control?"
Nasan : " How did you develop them?"
Esara : " I didn’t!"
Peo : " Then who did?"
Nasan : " It must have been Nalen!"
Esara : " Yes! I first saw him use them when we tested the shield and flight capabilities of the Crystal Armour."
Nasan : " What exactly did he do?"
Esara : " It's not so much what he did, but what he didn't do!"
Peo : " What does that mean?"
Esara : " Nalen uses the Crystal Armour differently than any other Crystalan; it's so distinct that if you saw it you would be amazed at the capabilities of the Crystal Armour. Nalen often told me that the mind is the weapon not the Crystal, and that’s how he used the Crystal Armour. As I replicated some of the moves he used against me, I realised the extent of his control. If you think about it you will see that our Chest Crystals are capable of much more than most of us use them for! Nalen found a way to manipulate his shield in ways that even I cannot understand!"
Nasan : " The Crystal Armour’s shield can be manipulated?"
Esara : " Yes, two years ago I saw my husband do just that."
Peo : " But how? Is it some kind of computer programming for the Crystal Armour?"
Esara : " No! He used just his mind to make the shield do what he wanted it to do! Nalen later showed me the process of shield manipulation. I have to warn you it’s not easy, there are some complications with the process, and one has to be very careful in this process. Not many people know this but Nalen actually broke my Crystal Lance during a practice fight."
Nasan : " He broke the Crystal Lance?"
Peo : " I thought that the Lance was nearly indestructible?"
Nasan : " Yes, it has the highest tensile strength Known to man."
Esara : " Yet Nalen was able to Break it!"
Nasan : " How?"
Esara : " He did this using the Crystal Armour shield"
Peo : " Wow!"
Esara : " I will teach you the shield techniques that I have been able to perfect, but the main thing I wish to impart upon you is that you have to find your own way to use the shield, develop your own style in the use of the Crystal Armour shield."
Nasan : " I understand"
Esara : " The first technique I will teach is how to spin your Crystal Armour shield around your body. Spinning the shield can multiply the strength of the shield by more than a hundred times. This increased shield capability is not automatic, but a conscious effort on your part, and thus prone to failure should you loose your concentration."
Peo : " I get it, Crystal Armour is a tool, like hardware, and the mind is the software. For the Crystal Armour shield to be controlled I will have to focus my thoughts into making my Chest Crystal cause the Crystal Armour to produce the desired results"
Esara : " Precisely!"
Nasan : " Before the Crystal Armour was created Crystalans had to practise Chest Crystal energy manipulation, but they never had the kind of control that you are talking about?"
Esara : " The better control is a consequence of the red Chest Crystal mutation it gives us the ability to recharge our core energy reserves from the energy spheres, my husband tried for a long time to create an equivalent clear Crystal energy sphere but the clear Chest Crystal will not accept external energy other than that of the Spirit Stone. In any case Crystalans with clear Chest Crystal don't really need external reserve energy spheres. The extraordinary control of those with blue and red Chest Crystals come as compensation for the fact that we have to be keenly aware of Chest Crystal energy utilisation, we can easily run out of Chest Crystal energy causing our bodies to fail, every disadvantage is accompanied by an advantage; the balance of opposites!"
Peo : " Is that what happened to Nalen?"
Esara : " Yes, the energy demands of the changes he made to his body caused a systematic drain on his body energy and that caused his body to react by making him sleep, he went into such a deep sleep we don't know how to wake him, or if he can wake up, but you don't have to worry about that because the clear Chest Crystal is in perfect harmony with the body."
Nasan : " So when do we start the exercises?"
Esara addresses all the 10 people there.
Esara : " The first thing I want you to do is practise expanding the shield"
Peo : " Expand the shield?"
Esara : " Yes"
Nasan : " What does that mean?"
Esara : " The shield is normally 50 millimetres from the Crystal Armour, I want you to increase the aura shield distance from the Crystal Armour by as much as you can. Now I want all of you to put on your Armour so that we can begin."
Peo and Nasan led the Crystal Armour activation each leading their team in the Oath while simultaneously activating their Chest Crystals to engage automatic Armour assembly. Peo and Nasan Speaking together.
Peo & Nasan : " I am the light on the hill, the line in the sand, here and no further."
With that, all of them including Esara had put on their Crystal Armours.
Esara : " Good"
Nasan : "Now" Speaking to members of her team "Start flight systems an lift to1 meter above ground"
Peo : " Yes!" also speaking to members of his team "Do likewise, lift to 1 meter above the ground!"
Nasan : " We are ready Guardian!"
Esara : " Excellent!" Esara also lifted to1 meter above ground" I will now expand my shield" so Esara then increased her energy output expanding the distance between Armour and shield to 500 millimetres " I want you to try and expand your shields as much as you can."
Nasan : " Ok"
All ten tried to expand their shields but failed to achieve shield expansion.
Esara : " You all tried to expand your shields by increasing the power to the shield; that’s why you failed. To succeed you have to increase the energy in the air trapped between the electromagnetic fields. Don't increase the strength of the electromagnetic fields, but use the Crystal Armour Energy Crystals to produce electrical energy that can feed into the Air trapped in the electromagnetic fields. I want you to make the air particles so charged that the air particles begin to repel each other, it's this repulsion that will expand the shield."
Peo : " I see now"
Esara : " You have to understand the Science behind what you are trying to achieve with the use of the shields"
Nasan : " Unless I understand how it works I cannot manipulate it"
Esara : " Exactly, now all of you try it again"
With better concentration and understanding most of them were able to expand their shields by only a few millimetres. Esara knew what they were doing incorrectly, but she also realised that they would need time to adequately enhance their capabilities.
Peo : " What am I doing wrong? It began to expand but then stopped."
Esara : " It takes time, don't worry you’ll get it."
Nasan : " But will it be in time to be useful"
Esara : " I want you to continue practicing expansion, once you are fully capable of that I will teach shield spinning and shield projection."
Peo : " Shield spinning and shield projection?"
Esara : " Yes, these three techniques will help all of you survive in the coming battles."
Nasan : " Expansion, Spinning and Projection"
Esara : " The proper application of all three techniques will make you a force to be reckoned with! Armed with these techniques you will be able to overcome the numbers that we have to face in the coming months."
Peo : " I see why you were not to concerned about the odds that we're up against."
Esara : " Ok now, continue your exercises until your Crystal Armour is depleted of its energy reserve, I have other matters to attend to!"
Esara left the two teams to train on their own, she had meetings with the research departments and the MAD Guardian; planning for the coming strategic operations had began and the inputs of all those leading the operations was critical to the success of the operations.
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Meanwhile the Council of Elders instructed the MAD Guardian's second in command Tumi (Tumelo Ralefa) to make contact with the South African government.
The Council of Elders decided that the point of contact with the South African Government should be the department of intelligence, so the Council of Elders instructed Tumi to request a meeting with the deputy intelligence Minister Jabu Mthembu. Tumi requested the meeting indicating that the Crystalorb Trust wanted to make a 20 million Rands donation to the governing party to use in the upcoming 2004 general elections.
This was the kind of offer even the governing party could not ignore, so they agreed to meet with the representative of the Crystalorb Trust. Tumi was to meet with the governing party and give them the money without asking for anything in return. Tumi travelled to Pretoria escorted by a combination of local security personnel and Mobile Assets Defence units with Crystal Armoured teams shadowing them while providing invisible air cover.
The date set for the meeting was 16-11-2002. The deputy intelligence Minister Jabu Mthembu arrived at the office Tumi had rented for the month in preparation for the meeting.
As Jabu enters the boardroom Tumi stands and greets him with a handshake.
Tumi : " Welcome Mr Mthembu, It's good to finally meet you. I am Tumelo Ralefa"
Jabu : " Likewise, please call me Jabu"
Tumi : " In that case you can call me Tumi. I'm happy that you agreed to meet"
Jabu : " Well it's not every day that a representative from the owners of one of the largest privately held Corporations wants to meet with me."
Tumi : " We at the Crystalorb Trust believe in the great work this government is doing to grow and transform this economy, and we want to help the African National Movement secure an even greater majority in parliament to fast track your legislative agenda."
Jabu : " I want to make it clear that the policies of the African National Movement are not for sale, if you hope to somehow influence them then you are wasting your time."
Tumi : " For the record we like your policies, we seek only to make you better equipped to challenge your detractors. All the members of the Crystalorb Trust are of African descent, so your goals are our goals."
Jabu : " My principals will want to know more about the Crystalorb Trust, all our attempts to acquire a list of all the members of the Crystalorb Trust have been met with failure"
Tumi : " We like our privacy, but I can tell you this; all the members of the Crystalorb Trust are citizens of this Country. So you don't have to worry about foreign infiltration"
Jabu : " But the Crystalorb Trust is mainly registered with international institutions"
Tumi : " It had to be, to protect us from the Apartheid government and their friends and allies in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas"
Jabu : " Can you provide proof of any of this?"
Tumi : " Not to you! But to your Principals in due time"
Jabu : " Without proof I won’t be able to accept your check or bank transfer"
Tumi : " I understand. Will you take cash then?"
Jabu : " You would hand over R20 million just like that?"
Tumi : " Just like that!"
Jabu : " Aren’t you worried that I might keep it for myself?"
Tumi : " We checked your credentials, we are confident that you will be consistent with your history"
Jabu : " And what if you're wrong?"
Tumi : " The Crystal Valley Industries Company paid 12.7 Billion Rands in taxes in the previous financial year, R20 million is a drop in the Ocean Jabu. Besides the credit for facilitating a new source of income for your party will be much more rewarding for your political future"
Jabu : " I want to know why you people were not more involved during the struggle for freedom in this country"
Tumi : " We have very powerful enemies Jabu, people who made it difficult for us to be openly involved"
Jabu : " Ok then, I can now take possession of your donation"
Tumi Signals one of her assistants, and private Cash in transit Guards enter the boardroom carrying money boxes which contain the cash.
Tumi : " These gentlemen will take the money wherever you want them to, you will have to arrange for a police escort."
Jabu : " You understand that the name Crystalorb Trust will not appear on any party documentation as having given a donation to the party. But we appreciate your contribution and look forward to future fruitful relations with the Crystalorb Trust."
Tumi : " Before you leave, I must inform you that we will also donate funds to African Civil Society institutions that advocate and protect the interests of the public at large. I'm telling you so that the party is not taken by surprise, it's important for our international credibility that we be seen as a socially responsible organisation, owning Crystal Valley Industries demands that modicum of respectability!"
With that Crystalorb's first interaction with the South African Government was concluded, Tumi had proved herself to be a great envoy for Crystalorb, her efforts had led to a successful interaction with a key component in the security requirements of Crystalorb.
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Back at Crystalorb Esara continued the training of the two Expeditionary Teams, as their progress improved Esara sought to allay the fears of her children about her upcoming departure. Esara wanted to assure her kids that everything would be fine, but 13 year old Casara and 10 year old Naole remained unconvinced of the assurances of their mother, Casara in particular was terrified at the prospect of being left alone.
Esara : " I won't be gone for long"
Casara : " I need a number Mama, how many days?"
Esara : " Perhaps 2 to 3 Months"
Naole : " Who will take care of me?"
Esara : " I have asked Enala's older sister Naledi to stay with you while I'm away"
Casara : " What about Father? what if something happens while you are away?"
Esara : " Your Father has been sleeping for over three years now, he will probably sleep for a few more months"
Naole : " Mama what if something happens to you? Other kids already make fun of us calling Father a brain-dead vegetable."
Esara : " Who's been calling your father a vegetable?"
Casara : " It's Amun"
Esara : " Who is Amun?"
Naole : " He's an older kid, he says that his father is the leader of all Guardians, and that his grandfather is the head of the Council of Elders"
Esara : " Casara do you know who he's talking about?"
Casara : " Yes Mama, Amun's mother is the daughter of Lord Gaurdius, also Amun's father is Guardian Kolen. Amun's my age, I would really like to shut him up, that boy really bugs me."
Esara : " I must have a talk with his father."
Casara : " No! That will only make things more difficult for us, Amun and his friends will make our lives hell if you do that"
Esara : " Ok then" Esara turns to look Naole in the eyes "Your Father is not a vegetable"
Naole : " Why won’t he wake up then?"
Esara : " Your father shares a very special connection with you Naole, one day he will awaken to show you just how special that bond is"
Naole : " What special connection?"
Esara : " You and your father share the same heart"
Casara : " Yes, I heard the doctor say that Naole and father have genetically identical biomechanical Crystalline hearts."
Esara : " No human heart is exactly like another except for you Naole your father Nalen. Because of what your father did to save you your hearts are identical"
Naole : " I don’t understand"
Esara : " What that means is that because the two are identical they can be considered to be one. If you find yourself missing your father all you have to do is listen to the beating of your heart, and you will hear the beating of his heart. Your father’s heartbeat is your heartbeat"
Casara : " It's true, you actually carry a piece of fathers' heart with you wherever you go, and he carries a piece of your Chest Crystals with him at all times"
Esara : " Both of you may hold the key to bringing him out of the coma; his connection to the two of you may be what eventually brings him back."
Naole : " Sometimes it seems like he has been in a coma forever”
Esara : " I know"
Casara : " I loved talking to him"
Esara : " We mustn't loose hope, one day he will return to us"
Naole : " Father would know how to deal with Amun"
Esara : " He probably would, but in the meantime you must have faith in the knowledge that you may be different to any other Crystalan but that does not mean that you are less than equal to any other Crystalan."
Casara : " At least for me the red Chest Crystal is seen as a mark of strength because of you Mama, although most believe you are a freak, there are some who believe that the emergence of the red Chest Crystal has been a great gift to all of Crystalorb. There's no precedent for Naole's blue Chest Crystal, no one understands his true potential!"
Esara : " People generally see only the surface, they never bother to look beneath the surface; Naole can generate energy levels more than five times that of ordinary Crystalans. Crystalans are Extraordinary from a human perspective, but the Red and Blue Chest Crystaled Crystalans are Extraordinary even by Crystalan standards. So when ever they tease you remember that your very existence is an Extraordinary Event, a blessing I am grateful to behold!"
Naole : " Ok Mama I will try and remember"
Casara : " Me too"
Naole : " There is something else" Naole picks up his training Armour " I think there is something wrong with this Armour, it does not work properly, it does not do what I want it to do all the time, other kids have already started learning how to hover, but my Armour won't do what I ask it to do"
Esara : " Casara; why haven’t you helped your brother with his training? He is after all three years behind other kids!"
Casara : " I tried, but it didn't help, perhaps there is something wrong with his Training Armour"
Esara : " Have you tried putting on his Armour so you can see for yourself"
Casara : " Yes; but there was nothing wrong with it. We even took the Armour to the instructor so she could check it and she found nothing wrong with it, she even replaced it with a new one but it still made no difference. I just don't know what's going on."
Esara : " All Training Armours are Identical, they are all fabricated from Clear Crystals. Naole's blue Chest Crystal must be having difficulty interfacing with the Clear Crystals that forms the Training Armours"
Naole : " Then why is Casara not also having problems with her Training Armour?"
Esara : " The Red Chest Crystal while different from the clear Chest Crystal it remains fundamentally similar, to the eye they seem different but the red Chest Crystal retains a majority of the properties of a clear Chest Crystal. The blue Chest Crystal on the other hand is a very different compound to the clear Chest Crystal, but similar to the red Chest Crystal. The other thing to consider is the different shades of the same colour, for example Casara and I have a lighter shade of red on our Chest Crystals while your father has a deep red, Naole's Chest Crystal is a deep darker shade of blue, perhaps his kids might have a lighter shade, sky blue or sea blue. All these differences are important to the proper calibration of the Armour."
Naole : " I still don't understand?"
Casara : " It's obvious!"
Naole : " What do you mean?"
Casara : " It has to do with energy type."
Naole : " What?"
Esara : " Casara is correct, there are slight differences between the energies generated by the Red, Blue and Clear Chest Crystal. While these differences seem insignificant they are critical when dealing with energy bonding. We call these energies Red, Blue and Clear energies. Red and Blue energies are compatible, Red and Clear energies are compatible, but Blue and Clear energies may be to some extent incompatible."
Naole : " Are you saying that I'm incompatible with my Training Armour?"
Esara : " In a way, to grasp what I'm telling you, you have to understand that there are many types of energies. I want you to think of these energies like electricity at different currents, there can be low current with high voltage, low voltage with high current, low current with low voltage and high current with high voltage. The Clear Chest Crystal is in harmonious balance like low current with low voltage, but the Red Chest Crystal on the other hand can be considered unbalanced like low current with high voltage or low voltage with high current and the Blue Chest Crystals are like high current with high voltage."
Casara : " Does that mean that Naole is more powerful than any of us?"
Esara : " No; like electricity high voltage creates new challenges to transmission. The electrical Resistance of materials make the handling of high voltage extremely difficult."
Casara : " And me? Why is it easier for me?"
Esara : " Things are easier for the Red Chest Crystal because of the ability to alternate between extremes, like the low current with high voltage or low voltage with high current. This ability allows Red Chest Crystal to interface at the required energy level"
Casara : " How can we help Naole?"
Esara : " This is one of those times when your Father would have been useful to have around"
Naole : " But can you fix it?"
Esara : " Before I joined the Expeditionary Units I was part of the research team, I'm familiar with how the Training Armour works. I think the solution to Naole's Training Armour problems can be addressed using his Blue Crystals collected from Naole's reserve energy sphere. The Blue Crystals will function as a filter to limit the amount of energy Naole feeds to the Training Armour, this will prevent the Training Armour from being over stimulated. I have to warn you, it won’t be perfect, so you have to be careful with the use of the Training Armour."
Casara : " At last, maybe now he will stop complaining!"
Esara : " Indeed!"
Naole : " How quickly can you do it? I can't wait to start flying."
Esara : " It's a relatively simple process, it should take about two hours"
Naole : " Just think; in a couple of hours I will be flying"
Casara : " It won’t be that simple"
Naole : " Yes it will, didn't you hear Mama? I'm special, unique, the only one of my kind!"
Esara : " He certainly has his father’s ego, they have a natural confidence about their place in the world, even if its just self importance" Esara looks directly at Naole "I don't want you behaving dangerously! I will now get started on the modifications to your Training Armour"
Esara collected Blue Crystal fragments from Naole's reserve energy sphere and grafted them on to Naole's Training Armour. The Blue Crystals were to function like a resister limiting the energy from Naole's Chest Crystal to the Training Armour. When she was finished Naole took the Training Armour and started his Training. Esara then went to the Crystalorb Clinic to see her husband Nalen.
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- In Serial68 Chapters
I Can Respawn In The Apocalypse
The man by the name Li Xin died in a era where the world went to hell. The Zombies had taken control of the world and other world invaders are looking at the world in great interest. Upon coming back to the past he will stop at nothing to stop the world from being lost to the hands of the Zombies and will Strive to beat the Other world invaders back to there own worlds before invading theirs. The man after coming back in time becomes one that just can't die... Literally
8 201 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Immortal Mortal
Ray Black is just a regular college student. On a school trip abroad, a terrifying incident occurs during their plane flight. Ray Black, finds himself in a cultivation world with the mortal cultivation talent of Earthlings but an undying body. How will Ray, a standard guy from Earth, handle his inability to die while those around him can?
8 144 - In Serial14 Chapters
I Have A Dagger
Bored, I browsed my spam folder. I clicked on some interesting spam, summoning me to another world. All I have is this dagger: [Dagger] Broad leaf blade made by a dwarf blacksmith while drinking. Hilt slapped on by an elf high on shrooms. The handle is pleasantly smooth, which makes for a terrible gripping experience. Upgradeable, if you upgrade it. Has a chance of killing something if you stab said something in the right place. Fully editable Google Doc for the whole story.
8 81 - In Serial58 Chapters
The World of The Tower
A young man called Arath is an orphan living in the First City, the lowest part of The Tower. His only hope for a better life are heroes summoned every 6 years, but so far they have never succeded in accomplishing their mission of cleansing The Tower. Dissapointed after meeting them and hearing The Council's decision he decides to try his own strength in conquering the dungeon.
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The Cutest Demon Lord
One day out of nowhere, Kaede is summoned to another world. One eerily similar to New World Online with one key difference. As she treads the same path she once took, Kaede quickly figures out the differences between seasoned gamers and feudal citizens. This is a Fanfiction of Bofuri. I do not own Bofuri, it is owned by Yuumikan. Please support the original.
8 135 - In Serial29 Chapters
The Return Of The Broken
You may think everyone lives in a happy ending, you may think that everyone and everything will be okay. But you are very wrong, the world is a painful place. And no one knows that more than Ash Ketchum. Disowned by whom he had called frien- no, wait, family. But he will prove them wrong. He will show them that they had been dragging him down and that he can live without them. He will prove that he is a true Pokemon master.
8 107